inked ties | ahn soo ho x fem...

By alexspotatoes

42.1K 2.1K 849

- in which y/n discovers just how hot boys fighting can be. --- updates: currently irregular word count: TB... More

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9 | How Many Types of Pool Exist?
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11 | I Demand Stronger Regulations About Stalking!
12 | The Hero Complex
14 | Hospital Beds Can be Comfortable - With the Right Person
15 | Lover by Taylor Swift
16 | Dinner For Two
17 | Iced Americano or Frappuccino? Which Is Better?
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13 | To Nurse a Concussion, Rest in a Dark Room

1.5K 90 27
By alexspotatoes

ARTICLE TITLE: To Nurse a Concussion, Rest in a Dark Room

DRAFTED TEXT: I remember falling down from my bike when I was younger and hitting my head really bad on the cement. I had to be rushed to the hospital, and there I was told I had a concussion. I didn't know what that was at the time, but it sounded scary. My mom held my hand the whole time they bandaged my head and instructed me what to do and not to do. My mom isn't here now, though.

Y/n kept her eyes closed, the flickering lights making her headache worse. She sat next to Soo Ho at the edge of the ambulance, her head wrapped in a white bandage — she wasn't really sure how that helped, really — as Soo Ho's arm leaned back on the stretcher behind her. He had a splint around his arm, which had been broken, and a bandage on his cheek. His head was leaned on her shoulder as Si Eun stood in front of them.

''Gosh,'' Soo Ho groaned. ''Ox knee soup. I'm starving. I want ox knee soup.''

''I want a burger. I really want a burger.'' Y/n muttered after, picturing the meal in her head. She opened her eyes and looked at Soo Ho. ''Do you think if we pray hard enough, the food will fall from the sky?''

''We can try,'' Soo Ho said and brought his hands together in a praying motion, closing his eyes.

''What are you, a glutton?'' Si Eun judged.

Soo Ho popped an eye open. ''The thought of ox knee soup crossed my mind and I couldn't just let it slide. With radish kimchi . . . You know, right? Now, don't interrupt my prayer.''

''You guys are here.'' The three looked to the left; Bum Seok arrived, carrying three backpacks on his back.

''What on earth? You're alive,'' Soo Ho gestured to Bum Seok. ''I thought you were dead.''

Y/n furrowed her brows, which made her head hurt more for just a moment. ''Why would he be dead? The police were already there, dumbass.''

Bum Seok nodded. ''After you three went after him, I looked for Si Eun's phone. It took some time to find it.'' Bum Seok handed Y/n her bag first, then Si Eun, along with his phone. ''The screen cracked a little.''

''Thanks,'' Si Eun said.

''I'm surprised your phone is even still working,'' Y/n said, then winced. ''Fucking old bastard.'' She leaned her arms on her knees, then held her head.''

''Yoon Si Eun?'' a man spoke, but Y/n didn't look up. ''Come to the police station with me. I need your statement. I also need a L/n Y/n.''

Y/n looked up at the call of her name. ''I was told I have to go to the hospital.'' She pointed to her bandage. ''Si Eun can speak for both of us. I trust him.'' She wasn't sure how legal that was, but she didn't want to get involved with the police. She was already scared they would call her parents to the hospital and she would get in trouble.

The man looked at her for a moment, then looked at Bum Seok. ''You come, too.''

Once their friends were gone, Soo Ho put an arm around her shoulders. "Guess it's just you and me."

"Unfortunately," Y/n mumbled, her only intent to tease him; if anything, she was glad she was stuck with him out of everyone else.

"Ahn Soo Ho?" both looked up, a first-responder standing in front of them. Soo Ho hummed. "Since your arm was broken, we'll need to take you to the hospital to put a real cast on it. Additionally, as you said you were hit with a metal bat, we need to check your head for any deeper trauma. Do you have any relatives we can call to inform them of where you're going?"

Y/n noticed Soo Ho lick his lips before speaking. "Yeah, my grandmother." He gave them her contact information. "But is it necessary for her to come right now? She's old, I don't want her to get into an accident."

The woman looked up from the clipboard she'd been writing on. "As you are underage, we need your legal guardian present."

