inked ties | ahn soo ho x fem...

By alexspotatoes

41.7K 2.1K 849

- in which y/n discovers just how hot boys fighting can be. --- updates: currently irregular word count: TB... More

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12 | The Hero Complex

1.4K 84 23
By alexspotatoes

ARTICLE TITLE: The Hero Complex

DRAFTED TEXT: There are people out there who believe they were meant to help, to save others, even when there was no need to. They strive to be seen was heroes, to be worshipped as ones, even. Where does that need stem from and why did he have to have such a complex? (cut that last part out)

Y/n stood between Si Eun and Bum Seok, arms crossed as they watched Soo Ho approach the black car. They stood there for a bit, then the uncle from the day before and Soo Ho got inside the car and drove off. Some members stayed behind, however; Y/n pursed her lips, her eyes falling on Si Eun as he started walking down. Sharing a look, Y/n and Bum Seok followed.

Surprisingly, the girl with the purple highlights approached Si Eun and he didn't immediately back away. ''Did he go to the accommodation?''

''Yes,'' Si Eun said.

''Is he going there alone?'' She asked, worry laced in her voice. ''You said you're calling the police here.''

''We'll get him on site. Give me the address,'' Si Eun explained.

Y/n looked between the two of them, wondering why they seemed so friendly. Is this how he learned very thing about those people in the first place?

''It's seventeen-one, Sanggye-or, Nowon-go, Seoul,'' she quickly recited and Si Eun wrote it on his phone. ''It's a detached house with a blue door.''

Y/n's phone buzzed; he must've sent it in the group chat. Her hand found itself at her mouth as she chewed on her finger, her stomach turning. What if he got discovered? What if the man just wanted to hurt him anyway? Y/n didn't really take them seriously, but maybe it was time to.


Her gaze moved to Bum Seok, whose arm was lifted to call a taxi coming in their way. Si Eun ran after him, and Y/n quickly followed. ''Hey, what are you doing?'' Si Eun asked and held at the taxi's door, preventing Bum Seok from entering.

For a moment, Bum Seok stopped struggling and looked at Si Eun. ''It's all good if we pay with my money. Why do we have to send Soo Ho there alone? You saw how they are. What if something bad happens to him?'' Si Eun didn't speak, and he didn't hold the door either, allowing Bum Seok to climb in.

Y/n's hand grabbed the door this time, trying to step in, but Si Eun grabbed her shoulder. ''Si Eun—''

''You said it yourself,'' he said, his eyes almost desperate. ''If we give them the money, they won't stop. We have to get the police there.''

Biting the inside of her lip, Y/n froze in her spot. Bum Seok was looking up at her from the taxi, and Si Eun still held on her shoulder. If she went with Bum Seok, Si Eun would be alone, with no one to help him fight. If anything, Bum Seok might end up with Soo Ho, so he should be okay, right?

With a sigh, Y/n stepped back and closed the door, allowing the taxi to take off. Si Eun's hand dropped off her shoulder. Their eyes met. ''Let's go get the police.'' Nodding, Y/n followed right after Si Eun as he sprinted ahead.

Y/n bounced her leg later as they sat in the police car, watching the GPS showing they had two minutes left until the house. Soo Ho had sent them a voice message describing the door earlier, though there had been nothing from Bum Seok, making her stomach churn more and more the closer they got.

''This is not our jurisdiction,'' one of the policemen said as they finally came to a stop. Y/n gulped, unsure of what that meant — she just needed them to save Soo Ho and Bum Seok.

As promised, the blue door was there, but it was quiet. Too quiet. The police rung the bell a few times, but there was nothing. ''Anyone in there?'' After no response again, the policeman rapidly knocked on the door. ''Is anyone in there?''

The other policeman turned to Si Eun and Y/n. ''Kids. Is this house correct?''

''Yes,'' Si Eun said.

Sounds kept coming from their walkie-talkies, filling the awkward silence. One of the policemen coughed and spoke. ''It's going to be difficult.''

''Let's just go back today. You can come to the police station later,'' the other one said.

Y/n's eyes widened. ''No, we can't go now. We have to find them.''

''We don't have a warrant,'' the other one said. ''We can't do anything with those photos.''

