His Mighty Warrior [Neteyam S...

By mami_fumadora

167 7 0

Blood. Pain. Fear. That's all I remember as I ran away from my clan. I do not remember what day is it I think... More

Before disaster
Day before disaster
Meeting the Sullies
War party
Pride, Pain And Jealousy
Danger and Anger
Unexpected news

Accepted and learning

12 1 0
By mami_fumadora

Eyrïni's POV

After quite a while of sitting and waiting for Neteyam or anyone to come and tell me they are ready to start the ceremony seemed to go on forever.

While waiting I took a few ritual candles and lit them after putting them in a circle around me, I started praying to Eywa that all would go well and I would not be looked at, as a stranger even if it would not be anything new it hurt to know my own clan saw me as a stranger.

I started chanting while also dancing a painfully yet meaningful dance I learned from my grandmother that has been in our clan given from Tsahìk to Tsahìk in generations. It was a way for us to communicate with or dear Eywa without connecting to The Tree Of Soul's if we were too far from it.

I was nearing the end of my Tsahìk ritual, and I thought I would make it to the end uninterrupted but for my sake Eywa had to let something disturb me. I heard wood hit the ground as well as the sound of something splashing filled my ears, I turned around to see a petrified Lo'ak with a hand on his neck, rubbing it.

He made eye contact with me and let a sheepish grin slip, "Hey, I was told to come get you like 10 minutes ago so we're pretty late, but I saw you dancing and I sorta zoned out?" It did not sound like a simple statement at all, more like a question as if he was unsure of his own words or doings.

Registering his words panic hit me like a Pa'li ramming into me, I let out a frustrated hiss but still grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him out of the blue tent. I kept mumbling to myself before I realised I do not even know where to go, so I stopped and turned to a smug looking Lo'ak, oh Eywa he looked just like him.

He rose a eyebrow which clearly me and Na'vi that did not have four fingers lacked, so it indeed looked weird. "So you finally came to your senses, cmon follow me we'll ride with my Ikran."

He turned around and started walking in a different direction, the opposite of which I was originally going to, with nothing left to do I followed him to see Lo'ak already on his Ikran, waiting for me when I finally got close enough he reached his palm with four fingers on it, and once I grabbed it he pulled me behind him.

After making a double check if we did not forget anything and that I was 110% sure I was holding security around his waist, he let out a war cry and commanded his Ikran, Bobby which I learned was the name of his Ikran despite Lo'ak's protests of him going too slow, he refused to go faster only wanting to get me there, wherever we were going safe.

30 minutes later

We have been flying for about 30 minutes now, at some point not too long ago he asked me to put a blindfold around my eyes, to do so I had to let go of him so he put his arm behind him so he could hold me securely by the back of my thigh.

We were flying in comfortable silence only once in a while asking questions or just to simply annoy each other, "Why do I have to wear this again, I would much more prefer it off so I could see your skxawng ass get scolded?" I once again in the past 5 minutes got him annoyed.

At this point Lo'ak had stopped answering me only humming or groaning out of annoyance. He would think twice before offering to go after someone just so he could escape helping his clan prepare for the ceremony, this was even worse.

I heard Lo'ak mutter something among the lines of 'funcking finally' but that could have been my imagination. More than 10 seconds passed when I felt us lowering to the ground on Bobby, once down Lo'ak got off first then I felt his hands on my waist as he lowered me. Once I was sure I was on the mossy ground I put my palm on Bobby's neck and patted it in thanks.

"Rïni cmon, a few step and you can take that thing off, although I like it better on so I don't have to look at that skxawng face of yours." Lo'ak spoke with such pride and obvious smirk on his lips, I so wanted to slap it off but I am not risking him letting me go and dropping me.

We took barely 7 steps when he stopped us and gave me a pat on the shoulder signalling for me to remove my blindfold from my blue eyes. Once the material was off I was comfortable bewildered by the sight in front of me.

I stood on a hill with Lo'ak behind me to my right, down I saw possibly the whole Omatikaya Clan down by The Vitraya Ramunong, it stood proudly in the middle with it's beautiful long vines. By the roots of the tree stood Mo'at, along with JakeSully, Neytiri, Kiri, Tuk and Neteyam. They all smiled at me while we made our way over.

