Chapter 5: Six Months later!

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It's been 6 months since I have been in the owl house universe or the demon realm. I have been training hard and even went on my first mission with Hunter! Speaking of Hunter, our relationship has been growing ever since the day he started to talk to me. He has helped me with training and has been there for me when I need it. I never had that in my house, everyone just stuck to themself. My room has become one that I dream of! Back home, I only had what my parents bought me. My room never felt like mine but here, I can stay in it for weeks and still never be tired of it. I got my own uniform from 'father'. I still don't like to call him my father but, here he technology is. Moving on, he said that when I get better at my training, I can get a staff like Hunter's! I mainly want my own palisman but I don't know if that will happen. Also, no one outside of the castle knows about me. I'm currently in my room, cleaning up. I have been so busy that my room kinda got a little too messy for my liking. 'I wonder when the show starts. I have been here for six months and I heard nothing yet of the show happening' I thought to myself. I had a trash bag full so I went to go take it out when I noticed that there were less guards around than normal. When I passed by two guards, I overheard them talking. "Did you hear what happened?" One asked. "No, what?" The other one said. "There was a break in at the conformatorium. All the prisoners were freed. It was the Owl lady and her pet doing. They also had a human on them. Wonder where she came from" The first guard said. 'Oh, so the first episode has happened already?' I thought.

'The next episode is Luz going on a personal adventure but in the 3rd episode, she sneaks into Hexside. Maybe I can ask Belos to let me join. But I don't have magic...' I thought. 'I think that the potions track doesn't require magic so I can try!' I thought as I threw the garbage down the garbage compartment. I walk to my 'father' throne room. The guards that were guarding the doors moved aside for me as I entered his room. "Y/n, what do you need?" 'father' asked me. "Well I was wondering, If I can join school? Back home, I went to school and I kinda miss it. I can also learn more about the Boiling Isles more" I said. "But, you can't do magic... How will you get in?" Belos asked. "From what I remember from the coven books, the potions track doesn't require magic to get in" I said. "Very well then. I will sign you up but your last name will be Wittebane. You will start most likely in two days" 'father' said. "Okay" I said and left. 'That will cause problems in the future but I will deal with that when it comes. Also that stuff will happen in like season 2' I thought and walked to my room.

*Time-skip 2 days*

I was currently getting ready to go to Hexside. I put on the gray uniform that 'father' gave me yesterday. Hunter doesn't like the idea of me going but he also said, 'look how I turned out and I never went to school'. 'Father' told Hunter to drop me off a little far from the school and everything is arranged there. "Come on! I don't have all day!" Hunter said, bagging on my door. "Okay Okay, I'm coming!" I said. I put on a bag the Belos gave me and opened my door. "Let's goo cousin" Hunter said and started to walk away. "What up your... butt?" I asked. "I... I don't want you going. What will happen when you need help and I'm not there to help?" Hunter asked. "Don't worry! I will make new friends and they will help me!" I said. We made it to the entrance of the castle where 'father' was waiting for me. "Y/n, are you sure you want to go to school? I can always have Lilith teach you" 'father' said. "No, It's okay. Also I can meet new people that I never thought I would meet. You know, witches" I said. "Very well then, off you go" Belos said and walked away. Hunter and I walked to the bridge and got on his staff. "How safe are you at flying?" I asked him. "Don't worry, you won't die" He said and took off. We flow above the Boiling Isles at sunrise. 'It's beautiful! Why am I excited to go to school? Maybe because it's a magic school?' I thought. Hunter soon landed near the school. "Hunter, your flying is so bumpy" I said as I got off, my leg shacking. "It's not that bad. Also, Uncle told me to tell you that there would be a girl, Amity? Waiting for you to take you to the principle" Hunter said. "Okay, better not keep her waiting!" I said and ran off.

