Just A Game

By LookXAliveXSunshineX

346 38 0

An Improved Version Of The Chishiya Fan-Fiction! Based Off Of Season 1 Of Alice In Borderlands! More

Before - The Hospital
Before - The Agreement
Ace Of Hearts
Three Of Hearts
Eight Of Spades
Hatter's what?
Ten Of Hearts
It's Not Over Yet...

Five Of Spades

23 2 0
By LookXAliveXSunshineX

I almost reached town when a light in the distance caught my attention. It was in the opposite way of town but if there was light that meant there was people. I sighed and walked in the direction of the light, I didn't really think my tank top through. I was wearing a black bra underneath it and you could tell. That annoyed me more but I carried on walking until I saw what the light belonged to. An L shaped apartment complex, I shrugged and walked towards it, my heels clicked on the floor as I climbed up the steps. I saw a table with phones laid out on it, there was also a sign on it too. 1 per person it read, I grabbed one of the phones and it started to facial recognition me. "please wait until the game commences, there are currently 11 participants. One minute until registration closes" A woman's voice said from the phone. A game? A man walked over me to anxiously, "Um, excuse me. Do you know what is going on?" The man asked me nervously. "No" I replied. "Newbies huh?" A man said walking over grinning. "Newbies?" I questioned him. I hadn't noticed an annoying blonde look up at me as he recognised my voice. "This is your first game?" The man asked me still grinning. "I guess?" I said confused. "Well let's see if you survive, both of you" The man said chuckling. The man gave me a bad vibe so I stepped away from him and stood in the corner next to another taller man. I noticed another man walk up and grab a phone, he stood next to the taller man and looked at me.

"There's a lot of people here, maybe one's a doctor" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and noticed Arisu and Karube walking over to the table. Why did they need a doctor? The phone chimed in my hand so I looked down at it, "Registration has closed, there are a total of 14 participants. The game will now commence" The woman spoke making the anxious man look even more anxious. "Excuse me, what is this? I was brought here and I don't know what's going on?" The anxious man asked Arisu. "It's a game" Arisu said to him. "Shut up. Newbies will slow us down" Karube said to him. "Difficulty, five of spades" The woman spoke again. Five of spades? Like the card? "Five of spades?" Arisu asked confused. He hadn't noticed me, neither had Karube. Not yet at least. "It's gonna be physical, only the strong survive. I'm Nitobe, nice to meet you" The weird man from earlier said to Karube. Karube ignored him, "The suit means something?" Arisu asked Nitobe confused. "Exactly" Nitobe said holding his hand out to Arisu for him to shake. Arisu shook his hand, "The suit of the cards means what type of game we will be playing" Nitobe started to explain to Arisu. Arisu looked confused still. I knew it was a card? But why? "Clubs is a team battle, Diamonds is your wits and as for hearts. That's the worst one" Nitobe said chuckling. "Why is that?" Arisu asked him confused. "Because you play with people's hearts and then tear them apart" Nitobe said seriously. Interesting? "And the number?" Arisu asked Nitobe. "Difficulty, the higher the number on the card is means the harder it is" Nitobe explained to Arisu. So this game was the five of spades.

"So this is a physical game and slightly hard?" I asked Nitobe curiously. Nitobe turned to me and walked over holding his hand out to shake mine. I gave him a look and he chuckled, "You are correct, what's your name?" Nitobe asked me grinning. That made Arisu and Karube look over at me. "Yasmin?" Arisu asked me shocked. Thanks Arisu now everyone knows my name here. "What are you doing here?" Arisu asked me as he walked over. "Playing the game I guess" I said shrugging. Arisu hugged me taking me by surprise, "Where's Dachi?" I asked him awkwardly. Karube chuckled at Arisu hugging me, "I don't know, he just vanished" Arisu said sighing. "What are you chuckling at Karube?" I asked him confused. "Arisu loves you" Karube teased making Arisu blush and step away from me. What? "Game is Tag, Rule, avoid whoever is it" The woman stated. Tag like the children's game? "Clear condition. Discover and touch the symbol hidden in the one of the building's rooms within the time limit. You clear the game when this objective is fulfilled. Time limit 20 minutes, after 20 minutes the time bomb hidden in the building will explode" The woman explained. "I guess I'll be taking these off then" I said sighing as I took my heels off and placed them on the floor. If it involved running, I couldn't wear my heels. "Can't you run in heels?" A woman asked me in a condescending voice. I then noticed Chishiya hiding away in the corner so no one would speak to him however his eyes were on me right now. He smirked as I looked at him, "Yes I can but I can run much faster without them" I explained, shrugging and rolling my eyes at her. I also noticed that Chishiya looked quite different. He was wearing a white hoodie, I could see a white top underneath the hoodie and he was also wearing some black sweatpants.

