Magbel Oneshots

Od XoButterflyKissesXo

853 22 8

Just like it sounds! I keep coming up with ideas that I don't necessarily think I will create a story to. So... Více

Fear of Falling
Special Date and Hockey
Undercover (Rated M)
Blind Date
Second Date
Stress Relief (Rated M)
Wedding Bells
Close To Being Too Late

What Mistake?

150 3 2
Od XoButterflyKissesXo

"Isobel, hey. I-"

"I know, my decision today was not an ideal one." Isobel said, looking up from her case file to Maggie.

"It wasn't. I don't feel good about it either." Maggie said.

"Well, it was my choice, my decision not to tell him. So, if anything, I should be the only one to lose sleep over it. Don't feel guilty over my choice. Your conscience should be clean." Isobel said. Maggie nodded her head and turned around. She walked towards the office before stopping in her tracks and turning back towards Isobel.

"Will you be joining us tonight?" Maggie asked. Isobel panicked for a split second before telling Maggie what she told Jubal.

"Uh... no. I will be at a Knicks game tonight." Isobel said. Maggie nodded her head and left Isobel's office. Maggie thought it was strange for Isobel to be going to a basketball game since she didn't seem like a sports kind of woman. She tried to force herself to shake it off and started to make her way towards her 2021 Toyota 4Runner SR5. She got in and most certainly couldn't shake off the feeling of Isobel lying about going to a Knicks game. So she texted Jubal, telling him she couldn't make it. She sat in her car and waited for Isobel to come out and leave. She did nearly 20 minutes later. Maggie immediately knew then that she was lying since the game started within 15 minutes. Isobel would've left around the time the team left if she wanted to make it to the game on time. She was never late for anything.

Isobel pulled her 2023 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited out of its parking space and started driving. Maggie pulled out of her parking space and followed behind her. She made sure she was far enough back so Isobel couldn't spot her. However, she knew there was a chance that Isobel may notice.

Maggie's intuition was right about Isobel not going to the Knicks game. She noticed Isobel park on a one way street, so Maggie parked around the corner. She got out and waited to see Isobel. Once she saw her, she started walking towards her. She followed behind her and saw her turn to walk into the bar. Maggie walked around for about five minutes before making her way back to the bar Isobel was in. She walked in and saw her sitting at the bar by herself. There were only a few other people in the building including the bartender, so it was easy to spot her. "I was wondering when you'd walk in." Maggie heard Isobel say as she walked closer.

"How did you know it was me?" Maggie asked, sitting in the seat next to her.

"You really didn't think I wouldn't notice you following me? I knew it was only a matter of time before you walked in." Isobel said.

"It came across my mind." Maggie said.

"How'd you know I was lying?" Isobel asked.

"You don't strike me as being into sports. I guess my intuition just knew you were lying." Maggie said.

"You're the only one who's figured it out. Can't say I'm shocked, though. You've always been good at reading me and knowing when I'm lying." Isobel said and ordered another shot of tequila, this being her sixth shot.

"Why did you lie? Why are you even here?" Maggie asked. She was concerned about her boss. Isobel just chuckled a little bit and ordered another shot. "I don't find this funny, Izzy. Please, you can talk to me." Maggie said. She placed her hand on Isobel's to let her know she's there for her. Isobel hesitated before tipping her head back to drink the shot that had been refilled.

"Can I get another one?" Isobel asked the bartender.

"You know what? No, you're done." Maggie said, getting her wallet out.


"We are going back to my apartment, and you're going to talk to me. I don't care how much you protest, I'm making this decision for you. How much is her tab?" Maggie asked the bartender.

"$48." the bartender answered. Maggie pulled out a $100 dollar bill and told him to keep it. He said that a $52 tip was too much, but Maggie insisted. She led Isobel back to her car and helped her in the passenger side and even buckled her in. Maggie went over to the driver side and hopped in.

"What about my car?" Isobel asked.

"I will drive it back to my place after dropping you off. It's not that far of a walk." Maggie said.

"I can-"

"You're not about to drive after drinking six shots of tequila." Maggie said.

"How'd you know I drank six?" Isobel asked.

"They're $8 each, and your total was $48. Eight times six is 48." Maggie said.