Soo Ho sighed. "Fuck, I can't even send Si Eun to get her or anything."

Y/n noticed the woman's eyes softened. "Okay, how about this. Can you arrange for her to come tomorrow? Then you can send a friend to help her."

Quickly, Soo Ho nodded. "Yeah, that'd be great. Thank you."

After writing something else on her clipboard, the woman then looked at Y/n. "You can go with him for now. For moral support."

Y/n nodded, her head slightly throbbing as she did. "Yeah, of course."

They loaded up Soo Ho on the stretcher, while Y/n sat on the small bench to the side on the way to the hospital. She stayed with him as they brought him to get an x-ray for his arm, then when they told him it was sprained and put a cast on it. He'd suffered some trauma in the head, worse than Y/n had, so he had to stay in the hospital overnight.

"I hate hospitals," Soo Ho said as he settled into his bed, his hospital gown barely covering his collarbone. "It's so boring here. And it reeks of antiseptics."

"I can stay with you for now," Y/n said and watched as he playfully rolled his eyes. At that, she got up from the chair next to his bed. "Or I can just go."

"No, no, no." Soo Ho rose up and grabbed her wrist with his good arm, making her sit back down. "You're not going anywhere. I'm not suffering alone."

"Now you owe me even more, you know," she said, settling back in her chair. Soo Ho didn't really let go of her hand, fiddling with her bracelets. She felt her chest tense, but she didn't move. He looked relaxed and he needed it after what he went through.

The door of the hospital room opened. ''Ahn Soo Ho?''

Both Y/n and Soo Ho looked ahead; a man with glasses and slicked back hair stood at the foot of Soo Ho's bed, a slick black suit on his body and an earpiece in his left ear. The two shared a quick look, then Soo Ho spoke. ''That's me.''

''I am a representative of the Oh family. You must be friends of Bum Seok's.'' The man's eyes then fell on Y/n. ''And you must be L/n Y/n, correct?''

Y/n felt Soo Ho squeeze her hand as she nodded. ''That's me.'' It felt odd that such an important looking person knew who they were. If anything, it brought chills down her spine.

''I am here to offer financial aid for any injuries and hospital bills you may have to cover due to the recent events,'' the man said, bringing out a checkbook. ''If you already have your total amounts, please give me the receipts and I will take care of it for you.''

Again, Y/n and Soo Ho shared a look. Then Y/n turned to the man again. ''Bum Seok sent you?''

''His father, to be precise.''

Y/n looked at Soo Ho again. Bum Seok was their friend, sure, but it seemed they didn't know him that well. How is Bum Seok's dad just going to pay for our hospital bills? Just how rich is he? What is going on?

Soo Ho licked his lips, then looked back at the man. ''Sorry, but I can take of it myself. Thanks for the offer, though.''

The man nodded without protest, then looked at Y/n. She touched the bandage on her head for a second, then gave the man a shake of her head. ''I don't need it, either. Thank you.''

The man looked between the two teenagers and put the checkbook back in his blazer. ''Very well. I wish you both a speedy recovery.'' Without another word, the man turned around and left.

''What the hell was that?'' Y/n immediately asked. ''Who is Bum Seok's dad and why would he want to pay our hospital bills?''

''Honestly, I don't care at the moment,'' Soo Ho, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. "I'm tired," he whined, his head lulling to the side so he can look up at Y/n.

"Sleep, then."

"If I sleep, you'll leave," Soo Ho said dramatically, as if it was obvious.

Y/n scoffed at his actions. "Since when are you so clingy?" Soo Ho didn't speak, continuing to look up at her, his thumb drawing circles on the back of her hand. Something was brewing, something she hoped would, but she didn't want to talk about it, not in the hospital, not after such a traumatic event. She gave him a smile. "Sleep. I'll be here."

"You promise?" his tone wasn't pleading, but Y/n could hear the sincerity laced within.

"Sure." She reached over and fixed his bangs a little, remembering how he'd fixed her hair before, too. "Sleep, dumbass. I'm not going anywhere."

Soo Ho grunted at the nickname, but he closed his eyes. His hand didn't let go of hers as his breathing leveled out, showing he was asleep.

