Platonic Yandere Owl House x...

By Purple_lemon_8

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What happens when a human girl get teleported to a world full of witches and a not so nice emperor takes her... More

Chapter 1: Huh?
Chapter 2: New Family
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Family Problems
Chapter 5: Six Months later!
Chapter 6: A Human Abomination
Chapter 7: Coven Convention
Chapter 8: Magic house #1
Chapter 9: Magic house #2
Chapter 10: Palisman Hunt
Chapter 11: Luz First Day Of School
Chapter 12: Willows Mind
Chapter 13: Grom Night
Chapter 14: Grudgby On The Mission
Chapter 15: School Field Trip
Chapter 16: The Conformatorium & Petrification
Chapter 17: Season 2 - Sea Battle
Chapter 18: Back At School
Chapter 19: Identity revealed!
πŸŽ„Christmas SpecialπŸŽ„
Chapter 21: School With Hunter
Chapter 22: Long Forgotten Memories
Chapter 23: My Real Father
Chapter 24: Fight or Flight
Chapter 25: Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side
Chapter 26: Day Of Unity
Chapter 26.5: Philip or Belos?
Chapter 27: Season 3 - Human Realm
Chapter 28: A Halloween Surprise

Chapter 20: Lake Of Blood

721 27 2
By Purple_lemon_8


A couple of days have passed since the last mission we had. I also got my new necklace to hide my ears yesterday because mine broke on the last mission! We were supposed to go on a mission but we were switched out by Kikimora. Hunter was not happy about that so he decided to go ask Belos why we were switched out. Hunter and I stood off to the side as Father tried to open the door with no luck. FlapJack flew out from Hunter cape. Oh yea, Hunter told me about 'the palisman' that wouldn't stop following him. I still don't understand why Hunter keeps FlapJack close by when he doesn't like him. Maybe an early connection sign? "Shoo" Hunter said to FlapJack as he landed on his shoulder. "Would you two like to see how it works, Hunter and Y/n?" Father asked us. Hunter gasped and FlapJack went still as Hunter put him in his cap. "We didn't mean to hide, Emperor Belos" Hunter said as we walked to him. This was a rare time, when father didn't have his mask on. "We found every piece of the door, but without the power of the real key, it refused to open" Father explained. "Is it true that rain doesn't boil in the Human Realm?" Hunter asked Belos. "It is, I'm sure Y/n knows more about the Human realm than me. I haven't been there in decades. Did I ever tell you guys that I have been to the Human Realm?" Belos said. Hunter and I shook our heads. 'I mean, I know but I'll play along' I thought. "The trees there are green, nights are quiet, I look forward to seeing it again" Father said. 'Not anymore, the trees are being cut down, the nights are noisy, things have changed since you've been there Belos' I thought (I live behind a main street and there is so much noise). "Were you guys spying on me just to hear these boring stories?" Father asked us. "The operation at the knee, why did you switch us out with Kikimora?" Hunter asked. "Everyone has a use, Hunter. Kikimora has her intricate little plans, the scouts carry out orders, and you two well... the Titan has big plans for you guys and it will be such a hassle to find replacements. So right now, you guys can be useful by staying safe in the castle" Father explained as he guided us to a door. 'What BS' I thought and mentally rolled my eyes.

"If this is punishment for failing our last mission, I swear that we will do better" Hunter explained. "Good night, Y/n and Hunter" Father said and shut the door on us. Hunter had a weird look on his face and then grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room. "Oh Hunter, what are you doing?" I ask him. "We are going to show Belos that we are better suited for this mission than Kikimora!" Hunter says and pulls out two scouts' uniforms. "Here, get dressed in this" Hunter said and handed me a uniform. After we both changed into the uniform, I grabbed Nikki from my room and took off to the knee where the mission was taking place. Once we landed we hid behind a tree so none of the other scouts could see us. After hearing Kikimora rambling we turned around and saw that FlapJack had followed us. "Why do you keep following me!?" Hunter asked the palisman. FlapJack just chirped at us. "We don't speak palisman" Hunter stated. "Here's the plan, we slip in with these disguises, we find the Titan blood before Kiki, we give it to Belos. Boom! We are useful again!" Hunter explains just as the tree we were behind was shot at. Hunter pulled me to the ground in a protective hold. Hunter helped me up and we ran away. "Another way in. We'll find another way in" Hunter said. FlapJack was sitting on Hunter's head as we ran. FlapJack took off and showed us a clearing where we saw Eda, King, and Amity walking by. "The Owl Lady and her dog. And is that the youngest Blight?" Hunter muttered/asked himself. "What are they doing here?" I asked Hunter. "I don't know but I bet it's nothing good" Hunter said. "All right, new plan. They can lead us to-" Hunter said but was cut off by FlapJack pulling Hinter down off the small cliff we were on. "Oh shoot!" I said and pulled my mask down and followed the two of them.

