The God-Beast (A Jay Love Sto...

Galing kay linettig5678

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You know the story of Mal and the VK's, well what if Ben had an older sister. "I could hurt you." "I'm willi... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Descendants 2 Cast
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Descendants 3 Cast
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15

105 4 0
Galing kay linettig5678

Audrey, The Ember and The Isle

Alexis' POV

"Who else knows about the crown and the scepter?" Evie asked as herself, Mal and I were sat in the studio of her little starter castle.

"No one. I mean, think about it, people are scared enough as it is. We have to employ these entirely new security measures." I told her taking a bite of the donut she had given me, which was a delicious jam filled, oreo donut.

"Will this delay our bringing over more VKs?" Evie asked me making me ense up at the thought of that conversation when Mal decided to answer.

"We're talking about closing the barrier for good." Mal told her making me swing my hhead up and oer to her as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"But you guys said no, right?" She then asked as I just stared at Mal waiting for her to answer.

"I mean, the four of us are living the dream here, and we finally get to share that. I mean what could be more important than that?" She asked again as I felt the tears build up in my eyes thinking about it.

"Yeah. I know. - I mean, maybe security. Or maybe peace of mind for everyone in Auradon." Mal told her as I grabbed my water bottle and took a sip of it.

"Is that what they're thinking? M, were they seriously thinking that no one will ever go in and out of the Isle ever again? What, we never get to go back and see our parents? And what about these kids? We promised them that they could go back and visit whenever they wanted." Evie spoke as I just nodded along to what she was saying.

"Yeah." I commented looking down at the floor playing with the ring on my finger.

"Alexis, I'm so glad that Jay is going to be King and that he and Mal will be a part of these conversations. They can stand up for the VKs. Thank god." She said getting up and coming over to hug me.

"Yeah. Thank god." I replied back staring at Mal, while rubbing Evie's back.


The next day, Jay, Eli and myself were over at Evie's getting everything ready for Jane's birthday party before we left.

"Whoo! Morning. Got the beach towels?" Carlos asked as we were getting the picnic basket ready. Well more me, Evie, Lydia and Allison were. The boys, however, were sat playing cards in the living room.

"These." Lydia said tossing some apples to Evie to put in the basket as I put the towels into the basket.

"I really think she's gonna like the cake, you guys." Allison said putting nakins in the basket as I began filling up the water bottles at the sink.

"Oh, no. Okay, who got into Jane's cake?!" Carlos asked sounding stressed as I looked out the window by the sink to see Eli, Celia and Dizzy sat outside eating the cake, making me chuckle under my breath.

"Here, let me see, I'll fix it." I laughed walking over to the cake using magic to fix it.

Once I did I noticed Jay shoot a look to the guys.

"It's fine, Jay." I told him after walking over to him.

"Are you sure? You seem to be using your magic a lot lately. I just want to make sure you're feeing yourself." He explained as I put my arms around his neck.

"Jay, I'm fine." I replied playing with the hairs that weren't up in his man bun.

"Well, I worry about you." He said to me as I just smiled at his concern.

"Don't be. If anything, I should be the one worrying about you. You're joining royalty soon. It can't be easy when you've lived on the Isle your whole life." I told him as he laughed slightly at me.

"Stoptrying to make this about me." He retorted before leaning in to kiss me when we heard loud laughing coming from outside.

We all went to check it out, except for Dizzy and the twins, when we saw Audrey with the sceptre and the crown.

"So long, suckers" She shouted before leaving in a puff of pink smoke and we turned to see Mal, but... old.

"Uh, you might wanna think of a spell for that." Stiles told her after getting a fright from her.

"There's no spell that can revers the curse of the sceptre." Mal replied as we looked... down at her.

"Well, that's a shame." Carlos comented earning him an elbow in the side from Evie.

"Forget about me. Audrey's out for revenge ad all of Auradon is in danger." Mal told us as I tried to keep in laugh not being able to take her seriously when she looked that old.

"What should we do?" Isaac then asked as I thought about the history of the sceptre.

"The only thing more powerful than the sceptre... is Hades ember." I grimaced as the others groaned.

"Oh, like he's just gonna hand it over after you blew him back to the Isle." Jay then commented as I sighed.

"And no one knows where his lair is." Evie spoke up as Celia and Eli walked over to us.

"We do, we're his errands rats." Eli told us as I smirked at him.

"I've got the key at my dad's." Celia then told us.

"Then you guys are coming with us." I told them both

"But we just got here." Eli then complained as I just shrugged at him.

"Mal?" We heard before turning to see Dizzy and the twins and they panicked after seeing Mal, old.

"Dizzy, stay here to take care of thee twins we'll be right back and everything will be just fine. Go inside.# Evie told her as she pulled the twins inside and Lydia and Allison followed behind them.

