+ ((( Rainbow in the Dark )))...

Por Disneydasher2009

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A Rainbow Friends AU. Orange feels like an outcast. He's the only one that remembers that one fateful day whe... Más

Before We Begin...
Setting the Scene
Meet Orange!
Meet Yellow!
Meet Green!
Meet Cyan!
Meet Blue!
Meet Purple!
Meet Red!
It Begins... (Part 1/2)
It Begins... (Part 2/2)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 1/5)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 2/5)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 3/5)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 4/5)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 5/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 1/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 2/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 3/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 4/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 5/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 1/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 2/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 4/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 5/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 1/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 2/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 3/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 4/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 5/5)
Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 1/3)
Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 2/3)
Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 3/3)
To Hide A Divide (Part 1/4)
To Hide a Divide (Part 2/4)
To Hide A Divide (Part 3/4)
To Hide a Divide (Part 4/4)
These Memories (Part 1/4)
These Memories (Part 2/4)
These Memories (Part 3/4)
These Memories (Part 4/4)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 1/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 2/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 3/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 4/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 5/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 6/6)
What's In A Friend? (Part 1/3)
What's In A Friend? (Part 2/3)
What's In A Friend? (Part 3/3)
An Odd Bond (Part 1/4)
An Odd Bond (Part 2/4)
An Odd Bond (Part 3/4)
An Odd Bond (Part 4/4)
Speak The Truth (Part 1/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 2/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 3/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 4/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 5/5)
Hear the Truth (Part 1/4)
Hear the Truth (Part 2/4)
Hear the Truth (Part 3/4)
Hear the Truth (Part 4/4)
Ponder the Truth (Part 1/5)
Ponder The Truth (Part 2/5)

Embrace the Chase (Part 3/5)

105 1 10
Por Disneydasher2009

Me: let's get some dialogue written that progresses the plot of the story!

Also me: *Proceeds to write about 3000 words of just the characters murdering people*




Monsters, fierce and hungry, prowling near,

Their eyes ablaze, causing terror as they veer.

Hunting humans, their prey, with savage glee,

A battle waged, where fear and chaos spree.



*This is not the canon chapter 2 from the game*

Warnings: Violence described in detail, ☠️death of minors

Cyan stomped through the park, brushing aside all of the overwhelming sights and sounds that she could sense around her. She knew that she could enjoy it after all of the humans were exterminated.

As she looked around, she saw that the park was mostly empty. 

For such an exciting place, she would have thought that there would be more humans.

She wasn't sure if this would become a common occurrence, hunting humans at the park. Cyan wasn't sure that she liked it, all of the flashing lights were getting in the way of her senses, which she often relied on during hunts.

Cyan wandered past some hedges and turned a corner. Around the corner, there was a windmill shaped playhouse of some sort. 

She couldn't see under it, but she was sure that there was a small opening at the bottom.

She realized that the humans may have had more to hide under than just boxes this time, the park was much more colorful and possibly more complicated than the familiar play place.

But on the other hand, there was far more room for Cyan to chase the pesky humans, and therefore, she could be a part of the hunts as long as they were in the park.

She grinned at the idea, maybe this wasn't such a bad development after all.

Just as she had the revelation, she saw a flash of color out of the corner of her eye. She whipped her head around to look, but only saw the usual scenery.

She could have sworn that something had darted over in her direction, but there was nothing. She walked over in that direction, confused, until she saw movement.

It was a box, and the box was moving!

It was shuffling over in the direction of a small blue building. Cyan thought that it looked quite similar to Blue's castle in the play place, but bigger.

She stopped to look at it, waiting for her moment. The box did not stop moving, in fact, it didn't even seem to realize that she was staring straight at it.

Suddenly, she leapt forwards, opening her jaws that were lined with razor sharp teeth. She stomped over and thrusted the box aside. Just as she had predicted, there was a small human under the box.

Without mercy, she picked up the human by the arm and bit down hard, so hard that she could feel the blood leaking out fast.

She continued to bite and rip at the human, licking up the blood and chewing on their flesh, making sure to make a mess while she did so.

 She wanted everyone to know that she was the Rainbow Friend who should be feared.

The human made a lot of high pitched noises, but it did little to deter her. 

Once they went silent, she took the time to eat every last morsel of it, swallowing the limbs one by one.

Once Cyan was finished, she picked her head up again, pleased.

She drew her gaze around, daring someone to come out.

She tensed up again, ready to strike as she saw another flash of color. She then realized that it wasn't a human or a box, but it was Yellow in his Predator form.

The monster walked by her, his empty eyes staring straight ahead, looking for any intruders. It would have creeped out a Rainbow Friend who wasn't in their Predator form, but Cyan knew better.

Neither Rainbow Friend reacted to the other's presence. It was not important at the moment, only finding and hunting down the humans was important.

Cyan also decided to start looking around, and started moving towards the blue building. She glanced inside the door as she walked by, checking for any other signs of the intruders.

As she walked across a bridge, she heard Blue thumping around underneath. She didn't bother to look at him as he walked along the small stream running through the park.

