Doomsday Control (unedited)

By McEfexx

93.3K 2K 42

Author: Aboriginal House/土著宅 Category: Danmei Fiction The end of the world is not rebirth. Shou carries the s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33(Adjusted)
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103

Chapter 48

592 14 0
By McEfexx

"Are you still in pain?" Xiaoxiang's dry and cold fingers stroked Ruan Ning's wound with envy on her face, "Your skin is so good. I wasn't as good as you before. Don't worry, I won't destroy it. Ten No. 3's skin has not mutated. When the time comes, can I help you inject its extract? Then you will always be so beautiful."

Ruan Ning's attention was obviously not on her words. As soon as Xiaoxiang touched him, the spiritual spring in the space fluctuated vaguely. When Xiaoxiang scratched his neck and the blood flowed out, the spiritual spring suddenly It started to boil, as if it was clamoring to devour something impatiently. What exactly was in Xiaoxiang's body?

Seeing that Ruan Ning remained silent, Xiaoxiang thought that he had acquiesced to her proposal, so she happily pulled up the sheet to cover him, turned around and went out to prepare.

"Lie still and don't move around. I'll go find No. 13 to change the extraction solution."

Ruan Ning responded vaguely, and when Xiaoxiang left, he was surprised to realize what she had just said.

similar? Extract? She wouldn't want to inject me with that No. 13 extract, and then I would become just like her, right? !

I have to say that Ruan Ning has revealed the truth this time.

It was not easy to catch a good candidate, and it was rare for the other party to be so cooperative. Xiaoxiang was particularly happy this time. She first went to the place where the "food" was kept and carefully selected two energetic "foods" and prepared to give them to ten people in a while. Send it on the 3rd so that you can exchange for enough extraction liquid.

After Xiaoxiang tied up the two "foods" and led them out by the rope, the so-called "food" room began to whisper.

"Brother Qiáng, what should I do? Xiao Zhang and the others were taken away by her."

Gao Qiang sighed solemnly and comforted everyone who was nervous: "Calm down, there was a big noise on this floor this morning. I heard that the sound came from the 15th and 16th. There should be a very powerful group. People are confronting them."

"Those sisters? You can actually compete with them. Maybe you can be Xiaoxiang's opponent. Brother Qiang, what happened in the end? Who won this morning?"

"It should be that group. I vaguely heard the self-destruction sound of No. 15." Gao Qiang's eyes sparkled when he said this. In the morning, he first heard various gunshots and sounds of using supernatural powers from the two sisters' stronghold, and then within about half an hour, he heard No. 15 scream in pain, followed by a "bang" self-destruction sound. .

They have been locked up in this factory for half a month. Half a month ago, their three teams and ten people came to Qu County smoothly. When they entered the Nancheng Pharmaceutical Factory, they met No. 16, who was pretending to be a normal person. No. 6 claimed that she used to be a female worker in the factory. Now there are more zombies in the factory and the terrain is complicated. It would be dangerous for them to enter rashly. It is better to let her lead the way for them in exchange for some food or something.

At that time, No. 16 was very normal, and there was no aura of superpowers or zombies on him. Then Gao Qiang and the others thought that the ten of them were at the lowest level of the first level, and the highest level was at the peak of the first level and almost broke through to the second level. No matter what, he wouldn't be tricked by such an ordinary woman.

Besides, several teams with special powers have gone to other counties near Nancheng before, and they all gained a lot. This Qu County should be no exception. At most, there are more zombies, so they listened to her words and geared up to prepare for a big fight. The warehouse of Nancheng Pharmaceutical Factory has a lot of inventory, and it has produced basically all the medicines that are scarce in the apocalypse.

But as soon as they entered the so-called second workshop connected to the warehouse, Gao Qiang and his party were attacked. Those who attacked them were the female zombie who had strange powers and could disguise herself as a normal person, and her reptile-like sister.

The female zombie is not very powerful, barely reaching Level 2, but her sister's strength is comparable to that of a peak Level 2 superpower, especially the slime she controls with her, which is as powerful as Level 3.

