Pure Bliss ✔️

Per veronicasoli

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Innocence is subjective. When push comes to shove: things change. And sometimes you just have to try not to e... Més

Chapter 1: I'm Not Complaining
Chapter 2: Not my Name
Chapter 3: Wishing
Chapter 4: Miracles Happen
Chapter 5: Bully Magnets and New Friendships
Chapter 6: To Bark is to Bite
Chapter 7: Rainy Day
Chapter 8: Drenched
Chapter 9: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Chapter 10: Florida Zoos
Chapter 11: Eleanor and her Threats
Chapter 12: Pucker Up
Chapter 13: Dreamland
Chapter 14: Christian
Chapter 15: Party Invite
Chapter 16: Friendly Matters
Chapter 17: CATastrophe
Chapter 18: Six Feet Under
Chapter 19: Amy Barns
Chapter 20: Smile
Chapter 21: The New Girl
Chapter 22: Jennifer Glass
Chapter 23: Prom Night
Chapter 24: Stanford
Chapter 25: To Mars and Back
Chapter 26: Heroes Don't Always Wear Masks
Chapter 27: One Step at a Time
Chapter 28: Half of a Whole
Chapter 29: Board Games and Vows
Chapter 30: Cat Fights
Chapter 31: The Nurse
Chapter 32: Take Me to Church
Chapter 33: Bad Blood
Chapter 34: Confrontation
Chapter 35: The Ride Home
Chapter 36: Reconciliation
Chapter 37: Projects and Presentations
Chapter 38: Bleachers
Chapter 40: Family Matters
Chapter 41: Forever True
Chapter 42: I Love You
Chapter 43: Congrats Grad
BONUS CHAPTER (2) (Short a/n)

Chapter 39: The Queen's Broken Crown

3.8K 169 65
Per veronicasoli

I recall one time, throughout my life I'd had a person I could call my best friend.

It was in first grade, his name was Ryder Cup.

I think the only reason we became friends was because we were both bullied for our names.

"Cup?" I remember joking around with him once.

That was a long time ago.

He was a very emotional boy who couldn't help his anger when Kevin Smith walked up to him with his band of popular guys and told him that he should kill himself.

I was there, I recall Kevin turning to me and winking as anger had filled Ryder face. I suppose it must have been adorable to see a seven year old angry.

But that seven year old had endured more pain than any. He had lost his mother due to her going Haywall and he'd stood by her as she withered away into nothing.

I remember him telling me about a time he walked into his mom's bedroom and found her lifeless body hanging from the ceiling, a rope strangling her neck.

Poor Ryder Cup. He'd grown up with only his father and as far as I know, he's still in California somewhere.

The sudden thought of his warm gray eyes brought me back into reality as I cleared my throat. I had seen him on the news a few days ago. Apparently he got fed up with life.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked, placing her skinny hands on her bony hips.

"YOU don't have the right to ask me anything." I shouted, "Why did you follow me here, wasn't bullying me in California enough for you?"

"I was invited by my friend, who said there was. . . You know what, you don't deserve to know. You don't deserve to talk to me you slut, I prefer not to be seen with the likes of you." She announced. As she began walking back to her car, adrenaline surged through me, filling me up with anger that I thought my eyes were turning red.

I glared angrily at her as she swayed her bony hips to her car. I fumed with anger. Shaking in anger.

"She's not worth it." Noah's calm voice whispered in my ear as his strong arms grabbed my shoulders. A sudden calm filled me up. As she flipped me off and walked to her car, driving out of his parking lot and leaving.

I was about to chase her, and throw knives at her horrid car.

I'm not usually like this, I don't understand. Maybe I'd just been screwed over too many times that now, I can't handle it.

I turned on my heel, walking away from Noah's warmth.

