Chapter 4: Family Problems

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Belos POV

12/16/19 Monday : Dear diary

I again, got into a fight with my parents. I did not do so well on my last test and they grounded me. It was even that bad, It was a 78! But of course, it's too low for their liking. '85 and high is what I want' is all dad said to me. I told him again and again that science is not my strong point but he never listens. Mom doesn't care that much but still got mad that it was in the 70's. Dad and mom are also working late tomorrow so I'm left alone again with S/n(s). I basically like their parents because I do more for them than our actual parents do. I just hope for Christmas, it will be like we are a normal family. I should head to bed now.

-Y/n L/n 9:50pm

As I read, the more I got angry. Why was I getting angry? But how Y/n parents seem to be, It is horrible. I took better care of Hunter, and I plan on killing him when he figures out about his past but how they treat their biological daughter, it's cruel. Y/n needs a father figure, and I could be it. I raised Hunter many times and I always want a kid of my own. It also helps that she is human and not a filthy witch. This is working out for me more and more. 'I will read more at a different time. But this is going to be fun. Sleep well my daughter, Y/n' I thought as I put her diary back and left her room but not before giving her a kiss on the forehead.


It was the next morning and for some reason, I had this weird feeling. I checked under my pillow and my phone and diary were still there but this feeling was still there. I hear a knock on my door. "Come in" I said, Hunter entered the room but he was in his pajamas. "Can I help you?" I asked him. "Well because now you're my younger cousin, I thought we could have some bonding time" Hunter said. 'Huh? I thought he didn't like me? Maybe he is giving me a chance?' I thought. "Sure come sit" I said as I patted my bed. He came over and looked... uncomfortable? "So what do you want to talk about?" I ask him. "Well, I know you're human so how did you get to the Boiling Isles?" Hunter asked. "Well to be honest, I don't know... All I know is that one minute I'm falling asleep in my bed and next, I'm waking up in a whole new world, literally!" I expanded. I heard a chuckle come from Hunter and it made me have a small smile. "So how long have you been with Belos?" I ask him. "I have been with him for as long as I can remember. He told me that he saved me from wild witches and that my family was killed by them. He took me in as his nephew and I have been with him ever since" Hunter expanded. "I know it's a lie but I can't let him know, yet. "I'm so sorry. I didn't have the best relationship with my parents... I was their oldest child so I was left to take care of their unfinished business. I took care of my sibling/s and to keep the house clean. I rarely got free time and we always fought" I said. "Oh well, I'm sorry. I can get it. Belos made me train every day and never helped me get patched up afterward. I had to learn on my own" Hunter said. "Maybe we have more in common than we thought" I said, lightly punching his shoulder. "Yea maybe, little cousin" Hunter said, rubbing my head.

I never did have someone care for me like an older brother. I was always the mom or older sister figure to others so this is nice to have. I think for now, I will enjoy this feeling, and be a little greedy for now. "Let's get ready to go and eat" Hunter said as he stood up from my bed. "Okay, wait for me?" I ask him. "Sure, cousin" Hunter said as he left my room. I got up and got dressed in a simple outfit

(I like this one :D)

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(I like this one :D)

I walked out and saw Hunter in his uniform, holding his mask. "Come on, I'm hungry!" I said pulling his hand. "You're the one that took forever!" Hunter fights back. "And you don't know where you're going! It's the right, not left!" Hunter says as he is now dragging me to the dining room. We laughed and joked on the way to breakfast. "Sorry, for the first two days that I ignored you. You're the first person my uncle really likes. I guess I got a little jealous" Hunter said. "It's okay, I'm not much of a social person at first so I didn't mind" I said, giving him a smile. We soon were at the doors of the dining room. Before we entered, Hunter put his mask on and we entered the dining room. "Good morning Y/n and Hunter" 'father said to us. "Morning" Hunter and I said. We sat down and started eating. I keep on feeling eyes on me and I look over but I see no one. 'Must be in my head' I thought. "Y/n, Lilith will be taking you out to get stuff for your room today" 'father' said. "Oh, Okay" I said, finishing my food. "When you're done, you can meet her outside the dining room" Belos said. "Okay, I'm done so I won't keep her waiting" I said as I stood up and walked out the room.

Belos POV

As Y/n left the room, I looked over at Hunter. "Hunter, have you had any conversations with your cousin yet?" I ask him. "Yes uncle, this morning we were talking" Hunter said. "Did she say how she came to the Boiling Isles?" I asked. "Yes, she really has no clue how. She said that she was going to bed in her realm and woke up in ours" Hunter says as he finishes his food. "Anything about her 'parents'?" I ask. "Yes, she said that she was mainly left alone to take care of her sibling/s and rarely had free time" Hunter expanded. 'So she does have a bad relationship with her family and she is the oldest. She must need some care for her like a child, I can use this' I thought. "Thank you Hunter, you can go on your mission now" I said. "Yes, uncle" Hunter said and got up and left. 'Let's see how this all plays out' I thought.


I'm going to do a time-skip in the next chapter because I'm getting stuck on what to write. I'm also being social for once and hang out with my friends today! Have an amazing Day/Night/Noon!

Word count- 1197

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