It was odd, seeing him sleep in a real bed, let alone in a hospital one. He should be at school, sleeping on his small pink pillow, covered by Y/n's pink blanket on top of the three desks. She hoped he would recover quick so he can go back to that normality.

She took her phone, noticing it was slowly starting to get late. She opened her chat with her mother. Y/n had last texted her three days ago and the message still wasn't open. Still, she shot her another text saying she'll be home late, then opened a chat with Si Eun.

How's it going over there?

She didn't have to wait long for a response. I'll explain later. Which hospital is Soo Ho in?

It took about twenty minutes until the hospital room door opened again. Y/n looked up from her phone, her hand still not moving away from Soo Ho's. ''Hey, Si Eun— oh, you're here, too?'' Y/n's eyebrow quirked at the sight.

Despite Y/n's confused tone, Young Yi gave her a big smile and a wave. ''Hey there. You're Y/n, right?'' Y/n noticed the big bag on her shoulders. Now that the old man was gone, she was probably homeless.

''Right.'' Nodding, Y/n looked back at Si Eun, who had his usual deadpanned look on his face. ''Gonna explain?''

Si Eun didn't. He moved closer to Soo Ho's bed and tapped him on the shoulder twice. Soo Ho didn't stir, so he tapped him again — that's when his eyes opened and he slightly raised his head. ''What?'' Y/n felt his fingers tighten against her own.

''Well, she wants to apologize,'' Si Eun explained.

Again, Young Yi waved her hand at Soo Ho. ''Hi.''

Soo Ho's eyes were still squinted as he looked up at her. ''She doesn't sound at all like she's trying to apologize.'' He then looked at Y/n. ''Does it sound like that to you?''

''Give her a chance,'' Y/n said, looking up at Young Yi. Soo Ho followed suit.

''Sorry,'' was her whole apology. Y/n wanted to face palm.

Soo Ho chuckled dryly. ''What a weirdo.'' He reached to sit up and Y/n quickly stood up, supporting his black. He looked back at her with his usual cute smile. ''Thanks. How long was I asleep for?''

She checked the time on her phone as she moved to the other side of his bed, sitting next to his legs to be closer to Si Eun and Young Yi. ''Less than an hour.''

He nodded, then looked at Si Eun and Young Yi, who'd taken a seat on the vacant bed next to Soo Ho's.

''I'm not sure if this is a good thing, but Bum Seok's father covered it up,'' Si Eun explained. ''We're no longer part of the case. Kim Gil Su got arrested, though.''

''Is his father a chairman or something?'' Soo Ho asked. ''His secretary or whatever came and offered to pay for our hospital bills. We declined, but maybe we should've just said okay, huh, Y/n?''

''He's Assemblyman Oh Jin Won.''

Y/n's mouth dropped open. He's filthy rich. ''Oh,'' Soo Ho said, then he suddenly started breathing heavily.

Y/n immediately looked back at him, noticing him holding his cheek. ''Are you okay? Should I get the nurse?''

Soo Ho chuckled, but winced again right after. ''I'm okay, just sore. Don't worry about me, cutie.''

''When can you be discharged?'' Si Eun asked.

''It's just a slight fracture, so I can be discharged tomorrow.'' Soo Ho gave him a thumbs up — with his casted arm — and a smile.

''Then can I sleep over here today?'' Young Yi suddenly asked.

Y/n stiffened at her words. ''As you please,'' Soo Ho told her, making Y/n fight the urge to snap her head at him.

''Yes!'' Young Yi immediately got to settling in on the empty bed.

''You were so cool back there,'' Soo Ho suddenly said.

Young Yi nodded. ''I know I am.''

''I got goosebumps. 'Hey, you son of a gun!''' Soo Ho laughed as he impersonated her. '''Knock it off, you all!'''

''Stop impersonating me. Did you fall in love with me?''

Y/n's mouth involuntarily dropped open at that. Her wide eyes bore into Young Yi, who only now seemed to notice her expressions. Young Yi's eyes quickly dropped down to Y/n and Soo Ho's hands, still holding onto each other.

Soo Ho's laugher suddenly ceased and he squeezed Y/n's hand again. ''Knock it off.''