Taking advantage of the large number of people, Gao Qiang and the others managed to resist for a while, but soon they were about to be unable to hold on and became food in the mouths of the two sisters. At this time, a woman named Xiaoxiang suddenly appeared. She should be with the two sisters. If you have a deep grudge, attack if you go up.

Xiaoxiang's corpse-like body is very hard. When attacking, sharp fangs of nearly ten centimeters can grow from the corners of her mouth. Even her nails can easily penetrate the skin of level two zombies. Xiaoxiang's speed is very fast, and the two sisters cannot dodge. , the skin was scratched several times, and her sister's mucus was always avoided by her.

In the end, the exhausted sisters had no choice but to give up on the high-powered gang, and Xiaoxiang was the victor, restraining them and locking them up with some superpowers and ordinary people.

During this period, Gao Qiang and others tried to escape many times, but were easily captured. There were several very powerful "people" distributed on this floor. They seemed to have a good relationship with Xiaoxiang, and they usually helped provide escape services. of "food" news.

Gao Qiang and the others escaped for the last time a week ago, and they also escaped the farthest. That time they entered a laboratory by mistake and were shocked to find that there was an underground human experience room hidden in the second workshop of Nancheng Pharmaceutical Factory. The walls of the laboratory were covered with photos of observation of experimental subjects. It was Xiaoxiang or the sisters who were both prominently listed.

These experimental subjects all have their own numbers. Xiaoxiang is No. 7, and the two sisters are No. 15 and 16 respectively.

In the end, they were captured by Xiaoxiang who came after hearing the news. As punishment, this time Xiaoxiang took away two of them from the room. Those two people were just like the other people who were taken away from the room before. He never came back. This was the second time that Xiaoxiang took their people away, and those who were locked up with them before had already disappeared one after another.

Gao Qiang thought to himself that even if he failed again, he would fight him again. Maybe the group in the morning would be an opportunity for them. Otherwise, if they didn't wait for two more days, they would all be buried in the mouths of these monsters.

Gao Qiang listened carefully to the movements outside, and after basically making sure that no one was there, he motioned for a few people to come closer.

"What's wrong, Brother Qiang?"

Gao Qiang pondered for a moment and said resolutely: "I want to try again, I can't just wait to die."

Everyone was silent for a while, they had all lost their fighting spirit due to repeated failures.

"If you ask me, I would rather gamble again than die in such a miserable state." I don't know who whispered.

"That's right, Brother Qiang said that a group of very strong people have come. Maybe they will confront that woman, and we might be able to take advantage of it and run out."

"This is a map I secretly drew several times before. Maybe it can help." Someone else said.

"Okay, glasses, you are quite thoughtful."

Everyone spoke to each other at the top of their voices, and quickly started planning. They clenched their fists and looked at the hopeful people, thinking secretly in their hearts that if they don't succeed this time, they will have to... they can't become the food of those monsters.

Ruan Ning did not expect that the person they wanted to save was planning their nth escape just a few rooms away from him.

Ruan Ning, a heartless kid, finally realized after the girl went out, that Xiaoxiang was going to use some method to turn him into the same kind.

Ruan Xiaoning, who finally realized his fear, began to try his best to break free from the restraints on his body. What trapped him was a single bed with three iron hoops. Ruan Ning observed it carefully for a while and found that it should be an experimental bed. The three iron hoops are all automatically retractable and should be used to control the experimental subject.

He doesn't want to become an experimental subject. There must be a switch near the bed that can control the iron hoop. Where is it...

Ruan Ning stretched his neck and looked around a few times, and sharply noticed that there was a protruding metal button on the wall to the left of the experimental bed. There was no electricity on it. It was probably just a simple switch that could only control a certain function. something.

Is this it? Ruan Ning was immediately excited. With just one press, he could escape immediately. As for the so-called similar people, whoever wants to do it can do it.

