inked ties | ahn soo ho x fem...

بواسطة alexspotatoes

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- in which y/n discovers just how hot boys fighting can be. --- updates: currently irregular word count: TB... المزيد

1 | Should Math Really Be a Mandatory School Subject?
2 | Rise and Shine: The Need for a Later School Start
3 | Being a New Student SUCKS! Surviving Your First Day at a New School
4 | Testosterone in the Classroom Should be Banned
5 | The Shoulder Touch: Was Uncle Aaron Onto Something?
6 | Sleeping With or Without Socks? Let's Discuss.
7 | The Attractiveness of Riding A Motorbike
8 | Working in Gastronomy Isn't Always Bad
9 | How Many Types of Pool Exist?
10 | Eat The Rich
12 | The Hero Complex
13 | To Nurse a Concussion, Rest in a Dark Room
14 | Hospital Beds Can be Comfortable - With the Right Person
15 | Lover by Taylor Swift
16 | Dinner For Two
17 | Iced Americano or Frappuccino? Which Is Better?
18 | Helmets Are Important!
19 | Friendships - How Do They Work?
20 | Vapes Are Overrated
21 | Daddy Issues Are Essential Part of Character Development
22 | Wear Your Fucking Helmet
23 | Bro Idk I Don't Have Time For This Rn

11 | I Demand Stronger Regulations About Stalking!

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بواسطة alexspotatoes

ARTICLE TITLE: I Demand Stronger Regulations About Stalking!

DRAFTED TEXT: How obsessed does someone have to be with someone else to start stalking them. Or even worse, when they send other people to stalk the poor person for them? Really, when is the matter so serious that you need to resort to such tactics? And why does the police never take such cases seriously. [REDACTED].

Y/n walked out of the school with Eun Hye at the end of the day, talking about a show they'd recently buddy-watched, both of them gushing over how good looking the main male lead was. ''. . . and when he rolled his tongue, oh my goodness.'' Eun Hye said, fanning her face dramatically.

That made Y/n remember Soo Ho's fight with the baseball team, when he'd done the same thing. She chuckled. ''Right? That was so hot.''


She yelped and looked back, Soo Ho coming to stand between the two girls. ''Jeez, Soo Ho, don't creep up on me like that.''

''Yeah, yeah.'' He looked at Eun Hye. ''I'm gonna have to steal her, sorry. See you later.''

Neither Y/n or Eun Hye could protest before Soo Ho suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the side, just before they could start going down the slope. ''Soo Ho, what the hell? What do you want?''

''Bum Seok texted,'' Soo Ho said, his hands on her arms now. ''Those people Young Bin called are waiting at the school entrance. They didn't do anything to him and Si Eun, so I think they're just here to scare us. I wanted to warn you so they wouldn't freak you out.''

Y/n didn't know if she should feel flattered due to Soo Ho's concern about her or drown in anxiety about who was waiting for them. ''We still have another day. You think they won't jump us?''

Soo Ho shook his head. ''Not in front of the school, no. We can walk together, don't even look at them. Pretend they aren't there.''

''Don't give them the satisfaction. Got it.'' Y/n nodded and Soo Ho's hands dropped from her arms; Y/n missed the touch for a moment, though he wrapped an arm around her shoulders just a moment later. Neither of them commented as they started their march down the slope.

As promised, the sleek black car was there, along with Seok Dae and a few others. ''Just ignore them,'' Soo Ho whispered, pulling her closer to himself as they took to the left to go to the parking lot. Y/n did as told, keeping her gaze away.

''These people are crazy,'' Y/n said as they made it to Soo Ho's mopped. ''You think they actually mean business?''

''Who knows. We can go to the police if they actually try something.'' He took his helmet from the back and handed it to her. ''Come on, I have some time before I have to go to work, so I'll drop you off at home.''

''Thanks.'' She didn't want to protest, not when she'd have to be confronted with those people if she walked home alone. She was tough, but she didn't think she could take on five thugs at once.

The ride home wasn't long, nor lonely; when she looked back, Y/n noticed two bikes following not too far from them. Surely they were from Seok Dae's people, and that fact only solidified when Soo Ho stopped the mopped to let her get off. ''Text when you get in,'' he told her as he took his helmet and put it on his own head.

''Yeah, sure.'' She eyed the people behind them. They, too, had stopped, not even trying to be subtle. ''Text if something comes up.''

Soo Ho nodded and took off, one of the bikes following him. Y/n didn't put on her headphones as she walked towards her building, listening as two people walked behind her, neither of them talking. She hurried over to the elevator, managing to catch it with a neighbor of hers; it closed just as the two, a boy and a girl, tried to follow.

Shit, if they stay here, they'll still see my floor. Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose and pressed a different floor than usual, ignoring her neighbor's odd look. Once there, she walked out of the elevator and walked the three extra floors up to her apartment. Only once inside the safety of her home was she able to breathe properly.