"Oh." Isobel said. Maggie started driving towards her apartment. The radio was quietly playing 'Brain Stew' by Green Day in the background. Isobel was doing her best to focus on it so she wouldn't start crying, but unfortunately a few slipped out. She quickly wiped them away, but Maggie noticed. Maggie, in a friendly way, gently took hold of Isobel's hand. She held it the rest of the ride, which was only a few minutes. She parked in her designated parking spot and turned her car off. She got out and went around to the passenger side. She opened Isobel's door and helped her out. Isobel technically could walk on her own, but Maggie didn't want to take the chance of her falling. So she put her arm around Isobel's waist and guided her to the elevator. They walked onto the elevator after Maggie pressed the button to go up and the doors opened. Maggie pressed the '4' button, and the doors shut. The elevator ride was slow, and Isobel felt like it took an eternity. But, the doors finally opened, and Maggie guided Isobel to her apartment. She unlocked the door and led Isobel inside.

"You can make yourself at home. You can watch tv if you'd like, or you could make something to eat. I have some water for you to drink so you have little to no hangover in the morning." Maggie said.

"May I watch a movie?" Isobel asked.

"Of course you can," Maggie said. She led Isobel to the couch and made sure she sat down okay. "What movie would you like to watch?" Maggie asked.

"Titanic." Isobel said.

"Okay," Maggie turned on Paramount+ and played the movie. "I'm going to go get your car. You can make popcorn if you want. If you're hungry, let me know, and I can get us something. Or I could try to cook." Maggie said.

"If I remember correctly, you started a fire a while back making toast, so no offense, but I think I'd rather order from a restaurant. But I pay since you paid for my tab and getting my car." Isobel said.

"I can pay." Maggie said.

"No. I've been nothing but a burden tonight, so I'm going to pay." Isobel said.

"You're not a burden at all. I-"

"Maggie Susanne Bell, I'm paying for our food, and that's final." Isobel said sternly.

"Damn, going all full government name on me, eh?" Maggie said with a slight smile.

"Only to get my point across." Isobel said, reciprocating the slight smile.

"Okay. Well, what would you like? Anything but pizza. I've had that the past three nights." Maggie said.

"Honestly I could go for a burger right now." Isobel said.

"Alright. Anything on it?" Maggie asked.

"You can put whatever toppings on it. Just not mustard or tomatoes." Isobel said. Maggie nodded her head.

"Okay. I will be back. Oh! I forgot. I know you get cold pretty easily, so here's a heated blanket. Okay, now I'm heading out." Maggie said. She handed Isobel the blanket and then left. Then she realized she forgot to grab Isobel's keys, so she went back to her apartment to retrieve them.

"I was wondering when you'd realize. My keys and wallet are in my purse." Isobel said.

"You know, for being drunk, you're still incredibly smart. And a little sassy." Maggie said.

"I'm not that drunk." Isobel said.

"Okay. Well, now I'm leaving." Maggie said after she grabbed Isobel's keys and wallet. She contemplated on just grabbing Isobel's keys so she could pay for their food. But, Isobel can be scary when she gets mad, and she didn't want to risk being yelled at and her using her full government name again. Maggie made the nearly 15 minute walk to Isobel's car. She unlocked it and got in. She buckled her seatbelt and drove to her favorite burger place. She ordered Isobel a bacon cheeseburger with lettuce, pickles, and ketchup. She ordered herself the same thing. She saw that they had fried pickles, so she ordered those as well. She happens to know that Isobel loves fried pickles. She also decided to order bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers. She waited about 25 minutes before the food was brought out. As she waited, she called Isobel to make sure she was okay. Isobel was doing fine aside from her slightly slurred speech. When the worker handed her the food, Maggie thanked him and left. She drove back to her apartment and parked in a guest parking spot. She locked Isobel's car and went up to her apartment and walked in.

"I ended up buying you something along with your burger." Maggie said as she walked in. She walked to the living room only to discover Isobel wiping away tears quickly.

"You didn't have to do that." Isobel said.

"Well, I know they're your favorite, so I was hoping it would cheer you up at least a little bit." Maggie said. She sat the food down and handed Isobel hers.

"You got me fried pickles? How did you even know they're one of my favorite things?" Isobel asked.

"I overheard you tell Ethan that when you were on a call with him." Maggie admitted.

"Oh. He didn't even remember that about me." Isobel said.

"I remember a lot of things about you. Not in a weird way, but I just have a good memory." Maggie said. Maggie has a good memory, but the real reason why she's able to remember so many small details about Isobel is because she's fallen in love with her. The only person who knows is OA, and that's only because he caught Maggie glancing at Isobel through her glass office wall multiple times.

"That you do," Isobel said. No words were exchanged while they ate. They just watched the movie Isobel picked out. That is, until Isobel started speaking. "Do you think I'm unlovable?" Isobel asked out of the blue.

"What? Why would you think that?" Maggie asked.