"Guys, go get your stuff." I then said turning to Eli.

"You come with us." I told him as he followed Jay and I back towards the castle to get changed.


"Right go and get changed then meet us out the front." I told Eli as Jay and I were about to walk off.

"Actually, Alexis can I talk to you quickly, please?" He asked me and I nodded as Jay looked at me.

"I'll be through in a second." I told him and he walked off to get changed.

"What's up?" I asked him putting my hands on my hips

"I overheard you, Evie and Mal talking the other day and... are you really gonna close the barrier for good?" He asked shocking me as I had no idea he had heard that coversation.

"Oh my god, no. I am so sorry you heard that. No. The barrier is not shutting so long as I am here. I won't give up on the VK's, okay? Come here." I replied pulling him into a hug rubbing his back before pulling away.

"You do not have to worry about a thing. Leave it to me." I then said grabbing his face as he smiled at.

"Okay, now go get changed we gotta go soon." I told him making him smile and nod before walking off.

I walked to mine and Jay's room to see him putting his gloves on when he looked up to see me.

"Hey, Eli okay? What did he need?" He asked as I took off my jacket walking into the wardrobe to get my outfit out.

"He overheard Mal telling Evie about the barrier." I told him walking out and going over to the drawers next to the bed.

"Oh god. What did you tell him?" He questioned following me back into the wardrobe as I began to get changed.

"That so long as I'm here that will never happen." I replied fastening a pair of jeans.

"Alexis, you know that we have to--" He tried to tell me before I cut him off.

"No, it's not happening and I don't care what it takes. I'm not letting those kids be forgotten." I replied as he just sighed at me.

"I am not giving up on them. I will find another way to keep evil out of Auradon, okay?" I questioned as he just nodded at me.


After getting changed Jay and I got on our bikes, with Eli on the back of mine, and met the others, minus Lydia and Allison who decided to stay back to look over the twins and Dizzy, at the edge of Auradon where Mal cast a spell on all our bikes.

"Noble steeds, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere" She chanted then we all drove over the water on our bikes to get to the island.

When we got over there we all took off our helmets after parking up outside of Facilier's place.

"Hey! I'm me again." Mal explained after seeing that she was no longer old.

"Duh! Evil magic doesn't work here." Celia told her starting to walk over to the door.

"Kind of the point." Eli then stated as Celia began hitting a rhythm on the door as I walked over and watched.


We walked in when we saw Facilier talking to Hans when Celia and Eli ran over, Eli nearly tripping on the way.

"Hey! Daddy!" Celia shouted before her and her father began doing a dance.

"Hey, Dad." Eli then said as I watched from afar to see Hans comletely dismiss his son.

"Your son said hello. We know you don't care about him, but at least have the decancy to reply." I told him as Scott, Stiles and Isaac walked over to me to hold me back if anything happened.

"You may be the Queen Alexis, but you're not mine. I was shocked the other day though. I havent seen anyone overpower Hades since Zeus did it..." He said squaring up to me, before trailing off as a smirk formed on hs face.

"What are you smirking at?" I questioned before I realised what he knew.

I was then pulled away by Jay when we heard the sound of motorbikes.

"Wow. Rookie mistake? How did we manage that?" Stiles then questioned as we saw Harry Hook, Gil and some of their friends on our bikes.

"Long time nae see!" Harry shouted to us as we walked over to them.

"Get off my bike, Hook!" Jay growled at him as Harry began revving the engine of Jay's bike.

"Catch me if you can, Jay!" He exclaimed before driving off as Jay ran over to where they just were.

"Over the roofs! Cut 'em off. Yeah." He told everyone as they ran off. Eli and Celia about to follow when Mal and I stopped them.

"Hey, hey , hey, not you two. They've got this. We've gotta go find the ember." I told tem as I had ahold of Eli's arm.

"Good timing, it's about his nap time." Eli then told us as Celia nodded at him as we began walking over to Hades' lair.


When we got there we saw signs about a dog and Mal stopped us pointing at the sign.

"How big is that dog?" She asked them as Celia looked over at her.

"You'll see." She commented as I watched her walk in.

We walked in and we went over to some tracks to see a mine cart with some hats on it. We put them on and started biking the mine cart through thee tunnel. We then got of and walked into a room to see him laying on a couch with sunglasses on, probaby sleeping. Celia then pointed over at a vinyl player which was pplaying barking noises. Mal then walked around to grab the ember from behind him as I hid behind a pillar.

"What are you two doing here?" He then said as I got worried that he had caught us when Eli spoke up.

"We noticed you were low on canned corn." I heard before hearing the sound of someone grabbing a person's wrist.

"Hi, Dad." I heard Mal say as my eyes widened. Her too.