"A coven scout!" Amity yelled and held a hand of fire in front of Hunter. "Uh... Yes! I am but a humble scout, and I surrender" Hunter said. "Oh dear" I said and landed next to Hunter. "These two?" King questioned. "Umm, yes and I surrender too" I said and held my hands up like Hunter. "Well, that was easy" King said. "Not so fast, King. don't you recognize that annoying voice?" Eda said. "Why does everyone say that?" Hunter said, sadly. Everyone looked at him and so he took my hand and we took off running... again. "Don't let those two get away!" Eda said. Amity sent out some abomination slim at us, knocking Hunter and me over and making our mask's fall off. Hunter landed on top of me as the group walked up to us. "Y/n!?!?" Eda, King, and Amity said in shock. "Hehe, hey guys..." I said and avoided eye contact. "So you two are none other than Belos' right-hand man's" Eda said. "The Golden and Silver Guards!?" Amity said in shock. "He is a lot scrawnier than I imagined" Amity said. "Haha, you hear that!" I said to Hunter and laughed along with king. Hunter groaned and gave me a side eye. "But Y/n, how are you, the Silver guard!? And working with Belos!" Amity asked, shocked. "Look, yes I'm the Silver Guard but I'm only doing this... to survive" I said. Hunter knows I'm only trying to find my way back to the Human realm but they don't so might as well lie... right? "Does Lilith know?" Eda asked. "Yes, she was the one to train me" I said as Amity helped me and Hunter up. "Well now I don't know if we can trust you so you'll stay tied up with golden boy here" Eda says and starts to walk ahead of us.

We found an ice wall and Eda crashed through it. "Did I do it? Did I go into harpy mode?" Eda asked. "No, you just screamed 'hoot' and ran headfirst into a wall of ice. Pretty funny actually" King said. Amity kept her palisman at the back of us, mainly Hunter and made sure that we were following Eda. "You can put down your staff. We won't run" Hunter said to Amity. "Too bad because I don't trust you" Amity said. "You say that meanwhile you tried to run before" I whispered to Hunter. "Shut it for now Y/n" Hunter said. "Huh, this stuff is old" Eda said. "Ancient witches used to mine the vines for Titan Blood" Hunter said. "They're not paying attention" Amity said as we watched Eda and King joke around. Eda wanted to see if some adrenaline would make her harpy side come out. "Wait, don't!" I screamed but King had already shot the drill at Eda. Lucky it missed but it started to bounce around the cave and Amity caught it in her abomination slim. Eda and King just stared at us, mainly Amity. "This isn't a normal cave! These walls are made from the veins of the Titan!" Hunter said. "Any magic you shoot will bounce right back at you" I said. "Oh, you must have fun at parties" Eda said to Hunter. "Hey King, How about you use your new powers to echolocate the lake?" Eda said to King. King chuckles and jumps off the drill he was on. "How do you know this stuff Y/n?" Amity asked me. "Well when you're stuck in the castle, reading is the most fun you'll get" I said. "And golden boy here is a big nerd" I said. "I heard that! Stop telling everyone that!" Hunter said, embarrassed. King yelled into the tunnel but nothing happened. "Those two are definitely gonna get us caught" Hunter said. "'Us'? There is no us, now keep walking" Amity said and pointed her palisman at Hunter's back. 'Why does it seem that everyone is more mean to Hunter than me? Maybe because I know them more? But they definitely don't trust me now so why such a big change' I wondered as we were conditioned to walk.

Amity POV

I can't believe Y/n the Silver Guard! I mean, she is such a quiet and kind person so how did she end up being one of the most highly ranked witches of the Boiling Isles!?!? Does her father know? Maybe he's a scout and that's how she ended up like this! I'll make sure she won't get hurt on this adventure. After all this, we'll help her get freed from Belos and the Golden Guard but I think it might be a challenge. He seems to be very protective of her and would let her go without a fight. 'Don't worry Y/n, I'll save you from the evil grasp of the Emperor~' I thought as we continued to walk.