'OMG, It's my first day at Hexside and I'm already meeting Amity?!?! Let's see how she is when we first meet' I thought. I saw the school in front of me and, OMG! It's amazing. 'Wait- do I have to take the entrance exam? If I do, I'm in a pickle' I thought. I walk up to the school and see Amity waiting by the doors. Other students look at me, confused. I walked up to Amity, she was reading a school book of some sort "Um hey, are you Amity?" I ask her. "Yes I'm Amity Blight, and your Y/n Wittebane?" Amity asked. "Yup, that's me!" I said, putting my hand out for her to shack. "Yea, you're the new transfer student?" She asked while lightly shaking my hand. 'That must be how Belos got me in' I thought. "Yea, had to move for... personal reason" I said. "Okay, follow me to Bump's offices. That's where you will be sorted into a track" Amity said while walking into the school. I followed her and take in the school. I really look amazing! I try not to look like a fool, but I can see Amity giving me a wired look. We finally arrived at the doors of Bump's offices. "Here we are" Amity said and... walked away. 'Rude much' I thought while I knocked on the door. The doors opened and I was pulled in. "Hello, You must be Y/n Wittebane?" Bump asked me. "Yes!" I said. "Well let's get this over with so you won't be late for your first class. What track would you like to be in?" Bump asked. "I would like to be in potions!" I said. "Okay that" Bump said as he made a small circle in the air and my gray sleeves and pants turned yellow. "Here you schedule and your class is just down the corner" Bump said. "Thank you sir!" I said and walked out of his office.

*Time-skip one week, I don't want to write about being in class. Also I want to started with meeting Luz*

It's been a week since I started to go to Hexside. I met Willow and 'Augustus' at lunch on my first day and we became friends. Amity didn't like that so here and there I hear her make some remarks about me but I don't care. In the future, she will be better. 'Luz should be coming soon right?' I thought as I walked to Hexside. Hunter had just dropped me off and left. I saw Willow, pushing her abomination project to the school. "Hey Willow! How has it been?" I asked her. I saw something in her project that went down, that must be Luz. "Oh haha, you know the normal" She said, in a nervous manner. "You okay you seem nervous?" I asked her. "Oh you know, I'm nervous about my project!" she said. "Oh well I'm sure you're going to boom it! Maybe even beat Amity!" I said. "Thanks Y/n but I could never beat Amity" Willow said looking down. "Don't say that! You might just need to work a little harder than Amity to get the job done" I said, patting her shoulder. "We should get going" Willow said. We walked into the school and I followed Willow to her locker. She took out some books and 'Augustus' walked into her while his head was in a magazion. "Willow, Y/n, You won't believe Human!" 'Augustus' said. "Human!?!? Phag, I haven't seen any. What" Willow said. "Willow, no one asked if you saw a human. There's no way of seeing one either" I said. 'Even though I'm a human' I thought. "Did you know that humans put barbed wire into their teeth?!?! But why! Maybe to make them magnetic!" 'Augustus' said. "Actually, they are for straightening teeth" We heard a voice say. Me and 'Augustus' look at Willow. "Okay Y/n and Augustus, I'm going to tell you guys something but you guys have to be cool" Willow said to us. "I can be s-cool" 'Augustus' said. "Okay, what are you hiding?" I asked, pretending I don't know. "Okay, abomination rises" Willow said to her project. Luz then came out saying, 'tada! I'm a abomination'. "Luz that's not how abomination act!" willow said.

'Augustus' dropped his magazion and I just looked at Luz. 'Let the chaos begin' I thought. "No, no it couldn't be..." 'Augustus' said play with his ears. "He is the president of the 'Human appreciation society'. Most witches wouldn't be able to tell a human right away but Augustus is an expert" Willow told Luz. "Where are you gills?!" 'Augustus' asked Luz, but she ignored him. "I know an Augustus in the human world, we called him Gus" Luz said. "Gus, nickname, HUMAN NICKNAME, GUS! Wow, call me it. Gus, This is the best day ever" Gus said putting his hands on his face. "Willow, where did you find her?" I asked. "I found her while coming to school today. Amity was making fun of me and I kinda blew up" Willow said. The bell rang right after Willow was done explaining. I have to get to class, see you all at lunch" I said and went to class.


Yea! We have finally gotten to where we are in the show! I have more motivation to write now. Have an amazing Day/Night/Noon!

Word count- 1768 

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