"Hmm...hiss~" Ruan Ning tried to stretch out his arm from the iron hoop. The button was very close to the bed, and he could reach it as long as he stretched out his hand. Unfortunately, it was not that easy to reach out. No matter how Ruan Ning twisted or held his breath, he couldn't reach it. He failed to squeeze his left hand out of the iron hoop, but instead suppressed himself until his face turned red and he was sweating all over.

"Kekeke~ Fool, fool~" The familiar cry happened to sound again at this moment. This time it didn't sound like a woman's voice. It was much shriller than before. It was weird and annoying.

"Ahem, this...sir, can you please help me?" Ruan Ning asked politely in a low voice.

"Giggle~fool~" the annoying voice mocked.

(╰_╯)#Why is this person so annoying! !

"Well, could you please help me press the button on the wall? Please!"


Who is it? It's simply unbearable! Even Ruan Ning, who was good-tempered, was angry. He didn't bother to beg him anymore. He originally wanted to run away secretly. Since that didn't work, it was better to enter the space first. After entering, he would not know the situation outside. When he came out, he would be attacked by that little boy. It would be dangerous if Xiang was caught in the act. As both people with superpowers, Ruan Ning could feel that Xiao Xiang was much stronger than him and he was no match.

"Hmph! If it doesn't work, it won't work. Goodbye!" Ruan Ning said, feeling a heavy weight on his arm, and a pair of invisible claws grabbing his shoulders.

OK! You know what it is. Ruan Ning pretended not to notice and entered the space quietly.

"Pulling~" The guy wanted to run as soon as he entered the space, but was caught by Ruan Ning, who was well prepared.

"Still want to run away? But I've caught you, you little villain, who did you just call a fool?" Ruan Ning asked angrily, grabbing the little thing in his hand.

It turns out that the sound that has been bothering him turned out to be a myna. This thing is also called Qinji. It is very smart. Compared with its brother myna, the myna can often sing on its own without learning, and is good at imitating the songs of other birds. After training, he can also imitate human speech and learn to sing simple songs.

The thing in Ruan Ning's hand is obviously mutated. Compared with the ordinary Myna, it is smaller in size, only about 20 centimeters. Its mouth is orange-red, its feet and toes are bright yellow, and its feathers are black and shiny. He was obviously well cared for in the past.

At this moment, this little myna, which was playing tricks on people again and again, was staring at Ruan Ning with its dark brown round eyes. It tilted its little head, looking extremely innocent.

"Stop pretending, who is the fool!" The "cruel" Ruan Xiaoning was unmoved. As a good student who was admitted to a prestigious school before the end of the world, Ruan Ning was still worried about being insulted by Myna's IQ. .

"Good Xiaoning, good Xiaoning, I'm a fool." The mutated Myna is indeed not only able to understand human speech, but also very aware of current affairs.

After Little Myna finished speaking, he shamelessly rubbed his little head on Ruan Ning's hand obsequiously. He was so well-behaved and cute.

"Hmph! You're smart, tell me what other abilities you have besides imitating people's speech? By the way, why can't I see you outside? Are you invisible?" Ruan Ning relaxed when he saw that Little Myna was very clever. The hand is no longer holding it.

Anyway, in his space, Little Myna couldn't use his huge abilities. Ruan Ning discovered this through the mutated pine tree. Since the pine tree was implanted in the space, its pollen has no effect on Ruan Ning. Today, the little myna is also well hidden outside. , the invisibility will no longer be effective as soon as you enter the space.

The little myna tilted its head, obviously its IQ was not yet fully able to understand Ruan Ning's question, so it simply jumped onto his shoulder stupidly and started singing as if to please. In the past, whenever he sang, his master would feed him delicious food.

"Little swallow~ wears floral clothes~ is here every spring~"

"It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping on the soil. Who would have known...who would have known..." Uh, I'm stuck.

"Meal on the plate." Ruan Ning reluctantly helped it pick it up, and the little myna happily continued to carry it.

Ruan Ning was so amused by this idiot that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

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