''I'll pass the photos to the section in charge of violent crimes. Come to the police station to make a statement later. Answer the phone when we call you.'' With that, the two policemen walked away without a care, leaving them standing in front of the blue door.

''Si Eun,'' Y/n's voice was quiet so the policemen wouldn't hear. He looked at her. ''What are we going to do?''

Si Eun didn't speak, but he started looking around. Walking past Y/n, he made it to the corner of the fence and looked up, then back at Y/n. ''Here.''

There was a place where the barbed wire didn't fully cover the wall; Si Eun beckoned Y/n to follow and he leaned down, cupping his hands for her to step on. With his help, she managed to scale the wall without cutting her legs and she quickly jumped over, Si Eun following right after.

It looked like a regular house, with a few chairs littering around, some weights, a cooler and an umbrella. It was quiet, but Y/n and Si Eun still moved quietly through the premises, unsure of what to expect. Si Eun went ahead and tried to open the door, only to find it locked. At that, he quickly went to grab a weight and throw it through the glass, sticking his hand in and opening the door from the inside.

The house was empty.

''They're gone,'' Y/n breathed out. ''They knew we were coming.''

Si Eun moved further in and Y/n closed the door behind her. ''Y/n.''

She quickly moved over to him at the call, looking down like him — blood was smeared on the ground, next to it a metal bat. Her breath hitched. ''Soo Ho?''

Si Eun immediately looked up at her. ''It might not be his.''

Y/n appreciated his attempt to console her, but it was obvious. She ran a hand through her hair, trying to stop her hands from shaking. Who the hell are these people? Quickly taking her phone out, Y/n called Soo Ho's number.

''The phone is turned off. Please leave a message after the beep.'' She bit her lip and pulled her phone down, then tried to dial Bum Seok's number. Same result.

Si Eun had continued further in the meantime. Y/n pocketed her phone and walked after him, entering another room — it looked like a storage room, but it was empty. Walking further in, Y/n noticed an opened, empty vault as well.

Dialing someone on his phone, Si Eun quickly put it on speaker; the person on the other line answered after one beep. ''What's happening?'' It was the girl with the pink highlights.

''We came to the address you gave me. But no one's here,'' Si Eun said. There was a brief moment of silence, Y/n and Si Eun's eyes meeting. ''Those scums too Soo Ho, didn't they?''

''Add me on With Map first,'' the girl said.

''What?'' Si Eun asked in confusion.

''Give it here.'' Y/n quikcly took his phone and swiped up, then opened the App Store on his phone and downloaded it. ''We can share out locations with it.''

''Right. Download it and follow me with it. I'll text you my username.'' Y/n did quick work of downloading the app, then copied the username the girl had given her.

''Where are you going?'' Si Eun asked as the girls worked.

''I don't know,'' she said. ''Make sure you come with the cops. Or we will die for real.''

''Okay,'' Si Eun said.

Once the app was set up and Y/n took note of the girl's — Young Yi's — location, she handed Si Eun's phone back. They decided to leave, though Y/n didn't follow until she took one last look at the bloody mark on the ground. Please be okay.

They grabbed a taxi and sat in silence the whole ride. When they made it, the black car was there, as were a few moppeds. Si Eun called the police as they started walking up the slope of a locked park — an amusement park by the looks of it, though it was most likely abandoned. Once they made it to the top, they started running; Si Eun had noticed Young Yi had stopped moving, so she must be there already.

Grunts stared filling the air and they finally made it to the hideout — Y/n's eyes widened as her eyes fell on her friends. ''Soo—''

Si Eun clapped his hand over her mouth and pulled her back behind the corner. ''Hold on.''

''Let go.'' Y/n pushed his hand off and looked back at him, whisper-yelling. ''We have to go help them!''

''I know.'' Si Eun was looking down at his phone now, pulling up YouTube. He quickly typed in police sirens noises and played the video, hiding his phone in some bushes. Within seconds, the siren blared through the park and only then did Si Eun walk ahead, Y/n right at his steps.

The man laughed at the sight of them. ''I thought you were darn weak,'' he said, his eyes on Si Eun. ''But you're actually gutsy.''