''Too bad.'' She quickly wrapped her arms around Si Eun's. ''I belong to Si Eun.''

Y/n blinked a few times at that, fully confused about the whole ordeal now. She shared a look with Soo Ho, who looked back at them, pointing his casted arm at the two. ''You guys are going out?''

''It makes sense now,'' Y/n finally found her voice to say. ''How you even knew about the whole information in the first place.''

''We obviously aren't,'' Si Eun said and pulled his arm away, only for Young Yi to grab him again, this time even leaning her head on his shoulder.

''We obviously are. We even share each other's locations,'' Young Yi explained. Y/n laughed upon Si Eun's tired expression.

''That's just a core function of the app,'' Si Eun explained, pulling his arm away again.

''Hm. We don't share our locations.'' Soo Ho suddenly looked at her with a small pout. ''Should we?''

Y/n chuckled, trying to hide the flustered feeling blooming in her chest. ''We aren't dating, dumbass.''

''Right.'' Soo Ho's gaze moved back to Si Eun, giving him a smile. ''You two look great together. Just go out with each other.''

''Knock it off,'' Si Eun said just as Young Yi wrapped her arms around his arm again.

She suddenly pushed him off, hitting him in the head. ''I hate you.''

Y/n laughed at their dynamic, then felt a weight on her shoulder. Soo Ho had leaned closer, letting his head rest on her. ''Y/n.''

''What is it? Are you gonna whine again?'' she asked as she patted his shoulder.

''Yes,'' he said, letting his injured arm rest across her lap in an attempted hug. ''I want a snack. I'm so hungry.''

''I'll go to the vending machine, then.'' Y/n tried to stand up, but Soo Ho didn't move. ''If you want a snack, you gotta let me go and actually get it.''


''Let Si Eun and Young Yi keep you company for a bit. Don't be clingy.'' Y/n pushed his head from her shoulder and he dramatically fell back on his pillow, looking at her with a pout and furrowed brows again. She chuckled at his expression. ''What are you, ten? Get it together.''

She grabbed her wallet from her bag and turned to the group. ''I'll be back.''

Once out of the door, she leaned against the wall, feeling her heart beating trice as quicker in her chest. What the hell is going on? Why's he so clingy all of the sudden? I mean, it's nice, but holy shit, can he let me breathe? Do I want him to let me breathe? Oh God.

The door opened again and she quickly straightened up, hoping she looked calm enough. Out walked Young Yi, her hands in her jacket's pockets. ''Hey, I'll come with you.''

Y/n let out a shaky breath. ''Okay.''

Neither was sure where the vending machines were, so they ended up walking around the hospital for a while. It was quiet until Young Yi asked a question. ''Are you and Soo Ho dating?''

Y/n halted in her steps for just a moment, but she tried not to let the question affect her. After all, she's been asked this before. ''No, we're not.''

''Hm. Sure looks like it, though,'' Young Yi said, then suddenly circled to stand right in front of Y/n, making her stop. ''But you like him, right?''

''Uh, yeah.'' There was nothing to hide, really. But she wasn't sure why she was admitting her feelings to a girl she just met, a girl she hated until yesterday. ''Don't tell him.''

''So he is off-limits, got it. My lips are sealed,'' she said as she did a zipping motion over her lips, then she fell back into step with Y/n. ''But I'm pretty sure he knows. And he likes you, too. I mean, he was cuddling you!''

''You were just cuddling Si Eun,'' Y/n pointed out.

''And who's to say I don't like him?'' Young Yi reasoned.

Y/n thought for a second, then shrugged. ''Fair.''

''You know, Y/n.'' Young Yi suddenly wrapped an arm around Y/n's. ''I think the two of us will make great friends.'' Y/n laughed; she wasn't sure what the future held, but Young Yi didn't seem like a bad person, even with her past taken into account.

They finally found a vending machine and Young Yi got to buying things first, rambling about something Y/n wasn't really paying attention to. Her mind was stuck on her previous words. And he likes you, too. I mean, he was cuddling you! Could he have started liking her in such a short period of time? Dumbass, I started liking him the moment he came up with that dumb nickname. He had more than enough time to start liking me . . . right?

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