The White Wolf of China

By SelemenceTube

16.3K 504 68

(Kung Fu Panda X Garou Wolf Reader) some years after Tai Lung destroyed the valley a Wolf cub was left at the... More

Character Info
Garou Origins
The Dragon Warrior Ceremony
The Panda
Training days
Balance Shift
Final Battle

The one About Tai Lung

1.5K 55 14
By SelemenceTube

Later that night
3rd Pov

It was after the training and Po finally made it back up to the jade palace where he was in his room groaning in pain while Viper was in front of him and mantis was on his back poking needles into him

Po: I thought you said acupuncture would make me feel better. He said in a whiny tone before mantis poked another needle int him

Mantis: trust me, it will. It's just not easy finding the right nerve points under all this... he thought for the right word

Po: fat?

Mantis: fur, I was going to say, fur. He pulled the needle out and moved back onto Po's back

Po: sure you were. He says sarcastically

Mantis: who am I to judge a warrior based on his size? Look at me. Po looked over his shoulder but the wrong side I'm over here... he said exasperatedly before stabbing a needle into Po's shoulder making him yelp in pain

Viper: maybe you should take a look at this, again. she held up a picture of Panda anatomy

Mantis: oh... he exclaimed in realisation okay. He moved back onto Po's back making him shout again in pain and then laugh as mantis was tickling and hurting him at the same time

Po: I know master Shifu is trying to inspire me and all... mantis jumped off his shoulder and he looked at him and viper in front of him but if I didn't know any better, I'd say he was trying to get rid of me. He chuckles while Mantis and Viper look at each other before smiling back at him

Mantis: I know he can seem kind of heartless... he jump onto Po's shoulder and pokes a needle into his neck ...but he wasn't always like that.

Viper: according to legend, there was once a time when Master Shifu actually used to smile.

Garou Pov

Garou came out of his room because of the shouting before hearing the conversation and Tigress seemed to come down the hall as well as they both listened

Po: no! He says with mock surprise

Mantis: Yes.

Viper: but that was before.

Po: Before what? He leaned closer to listen but Tigress suddenly opens the doors to the room with Garou standing behind her

Tigress: before Tai Lung. The three in the room looked surprise before crane spoke from his room over

Crane: we're not really supposed to talk about him. He says worriedly before Garou steps into the room

Garou: if he's staying then he needs to know as well.

Po: guys, guys, I know about Tai Lung. He looked at Garou he was a student. The first to ever master the thousand scrolls of Kung fu. He started speaking sheepishly when Garou stood close to him and then he turned bad, and now he's in jail...

Garou: he was far from a student. I started explaining the story Shifu found him as a cub, outside of the palace, same as me....and he raised him as his son. And when the guy showed potential in Kung fu...Shifu trained him. He believed in him. He told him he was defined for greatness. It was never enough for Tai Lung. He wanted the dragon scroll. But Oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused. Outraged, Tai Lung laid waste to the valley. He tried to take the scroll by force. And Shifu had to destroy what he had created. But how could he? Shifu had loved Tai Lung like he had never loved anyone before. I looked back at Tigress who looked solemnly at the ground or since.

Tigress: he face hardens and she looks at Po And now he has a chance to make things right. To train the true Dragon Warrior, Garou may have turned down that right, and now he's stuck with you. She said with hostility to both of them a big fat panda who treats it like a joke. Po's body stiffens and his face contorts making tigress enraged oh! That is it! She is about to attack Po but mantis jumps on his head

Mantis: wait! My fault! I accidentally tweaked his facial nerve. Po falls over flat on the ground covered in needles And may have also stopped his heart. He taps on Po's face as the Panda twitches

Short Timeskip

I left the living quarters to go to the peach tree, I knew I'd find master Oogway there, I couldn't help but catch the guilt from both Tigress and Shifu. They seem to blame me for all of this, since the day I turned down the dragon warrior position and as I arrived I found him standing under the peach tree and doing his exercises

Garou: Master... I say quietly as to not bother him to much

Oogway: ah, Garou. He doesn't stop and just speaks I had guessed you would be guided my radiate Guilt under you're confident exterior.

Garou: I knew you would know. I stand behind him and look at the tree but there's more to that, Master...there's also a lot of regret...from that day I turned down you're and Shifu's decision, now the only animal to ever take care of me seems to despise me. And tigress herself has a hatred.

Oogway: he chuckles and turns to Garou I see, you believe Shifu is disappointed in you and Tigress dislikes you, yes? He shakes his head slowly Garou, freedom is the right of all living creatures, all you did was express you're freedom.

Garou: what do you mean...? I walk up beside him

Oogway: I knew you wouldn't become the dragon warrior he smiles you, Garou, are the black wolf.