"Aren't you a medical student Yasmin?" Arisu asked me nervously. "Um yeah why?" I asked him confused. "Chota needs help" Arisu explained. A woman started walking into the apartment complex, others soon followed her. I looked at the elevator and walked over pressing the button. "Same idea huh?" Chishiya asked me as he walked over to the elevator. Oh, he spoke now that it was just us two. I ignored him and walked into the elevator, he followed me in chuckling under his breath. He was so annoying. The elevator started to go up, "You've got to pretty smart to have your job so it doesn't really surprise me that you are going to the top" Chishiya said looking at me, he was leaning against the elevator wall. "Mmhm" I responded not really wanting to talk to him. Chishiya chuckled again, he was really amused by my coldness. "The game will now commence in two minutes" The woman said, "Try and not die" Chishiya said smirking. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the elevator, I looked at the building and sighed as Chishiya walked over to the perfect spot. "Just come over here, stop being a child unless you want to die" Chishiya said rolling his eyes. I walked over to where Chishiya was, he smirked as I stood next to him. "If I wanna see where everyone is, this is the perfect location" Chishiya said to himself. I rolled my eyes as Chishiya waved to two men who also came to the top. The well-built man stared at me again for a few seconds then walked away ignoring Chishiya. "He was staring at you" Chishiya said grinning. "I know, I have eyes" I said rolling my eyes at him. "The game will now commence, the time limit is 20 minutes. Commence now" The woman said.

"The Tagger is on the move" The woman said. It was quiet for a little while, then a loud noise sounded out. Fanfare? I noticed Chishiya bringing his phone into him, he was smirking as the music ended. I started thinking about the situation, so there's 14 of us currently, everyone except from 4 of us were below on the lower balconies. Before I knew it two minutes had passed, huh. It was quiet for now, I looked at Chishiya, he was watching the people below. "3 minutes have passed" The woman said, three minutes have already passed? I then heard a gunshot and leaned on the balcony just like Chishiya was, "What the fuck?" I asked confused. Chishiya looked at me amused, I then heard more gunshots and some shouting in panic, I couldn't see anyone hurt or dead down there though? I watched as I saw Nitobe pushing Arisu and Karube out of the way as he ran downstairs, Arisu grabbed Karube and pushed him into a corner hiding from the shooter. Smart move as the shooter walked away, I heard a man screaming and looked, It was Nitobe, the shooter shot him dead making a guy cry out in fear and run outside of the game. A laser beamed down striking him, killing him instantly. "Um, what the fuck?" I asked seriously confused. Chishiya chuckled at the side of me, Alright, so people were actually dying, this was serious. I couldn't fuck up, Chishiya laughed at the man falling down the steps. I then heard two girls shouting, I noticed one of the women as the one who asked me about my heels, she was shot dead and soon was her friend. I didn't care about people dying but I already knew I wouldn't. "Aren't you scared or feeling bad for the people dying?" Chishiya asked me curiously. "No" I said simply. Chishiya raised an eyebrow at me surprised. What I didn't know was that he was surprised because somebody else felt the same as him.

There was 14 of us at the start, I had seen 4 people die so that meant there was only 10 of us left. I heard gunshots again, never mind. 9 of us. "Everyone! He's up here! Over here on the second level! He can't see properly because of his mask, If you see him, shout where he is and we will look for the symbol together!" Arisu shouted out. "That's a good idea but nobody wants to help" Chishiya said smirking. "He's in the fourth level hallway in the central building! Anyone there should get out! A woman shouted, I looked at Chishiya. "Really?" Chishiya said surprised but amused. I then watched as another woman died and a woman started to climb up the balcony to the one above. "Oh ho, a climber. She's not bad" Chishiya said smirking. "Wow, you actually seem interested in someone?" I asked him mocking him. "Are you jealous Fiancé?" Chishiya asked me looking at me with his annoying smirk. "No" I said rolling my eyes. Chishiya chuckled and turned to look at the balconies again. The woman was pretty good at climbing though, it reminded me of the fact that I was too. My mother's hobby was climbing so she made me learn. "The game is over in eight minutes, there are currently 8 survivors" The woman announced. The symbol still hadn't been found yet, I watched as the shooter shot at the anxious man when he tried to open a door. "Why would he shoot around the door?" I asked confused. "Bad shooting" Chishiya said shrugging. "No, I think I know" I said pulling my phone out. It said there was 6 and a half minutes left, "Care to tell me?" Chishiya asked curiously. "Nope, figure it out yourself" I said as I put my phone in my bra and walked off. I ignored Chishiya's annoying chuckles as I made my way down to that door. I had a feeling that's the room we needed to clear this game.

