Phai & Bank ( Love Syndrome)

By unaisaas

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#Bl # lovesyndrome #mature #bl #boyxboy #bxb #bxblove #lovesyndrome #mature #maturelanguage #maturity #mxm #r... More

CHAPTER - 12 🔞
CHAPTER - 18 🔞
CHAPTER - 20 🔞


1.2K 42 3
By unaisaas

It's been a month after Phai's birthday party. The time has finally come for Pin's son to be born. Phai took Pin to the hospital to await the birth with her prenatal doctor. Phai's parents were excited to see their grandson's face. As for Pin's parents, they sometimes seem happy, but they seem to be hiding some worries that Phai is unaware of, but he thought that Pin's parents were worried about the daughter they will give birth to soon.

- How are you, Pin? Are you excited? - A prenatal nurse asked the woman lying on the bed in the hospital room.

- Very excited. - replied Pin, with Phai sitting next to her shaking her hand.

- Bank didn't come with you? - Phai asked about Bank because he thought he would come with Pom.

- He has to work at billiards. - Pom replied, lying. Because Bank didn't want to come, but he doesn't know exactly the real reason for Bank's absence.

- You don't need to come now. You can come visit later, I don't want too many people. - said Pin.

- So, when does Pin have to go to the delivery room? - Pom asked while Phai looked at the clock.

- 4pm. - Phai replied, because she is going to have a cesarean section.

- I hope it works. I'm waiting to hear from my nephew. - he said smiling, before Pom spoke a little more to Phai and walked away, leaving Phai and Pin alone.

Pom drove to visit Bank at the store. When he arrived, he found Bank sitting behind the counter.

- Hey, why are you stressed? - Pom asked when he saw Bank sitting with a frown.

- What are you thinking, Phi? Did you just get back from the hospital? -Bank

He asked.

- Um, Phai asked about you too, because you didn't go. Did he call you? - Pom asked while Bank shook his head.

- He must have been busy, Phi. Why would you call me? - Bank replied calmly. Bank knows that today is Pin's son's birth day, which makes Bank feel his heart ache in a strange way. It was as if something was about to break. He also had a deep

- Bank, I really want to ask you, do you have any problems

with Phai? - Pom asked as she sat down next to Bank. Bank stopped when he heard the question.

- Why do you ask? - Bank asked.

- I don't know, I feel like since Phai got married you're not the same, you're not as bright as before. Ai Phai is someone who has things to think about and stress about all the time. Plus, you and he argue a lot. - Pom said. Bank was silent for a moment upon hearing this because he didn't think Pom would notice.

- Everyone has their own duties, P'Pom. P'Phai has a family, he has a son, he has a wife. He doesn't have time to come and hang out with us like he used to. - Bank said calmly.

- There's something, right? Pom asked. Bank was silent for a moment and looked at Pom's face.

- What thing? What do you mean? - Bank asked curiously.

- If you could choose, you would like

for him to get married and have children? - Pom asked, without answering Bank's question.

- No. - Bank replied bluntly before letting out a big sigh.

- But I can't choose. Today he will be a father. said Bank with a slightly bitter smile. Bank felt his heart sink and sink, even though he should have been happy for Phai.

Pom stared at Bank, he felt a little irritated, but he still doesn't want to think about it. Whether what Pom thought was right or not, he kept it in the back of his mind, looking forward to the day when he would have the confidence to ask Bank directly, as well as his friend Phai.

- And when the baby is born, will you visit them? - asked Pom.

- Eu I have to go, but let's go

talk about it, I don't know if I'll go to the hospital or maybe to his house. - Bank replied calmly. If Bank is invited, he will have to go. Bank doesn't really want to go, but if he doesn't go, it will seem a little rude.

- If you want to go one day, tell me. We will go together. - Pom said again. Bank nodded.

- Phai, do you want to come in too? - asked the nurse as she took Pin to the delivery room.

- I... I didn't think I was going to get in. -

said Phai.

- Phai, you don't need to come in. - Pin spoke first. This caused Phai and Phai's parents to look at each other in disbelief.

- Pin will be fine now. Don't worry about that. - she said with a slight smile.

- But I should stay by your side, aren't you scared? - Phai asked back.

- Pin is not afraid. Phai waits here with everyone. - said the woman again. Phai nodded.

- So I better wait for Pin in front of the delivery room. Phai said, wanting to see the baby soon. Pin was silent for a moment before nodding. A nurse took her to the delivery room. When Pin enters the delivery room, Phai sits at the front of the room waiting. Phai was worried and thoughtful, so he picked up his phone and called Bank immediately. At this moment, Phai wanted to talk to Bank, he wanted Bank to be beside him, but the other party just didn't come.

(Yes, Phi) Bank answers the phone making Phai swallow hard as if swallowing a piece of rock.