Garou: my fur is white, Master? I say in pure confusion at this as he chuckles once more

Oogway: yes, but, the black wolf is someone who knows they are destined to be more than what everyone wants them to be, I knew that from the moment you arrived here, from young you seemed like you were destined to become something better than the 'Dragon Warrior'. He says it almost with a tone of disgust

Garou: so what you're saying is...even if I accepted the offer it still wouldn't have been what I was meant to be? Oogway nods and walks up to the peach tree hitting his staff on it as a peach drops drops into his hand a peach?

Oogway: no, it's you. Look at that peach and tell me what it is you see? He walks slowly towards Garou

Garou: a peach... I look down at it

Oogway: now take out the seed from that peach. Garou breaks the peach in half by using his claws and takes out the pit from the peach that seed can one day grow into a peach tree, just like this one he gestured to the peach tree and when it does it has reached its goal.

Garou: so how am I the peach and not the seed? I say in confusion

Oogway: because, from the pit it grows into a tree and from that tree, you get the peach. The peach albeit, grown and ripe and ready to eat still has a use which is to exist for another peach tree to survive. You are the peach because you're constantly adapting to survive to become something infinitely greater.

Garou: so what you're saying is, no matter what, I'm still destined to become something far greater than even the dragon warrior? I say with interest and even slight hope

Oogway: I don't know, I was just thinking about peaches. He chuckles and Garou smiles and lets out a chuckle as well before someone calls out

Shifu: master! Master! He runs up the steps finding Oogway and Garou as Oogway makes a "hmm?" Sound in response I''s very bad news. He says breathing heavily

Oogway: ah, Shifu. He faces Shifu there is just new. There is no food or bad. He says with a smile on his face

Shifu: Master, you're vision. Your vision was right. Tai Lung has broken out of prison he's on his way. He says fearfully and panicked

Oogway: his eyes widened that is bad news... Garou was in shock before his face turned into a snarl ...if you do not believe that the Dragon Warrior can stop him.

Shifu: the Panda!? Master, the panda is not the Dragon Warrior. He wasn't even meant to be here! It was and accident! Garou was supposed to be the dragon warrior like I raised him to be! Garou looked away

Oogway: there are no accidents. Shifu sighs

Shifu: yes, I know. You said that already. Twice. He turned away

Oogway: well, that was no accident, either he says with a lighthearted chuckle

Shifu: thrice.

Oogway: my old friend. The panda will never fulfil his destiny, nor you yours, until you let go of the illusion of control that Garou escaped from those years ago. Shifu's ears poked up

Shifu: illusion?

Oogway: yes, look at this tree for, Shifu. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before it's time. He looks at Shifu

Shifu: but there are things we can control. He moves swiftly and kicks the tree truck making peaches fall from it as Oogway's smile fades I can control when the fruit will fall. A peach falls on his head making Oogway and Garou chuckle to themselves And I can control... he throws the peach up and jumps before chopping the peach in half catching the seed ...where to plant the seed! He punched the ground making a hole that is no illusion, Master. He drops the seed into the ground

Oogway: ah yes, but no matter what you do... he walks up to Shifu who had his ears pricked back ...that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach. Shifu paced back and forth while Garou stood in silence thinking over what Oogway had told him

Shifu: but a peach cannot defeat, Tai Lung! He said with a tone of frustration

Oogway: maybe it can, if you are willing to guide it. To nurture it. To believe in it. He pushes dirt over the seed and looks at Shifu

Shifu: but how? How? I need you're help, master. He said pleadingly

Oogway: No he shakes his head you just need to believe. Promise me, Shifu. Promise me you will believe. He says smiling hopefully

Shifu: I will try. He says hesitantly as the peach tree leaves start stirring for some reason as Oogway stands up

Oogway: Hm, good. He smiles and looks at Garou before nodding at him you will find you way, Cosmic Warrior. Garou stares in confusion and he looks up my time has come. Garou stands beside Shifu as Oogway hands his staff to Shifu you both must continue you're journey without me.

Garou: Master Oogway, you don't mean... I say with my face full of concern

Shifu: what...what...what are you. Wait! Oogway walks to the edge of the ledge as the beach tree leave blow all over Master! He walks after Oogway while Garou watches you can't leave me! Oogway turn around

Oogway: you must believe. The petals gather around him and Garou stares in disbelief and hurt

Shifu: Master! He shouts with a pained voice as Oogway just...blows away with the wind and Shifu stands holding his staff

Garou: ""Cosmic warrior....what did you mean by that...? I always hated it when you did things like that, Master Oogway, but thank you."" I thought to myself while Shifu stood quietly in the same spot

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