I couldn't stand anyone or anything right now. Not my crazy parents who had a freaking wedding planned by ruined it and decided to run away and get married in Vegas. Nor my ex-jerk of a boyfriend who screwed me over at the hospital and then mouth raped me, or Amy Barnes, the devil who is trying to ruin my life.

I headed toward his car, feeling angry tears start coming on. It was crazy to think you could cry out of anger. And loss.

The feelings I'd had pent up all my life were about to explode. I wanted to scream and shout and throw things all over the place. I couldn't handle it any more.

I was a broken toy to Christian, a toy he felt needed one last tug before throwing it away for good.

Memories of the kiss flashed back into my mind. The fear that killed me mentally.

I was going to get my revenge. And I wasn't going to change my attitude toward these people. I'd still be same old oblivious Pure Bliss. What a stupid name.

How dare they? Mt idiot parents, why the heck did they decide to name me such a name when I was born, not only did they want to ignore me for the rest of my life but also wanted to completely isolate me from society as well.

No. It's been too long, I need closure, confrontations. I just need to know why everyone treated me like crap my whole life. It couldn't have just been my name that was the reason.

No. There's more to that. A plan was brewing in my mind as I felt tingles down my spine and as manly cologne filled my nostrils.

All my evil thoughts forgotten, at least momentarily as Noah hugged me tightly. I turned to face him as his face turned to a look of concern, his hand barely touched my cheek as it wiped away a tear that had escaped my eyes.

Why did I end up with this mess? Couldn't I have been born in a different family? To different parents who didn't come up with names like Pure Bliss?

I looked up into his green eyes, all signs of anguish left me as he drew me into a close hug.

"I'm so, so sorry." He whispered into my neck as he hugged me close, bending his head to fit the shape of me. I knew I was crying silently, and Noah wasn't going to stop me.

We stood in front of his car for what seemed like minutes as he rubbed circles on my back, whispering sweet word into my ear. The butterflies in my belly seemed to be going insane sending their babies throughout my body as he pulled away slightly and kissed my cheek.

"Do you want to come inside now?" He whispered softly, his lips inches from mine. I felt desperate as I wanted to kiss him so bad.

Does this make me a slut?

I looked away as his fingers traced my chin, turning my attention to him as our eyes locked. My heart pounded in my chest, loud and fast.

He inched closer, staring from my eyes to my lips as though asking for permission. I wanted to give him permission, I truly did, but that would make me a slut, I guess.

A loud honk pulled me out of my trance as his silver eyes covered with a green lens looked up at the car parking in his drive way.

"Oh My God! Pure I am so freaking sorry! None of this was meant to happen!" Eleanor said, as she shut off her vehicle. Ashley and drew stepped out from the back seats, they were always together. And Brad stood beside Eleanor.

Ashley ran up to me hugging me tightly. "You don't deserve all this stuff we've done to you." She said as I felt a new wave of tears coming on as Drew and Brad man hugged Noah.

Eleanor stood shyly by her car door. She had saved me in the bathroom earlier as well. I couldn't help but notice a guilty look on her face as she began walking toward us.

She stood beside Ashley as she looked at Noah, then at me.

Tension filled the air as the unanswered question wavered. It was asked about a week ago by Ashley, silencing the crowd.

"Hey Pure. " Brad waved in my direction as I felt a strong arm snake around my waist possesively. I looked up into the glassy green eyes of Noah, a small hint of a supportive smile played on his kissable lips

Christain may have been my first kiss but I knew in my heart that Noah would be my last.

I smiled in his direction as Ashley began talking.

"SO! We decided we wanted a girls night, since we never actually had one but the boys are welcome to join since we'll he using Noah's house." Ashley announced, not even bothering to ask Noah if it was ok. "And since presentations are really due in a week, we get to finish here!"

"But..." I began but was cut off as I felt my heart plunder and dive off a cliff.

"Sounds great," Noah interjected a tint of a sparkle in his eyes.

"Good, we brought our stuff." Drew announced as he pulled Ashley closer to his chest.