What are you doing? Phai asked.

(I'm in charge of billiards.) Bank replied, and an awkward silence filled them as they both fell silent.

(-Pin gave birth?) Bank breaks the silence.

-You just entered the delivery room. I'm here at the front of the room. Phai replied.

(So ​​you didn't go in with P'Pin?) Bank asked again.

- Pin doesn't want me to come in. - Phai replied again and was silent for the second time.

(-I'll wait until P'Pin gives birth and I'll visit him.) said Bank, not wanting to prolong the silence between the two.

- Can't you come now? Come and be a friend. - Phai asked softly. He wanted Bank to come

to your side without knowing why.

I can't go yet, P'Phai, I'll let the air conditioning technician come and check the air conditioning in the VIP room. I don't know what's wrong. It is not

right. There was water running all the time.) replied Bank, his voice a little stagnant.

(I will definitely see you tomorrow, P'Phai.) Bank said again. Phai

he sighed softly.

Hmm. - Phai responded briefly before Bank asked him to

hang up because he has to talk

with the air conditioning technician. Phai also hung up, but sighed

and breathed again as he sat on a bench in front of the delivery room with a turbulent feeling

in the chest. He sat and waited for a long time, until the nurse

came and told him that Pin had given birth. He was a boy as they discovered earlier and is

about to be taken out of the delivery room to go to the recovery room.

- When will I see him? - Phai asked immediately.

- I'll take you to the recovery room soon. You can go

to the recovery room first. said the nurse with a smile. Phai smiled at her. He waited until the nurse pulled out Pin's bed. Phai hurriedly walked towards her.

How was the birth? - Phai asked worriedly, holding Pin's hand.

- I feel like I'm completely

relieved. she said with a smile before being taken to the special recovery room that Phai


Phai and Pin's parents came to inquire worriedly about Pin's condition; A moment later, the room door opened and a nurse pushed in.

a small bed.

- He is here. - said the nurse. Phai ran to his son

immediately and when he saw the face. from the boy, he felt strange, but he shook off that feeling before smiling a little when he saw his son yawn.

- Come on, let's take a look.

Phai's mother said so she could look. Phai's parents were silent as they looked at

Phai and his grandson alternately, but

they didn't say anything.

- Pin, honey, you look tired. - said Phai's mother.

- Please let the mother hold the baby

so she can give him some milk. said the nurse, before slowly carrying the little one. Pin took it and held it. Phai looked at Pin's face, so Pin was the one

He looked away and looked at his son
with a smile.

- You are very pale. - said the nurse. Pin smiled.

- It's better for Pin to breastfeed first. Let's eat something, okay? Pin's mother said before leaving the recovery room. Only Pin, Phai and the nurse remained. Phai sat next to the bed and looked at the little son who was sucking milk from his mother's breast.

- Have you practiced bathing your child? - asked the nurse.

- Yes, I didn't attend the course, but my mother taught me. - Phai replied.

- So, ma'am. Pin, let dad bathe him for you. - said the nurse again.

- I go. - replied Phai, until the child was full of milk and fell asleep. The nurse placed him on a small bed with wheels.

If there's anything, you can call me. - said the nurse again before leaving. Only Phai and Pin remained. Phai walked to his son's bed and touched his cheeks lightly with a finger.

- All newborns have the same face. - said Pin, which made Phai stop.

- That's right, I can't even see who he looks like. - said Phai smiling. Before he and Pin help each other name the child.

- Can you name him Dewin? - offered the girl. Phai's face was a little confused, because her real name was Kannikar and his real name was Phana, both names refer to trees, so Phai thought that they would name the baby with the name related to some tree.

- So the nickname would be Win. - the woman suggested again.

- Why does Pin want to give it that name? - Phai asked curiously. The woman was a little nervous.

- Pin liked it, Phai. Let's name it. - asked the girl. Phai nodded.

- Okay, just because Pin is looking longingly at me for calling him that. Phai replied, making the girl smile widely.

The next day...

Bank and Pom went to visit Pin in the hospital with some gifts.

- Put on a brave face. - Pom said while taking the elevator with Bank. Bank raised an eyebrow slightly.

- Isn't it, Phi? - Bank asked.

- You're acting like someone is going to die. - Pom said.

I... I really don't like the smell of hospitals. - Bank replied, not really liking the smell of hospitals. Furthermore, he didn't want to visit Pin, but he already told Phai, so he had to come inevitably.

Are you sure it's the hospital smell? Pom asked. Bank looked at Pom and saw that Pom was looking at him as if realizing a mistake. So the two followed. Pom smiles immediately.

Knock... Knock... Knock....

Pom knocked first on the door to Pin's recovery room. Then he opened it and found that Pin, Phai and Phum were in the room. Phai turned to look at Bank.