She didn't leave the house for the rest of the day — not even when she started craving noodles and wanted to go to the store because they'd ran out. She checked through her window periodically, but the two figures never left; another person even joined them at some point. Do these people have nothing better to do? She chewed on her nail as she looked down, Soo Ho's red sweater on her body making her feel at least a little less anxious.

Her phone dinged. She picked it up, seeing the group chat was active.

These lunatics are hanging out in front of the restaurant, Soo Ho had texted.

Bum Seok was next. They kept following me with their bikes and honking, but I managed to get away.

Y/n's fingers moved quickly. They almost followed me to my apartment, but I managed to loose them. Now they're just hanging out downstairs in front of the building.

Fucking Young Bin, I'll kill him, Soo Ho wrote.

What are we going to do? Y/n texted.

There was no answer for a bit. Then, Bum Seok sent another message. I have an idea.

What is it? There was no response to Soo Ho's message. Dude. Bum Seok, what's the idea?

I think he's gone, Y/n pointed out the obvious, which was followed by an annoyed-looking emoticon from Soo Ho. She chuckled.

As she walked downstairs the next morning, she noticed new three people there. What the hell, are they stalking in shifts? A honk rang through the space and Y/n looked ahead, seeing Soo Ho there with his mopped, helmet off. She sighed in relief, thankful she wouldn't have to walk to school alone.

''What're you doing here?'' Y/n said as she grabbed the helmet with no hesitation. ''And how long have you been here for?''

''Like, twenty minutes,'' Soo Ho answered as he watched her strap on the helmet. ''I didn't want to let you walk alone with those weirdos following us around.''

''Thank you,'' Y/n said and climbed in the back, holding on the metal bars on the sides as Soo Ho started his mopped. ''You know, you should probably get a second helmet, since you're driving people around so much.''

''Hm. It's just you. You're using me for a free ride,'' Soo Ho pointed out, causing her to snort.

''You're the one offering.''

The two other moppets followed them like last night, though Y/n wasn't scared this time, not when she was with Soo Ho. ''Have you talked with Bum Seok?'' Soo Ho asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

''No. I tried texting him privately, but he didn't answer,'' Y/n said. ''Do you think his idea is going to work?''

Soo Ho shrugged. ''Who knows. But it better get those psychos off our backs, it's getting annoying.''

The ride to school wasn't long, and the people stopped following them once they stepped foot on campus. Soo Ho looked back, his hands in his pants' pockets as he chuckled. ''Losers, they can't follow us in here.''

''Thank fuck,'' Y/n said, holding on her backpack strap.

There was a brief moment of silence before Soo Ho spoke. "What's your favorite color?"

"Huh? Don't you have anything better to worry about right now?" Upon hearing his silence and seeing his curious look, she sighed. "Pink. And also blue and purple and yellow, but my top one is pink, I think. Even thought I really used to hate it as a kid. But now I really like it." After finishing the sentence, Y/n realized she'd rambled. "Sorry for that. It's pink." Fuck, why did I go on a tangent like that? No one likes people rambling, fuck.

Soo Ho chuckled, not judging her for the ramble at all. "Yeah, not surprised."

"What's that supposed to mean, dumbass?" Y/n slapped his shoulder lightly, making him laugh more. "What about you then?"

Gesturing to his clothes for the day — a red T-Shirt and a red jacket — he said, "Isn't it obvious?"

Y/n eyed him up and down, trying to look as judgmental as possible. "Yeah, not surprised."

"Hey, that's my line, get your own." Even though he was annoying — not really — Y/n was glad he was there to get her mind off things.

The moment they stepped into the classroom, Bum Seok ushered them back out, Si Eun coming right after him. ''Gosh, what is it?'' Soo Ho asked after a yawn. Bum Seok walked in front of the whole group, leading them to the chemistry lab. ''I'm hungry.''

Soo Ho closed the door as last and the four of them gathered around a desk. Bum Seok put his backpack on top and looked between his friends, licking his lips a few times before he finally spoke. ''I'll handle it today.''

Y/n rose her brows, her arms crossed. ''Sorry?''

''What?'' Soo Ho asked as well.

''Three days have passed,'' Bum Seok said. He unzipped his bag and pulled three stacks of bills. ''It's fifteen thousand dollars.''

Y/n's lips parted, her eyes widened. This kid is filthy rich. Holy shit.

''Let's end this after handing him the cash,'' Bum Seok said.

''What is this?'' Soo Ho asked.

Bum Seok glanced at the money for a second, then back at Soo Ho. ''My parents gave it to me.''

Soo Ho shook his head. ''Are you kidding me?''