"I've had exactly three boyfriends in my lifetime. My first cheated on me, the second only used me for sex, and Ethan, well, you know about him. I've talked to many guys, but they all only want me for my body and nothing else. My dad keeps telling me that it's because I have so many trust issues and that guys don't want a broken person. That's what makes me not able to be loved by anyone." Isobel said.

"Well, first of all, your dad is a douche bag and lucky I don't know where he lives. Second, with our job, it's normal to have trust issues. Especially with what we see with couples. I'd be worried if you didn't. Second, none of those things are what make you unlovable. They make you who you are. You may be broken, but that's because you haven't found the person who can heal you from the pain you've endured from past relationships. Hell, it sounds like your dad is part of the reason why you're broken. But, you know what, fuck them all. Well, not literally. I just mean- you know what I mean. Anyway, you are an amazing person. You are gorgeous, and you have a heart of gold. Fuck all those people who don't see that. Again, not literally. There's a difference between a guy and a man, and you've only found the guys. You deserve to be treated like the royalty you are. Don't settle for anything less than that. You are lovable. You just need to find the right person to love you." Maggie said.

"Have you ever found that person that you feel like is the right person for you, but you know you can't have them?" Isobel asked.

"I have." Maggie said. Maggie has a feeling Isobel is talking about Jubal.

"It sucks." Isobel said. They sat and ate their food with no other words exchanged. After they were done, Maggie threw out the trash and sat back down next to Isobel.

"So are you going to tell me why you were at the bar?" Maggie asked. Isobel looked at the floor, completely forgetting that Maggie was going to have this conversation with her. "Please, Isobel. You can trust me." Maggie said. Isobel let a few tears slip.

"I'm such a bad person." Isobel said.

"Why do you say that?" Maggie asked.

"Who tells a husband that his wife is alive, but she's actually dead? I used his wife to get answers, had Ian create a deep fake to make him believe she was alive. I'm an awful person." Isobel said.

"You're not. You have a tough position making those split second decisions that could potentially affect the whole team and outcome of a case. You did what you thought was best for the case. We got the bad guy, and did that come with some questionable decisions? Of course, but the main part is we got him. Because of that, he can't hurt anyone else." Maggie said.

"Yeah, but I shouldn't have done what I did." Isobel said.

"Like I said, you did what you thought was best for the case." Maggie said.

"Everyone hates me for what I did." Isobel said. The tears were steadily flowing down her face.

"Not everyone. I don't." Maggie said.

"You should."

"No I shouldn't," Maggie could tell that Isobel wants to say something else, but she's holding it back. "What else is on your mind?" Maggie asked.

"Nothing." Isobel said.

"Again, I can tell when you're lying. Please talk to me. Don't bottle it up. It's not good for your mental health." Maggie said. Isobel scoffed.

"Sometimes I hate that you can tell." Isobel said.

"I just pay attention. Now, please tell me. If you're not comfortable with telling me, then at least talk with someone." Maggie said. Isobel hesitated before speaking again.

"I don't feel like I'm a good enough boss for you guys. Everyday I question whether I should be there or not, and after today, I don't think I should be. You guys deserve a boss that won't make decisions like I did." Isobel said.

"Izzy, you are an amazing boss. Probably my favorite one that we've had. You're very intelligent and great at what you do. Every boss, no matter who, will make questionable decisions. I don't think you give yourself enough credit." Maggie said.

"I'm sorry for not being a better boss." Isobel said. Maggie decided to hug Isobel, and that's when Isobel started sobbing while clinging onto her tightly. Maggie just held Isobel as she cried. When she was done, that's when Maggie started talking again, still holding her.

"You are the best boss ever, and I don't want another boss. You are a badass, and you need to give yourself more credit where credit is due. Don't you forget how hard you worked to become our boss." Maggie said. Isobel didn't say anything after. She just held onto Maggie, starting to become more sleepy. Maggie noticed and decided that it was time for bed. She had Isobel drink another bottle of water while she got her some pajamas. Isobel requested shorts and a tank top because, while she does get cold easily, she hates being hot.

"My bladder is going to be so full in the morning." Isobel said when Maggie walked into the living room to give her the pajamas.

"Maybe, but you'll thank me in the morning when you have little to no hangover. Here's these. The bathroom is down the hall and to the left. There's an extra took brush in the first drawer on the right along with a brand new tube of tooth paste and brand new package of floss. If you need anything else, just holler for me." Maggie said. Isobel nodded her head and left for the bathroom. She was able to make it with only a few stumbles. Isobel was finished about 10 minutes later and walked out of the bathroom. Maggie showed her to the guest bedroom and allowed her to go to sleep. Maggie turned off her tv and lights and got herself ready for bed. Once she was done, she went to her room and laid down. It started pouring down rain, thundering, and lightning, and Maggie was glad because thunderstorms always help her fall asleep quickly. Just as she was about to fall asleep, she hears her door open.