Hello, Pin. - Pom greeted. Bank also greeted the girl.

Hello. - said Pin.

- Bank and I bought you something. said Pom, handing the item to Phai. Phai took it and placed it on a small table.

- Thanks. - said the woman, smiling.

- Hey, come see our nephew, Bank, come see him quickly. - Pom turned to call Bank.

Bank approached the small bed, the two looked at their nephew and looked at each other slightly, but said nothing.

- Have you already named your child? - Bank asked, turning to Phai.

His name is Win. His real name is Dewin. - Phai replied, Bank and Pom nodding.

- Have you eaten anything yet, Bank? - Phai asked Bank, why he hasn't seen him these days.

- Not yet. I'm going to eat something with P'Pom. replied Bank.

- Then you can go with me now. I'm going to buy some food so Pin can be with Phum. - Phai said.

- But Pin wants to eat rice with you. Are you going to eat out? - the woman asked immediately, making Bank freeze a little.

- I think P'Phai should eat with P'Pin. P'Pom and I will eat together later. - Bank replied, a little uneasy.

- Do as Bank said. You better stay and take care of your wife. - said Pom. Phai nodded.

- Okay, but you're not going anywhere yet. Lets talk first. - said Phai, asking them to stay for a while. Then Phai looked at Bank who was not looking up. He didn't know why he missed Bank so much and if possible he would even like Bank to sleep with him.

him as your friend. But, sticking to Bank may not be so convenient.

- So when are you going home? - Pom said, while Bank looked at his nephew curiously.

- The day after tomorrow we can go back.

Pin's mother will be home soon to help Pin take care of the child. - Phai said. Pom nodded, then talked about the store and other matters. Bank was silent. Bank used to be very talkative and liked to joke with Phai, but today he seems a little shy.

- Bank, what happened? - Phai asked

- Oh, it's nothing. I woke up a little early, so I'm sleepy. - replied Bank.

- If you want to rest, let the boys take care of the billiards. Or close and take a break. - Phai said worriedly.

- Phai, the baby woke up. Pin's voice sounded, Phai immediately got up to see his son.

- I suspect he's hungry. - Phai said, smiling, before taking the son to his mother. Pom looked at Bank

and saw a dark look.

- We'd better go back first. Bank needs to sleep. - said Pom, as he saw that the woman was also going to breastfeed.

- They're leaving... so... Pin, I'm going out with these guys, I'm also going to buy some rice to eat with you. - Phai said with a slightly hesitant expression, but Pin nodded.

- Come back soon, buy it for Phum too. said the woman, and Phai nodded.

- Bank and I will be back first, Pin. I wish you good health. - said Pom before turning to Bank, then they left the room, Phai walking along with them. The three walked towards the elevator. Already in the elevator Phai turned and looked at Bank who was holding and looking at the phone until he reached the ground floor.

- Pom, go to the car first, Bank will catch up to you in a bit. I want to talk to him for a moment. - Phai said. Bank immediately raised his head to look at Phai. Pom also looked at Phai and Bank alternately, then nodded before walking away.

What do you want to talk to me about? - Bank asked, then Phai walked to a corner to speak privately with Bank following behind.

- Why are you angry? Phai asked, his voice shaking. He admits that Bank is very important

for him, even more than before.

- Why do you ask? I'm not mad at you at all. - Bank said, and tried to force a smile. Bank felt like he wasn't able to smile at Phai like he used to because he started to realize how he feels, but he also knew who he was in Phai's life.

- I don't know, I feel like you're avoiding me. Lately I haven't seen you. Phai said in a serious tone.

- I have to keep an eye on the billiards, if you want to see me you can go see me there. And I understand that you can't go because you are busy, and you will be even busier. I don't think we can see each other often due to time. I must manage the billiards and you must focus on your wife and baby. - said Bank calmly at the end.

- Bank... Me... - Phai wanted to say something, but it was stuck in his throat.

- During this period, P'Phai has to help P'Pin. She must be exhausted, it can't be easy for her. - Bank tried to speak with a bright voice,

while forcing a smile.

- Hmm. - Phai replied with

- I think we'll talk better later. You have to buy rice for P'Pin, right? You need to find ginger soup, ginger chicken stir-fry, and curry for P'Pin to eat. Then she can have plenty of milk for her child. - Bank said with a smile. But, in his heart there was a sharp pain.

- You speak from experience. - Phai said, and Bank nodded.

When Ingfah was born, my mother taught me this too. - replied Bank.

- I better go first. See you later. - Bank tried to speak in a normal tone. Phai, who at first wanted to talk to Bank, was now silent. All he could do was look at Bank.

- I'll accompany you. - Phai said. Bank nodded. The two then walked to Pom's car, who was already waiting in the car.