"Drewfus!" I complained as a small smile erupted on Eleanor's face.

"I guess the name catches on." Eleanor said, turning her attention to me, " I used to call him that." She grinned proudly as I recalled my first day of school when Christian had called Drew that in Mr. Hartford's math class. I guess he stole it from Eleanor.

"Well hurry up! Invite us in." Brad smirked as Ashley's excited expression. It was always cute to watch Drew stare at Ashley, sometimes he'd start playing with her hair as he'd trace his hands up and down her waist. They were cute together. Very compatible.

I looked up at Noah as he smiled as led us into his cozy home.

"Wow, fancy!" Ashley's bright and bubbly personality seemed to bring up my mood. "Hey we're going to go have a quick chat in the kitchen while you guys can do whatever in the living room." Ashley announcd.

She pulled me away from Noah's side, I felt as though she'd pulled me away from as part of me that I missed dearly.

"Pure, I'm honest to god truly very sorry for everything I put you through. And I'm really sorry about Christian, he's usually not like that and Amy is just jealous, don't let her get to you." Eleanor spoke as Ashley began looking through Noah's fridge for something.

"Found it." She announced as she pulled out two bottles of whiskey.

"What are you going to do with that?" I asked, knowing exactly what was going to happen.

We were going to play never have I ever. Oh great.


We sat on Noah's couchs with a bunch of small shot glasses full of whiskey.

"Now my dear Pure, we're going to get your mind off today." Brad smirked playfully as he reached to pour whiskey into the cups. I grinned.

Eleanor was oddly quiet. She had no idea how greatful I was that she was here and being kind. I forgave her. But she probably needs to hear it from me.

"Ok I'm starting." Ashley's declared, " never have I ever had sex in a closet." Nobody but Eleanor reached for a cup. I assume it was with Christian.

"Never have I ever kissed someone on our first date." Drew announced looking at Ashley.

Both Noah and I reached for a cup and gulped it down. The liquid burned down my throat. I don't like this game.

"Never have I ever," Eleanor began, a bit quiet and pondering her next choice, "been forced into doing something." She said. I knew she was referring to me earlier, maybe their plan was to get me drunk completely.

Eleanor took a sip of her cup as well as everyone else.

It was Brad's turn now, "never have I ever went skinny dipping." He laughed, looking at Eleanor. She'd done it all.

She reached for a cup as well as Ashley and Drew.

The game went on like this for a couple hours until I was too drunk to remember even my name.


"Pure, wake up." Noah's calm voice whispered in my ear. I had fallen asleep on his bed. It was just him and me in the room, I guess everyone else had left.

A sharp pain stuck my head, as I began rubbing circles on my forehead.

"Here, I thought this might happen" He whispered gently handing me a cup of water and two pills. I had a hangover, I must've drank a lot last night.

And there was supposed to be school today too. I groaned. My parents wouldn't care, I just felt it moral to be at school whenever possible.

Noah looked anxiously into my blue eyes. He had removed his contacts and a shudder flew down my spine.

"I have to," I hiccuped, "go to," another hiccup, "school." I announced as a wide grin filled his handsome features. Noah was incredibly handsome and he didn't even know it. He was perfect in every way imaginable and he was humble enough to not allow it to control him.

He chuckled slightly as he helped me sit up in the bed.

Everything seemed a bit blurry and hazy. Except for his face, it seemed clear as day. The only thing I could see perfectly. The face that sent shivers down my spine and butterflies in my belly. He made me feel like I was the prettiest girl in the world, which I clearly wasn't.

"Are you sure you want to go?" He whispered slightly as his eyes met mine. I was locked in a trance. He made me feel like I was floating on a cloud and I'd only known him for and couple months.

"Yeah, presentations are due tomorrow and we graduate in a week!" I smiled brightly as happiness filled me. One week and I would be away from all this madness.

