Broken Blades

بواسطة darkest112

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"You over estimate your importance in my life, Logan. Just because we share, shared a stupid bond does not ma... المزيد



40 7 4
بواسطة darkest112



"So you think the former alpha had something to do with what is happening now?" Roan asks the second we are in our cabin. He stares at the side of my face for a few seconds before heading to the fridge. He pulls out a carton of orange juice. He plucks out a glass on the cabinet on top of the fridge and pours a generous amount of it. He offers me a glass and I decline.

"Yes, I think he did and from what I have seen I don't think he had a good relationship with Alpha Summer." I explain, a peculiar feeling flooding my lungs. Alpha Summer has always shown some reserve when talking about her mate. I didn't understand if it's because she felt sad because of the lose or because she wasn't particularly fond of the man. My instincts told me the latter. I refuse to dwell on I because it's something I'm not conversant with.

"Well, everytime she speaks of him, it's like she freezes up like she's scared, I'm not sure." I try to explain the feeling only for Roan to look at me as if I'm crazy. Maybe I'm just imagining things.

He takes a gulp of the juice,"Or is it because you are just jealous." He concludes and I glare, knowing that whatever I'm saying might be true. I remember almost vividly the first time I mentioned him during the short tour of her pack that Alpha Summer had given me and her reaction back then was detached.

She had been so stunning and I had been completely enraptured that I had barely thought of her reaction until I realized her ex mate was barely mentioned in her presence. Maybe because people usually avoid those topics because they are hurt, I didn't know. I have heard good things from pack members; praising him for guarding the pack and completely eradicating rogue attacks, which was strange on its own. I didn't think further on it, deciding to ignore the nagging feeling to dig deeper into the pack. It wasn't my place too and I didn't want to be chased by Alpha Summer before I could understand what's going on or why my wolf, the most primal part of me, felt as if he was under a spell. A strong one at that.

"I'm joking anyway. I pray your unrequited love doesn't end in tears and painful howls through the night." Roan grins and I glare. He takes a final gulp of the juice and places the glass on the sink.

"You sure have so much to say about the alpha and I." I reprimand, glaring at the discarded glass. He should definitely rinse it. I don't air out my grievances.

He grins, the smile looking evil on his face, "And you don't. Have you ever spoken to her without looking like a dying fish out of water?"

"Roan, I'll demote you if you keep acting like this." I shoot him a freezing glare and it doesn't have the reaction I predicted. Of course he'd throw me off, he is good at that.

Instead, his eyes light up a huge genuine smile forming on his mouth, "Oh, please do alpha.  I'd have so much time on my hands and I'd travel the world, visit other packs, find the love of my life and live happily ever after, unlike someone I know."

"Please shut up." I hiss and continue before he opens his mouth in a retort, "Did Simon or Melissa send you any papers? I'm very pleased by their ability to work even when I'm not around."

"Yeah Simon did. A few feuds broke out during the week but he managed to handle it well. Two she-wolves gave birth and Melissa took care of that. The construction for the extra classroom is almost done and Alexis said she'd be coming home during the week." Roan explains as he stares at the information he just relayed on his MacBook.

My wolf perks up at the mention, "Alexis?"

Roan smiles eyes lighting up, "Yes, she's done with Blue Valley Pack. She formed a peace treaty with them too."

Alexis Bleure is one of my closest friends and someone I can proudly refer to as my sibling. I have been with her ever since my father and I found her as a rogue as a ten year old. I remember the day when my father and I had gone hunting and stumbled upon a starving and near-death Alexis. Father brought her to the pack and ever since then we grew almost inseparable. She had protected me on so many occasions too. She's someone I'd refer to as a sister, a younger and annoying little sister. A few years back she grew tired of pack life and begged me to travel around. She decided to visit packs as a way of forming treaties with them, in other words she was more like a diplomat from my pack and she had done such good work.

"I bet she only caused problems for that pack. You know how loud and rowdy she can get." Roan shakes his head in disapproval but the light tone of his voice and the look in his eyes tells me otherwise. He cares for Alexis too.

"Does she know about the missing wolves?" I ask. Alexis tended to be oblivious of things happening right in front of her and if she doesn't know about it, I wouldn't be surprised by it.

"I didn't ask but I bet she doesn't know  about it. I hope she decides to stay put for a while this time." He says, a hint of concern in his voice.

Alexis is a free spirit and I don't think confining her will work though.

"What do you think about the elementals?" Roan asks switching up topics, "It's strange that rogues would go so far as hiring or most probably kidnapping an elemental."

Elementals are beings that can handle magic and while there are sub categories to it, magic is possible to every one of them only with an added advantage of an element and it's sub category. Elementals isn't even the right term for them because the control of elements is not what really covers what they can do. They are only categorized by that because it's easier that way. Water elementals can control water and it's sub categories like ice and snow, shaping it to suit their desires. Earth elementals control earth and it's sub categories, fire elementals can create fire as long as they picture it. The most dangerous of them, air elementals. Air elementalism, although seems like a control a simple element, are quite deadly. They control all the forms of air and can take away ones ability to breath, turn air into toxic compounds, take components of air and create potent poisons through it. In a way all elementals are entwined, water elementals can control some sub categories of earth and earth some of fire, fire some of air. It's all one endless loop that depends on the existence of the other. Like most supernaturals, others are way stronger than the others, creating a hierarchy and ability to be lead and lead.

"Most probably kidnapped. Elementals are secretive and hide in plain sight." I state, "Rogues don't just attack packs unless they are desperate. It was just a test to see how strong their security system is. They wouldn't have attacked with only a few of them. Maybe they were hoping that it'd be a quick since the shift in power."

"The information is either dangerous if found or is crucial for the survival of the rogues. Either way, the alpha needs to find it soon." Roan sighs leaning back on the chair he's seated on and it almost tumbles back, his quick reflexes managing to save him. "We definitely walked into a dangerous situation. I mean, I thought it'd be a quick, get in and get out type of thing. This pack is getting interesting and I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble."

The thought of abandoning Alpha Summer to deal with a swamp of rogues after goddess knows what didn't settle right with me and I almost glare at Roan's implications.

"I need a sparring session, come on." I stand up and walk out of the cabin, the thoughts of the alpha barely leaving me to breath. It was both distracting and interesting.

The lazy beta groans,"If you want to kill me, just do it already. No need to prolong my misery."

Amusement flares in my mind, the sour mood dissipating "I know you love a good sparring session. Maybe you'd actually win this  time." My lips stretch lightly and Roan's face turns bitter.

"If not today alpha, then soon." He hisses, sending me a cold glare and a laugh leaves my lips as Roan walks away towards the training ground.


"You've improved, great. You'll need all your skills." I acknowledge rubbing the back of my neck where Roan had delivered quite a brutal punch that would have injured me severely had I been human.

"Just admit I'm going to be better than you soon enough."

Roan smiles in the slightest, before I see his focus shift to somewhere behind me. I turn around in time to see Micah racing towards us, an alarmed look on his ever so stern face and I know something has happened as he relays the news.

"The rogue committed suicide."


I assure you the writer's block I've been feeling is unreal. I finished this chapter and it was tough. I was about to completely quit and take a long hiatus. This chapter isn't even my best yet. It has been hard.

Anywayssss, Alexis is hereeee! I can't wait to create her more! What do you think of her?

My writer's block hasn't completely disappeared and I'm not sure when I'll be back. And like I said before, this book is too complex༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ I don't want it to be boring but not so fast too. Anywayyyysss

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