11 | I Demand Stronger Regulations About Stalking!

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ARTICLE TITLE: I Demand Stronger Regulations About Stalking!

DRAFTED TEXT: How obsessed does someone have to be with someone else to start stalking them. Or even worse, when they send other people to stalk the poor person for them? Really, when is the matter so serious that you need to resort to such tactics? And why does the police never take such cases seriously. [REDACTED].

Y/n walked out of the school with Eun Hye at the end of the day, talking about a show they'd recently buddy-watched, both of them gushing over how good looking the main male lead was. ''. . . and when he rolled his tongue, oh my goodness.'' Eun Hye said, fanning her face dramatically.

That made Y/n remember Soo Ho's fight with the baseball team, when he'd done the same thing. She chuckled. ''Right? That was so hot.''


She yelped and looked back, Soo Ho coming to stand between the two girls. ''Jeez, Soo Ho, don't creep up on me like that.''

''Yeah, yeah.'' He looked at Eun Hye. ''I'm gonna have to steal her, sorry. See you later.''

Neither Y/n or Eun Hye could protest before Soo Ho suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the side, just before they could start going down the slope. ''Soo Ho, what the hell? What do you want?''

''Bum Seok texted,'' Soo Ho said, his hands on her arms now. ''Those people Young Bin called are waiting at the school entrance. They didn't do anything to him and Si Eun, so I think they're just here to scare us. I wanted to warn you so they wouldn't freak you out.''

Y/n didn't know if she should feel flattered due to Soo Ho's concern about her or drown in anxiety about who was waiting for them. ''We still have another day. You think they won't jump us?''

Soo Ho shook his head. ''Not in front of the school, no. We can walk together, don't even look at them. Pretend they aren't there.''

''Don't give them the satisfaction. Got it.'' Y/n nodded and Soo Ho's hands dropped from her arms; Y/n missed the touch for a moment, though he wrapped an arm around her shoulders just a moment later. Neither of them commented as they started their march down the slope.

As promised, the sleek black car was there, along with Seok Dae and a few others. ''Just ignore them,'' Soo Ho whispered, pulling her closer to himself as they took to the left to go to the parking lot. Y/n did as told, keeping her gaze away.

''These people are crazy,'' Y/n said as they made it to Soo Ho's mopped. ''You think they actually mean business?''

''Who knows. We can go to the police if they actually try something.'' He took his helmet from the back and handed it to her. ''Come on, I have some time before I have to go to work, so I'll drop you off at home.''

''Thanks.'' She didn't want to protest, not when she'd have to be confronted with those people if she walked home alone. She was tough, but she didn't think she could take on five thugs at once.

The ride home wasn't long, nor lonely; when she looked back, Y/n noticed two bikes following not too far from them. Surely they were from Seok Dae's people, and that fact only solidified when Soo Ho stopped the mopped to let her get off. ''Text when you get in,'' he told her as he took his helmet and put it on his own head.

''Yeah, sure.'' She eyed the people behind them. They, too, had stopped, not even trying to be subtle. ''Text if something comes up.''

Soo Ho nodded and took off, one of the bikes following him. Y/n didn't put on her headphones as she walked towards her building, listening as two people walked behind her, neither of them talking. She hurried over to the elevator, managing to catch it with a neighbor of hers; it closed just as the two, a boy and a girl, tried to follow.

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