"Why don't you come out, Alexis." He then said making me sigh as I walked out to see him looking at me.

"Dad." I spat out hearing Eli and Celia gasp.

"Quite the show you put on the other day." He said standing up and beginning to walk over to me.

"Hats off to you too." I replied sarcastically as he just smirked at me.

"Hmm. I was just coming to see you, Alexis." He spoke while circling me.

"Really? I wonder why? Perhaps it's because I'm the Queen." I questioned him walking down some steps as Mal, Eli and Celia watched our interaction.

"Now, Alexis, don't be sour." He told me while looking in a mirror touching up his hair.

"You got my mother pregnant and gave me your full powers, then you abandoned before I was even born." I reminded him walking forward slightly.

"No. No, I got thrown back on the Isle. That was hardly my fault." He tried to argue.

"So what you're saying is that it isn't your fault that you're a villain?" I questioned looking at him directly in the eye.

"Aww. Boo-hoo. Wake up and smell the stink. You think you've had it rough? I used to be a god! I had an entire world which bore my name, and now I have nothing! You have no idea what feels like." He exclaimed as I stalked over to him with wide eyes.

"Oh yeah? For the last 20 years, I have had to hide who I am every day of my life because of you! Because of you I have had to put up with all those prissy pink princesses and 'perfect' princes slander villain kids and I couldn't do anything about it! Until now." I shouted at him as him and Mal looked over at me in shock.

"But unless I get my hands on that ember, it is game over. For all of us." I then continued glancing over at Eli and Celia at the last part.

"Hold, please." He then replied and I heard music begin to play.


Alexis, Hades, Both, Celia and Eli, Mal

Listen, little girls
You're talking to a god
And I don't wanna hear the drama
Kindness ain't my brand

Oh, I guess that's why you ran

Try being married to your mama

You stink at being a dad

Poor Alexis, are you sad?

Not as sad as you without your powers
I didn't come to fight
For once do something right

I steal souls
We're you expecting flowers

I only need you 'cause I came here for something

I've given you everything

By giving you nothing

I did what I had to do


No, you only did what's best for you

Well, you could learn a thing or two


When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do, yeah

You were never there
Guess you don't have a phone
You never called to say, "I miss you"

Are you kidding? Is this a joke?
You need to let it go
You're stronger with those daddy issues

Oh, thank you

Show me some respect
It ain't easy to neglect
My attention would've made you softer

Ooh-hoo, should I be proud?
Don't turn this thing around

I guess you are your father's daughter

Don't think I need you, I just came here for something

I've given you everything,

By giving you nothing

I did what I had to do


I made it on my own, no thanks to you

Well, you could learn a thing or two


When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do
How 'bout I go with you and we'll spend some time?

How 'bout you stay here
'cause you're out of your mind

Let's make new memories, you can show me the town

No, you can keep your memories now

Get over it

I am over it

I'm over you being over it

Let's dance

I did what I had to do


No, you only did what's best for you
Well, you could learn a thing or two


When push comes to shove, you do
When push comes to shove, you do
When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do, yeah


"Oh, please." I said waving the smoke away from in front of my face as Dad stuck his tongue out like there was an audience in front of him.

I then turned to him as my back felt uncomfortable against his. I was about to speak when Mal interrupted me.

"Do you wanna make up for being a lousy dad? Give me the ember." She told him walking over to where we were stood on the platform.

"The ember only works for me." He then told her as I yawned at her attempt to get it from him.

"No, it'll work for me. We're blood." She told him insisting that it would work for her.

"You're only half Hades. The ember won't do everything for you that it does for me. Which is why, I'll give it to Alexis. She has ful l Hades power. It'll work for her." He told Mal turning to me and handing it to me, but he pulls it back before I can grab it.

"If it gets wet, it's game over." He warns me and I just give him a look in response.

I grab it from him then walk away with Mal. Celia and Eli following behind me.

"That's my girl." I hear him mutter under his breath making me smile slightly.


As we're about to walk out to go and meet up with the others Eli speaks up.

"I guess that's the reason why he's always asking about you." He said walking beside me as I keep the ember in my hand.

"Guys, listen. Up until the only ones who knew that he's my dad is me, my Mom, .... Beast and Fairy Godmother. So you can't say anything to anyone. Especially Jay. Got it?" I asked them and they all nodded their heads.

"Why don't you want Jay finding out?" Celia then asked me as we stopped by the gate.

"Because it's a lot to take in." I replied before walking ahead of them to meet the others at the barrier.


Another chapter up and complete. I honestly can't believe it's almost finished, I'm going to be so sad when I finish. I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to read this book. For future chapters I will most likely be adding in some things from other movies and TV shows. I will also be doing extra chapters after for things like the wedding and just general future things.

Thanks. ;)

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