''What kind of parent just casually gives their kid fifteen thousand dollars?'' Y/n questioned. ''Where did you get this money from?''

''Why does it matter?'' Bum Seok stuttered just once, looking at her.

''Answer her,'' Soo Ho said and stepped closer. ''Where did you get it?''

When Bum Seok didn't answer, Si Eun finally spoke up. ''What's going on?''

''I sold my dad's watch,'' Bum Seok finally admitted, looking between all three of them. ''But it's inherited to me anyway.''

''You're crazy,'' Soo Ho shot out immediately. ''Why do we have to give money to that bully? We can call the police. Take back the money and get back the watch.''

''He said it's no use to call the police,'' Bum Seok reminded.

''If we give him the money now, who's to say he'll stop?'' Y/n pointed out, her eyes meeting Bum Seok's. ''We shouldn't fall into this trap. It's better to go to the police.''

''Bum Seok,'' Si Eun continued. ''Thanks. But I'll take care of it, so don't worry.''

Both Y/n and Soo Ho looked at him. ''What do you mean? Let's just call the police,'' Soo Ho said.

''Yes. I will.'' Si Eun nodded. He then pulled his phone out, opening his gallery and showing them a picture of a bunch of folders. ''He makes the runaway kids work.'' He showed them more pictures and relayed more information he'd learned about the whole situation. ''He deals with the illegal loans using the bank accounts of the kids. He makes them transport drugs, too. That's how they get involved in crime. So that they can't escape. They say they have a transaction book, a contract, and drugs in the accommodation, so we just need to bring the police there.''

''How did you get to know all these?'' Soo Ho asked immediately once Si Eun was done. ''Did you use Google?''

An audible smack rang through the classroom when Y/n face-palmed, then winced. ''That was strong, fuck.''

''No, I just . . .'' He didn't elaborate, but Y/n had a vague idea he had contact to one of those kids.

Y/n looked at Bum Seok, whose lips were pursed. ''Bum Seok.'' He looked at her, his eyes droopy, discouraged. ''Thank you for trying to cover for us. We appreciate it. If it comes down to it, this could be our Plan B.'' Bum Seok gave her a hesitant nod and a small smile.

''Si Eun has a good plan. Shall we go after we eat? Yes? I'm starving.'' Soo Ho asked as the four of them walked down the campus slope.

Y/n had told her friends she had to leave quickly, following right after the three boys. She felt back for ditching them, but they didn't know anything about the settlement and the threats, and she wanted to keep it that way. They didn't need more people involved.

Soo Ho, who was walking ahead, came to a stop, making the rest follow. Looking down, Y/n noticed the — now — familiar car waiting for them, a few people in casual clothes surrounding it. The same people who've been following them around for the past twenty-four hours. ''Did they wait here the whole day? Do these people have nothing better to do?'' Y/n asked.

Soo Ho cracked his neck and turned back to the four. ''Wait, wait, wait.'' He pulled them all in a circle in the middle of the way, uncaring of the rest of the students passing them.

''Why?'' Si Eun asked.

''I'll go alone first,'' Soo Ho said.

Y/n snorted. ''No, you're not. Are you dumb?''

''What?'' Si Eun followed.

''If they have a transaction book, and drugs in the accommodation or office, we need to bring the police there,'' Soo Ho explained.

''Yes, I'll call them,'' Si Eun cleared.

''No, no.'' Soo Ho shook his head. ''We have to catch them on the spot. Not with some of those pictures. I'll go first and text you the address. You bring the police. I'll buy us some time.''

''You can't go there alone,'' Bum Seok said.

Y/n quickly nodded at that. ''He's right. I'll come with you.''

''No, you won't,'' Soo Ho gave her a smile. ''I'm a representative of Byeoksan High School. Don't you trust me? It'll be fine. See you.'' He raised his hand to wave, then started walking down.

Y/n quickly followed after, almost falling down the slope; she grabbed Soo Ho's biceps and pulled him back, making him look at her. ''What the hell are you doing? Stop acting like a cool hero or something. I'll come with you.''

''No, you'll stay with Si Eun and Bum Seok, and you'll go get the police.'' He brought a hand up, ruffling her hair as he smiled. She flinched away so he wouldn't ruin it. ''Don't worry about me, cutie. I'll be fine.''

Even with his reassurance, she didn't let go. If anything, she held on tighter, refusing to let him take a step further. ''Soo Ho.''

''Y/n.'' He placed a hand over hers, the one that was still holding his arm, holding him back. ''Trust me.''

The two held gazes for a moment. He had a small smile on his face, looking overall relaxed. His hand still held hers, gently unwrapping her fingers from around his arm. He took a step forward and gave her a childish wave, then turned around to continue down the slope.

Y/n watched as he blended with the crowd and looked back at Si Eun and Bum Seok. ''If he dies, I'll kill him.''

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