12 | The Hero Complex

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ARTICLE TITLE: The Hero Complex

DRAFTED TEXT: There are people out there who believe they were meant to help, to save others, even when there was no need to. They strive to be seen was heroes, to be worshipped as ones, even. Where does that need stem from and why did he have to have such a complex? (cut that last part out)

Y/n stood between Si Eun and Bum Seok, arms crossed as they watched Soo Ho approach the black car. They stood there for a bit, then the uncle from the day before and Soo Ho got inside the car and drove off. Some members stayed behind, however; Y/n pursed her lips, her eyes falling on Si Eun as he started walking down. Sharing a look, Y/n and Bum Seok followed.

Surprisingly, the girl with the purple highlights approached Si Eun and he didn't immediately back away. ''Did he go to the accommodation?''

''Yes,'' Si Eun said.

''Is he going there alone?'' She asked, worry laced in her voice. ''You said you're calling the police here.''

''We'll get him on site. Give me the address,'' Si Eun explained.

Y/n looked between the two of them, wondering why they seemed so friendly. Is this how he learned very thing about those people in the first place?

''It's seventeen-one, Sanggye-or, Nowon-go, Seoul,'' she quickly recited and Si Eun wrote it on his phone. ''It's a detached house with a blue door.''

Y/n's phone buzzed; he must've sent it in the group chat. Her hand found itself at her mouth as she chewed on her finger, her stomach turning. What if he got discovered? What if the man just wanted to hurt him anyway? Y/n didn't really take them seriously, but maybe it was time to.


Her gaze moved to Bum Seok, whose arm was lifted to call a taxi coming in their way. Si Eun ran after him, and Y/n quickly followed. ''Hey, what are you doing?'' Si Eun asked and held at the taxi's door, preventing Bum Seok from entering.

For a moment, Bum Seok stopped struggling and looked at Si Eun. ''It's all good if we pay with my money. Why do we have to send Soo Ho there alone? You saw how they are. What if something bad happens to him?'' Si Eun didn't speak, and he didn't hold the door either, allowing Bum Seok to climb in.

Y/n's hand grabbed the door this time, trying to step in, but Si Eun grabbed her shoulder. ''Si Eun—''

''You said it yourself,'' he said, his eyes almost desperate. ''If we give them the money, they won't stop. We have to get the police there.''

Biting the inside of her lip, Y/n froze in her spot. Bum Seok was looking up at her from the taxi, and Si Eun still held on her shoulder. If she went with Bum Seok, Si Eun would be alone, with no one to help him fight. If anything, Bum Seok might end up with Soo Ho, so he should be okay, right?

With a sigh, Y/n stepped back and closed the door, allowing the taxi to take off. Si Eun's hand dropped off her shoulder. Their eyes met. ''Let's go get the police.'' Nodding, Y/n followed right after Si Eun as he sprinted ahead.

Y/n bounced her leg later as they sat in the police car, watching the GPS showing they had two minutes left until the house. Soo Ho had sent them a voice message describing the door earlier, though there had been nothing from Bum Seok, making her stomach churn more and more the closer they got.

''This is not our jurisdiction,'' one of the policemen said as they finally came to a stop. Y/n gulped, unsure of what that meant — she just needed them to save Soo Ho and Bum Seok.

As promised, the blue door was there, but it was quiet. Too quiet. The police rung the bell a few times, but there was nothing. ''Anyone in there?'' After no response again, the policeman rapidly knocked on the door. ''Is anyone in there?''

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