Y/n's gaze moved to Soo Ho and Bum Seok who sat back to back, their arms bound. First, she needed to free Soo Ho so he could join the fight if necessary — and if he was even capable of fighting. Y/n didn't know the extend of his injuries yet.

''It's over. The police are coming,'' Si Eun said. ''They will search your car down the hill, too.''

''Damn it,'' the man cursed and he, along with a few of his kid-criminals ran off without even giving them a second glance.

Y/n didn't waste any time. She ran over towards Soo Ho and Bum Seok, quickly falling to her knees in front of Soo Ho; they were eye to eye now, and Y/n noticed the blood on his lip. She grabbed his head and pulled him even closer. ''What did that bastard do to you? We saw blood.''

Soo Ho chuckled. ''It's cute when you're worried about me,'' he said and leaned forward, letting his forehead rest on her shoulder. In normal circumstances, Y/n would be freaking out, probably push him off from embarrassment, but now, knowing he was hurt, she would let this one slide and gulp down the heat rising to her neck.

''Sorry we're late,'' Si Eun said.

''Untie us. We almost got killed,'' Soo Ho murmured from Y/n's shoulder. Si Eun grabbed a piece of broken glass and pulled on Soo Ho's arms, making him wince; his head leaned back up and away from Y/n's shoulder. ''Easy, my arms hurt.''

''Let's hurry and leave this place,'' Si Eun said, quickly cutting through the tape holding both Soo Ho and Bum Seok's arms.

Soo Ho got up and threw the tape away, holding onto his arm; Y/n extended a hand for Bum Seok to help him up. ''You okay?'' she asked, receiving a nod and a quiet thank you.

''I'll never go to an amusement park again,'' Soo Ho complained, though his grin quickly disappeared. ''Why are they back?''

''Damn it,'' the man walked back with his kid-criminals, holding onto Si Eun's phone. Y/n sighed, realizing this wasn't really over yet. He held it up for the four to see. ''Hey, you're pretty smart. You jerks are making a fool of me.'' He slammed Si Eun's phone on the ground, making Y/n wince. That's going to be expensive to fix. ''Get those morons. Get them!''

The group of kids advanced at them as they slowly started backing away. ''Did you have to fool us, too?'' Soo Ho complained, lifting his arms.

''Sorry,'' Y/n said and quickly dodged a punch coming her way, grabbing the guy by the arm and twisting it behind his back, then kicking him hard, making him topple on the ground. She heard footsteps behind her and quickly dodged a kick, then a punch. She managed to get a hit in the guy's ribs, then a kick in his shin. He stumbled to the ground, then Y/n received a blow in the shoulder, making her immediately turn. It was the guy she'd kicked down earlier, and he looked angry. No matter, she sent a punch in his jaw, then the side of his head, then turned back to roundhouse kick the one behind her, sending him fully to the ground.

Before she could fully turn back, the guy that was still standing tackled her to the ground; her backpack cushioned her fall and she was thankful she hadn't brought her laptop that day. She was on her back as he leaned over and tried to punch her straight in the nose, but she quickly rolled to the side, using her leg to kick him in the face.

She heard the maniacal laugh behind her. ''Did you think I wouldn't use a knife against a kid?'' Looking back, she noticed the man standing with a knife in his hand, Si Eun in front of him with a fresh cut on his face. ''So, you should've just listened when I told you to give money and get lost. Don't you agree?''

Y/n was about to run over to help when a gunshot rang through the air and she quickly covered her head, closing her eyes on instinct. ''Raise your hands and freeze!'' Popping an eye open, Y/n noticed the policeman pointing his gun around the whole group. ''Respond, two-twenty. This is forty-three. Regarding report number two-nine-one-seven, it's an assault case. Respond, two-twenty. This is forty-three. This is regarding— Stop!''

The man had started moving towards the police officer, his hands in the air. ''There must be a misunderstanding.''

''This is a real gun!'' the police officer pointed out.

''Yes, I know,'' the man said as he tried to hide behind one of the kids. He slapped the back of his head. ''Right? We played soccer together the other day . . .'' Suddenly, he thrust the kid at the police officer and took off, running away before he can be stopped.

The police offer caught the boy and held him down, still pointing his gun at the rest. ''Don't move.''

Si Eun was the first one to run off after the man, disregarding the police officer's yells.