The clan looked my way, occasionally someone touching my white hair or placing a soft hand on my shoulders. The last bit of Na'vi spread apart to let us through, then we climbed to the top with Lo'ak's family.

JakeSully looked over at me with a nostalgic look on his face, as if he was in deep memories then he turned to his youngest son "Well thank god you didn't kill her, I thought we might need to send someone after you." It was clearly a un harmful joke but Lo'ak seemed to take this pretty seriously.

I however put a hand on Lo'ak's shoulder and let my genuine smile slip, "Thank you Lo, that means much to me that you offered to bring me here, Oel ngati kameie." I raised my left hand to my forehead while still maintaining eye contact with him, to prove I meant every single word that came out.

A look of pure joy shined upon his face as he smiled at me, next think I knew I was pulled in a bone crushing hug by him. Even if I was in shock I still hugged him back with almost the same strength, since I was not physically as strong as him even if I was older.

I felt his breath on my neck, "Thank you Nïni, I haven't heard anyone say that to me in a long time." I was about to reply until I felt a tear land on my painted shoulder, no doubt the paint would be smudged but I did not care.

I leaned my chin on his obviously higher shoulder yet I did not mind as I closed my eyes and let myself comfort him without saying anything. A cough pulled us apart and we turned to see Mo'at with a smile waiting for us "It is time."

Nodding my head I turned to Lo'ak one last time as I rested my left palm on his left shoulder but lifted my right palm under his right eye, I wiped away a small tear and squeezed his shoulder in a comforting manner and turned to Mo'at after a one last smile exchange.

Mo'at walked closer to me and turned me around to face The Omatikaya Clan. I overlooked all of them, my future clan then I felt a hand touch my left shoulder and star walking with me down closer to the rest of the clan.

I was turning around after stepping right in the middle of everyone, Mo'at let a slight smile slip across her stern face as she spoke, "You are now daughter of The Omatikaya, you are part of the people. Then I felt her hands rest on the front of my shoulders, then I felt multiple others as they formed a web with me in the middle of it all.

I closed my eyes and let a smile slip as I lifted my head up at the sky, it started raining slightly as everyone soon removed their hands from each one. I looked around at The Omatikaya Clan, my now clan. I might be one of The Omatikaya Clan's people but deeply in my heart I will always be a Huvuticava no matter where I may end up in life.

Returning to the Hallelujah Mountains was pure bliss as I recalled what had happened moments prior. I had called Zxko so I could share my excitement trough our bond, that meant he was officially one of the clan's Ikran as well.

Landing on the edge of the 'base' as JakeSully called it felt amazing, this time I came here as a member not a stranger. I was told that tonight would be a celebration in honour for me becoming part of The Omatikaya Clan.

"Rïri come with me, we have to get you ready for tonight!" Tuk was bouncing off the walls while grabbing mine and Kiri's wrist as she dragged us to the tent we were in the morning.

Once inside Tuk commanded us to start looking for something appropriate for tonight, implying that I should stand out the most, not that I will not since Kiri offered to paint me again only with a red paint this time.

It had been a while but I had found the perfect attire for tonight, I went behind the wood structure i had learned was a 'mirror' to get changed while Kiri went to get the paint, Tuk of course stayed and tried to talk me into trying a new hairstyle but I was genuinely happy with this one, in the end I agreed and let her do what she wanted.

Once Kiri returned my hair was long age done, it was really beautiful it was mostly braided with two strand's tucked behind my ears but hanging in front of my face. Some of my hair was left open while some of it was made into a loose bun. Then she got to painting.

The paint was not like for the ceremony, it was not all over my body only on my face and a few lines here and there. After I was finished I took another look in the mirror, I could not believe it was me who was looking at myself.

Kiri had lastly put a head peace on my head to keep my hair back but also because it was a Tsahìk traditional dagger attached to it further down, hanging above my collarbone. And lastly I took my grandmother's necklace and put it on myself to complete the look.