The shooter fired his gun and it sounded like it was below, I carefully walked down the stairs to the floor I saw that door. Gunshots were heard again but still below me. "Five minutes remaining in the game" The woman said, my phone chiming in my pocket. I then noticed Arisu walking over to me. "Figured it out too, huh?" Chishiya asked as Arisu put his hand on the door handle. Of course he figured it out himself, Chishiya smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. "Gonna open it?" Chishiya asked him confused. "Why was he chasing us? He could've just waited" Arisu asked confused hesitating to open the door. "Guess there's something we don't know, except not much time left" Chishiya said showing his phone amused. Three minutes were remaining. Arisu opened the door and went inside, I followed in after him and Chishiya followed in after me. It was quiet and dark in the room, too quiet. Something didn't feel right. "LOOK OUT!" Arisu said grabbing my arm and pulling me to the floor with him as the shooter shot at us. Chishiya then used a taser on the shooter, Arisu and I stood back up, I shot him a glare for pulling me to the floor. "Never hurts to be prepared" Chishiya said smugly. The shooter shot at us again from the floor, Arisu dived into another room whilst Chishiya grabbed my arm this time pulling me with him out of the room and shutting the door.

I looked at Chishiya as he steadied his breathing, he was taken by surprise there and it was kind of amusing to see the smug smirk wiped off his face like that. Why did he save me though? "Someone get over here! The symbols up here! Room 406! I can't clear the game alone! We need two people to do it!" Arisu shouted. "Seriously?" Chishiya said unimpressed. "One minute remaining" My phone chimed in my bra. I didn't have pockets so? "Open the door" I said rolling my eyes at Chishiya. Chishiya didn't reply just cautiously opened the door and looked inside. He went into the room, I walked in after him just as cautiously. I heard gunshots firing as Arisu shouted out for help. I watched as Chishiya peered his head around the door but quickly dived back as the gunshots blasted again. Chishiya looked at me, a funny look appeared on his face. He better not think I'm a coward! I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the way earning a laugh from him. I peered my head carefully around the corner, Arisu was being choked by the shooter. "Fuck it" I said quietly, Chishiya heard me though. I ran into the room jumping on the shooter, the shooter let go of Arisu and focused on me. I hit the shooter in the head making them move their head down probably in pain, the shooter moved towards Arisu struggling to fight me off. Then the shooter did something I wasn't expecting, the shooter grabbed my arms throwing me forward over their head. I landed with a thud in front of Chishiya who was still peering around the door, Chishiya sighed and grabbed my arms pulling me out of the way as Arisu started fighting with the shooter again.

My sides and back were really hurting now, "20 seconds remaining" My phone chimed. I tried to get back up but Chishiya pushed a hand down on my chest, I blushed awkwardly because his hand was also pushing down on my breasts. "Don't be an idiot, you brought Arisu some time now stay there" Chishiya warned me. I awkwardly looked at his hand and he noticed where his hand was. "Get used to it Fiancé" Chishiya smirked. Chishiya was very strong, he removed his hand and peered back around the door. "You called?" I heard a woman ask. "Here" Chishiya said throwing his taser to the woman. I awkwardly got back up and looked at what was happening. The woman tasered the shooter making them fall to the floor, their horse head mask fell to the floor too. The woman on my phone started to count down. "The buttons!" Arisu shouted as he jumped up and hit the button at the same time as the woman. "Game cleared, congratulations" my phone chimed, I pulled my phone out of my bra and looked at it. My first game and I survived? not bad. I looked at the shooter as they sat up, it was just an ordinary woman. Beeping came from around the woman's neck, she was breathing nervously then what ever was around her neck exploded killing her instantly, A little of her blood splattered on to my hands and tank top. Good thing I wasn't bothered by blood. Well sucks to be her and the bitch had hurt my back and sides anyway. I watched as Arisu left the room looking sad, Don't tell me he was feeling guilty over that woman's death? The bitch tried to kill us! She probably wouldn't have felt guilty if it was us! The woman who helped him clear the game left after him.