"Maggie?" she hears Isobel whisper with a little sniffle.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Maggie asked, sitting up to look at Isobel. She saw her standing there with what she assumed to be a blanket wrapped around her.

"I'm fine. I just- I-" is all Isobel could get out before there was a clap of thunder and a lightning strike. Isobel noticeably jumps, and her breathing started to quicken as if she was about to have a panic attack. Maggie pieced together that she was afraid of thunderstorms.

"Come here," Maggie said and scooted over to give Isobel room. Isobel ran over to Maggie and quickly climbed into bed next to her under the covers. "Shh, you're okay. It's okay. I've got you. Breathe, Izzy." Maggie said softly, wrapping her arms around Isobel. Isobel placed her head on Maggie's chest and listened to her heartbeat. Between that and Maggie's words, she was able to calm down.

"I'm sorry." Isobel said with a few tears still streaming down her face.

"Don't be." Maggie said.

"It's childish to be afraid of thunderstorms. I'm an FBI agent, but yet I'm afraid of something that should be calming." Isobel said.

"It's not childish. We're all afraid of something. Want to know what I'm afraid of? The ocean. Don't tell OA this, but I'm also afraid of the dark. That's why I have night lights all around my apartment." Maggie said.

"But you seem fearless." Isobel said.

"In the field, yes. But anywhere near an ocean, that's an immediate 'no'." Maggie said.

"We should probably get to sleep." Isobel said.

"Yeah. Good night, Izzy." Maggie said.

"Good night, Mags." Isobel said. That was the first time Isobel's called Maggie that. It was a common nickname for Maggie, but when Isobel said it, she felt a flutter in her stomach. Being this close in proximity with Isobel was also making Maggie's heart race, and she's shocked that Isobel hasn't noticed since her head was laying near her heart.

At 4:30 in the morning, Maggie woke up with Isobel practically on top of her. "Isobel, hey, Izzy, I need to get up," Maggie said, gently shaking Isobel's arm to try and wake her up. Isobel groaned and moved a little bit. "Please wake up before my bladder bursts." Maggie pled. Isobel's arm was right on her bladder, pushing down on it.

"Five more minutes." Isobel groaned.

"Isobel Rose Castille, I swear to God if you do not get off of me within the next three seconds, I will literally yeet you off this bed so I can go to the bathroom and empty the bladder your arm is currently pressing on," Maggie pled again. Isobel rolled off of her and curled back up into a ball. "And don't you dare go back to sleep. We have to go into work!" Maggie shouted as she ran into the bathroom.

"Now look who's using full government names. And we don't have to go in today unless we have to finish up paperwork." Isobel said loud enough for Maggie to hear.

"Only when necessary! And who said that?" Maggie shouted back. A minute later, Maggie was done in the bathroom and went back into her room after washing her hands.

"Said the boss who thinks it should be allowed for us to get a day off every now and then. Plus I think we all could use a day off after the case we just had." Isobel said.

"Okay. Well now that I'm wide awake, I think it's time that we get some breakfast and get a workout in." Maggie suggested.

"Maggie, noooo. Come back to bed and go to sleep. Or at least be my heater until I fall asleep." Isobel said. Maggie's heart melted at Isobel's words. She couldn't say 'no' to her, so she got back into bed. She placed an arm around Isobel, and Isobel scooted herself back until she was pressed up against Maggie. Maggie's heart was racing, and she did her best to not focus on it. Instead she focused on Isobel's breathing, and that actually helped her go back to sleep.

Isobel woke up around eight in the morning. No one has to be at 26 fed until nine, so Isobel texted everyone and told them to take the day off. Then she went to the bathroom, brushed, flossed, and rinsed her teeth, and brushed her hair with an extra hairbrush that Maggie had. Isobel will never admit it to anyone, but she's been in love since the second week she became the SAC. Spending the night with her only solidified the feelings she had. Of course, she wished she would be spending the night under different circumstances.

Maggie woke up about 20 minutes after Isobel and immediately used the bathroom. She did her usual morning routine before heading out to the living room. There, she saw Isobel sitting down spaced out. "Good morning! Did you want any coffee?" Maggie asked. Isobel snapped out of her daze and looked at Maggie.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'll take a coffee." Isobel said.

"No cream or sugar, right?" Maggie asked. Isobel nodded her head, and so Maggie went to her kitchen and started a pot of coffee. "You know what would be fun? Baking brownies." Maggie said.