Cyan wondered in the back of her mind how many other humans were left. She had already taken care of one of them, and she vaguely remembered Red telling her that there had been four of them to catch.

As Cyan passed the soft looking castle and a big wheel, she saw Green waving his arms around. She was about to walk around him when she saw a human.

The human had been trying to sneak around Green, and yelped as it looked up to see Cyan right beside him.

Cyan snapped her jaws together threateningly, making a loud clanging sound. The human whipped around and ran towards a small contraption at the side of the cliff wall.

As Cyan stomped after them, she knew that the human would have no escape. She loomed over the little human, preparing to bite down, when something unexpected happened.

With a high-pitched yelp, the little human was pulled into the air, along some sort of thick black line, and was pulled over the cliff and away from Cyan.

Cyan stood there, trying to figure out what had just happened. It seemed that the little machine had pulled the human along the line, which she realized was pulled taut over the entire park. The human had gotten away, and must have been on the other side by now.

With a growl, Cyan turned to go and continue searching for other humans, deciding that it was not worth the effort to follow them across the park. She turned around to see Green, still waving his long arms around, completely unaware of the human who had just slipped right by.

Some part of her felt a prick of emotion prodding at the edge of her mind, anger at the monster, and pity for him as well, for not being able to help more. But it was quickly swamped by the emotionless bloodlust of her Predator Form.

She shoved right by Green, causing him to stumble to the side, his long arms waving as he tried to balance himself. Cyan didn't pay attention as Green barely managed to right himself.

She went back to the bridge, trying to locate another human. She took advantage of her height at this point and drew her gaze over the park. The only things she could see was the hulking figure of Blue stomping around the hedges and the smaller figure of Yellow shuffling around the tall green pillar.

She sniffed the air, trying to smell for the humans, but she became confused as the overwhelming scents of the unfamiliar park engulfed her.

With a shake of her head, the fog seemed to clear from Cyan's head. She decided that she wouldn't be able to smell much in this place. She instead decided to rely on her eyes and simply find the humans by tracking their movements.

She was interrupted from her thoughts as the entrance to Blue's castle flew open, and a human ran outside. The human froze as Cyan snapped her head around to look at it. It was the same human who had used the ride to escape her mere moments ago.

She let out a low growl and once again snapped her jaws quickly, creating the same high-pitched clanging that she had the first time.

The human quickly turned and ran towards the windmill shaped playhouse. Cyan chased after them, determined to catch them. She wouldn't let them get away again.

The human ran underneath the playhouse and hid inside as Cyan came up to it, the rumbling in her throat unintentionally grew louder as she envisioned ripping off their head and drinking their blood.

She paced around outside of it, waiting for the human to exit, she had it cornered, there was nowhere else for it to go. She felt excitement cloud her thoughts as she thrashed her tail. She would finally manage to satiate her thirst for blood. One wasn't enough.

It would never be enough.

While she was distracted, she saw movement in the corner of her eye. It was another human, standing in the small stream, waving its small thin arms at her, making loud high-pitched noises at her.

It continued to wave its arms as Cyan turned to look at it. She instantly forgot about the one inside the playhouse as she left to chase down the vulnerable human.

The loud human turned around and ran down the stream, Cyan right behind it. She was enjoying the amount of chasing that she could do inside of this park.

The human was almost turning the corner around a hedge when Yellow began walking down the staircase. Yellow's gaze locked onto the human that Cyan was chasing.

Cyan was snapping her jaws, she was so close to getting it.

Just as she was about to get it, Yellow lunged forwards and snatched it up in his arms. Cyan watched, surprised, as he threw the human down onto the ground as hard as he could.

She heard a satisfying crunch as the human hit the ground and Yellow landed on top of it. She smelled blood as Yellow dug his claws into its shoulders and activated his propellor pack, lifting it into the sky.

She looked up, watching as Yellow flew around with the human, which hung limply in his claws, before Yellow landed in his nest and began to tear it apart.

Cyan had always questioned Yellow's way of eating humans. While she preferred to do it quickly, tearing off each limb and savoring every taste she could get of her kill, Yellow tended to drive his hard beak-like mouth straight into their gut and rip them apart from the inside, letting all the blood leak out messily and often leaving lots of bloody remains.

As Cyan paused to watch him rip apart the human, a red light flashed in the corner of her vision. She looked to the side and saw a camera hanging on the side of the building with the red door. The camera shifted slightly to face in her direction.

She stared at it for a moment, before dismissing it as she realized that she had never caught the other human. She growled loudly as she realized that they were probably gone already, and she would have to find it yet again.

They kept evading her, but she was going to catch them eventually, they couldn't run forever.

Next time she saw them, she wasn't going to be playing around, she was going to catch them, but she was going to make their death especially slow, and especially painful.


Once again, thank you for reading. 

If you are not a fan of the excessive detail that I used to describe the more gruesome scenes, then let me know, and I can tune it down a little.

Well, have a great day/night!

Next Chapter: Embrace the Chase (Part 4/5)

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