As we walked, I saw FlapJack following us from above. "You know, Luz told me about a trip to Latissa where she met some very interesting people" Eda said. "A beat-up blonde with no magical powers and someone with human traits. She called them, and these are her words 'a bad but sad boy' and the girl 'shy but strong willed girl'" Eda said and started to laugh and King joined. Hunter looked embarrassed and said, "If I ever see that human again-" But was cut off by Amity. "Watch it" Amity said. "At least I'm not delusional enough to think I can turn into a harpy" Hunter said and I let out a small giggle. Eda hissed at Hunter and gave me a side eye. "Sorry, that just reminds me of a friend" I said. "Hey come on, give it a rest you two" King said. "Yeah, listen to your rat" Hunter says while King jumps on Hunter and starts to pull on his hair. "Shh" Amity says and we walk further ahead and see Kikimora and some scouts enter the cave we were in. One of the scouts told Kikimora to take it easily because they were in a dangerous area of the cave. Kikimora didn't care and started to yell at the poor scout. "Oh that poor girl is going through something" Eda said. "She's also blocking that path to Eclipse Lake" Amity said and pointed to an opening past Kikimora. "We should create a distraction" Hunter suggested. "We should create a distraction!" Eda yelled and got up. "You kids wait for my signal" Eda said and jumped down to go somewhere with King.

"Huh, that was easy. When they are caught we can take the Titan's blood for ourselves" Hunter said and sat down. "Stop talking like we're a team!" Amity said. "We might as well be. The Owl Lady and her pet have nothing at stake, unlike us" Hunter said. "You have no idea what you're talk-" Amit said but was cut off by a notification on her tamagotchi. As she went to check it, Hunter got up and looked over her shoulder. She checked and saw random emojis. "Off, that doesn't look good" Hunter stated. "Stay back!" Amity said to Hunter as he backed up. "But what doesn't look good?" Amity asked Hunter. "Seems clear to me, 'come back with results or else'... you can figure out the rest" Hunter said. "No, Luz wouldn't make that kind of threat. I'm an awesome girlfriend" Amity said. "Has she told you that?" Hunter questions. 'I feel bad for Amity but I'll stay quiet till I need to' I thought. "We all have a lot in common, Blight. We're all trying to show what we can bring to the table and we all can't fail 'cause there's nothing worse than disappointing someone who thinks you're special" Hunter explains. Amity thought for a moment before shooting a spell at the wall, making it bounce all over the cave. "Follow me" She said as we started to run with her. "Why didn't you wait for our signal?" Eda asked as she and King joined us in running. "We don't have time to play around, we are getting that Titan blood" Amity explains but while running, dropped her tamagotchi. As we walked, FlapJack landed on Hunter's shoulder. "Aww he likes you~" I said. "Whatever, find a different perch bird" Hunter said as FlapJack flew off. We heard the other gasp and looked and saw a ton of fools blood in front of us.

"Is this Titan's blood?" Eda questions. "But Eclipse Lake is farther ahead?" Amity says and looks back at her map. "Who cares? We did it!" King said as he jumped off Eda's shoulders. "Stop!" Hunter and I said. "That's fool's blood, don't touch it!" Hunter tells them. "Oh so you two can keep it all for yourself? Hard pass!" Eda says and hits the fool's blood with her palisman. "Eda!" I said as the ground split open and she and King fell in. "No!" Amity says and gets on her palisman. "Amity, let me go!" I asked her. For some reason, she untied me. I pulled out Nikki and got on her but got off when I heard Kikimora. "Yoo-hoo! Golden Guard~, Sliver Guard~" Kikimora said as she walked closer to us. "Untie me so we can escape!" Hunter said. Amity looked unsure on what she should do. "Please, We don't want to be replaced" Hunter said. "Ugh fine" Amity said and untied him. "So, where will you go now?" Amity asked him. "Now..." Hunter says but instead kicks Amity's legs, making her fall over. Hunter grabs my hand and pulls me over to a minecart and 'throws' me in. "We'll get to Eclipse Lake before anyone, bye~" Hunter says as we start to head downwards. I saw FlapJack following us as we raced down the tracks. "Hunter, that was my friend that you just fed to the dogs!" I said. "I don't know what you're talking about" Hunter said. We saw some scouts start to follow us so I blessed the tracks so they couldn't follow us. The cart came to a stop as we got out but to Hunter shook, there was no blood. He went down and started to dig but nothing came up. Hunter continued to dig even when Amity and King joined us. "Don't worry, I won't pick a fight. There's no Titan's blood" Hunter said calmly.