I needed to know what killed her at least, I walked over and bent down next to her dead body. I moved her hair and noticed a collar around her neck. Clearly the collar was an explosive one, okay? so was she forced to play like us? "What are you doing?" Chishiya asked me. I then noticed that Chishiya's hood was down, his platinum blonde hair almost touched his shoulders and I could see his eye colour too. His eyes were dark brown. Chishiya raised an eyebrow at me and then smirked, "Are you checking me out fiancé?" Chishiya asked amused. "No!" I said looking away blushing, I wasn't exactly checking him out but I was looking at what he looked like with his hood down. I could have looked at his eye colour in the hospital but I didn't really care then, I didn't really care now. "Sure you weren't" Chishiya said smirking still as he walked over to the woman too. "Anyway, what were you doing?" Chishiya asked me curiously. "It was my first game tonight" I said sighing. "You did well for your first game, it's my second" Chishiya said looking at me. Thanks I guess, "But that doesn't explain what you were doing?" Chishiya asked me confused. "Curious much? I was checking to see what exploded, a collar I now know" I said shaking my head at him. Chishiya looked at me for a minute or two then bent down next to the woman. I would have asked what he was doing but I didn't really care. I walked out of the room, "Bye Fiancé" Chishiya shouted after me amused. I hated him calling me his fiancé, what I hated more though was that It was the truth.

I walked out of the room and saw Arisu bent down looking at the floor sadly. The lights went out and it was dark now, huh? It was getting cold as the wind picked up in the night air, I wish I had a hoodie right now. I then looked down at Arisu again, "Why are you bent down like that?" I asked him sighing. I didn't really care, just curious maybe? Arisu looked up at me, "I..I killed that woman" Arisu said sighing. So he was feeling guilty? "It was my first game tonight Arisu but from what I've seen, we are forced to play these games, right?" I asked Arisu sighing. My phone chimed in my hand so I looked down at it, "You have been supplied with a 5 day visa". "You got 5 days because you won this game, on the fourth night however you will need to play another game to extend your visa or you will die" Chishiya explained to me. Okay when did he leave the room? And why was he so silent when he did? "Yes.. we are forced to play these games" Arisu said looking back down at the floor. Chishiya looked down at Arisu, "So it wasn't your fault then. That woman was forced to play too and she probably already knew she was going to die" I said shrugging. Wow.. that sounded cold. "Doesn't mean, I don't feel guilty about her death" Arisu said quietly. "Look it was either you or her Arisu! You clearly wanted to survive or you wouldn't have shouted at us. So get over it" I said shaking my head. Chishiya laughed under his breath, I turned to look at him and he looked very amused at my conversation with Arisu. "That's a very mean way to put it" Arisu said looking at me.

"Call it what you want" I said shrugging. I then started walking away when I remembered that Arisu told me that Chota needed help. I turned back around taking Chishiya by surprise. "You said Chota needed help?" I asked Arisu. "What's wrong with him?" I asked Arisu sighing. "Chota was hurt in my first game, his leg got set on fire and now won't stop bleeding" Arisu explained to me. Arisu was lucky that I was in a good mood. I told Arisu what to do with Chota's leg and he smiled at me. "You're special" I said to Arisu. Arisu blushed looking at me, Chishiya looked at me curiously. "I don't usually care about people" I said smirking as I turned around to walk away. "Wait!" Arisu shouted at me. I turned around and looked at him, "What?" I asked him. "When Karube said that I loved you earlier, it wasn't true!" Arisu said blushing at me. I looked at him blushing, laughed slightly and spoke. "Dachi has already told me about your crush on me Arisu" I said smirking. Arisu's face went bright red, "It's cute" I said winking at him, I then looked at Chishiya. He was shaking his head at me in surprise. "Didn't think you could flirt" Chishiya said amused. "Shut it Chishiya" I said sticking my middle finger up at him once again. I then walked away as I heard Arisu ask Chishiya how he knew me...

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