This is what you wore..made by me, pretty proud of this⤴️

This is your grandmother's necklace⤴️

I was still admiring myself in the mirror, touching my face and hair, careful not to ruin anything or smudge the red paint. The necklace stood out, it was obvious it was not a forest or in other words land Na'vi jewellery, we had similar attire and accessories.

This looked more like the sea Na'vi jewellery as I remember my grandmother telling me stories about a clan she had visited many, many years ago when she was recently mated to At'ok, my grandfather that my brother was named after and at that time they did not know they were expecting my father Zea'te.

She told me the clan's Tsahìk had gifted het necklace and many other things to her before she left back to the forest where our ancestors used to live before they were made to retreat to the cave life. If I remember clearly she said it was The Metkayina Clan and the Tsahìk was Mo'ara, who was with child at a very old age for Na'vi.

Grandmother said they had trouble getting a child so when it did happen finally, Mo'ara was too old and had to trust her former student she was planning to make Tsahìk teach her daughter 'The Way Of The Water' and raise her to be a strong woman.

Mo'ara apparently died the day before my grandmother had arrived at the village again after almost 9 months apart, she wanted Zea'te to meet Mo'ara and her daughter Ronal. She was sadly met with sorrow through the village and was allowed to attend the funeral by the Olo'eyktan as his wife was very fond of the woman.

Grandmother had stood with both Zea'te and Ronal on her hip's as she watched a old friend of hers residing back to Eywa.

She felt guilty that she had not come any faster to visit, but if she ever brought up the topic to her mate At'ok he would get furious and sometimes even physical she was too scared for her child that she encountered it all and made a deal that once their child is born she can go visit.

"Rïri..Rïni..EYRÏNI!?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Kiri shaking me by my shoulders, I focused my eyes on her and noticed the relieved expression on her face once she realised my focus was on her.

I looked at her confused for a second, "Why were you screaming Kir?" I tilted my head to the side while the slightly taller girl looked at me like I was out of my mind.

She closer her mouth that hung open, "What do you mean 'why were you screaming Kir?' you were dreaming for like 15 minutes!" She put the back of her hand to my forehead to feel if it was hot.

I gently laughed while pushing her hand away, "I am fine Kir, just started thinking about my grandmother and this necklace that belonged to her." I only shrugged my shoulders, pretending I did not notice the sad look on her face once I mentioned something from my past.

I was grateful she did not question further about what I was thinking, "Well does that creepy thing happen every time you dream while standing?" She asked me as if it was a normal day with me.

I was by now seriously thinking about what she could be talking about, "What creepy thing?" She stopped sorting clothes, the look she had once she turned to me said everything I needed, that whatever happened was definitely not normal even for Kiri.

"You didn't notice your whole right forearm shedding a blinding light, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone saw it over Pandora?" With each of her words I grew concerned 'what blinding light?' I opened my mouth to ask her exactly what it was.

That was before I caught something in the mirror I have never seen before, it was a new tattoo on my body yet this one was not like the small Atokarina tattoo from birth, this was all over my forearm and was not there earlier today only now.

I looked away from my reflection to look at my forearm that was covered by beads, I carefully took them off and looked at my exposed skin, it was a beautiful design on my body that did not seem real.

I turned my attention to Kiri who stood to my right also admiring the newly discovered body tattoo, "How did it get there?" My Na'vi accent was strong as I spoke with interest but also with caution about the situation.

I was looking at Kiri while she was looking at my arm, she did not have to say or do anything because as always her face said it all yet she also shrugged her shoulders not knowing what to think.

I was the only one that could read her like a book almost, she probably let me but I was good at reading people by a young age so it would not matter.

Having her show her true emotions to me only if I have known her not that long warms me deeply, the same is with Lo'ak he does not show emotion's yet I made him cry, then there is Neytiri as Neteyam said hates new people or sudden change but she 'fell in love with me' as TukTuk teased earlier.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a heavy set of feet nearing the tent, by the walk I could tell it was JakeSully as he was not nearly as light on his feet as a Na'vi should be, even after all this time.