"Then why are you digging?" Amity asked him. "Oh, it's simple really. Belos needs Titan blood to make a new portal key , can't get to the Human realm without it" Hunter explained and went back to digging. "There's blood in the key?" Amity muttered to herself as she held the key she was wearing. "Since we failed our last mission, I thought 'hey, a chance to make up for it' but I... we can't go back empty-handed!" Hunter started to laugh hysterically. "Not again... long story short, this is my grave. Want me to make you guys one too?" Hunter asked me and Amity. "This is really bumming me out" King said. "That's just life, rat. Everyone has a use, and if you don't... bye-bye. Your friend's gets it" Hunter said. "What's he talking about?" King questions Amity. Amity explains to King the message she got from Luz but King shows her what they really say. Amity laughs at herself for being blind and gains some hope back. I look back at Hunter and see that FlapJack was pulling on his cap. "Hey! Go find a better witch to be with" Hunter shoo FlapJack away as he falls to the ground and covers himself in dirt. FlapJack came over to me and landed on my shoulder. I crouch down and shack Hunter to get him up. Amity came over and went on the other side of Hunter. "You know, you were right. We do have a lot in common, I grew up thinking that everything was an opportunity to justify existing. But there are people out there who won't make you feel worthless, you just have to let yourself meet them" Amity said. "I'm here Hunter, I don't think you're worthless. I mean, you did drag me all over the place today and did I ever complain? I'll always be on your side" I said. I felt Hunter release under my touch and he looked up at Amity, who was holding out her hand to him. 

Hunter's eye drifted to the key on Amity's neck and he gasped. He pushed himself up from the ground and Amity saw the look in his eyes. "W-what are you..." Amity asked but realized what he was looking at and gasped. Hunter lunged himself at her but Amity dodged his attack. "Oh come on, being nice usually works for Luz!" Amity said. "Trust me, she already tried with him" I said as Hunter stood up. King got in front of Amity and did his sonic shout at Hunter but FlapJack blocked it. Nikki was already in her palisman form and blocked it from me too. Hunter did a small teleport with FlapJack but didn't know how to work it. "This staffs are wired" Hunter says as Amity ties him back up to the abomination slim. Hunter teleported into the air, freeing him from the abomination slim and sent a spell to Amity. King hopped on Amity Palisman and they dodged the spell from hitting them. 'I'm sorry Amity, I promised Hunter I'll be on his side' I thought as I went over to Amity. Hunter teleported next to her but King attacked him. I guess Amity saw me because she dogged me. "Y/n!?" Amity said. "Sorry, I have too" I said as I moved out of the way so Hunter could attack Amity. Amity blocked me and Hunter's attacks, one after the other. Hunter teleported from every angle as I flew around her. Amity got a good hit on Hunter and threw me off Nikki. She trapped Hunter in an abomination ball and took off with King on her palisman. Hunter managed to escape and King horns got stuck in the ground. I got back up and went over to them. "You really wanna help, then gimme that key!" Hunter said as he pushed FlapJack into the necklaces, breaking it. I was about to catch it but Amity bet me to it.

Hunter had FlapJack on Amity wrist while she made a spick at Hunters neck. I stood in front of Amity, as me and Hunter were panting. "Listen, you're strong and we are tired. If this continues. You'll probably escape but here's the thing. We know where to find you and your human" Hunter says, making Amity gasp. "So just hand over the key" Hunter says as I hear the key crack in Amity grasp. "Fine, just stay away from Luz" Amity says as I hold my hand out under hers. She drops the key and lets down her spick at Hunter neck. "Appreciate it" Hunter says and we started to walk away. "I, uh, mean that to" Hunter said and took off on FlapJack through an opening at the top of the cave. "Sorry Amity, I really am" I said and followed suit with Hunter. We flowed off just far enough from the cave and sat by a cliff. I held the key that was leaking with blood, Titans blood. FlapJack landed in front of Hunter and he looked at him. "Oh hey, you stuck with me the whole time, huh, bird?" Hunter talks to FlapJack. FlapJack chirped at Hunter and he looked like he understood him. "I think I understood that! I-is that your name? Can you say it again?" Hunter asked FlapJack as FlapJack moved to his shoulder and chirped again. "Haha weird, can you say other things?" Hunter asked as we started to walk. FlapJack started to chirp wildly and I looked at Nikki. "They finally got along, can you believe that?" I said and she made her own chirping sounds, basically agreeing with me. 'Now back to the castle, with the key. I believe the next episode is "Yesterday lie", that's close to the end of season 2. Then season 3 but I only know the first episode... I have to work hard! I need everyone to stay safe and alive' I thought as we got on our palisman and took off to the castle.


Amity, Eda, and King now know your identity! And the next chapter will be Yesterday's lie so stay tuned for that! I want this story to be over before the school year ends so let's see how this will happen. Anyway, have an amazing Day/Night/Noon!

Word count- 3529

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