Chapter 21: School With Hunter

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So little update on what's going on, one I haven't been to school because Hunter told father about Luz and Amity seeing my face and doesn't want me to be put in harm's way. Second, after me and Hunter gave father the key to the door, we were put on lock down for leaving and going on a mission that wasn't meant for us. He was happy that we got the key but we went against orders not to go. And lastly, Coven day recently happened and Father showed his face to the whole Boiling Isles. Anyways I sat on Hunter's bed while he was sewing/repairing his cloak. FlapJack flew over and landed on Hunter's shoulder, chirping. "Yeah, It does look good as new" Hunter said and held up his cloak. "Yea no, sorry bud" I said. "...I have no idea what I'm doing..." Hunter said. A knock came from the door and FlapJack flew off to hide. Hunter went over to the door and opened it. There were two scouts, they handed Hunter a letter and left. "What does it say?" I asked. "'My duties are keeping me busy. I entrust you and Y/n to lead the Coven Heads today. Consider this a test', Hmm" Hunter said. I left while Hunter changed into his uniform and I went to change into mine. After we were done we met up to welcome the Coven Heads. 'Oh, I don't like to be in charge of older people! These people are like double my age!' I thought. The doors swung open and everyone started to enter. "Good, you're all here. We can get started-" Hunter was cut off as they pushed past us. "Huh, I said wait! Come back here!" Hunter yelled at them. Raine looked at us but Terra guided him away from us. Hunter looked upset and then we entered the all too familiar throne room. We saw Darius and Eberwolf looking at some scrolls and working on something. "Darius, Eberwolf, Why is everyone leaving? We're scheduled to have a recruitment meeting!" Hunter asked them. "Yea and why don't they have any respect, pushing us around like that!" I said. One thing I don't like it's being pushed around... literally.

"Good morning to you too, little prince and princess" Darius said to us. "We decided to reschedule the meeting so go play arts and crafts or wherever you guys do" Darius said and waved us off. "Oh, it looks like you're already started" Darius said and used his abomination slim to take off Hunter's cloak. "This is impressively bad... Wait, is this the old Golden Guard sigil?" Darius questioned Hunter. "Of course it is! And this is no way to treat the emperor's-" Hunter said but Darius finished him. "Nephew?" Darius said. "And daughter!" I said and glared at him. "I knew your predecessor, Golden Guard. He was my mentor, one of the strongest witches I've ever known. But you... hmm" Darius told Hunter. "But Belos says we don't need magic to serve the coven" Hunter said. "And I said you don't deserve to wear that patch" Darius said and he and Eberwolf started to walk out. "Hey! You can't-" I was going to say that he can't talk to Hunter like that but Hunter cut me off. "Wait, what should I do? How do I... earn it?" Hunter asked Darius. Darius groans and pinches his temples. "Sweet mother of Titan, I-I don't know. Find new recruits for the Emperor's Coven. The best and brightest witches in all the land. Then maybe, you can get this back" Darius said and held up Hunter's cloak. "I'll... We'll do it!" Hunter said. "Of course you guys will. You guys are very good at doing exactly what you're told" Darius said and walked out of the throne room. "What a jerk! I swear he'll regret talking to us like that!" I said and held my hand in a fist. "Now where are we supposed to find the best witches?" Hunter asked out loud as we walked to his room. "I don't know man but I have to get ready for school. I've been gone for weeks now and now we have nothing to do so" I said and started to walk towards my room. "That's it! That's where most of the future witches are training now and you must know some people that want to join the Emperor's coven!" Hunter says and grabs my hand. "I mean, sure I know some witches are interested but they are... kinda mean. Also know one there knows about me well" I said and gestured to what I was wearing (Silver Guard Uniform). "I know but please! What about I'll look and you do whatever you normally do there!" Hunter said. "...Fine" I said and went to change into my school uniform. I gave one of my uniforms to Hunter so he could blend in better and not be pointed out easily. 

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