There was a light knock on the tent's entrance, "Girls are you ready, can I come in?" I scrambled to get my beaded forearms decor before putting it on, careful not to break the delicate jewellery.

Kiri noticed my expression and my quick movements, "A second dad, I need to help Rïni get her top on!" She made up a lie on the spot but it seemed to work since all we heard from JakeSully was a 'ok, be back in a second' and his retreating footsteps.

I gave Kiri a thankful look which said a lot of things, all she gave me was a smile while she continued to tidy up the room of Tuk's toys she had left. I got the jewellery on and look a deep breath through my stomach. This was something I learned while swimming that if I breath from down there, then my breath can last longer but it came naturally to me.

"So, are you ready to impress my brother?" I turned to Kiri so fast I thought my spine would break, she also had that smug look on her face that all Sully men shared yet hers was less ignorant. With hers I could deal with, it still made me slightly irritated but I would get used to her doing it.

I coughed a little uncontrollably, "Kiri I do not know what you are talking abo-" I was cut of by her giving me a deadpan look that clearly said 'don't give me that shit' but I still stood my ground and played dumb.

She might have bought it or maybe not but she took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds before letting it out, "Don't act stunned Rïri, I saw the interaction before you went to call your Ikran, it's so obvious you both feel something for each other." She simply crossed her arms and stood like a hero.

I was simply too stunned to speak, all I managed was to open snd close my mouth like a fish in water, "wha-..what no- Kiri, there is nothing going on!" I should have kept my tone cool because my nervous voice gave it away so clearly.

She was about to respond but a knock at the entrance gained our attention again, this time the someone unzipped it and a head came in, Neytiri as soon as saw me let her walls crumble.

She still keeping her eyes on me stepped inside and closed the flap, she took small steps towards me while looking me up and down. She had tears in her eyes once she reached me and put her palm up to my cheek carefully not to ruin the paint.

She clearly thought what to say for a moment before collecting herself, "You..You look amazing Eyrïni, I do not know your family or your history but I know your family would be so proud." She smiled so brightly that the corners of her eyes creased.

I let my own smile adore my face as I placed my hand over her warm soft one and looked up at her with tears in my eyes, "Thank you Ms.Sully, I appreciate it very much." I was so at peace for once, no duties for now, no constant worries about the Sky people.

She choked out a soft laugh, "Oh call me Neytiri dear, we are family and judging by your relationship with my eldest you might be my daughter-in-law one day." I choked on air as she said this.

I was about to protest and explain to her as I did to Kiri that nothing was going on but I was cut off by a horn. This made Neytiri and Kiri take me by both of my wrists and lead me out of the tent to a group of female Na'vi's.

Once close enough they all let out there own series of gasps some louder, some quieter and they all started complimenting me on my hair, attire and jewellery. Some clearly seemed jealous while some were very genuine about their words.

And while talking we were silenced by Neytiri as Mo'at began her speech way down a small set of steps. They seemed natural but may have been craved out for easier access. Nonetheless I noticed the huge group of The Omatikaya Clan's people surrounding a large fire.

Mo'at stood in front of the group of Na'vi's with her back to the fire while the clan sat in a half circle, their attention on the elder. I was pulled out of my observation by her next words, "My youngest grandson mentioned our newest clan members flawless dance, and I wish as do we all that she will preform this dance for our clan!"

I was definitely going to fucking murder Lo'ak with my tail, thanks to his blue skxawng ass I have to dance, not just dance by myself but in front of a whole ass clan.

I soon realised we were moving closer to the meeting and my heart kept beating almost out of my chest but when I caught his eye I felt my worries slightly ease and felt no care about having to preform anymore. I looked at those beautiful yellow eyes that danced with a beautiful orange colour once the fire moved.

Then before I knew it we were almost right at the front while the small group of female Na'vi's covered me. I heard a few excited squeals from girls either my age, younger or older, then there was Neytiri's soothing voice, "Are you ready Rïni?"


Wohooo another chapter done! Hope you enjoyed it and as always don't be afraid to point out mistakes! THANK YOU❤️

Oh and this is your new tattoo⤵️

word count: 3750
posted: 15.01.2024

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