''Yeon Si Eun, where are you going?'' Soo Ho yelled at him, but Si Eun ignored him, too. Soo Ho was the next one to run; Y/n's eyes quickly moved between the gun and Soo Ho. He won't shoot. He hasn't shot anyone else yet, you won't be the first lucky one. She dropped her bag from her shoulders, praying Bum Seok would think to get it before he leaves, so it wouldn't slow her down. Her legs moved then, too, following right after Soo Ho.

She ran up some stairs, then down some. When she arrived, she heard Soo Ho speaking. ''This won't do. You need a beating.'' Coming to a stop just behind the corner, she hid behind some bushes; she could surprise attack him, then they can get the upper hand.

''Why are you all messing with me today? Damn you little . . .'' the man cursed. ''Fine, bring it on.''

There was loud breathing, the man's laugher. Y/n took a step closer and watched as the man swung his knife at the two boys, then her eyes fell to the ground. A long, metal stick lay there. Her eyes moved back to the man, seeing him preoccupied enough that he wouldn't pay attention to her, and she ran out from the corner, reaching down to grab the stick. Holding it tightly with two hands, she quickly swung at his ribs as quick as she could, making him yell in pain.

Soo Ho, using the opportunity, punched the knife out of the man's hand and it flew to the side. Y/n kicked it further away so he wouldn't be able to get it again. In the meantime, the man had started punching Soo Ho, cornering him to a fence and holding him by the throat. He punched Soo Ho, sending him toppling to the ground; at the same time, Y/n rose the metal bar and hit him in the back, making the man yell again.

As if in slow-motion, the man turned around, his hair disheveled and his eyes looking crazy. ''Little girl, just how annoying can you get?'' He swung a fist at her, which she quickly dodged; when he tried again, she raised the metal bar and he punched that instead, making him wince. That didn't seem to stop him, as he grabbed the ends of the metal bar, forcing it hard against Y/n's forehead.

Her grip on the metal bar slackened and she took a step back, her vision black for a split second. She managed to focus again quickly despite her throbbing head, dodging as the man swung the bar at her now. Just as he was about to swing at her again, Si Eun suddenly appeared behind the man, wrapping his belt around his neck and pulling him back.

Soo Ho had gotten up by then and tried to punch him, but he got kicked back. The man elbowed Si Eun in the ribs, but he still didn't let go. That ended with the man flipping Si Eun over and managing to escape him, but Y/n had moved to grab the metal bar again, hitting his knee — he fell down, allowing Soo Ho to kick him in the head and finally knock him out.

The man fell to the ground and Soo Ho was about to hit him again in case he rose up, but he didn't. They stood in silence for a moment, watching, but nothing happened. Y/n's grip on the metal bar slackened and it clanked as it hit the ground. She breathed heavily as she dropped to the ground, loosely pulling her legs to her chest and holding onto her throbbing head.

''Hey, you insane?'' Soo Ho asked and she looked up; he was talking to Si Eun. ''You shouldn't have gone after him alone.''

Y/n snorted at his words. ''You're one to talk.''

Soo Ho finally looked at her. ''Why the hell did you come? Did you get hurt?'' he moved over to her now, kneeling down. Much like she'd done to him earlier, he cupped her head and inched his face closer, his eyes moving all over her face.

Y/n quickly pushed his hands off; her head was throbbing too much to appreciate the gesture or feel flustered. ''I'm fine.''

''I wasn't alone,'' Si Eun suddenly spoke and both of them looked at him. ''You guys came.''

Soo Ho laughed in disbelief. ''You're a total weirdo. You know that?''

Si Eun touched his cut and winced. ''Talk about yourself.''

''You always talk back. If I were you, I'd just submit. You weirdo.'' Soo Ho said.

Si Eun didn't speak, but moved to tie the man's hands behind his back with his belt. Soo Ho dropped to sit next to Y/n and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into him. ''You really saved our asses there. The way you just came behind him with the bar and just wham!'' Soo Ho made a dramatic cutting motion with his free arm. ''And you just smacked him, that was so badass.''

''Yeah, can't say the same to you. All I saw was dodging and you getting choked,'' Y/n joked and leaned her head on his shoulder, whining dramatically. ''I lied. I'm not fine, my head hurts.''

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