"If you really want to, I can drive you there." He gave me a sweet smile as he pressed his lips onto my forehead, leaving a kiss burning through me as my entire body felt the need to tackle him and kiss the living daylights out of him. I pushed the thought away.

"Yes please." I whispered, blushing as I looked at my hands in my lap. He was sitting so his legs were hanging off the edge of the bed. I was wearing pajamas. How did I get in these? Maybe he'd given them to me and I was too drunk to remember putting them on.

A few minutes later and I was out the door in the cute pajamas he'd given me. I guess they were his moms. His mom and I wore the aame size which is odd but she is a very small woman. They looked like a joggers outfit, which I didn't really care about. I just couldn't miss the finals we had today.

He drove me to school and held my hand as we walked into the front door. We were exactly on time. School hadn't started yet. People watched us as we walked to the cafeteria.

Amy glared at us across the cafeteria as she was sitting in the popular crowd with Christian, Jennifer, Eleanor, and Brad.

Ashley and Drew sat in a separate table smiling and laughing with each other.

Noah and I took a seat at a table far from them.

"Hey guys!" CJ's wide friendly face appeared as he took a seat beside Noah.

"Hey CJ." Noah glanced in his direction as he turned his attention back to me as I silently ate my cereal.

"I heard about what happened yesterday, I'm so sorry that had to happen to you. But I hope you get your revenge on that bitch. Damn Amy fucking acts like she owns the school, and I don't know why the hell she came here, wasn't she in California? " CJ blabbered on as anger began filling my every bone as I looked at their table, she was glaring at me.

I don't care if I make a scene. This girl is going down. I stood up, infuriated as I began heading toward their table. A hand grabbed my wrist as I saw people turn their heads to look. I turned to Noah's warm eyes, warning me not to go.

"Please Noah, I just need to do this." I whispered, again feeling angry tears come in. Yesterday had come flooding back thirty minutes after the Tylenol came into effect.

Noah nodded slightly as hugged me and placed a kiss on my forehead. Everyone was watching. I knew they were.

"We're doing this together." He whispered as he intertwined our fingers and walked with me to the table.

"Well, look who's here?" Amy's sour mouth moved, "How many times are you going to try to annoy me, Honestly Pure, it would be better for everyone if you took a long walk off a short cliff."She snarled.

I pursed my lips, "After you. " I said as the crowd of people gathering went into a whole "Oh! Take that! Beat that" phase, " do you make it your life goal to ruin my life? Well you know what Amy, I don't care anymore. Because guess what, after this week I'll never have to see your face again. And another thing. I got the guy," I raised Noah and my intertwined hands, "so please just stop. If you want to waste your energy on me, it isn't worth it. You could be using it to help yourself with you grades or something. You should just go back to California. It would suit you better."

She stared at me speechless. I smiled as Noah and I began walking away.

I knew I'd won this battle. And the war was most likely over.

I grinned in pleasure as I stopped in the middle of the cafeteria, turned toward Amy, and placed a kiss on Noah's lips.

I watched her open her mouth to day something but shut it again as she stared at us. You could almost see the wheels spinning in her head as a plan began to form. Eleanor slapped her. I can't believe Eleanor did that as she began walking toward us.

Christian followed after Eleanor and soon the table cleared with people sitting in their own tables, watching silently as Amy sat alone.

Glaring. Maybe that's all she could do.

Looks like the Queen has lost her crown.

"That was pretty intense in there." CJ announced as he followed us out.

"Hey, we've got to go turn in our presentations," Noah said to CJ as we began walking to our history class.

Today was going to be a good day. I just knew it. Victory is mine.

Hey guys, there will be three or more chapters left until the book is over! There will be a book two coming soon however it will be in Eleanors point of view and will not have much to do with this one. It's just going to be book two because they will be similiar characters. It will be published as soon as the last chapter of this book is published.

Also I published 2 parts today, this is part 1.

Continua llegint

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