- Okay, I'll call you. - Phai said, and Bank nodded. He then opens the door and immediately sits down. Phai nodded to Pom, before Pom drove the car out of the parking lot. As for Phai, he could only stare at him with a tense expression on his face.

- Bank, I want to ask you something. Pom said.

- What? - Bank asked.

- Who do you think Phai's son looks like, his father or his mother? - he asked, and Bank thought for a while.

- What do you think? - Bank didn't want to answer, so he asked Pom for her opinion.

- I... Why does he have traces of Chinese ancestry? Are Phai and his family of Chinese ancestry? Aren't they completely Thai? Also, his face isn't like Phai's, and he doesn't look like Pin either. - said Pom suspiciously.

- Phi, really? The baby has just been born, it cannot look like anyone yet. We have to wait a little longer. He'll have double eyelids, you'll see.- Bank replied. In fact, he secretly thought like Pom. And remembering what his friend had told him made him think badly.

- Well, that's probably what you said. - Pom replied, Bank sighing softly.

- Pom, do you want a drink tonight? Let's sit on Chuen Ruedi beach. Bank invited him to Chuen Ruedi beach.

- There is a room that is close to the water, there are restaurants, there are tables to sit at, music and you can drink. - Bank continued.

- Something wrong? Pom asked.

- I just want to drink. I've been busy at billiards lately. I rarely sit down and relax. - replied Bank.

- Do you want me to invite someone? Pom asked.

- No, Phi, it's just the two of us. - Bank replied, and Pom nodded.

- Then, I will reserve a table by the sea so that we can sit comfortably. I'll pick you up at 6am. Pom offered, and Bank nodded.

- But, let's eat something first. said Pom, and the two went to lunch together. When they finished eating, Pom dropped Bank off at his house.

- What should we drink? Liquor or beer? - Pom asked when he and Bank arrived at Chuen Ruedi beach and sat in the hammocks near the water.

Beer. replied Bank, so Pom ordered a beer and three other dishes to eat as a side dish.

- The wind is blowing well. - said Pom, as Bank lay in the hammock and looked at the choppy sea with dull eyes. Pom looked at Bank's face. But he didn't want to ask anything. When the beer arrived, they sat together and drank it. They talked about general things with soft music in the background.

Every bottle makes me drunk, every song hurts me... suddenly my tears flow alone. The more I drink, the more alone and sad I feel... I miss that person who left me... Every sip I take hurts my soul, it hurts all night... I greeted him, but forced a smile... The more I listen and fill myself with this music, the less I can take it.

- I don't like that song. - muttered Bank, Pom raised her eyebrows slightly.

- It's just a music. What don't you like about this song? Do you miss Ingfah's mother? - Pom pretended to ask.

- It's crazy to think about her. - replied Bank. How could he think of Ingfah's mother? Since they separated, he has never heard from her again, never seen his daughter again. But it didn't matter, because he could raise her without he.

- So who do you think about when
listen to this song? Pom asked.
Bank was a little quiet. Like this
that Pom asked that, Bank saw
a woman he was with talking.

Bank immediately looked around
because the woman complimented him as if he wanted to get closer. A
girl was with a friend. bank
He looked at her and smiled.

- P'Pom, can I invite those two
girls to sit with us? -Bank
waved at the young woman. Pom looked at he before nodding.

- Okay. - Pom replied with a smile. Bank then sent a message inviting the young woman. After a while, the two young women walked towards him.

- We're not bothering P'Bank, are we? - asked a young woman named Nana.

- No. - Bank replied, before Nana sat down next to Bank and the other friend sat down next to Pom. Both friends introduced themselves to Pom.

They were all sitting around, drinking and talking together. Bank drank a lot, the woman sat on his lap, Bank didn't push the woman, he put his arm around the girl's waist to pull her closer. Bank was struggling with some feelings in his heart, using the girl as a mere tool to distract himself. Pom, who was drinking, spoke to the girl next to him and looked at Bank, before taking out his cell phone and taking a photo of Bank whispering with Nana. He did this to send this photo to someone. He figured if the person he saw the photo for showed up here later, it would confirm what he suspected. Pom sat and drank for a while.

Trim... Trim... Trim...

His cell phone rang. He picked it up to look at it before furrowing his eyebrows slightly.

(-Where are you?) Pom got it
the phone and looked at Bank, then
answered the call.

-We're by the sea... walk straight. I've seen you. - he said, with a slight smile on his lips before hanging up when he saw that the other person had already seen him.

-Who called, Pom? - Bank asked the curious man, but there was no need for Pom to answer, because he himself froze when he saw a tall and familiar figure walking towards them, the same figure he saw with an angry look at Bank with the girl sitting directly on his lap.

-How did you get here? – Bank asked in surprise.

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