"As long as you don't start a fire." Isobel said.

"Listen, that was one time that I started a toaster fire." Maggie groaned. Isobel laughed a little bit, which was music to Maggie's ears. She loved hearing Isobel's laugh.

"So it is true." Isobel stated.

"Yes, and I still don't know how it happened." Maggie said.

"Well luckily I'm here to supervise," Isobel said. Isobel got up, and they went to the kitchen and got around the ingredients to make brownies. Maggie had the boujee Ghirardelli ultimate chocolate brownie mix. Isobel preheated the oven while Maggie opened the bag. She dumped it in to the bowl. Isobel cracked the egg while Maggie poured in the water and oil. Isobel mixed it up as Maggie found her only baking dish and sprayed it with non-stick spray. Isobel poured it in, and Maggie placed it in the oven. "How long did the box say to leave them in for?" Isobel asked.

"Uhhhh....unntill they're done." Maggie said. She threw out the box without reading how long to leave them bake. Isobel chuckled.

"Well, I guess we will just have to check on them every so often." Isobel said. Then Maggie noticed a speck of brownie mix on Isobel's face.

"You got some brownie mix on your face," Maggie said. She stepped closer to Isobel, reached her hand up and gently removed the speck with her thumb. "Got it." Maggie said. She stared into Isobel's beautiful brown eyes and easily got lost in them. Isobel got lost in Maggie's eyes as well, and then she could feel herself lean in. Maggie glanced down at Isobel's lips before she hesitantly closed the gap between them. The kiss started out soft, but it slowly escalated into a heated kiss. Maggie picked Isobel up and placed her on the counter without breaking the kiss. Maggie started kissing down Isobel's neck and found her pulse point. This caused Isobel to moan softly and tilt her head back a little bit. Maggie created a mark before going to back up to Isobel's lips. Her hands started to travel under Isobel's tank top, but then she stopped and pulled away.

"Isobel, wait. I don't think we should be doing this." Maggie said breathlessly. Isobel's heart shattered, but she knew she was right.

"You're right." Isobel whispered.

"It's not that I don't want to because I do. But if we do, then I don't think I could go back to just being your co-worker/friend. It's also forbidden for us to date." Maggie said.

"I know." Isobel said. Nothing else was spoken between them until the brownies were done. They made small talk before Isobel went home. Maggie wanted to cry, not feeling like that very often. She just kissed the woman of her dreams, and it was the most magical moment of her entire life. But they can't be together because of one stupid rule at work.

The next day at work was awkward between Isobel and Maggie. Everyone noticed that something was off between them, but only OA had a hunch as to why. During their lunch break, Maggie messaged Isobel to meet her at her car. 10 minutes later Isobel is walking towards her. "I want to talk about yesterday." Maggie said.

"Look, us kissing was a huge mistake, and I think we both were just in the moment. I do appreciate your hospitality and caring about me when it feels like no one else does." Isobel said.

"You think yesterday was a mistake?" Maggie asked, heart completely shattering.

"Yes, it was. Like I said, we both were just in the moment. We didn't mean anything by it, so I say we just put it in the past." Isobel suggested.

"Except it did mean something to me." Maggie mumbled.

"What?" Isobel asked, not hearing what Maggie said.

"I said that it did mean something to me," Maggie said. It was now or never. "I'm in love with you, Isobel. I have been since I first saw you. One could say love at first sight. You're the most intelligent, beautiful, stubborn person I've ever met. You're not afraid to go after what you want. But one of the things I love most about you is your personality. I love that you're afraid of thunderstorms. I love everything about you." Maggie said.

"Maggie, we can't be together." Isobel re-stated.

"Tell me you don't like me like I like you." Maggie said. Isobel paused, tears starting to form.

"I can't. Because I'm absolutely in love with you." Isobel responded. "But-" Maggie cut Isobel off by kissing her. Were there cameras around? Probably, but in the moment Maggie didn't care.

"Fuck the rules. I just want to be with you. Plus, when have I ever been one to follow rules?" Maggie asked causing Isobel to chuckle. "You know what, I don't care if I lose my job over this. You're worth it." Maggie said, kissing Isobel again.

"You know there's cameras in here, right?" Isobel asked, pulling away.

"Don't care. They can take their rules and shove it up their-"

"Okay, I get it, Mags." Isobel said, cutting Maggie off. Isobel chuckled and briefly kissed Maggie.

"Go on a date with me tonight." Maggie said. Isobel nodded her head causing Maggie to smile. Maggie kissed Isobel once more before they went back inside 26 fed.


Hey guys! Let me know what you think! I hope you like this!

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