Captivated, Cursed: Alpha Lin...

By MyrandaRae

133K 4.9K 337

When the Moon Goddess casts a spell on Alpha King Lincoln and his entire pack, turning him into an icy ruler... More

Episode 1
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47

Episode 2

3.7K 139 13
By MyrandaRae

The sound of the doorknob moving sets me on edge. I want to know where I am and why I'm here but the longer I sit alone in the dark the more fear builds inside of me. When the door creaks open the small amount of light that is let in burns my eyes.

"I'm Nora," the woman says as she flips a switch on the wall, illuminating the room, "I need to gather some information from you, and then I will answer your questions."

I blink at the brightness, my eyes burning and watering as I fight to keep them open in the harsh light.

"What is your name?" she asks.

I still can't open my eyes enough to see her. I sit, silent, squinting and blinking.

"Don't make this difficult, what is your name?" I can hear the irritation in her voice.


"How old are you, Josephine?"


"And I see you aren't marked. You don't have a mate?"


"Have you had any children?"

I squint my eyes at her, making out the shape of her curly hair.

"No," I grit my teeth.

"Ok, I'm sure you have questions. I will answer what I can."

"Well, Nora...I would obviously like to know what I'm doing here..."

"Witches and warlocks are becoming less and less common, our race is dying out. No one is doing anything about it because the powers that be don't care about lowly magic folks," there is an angry bite in her voice that I can't help but notice. "We have decided to take our fate into our own hands. If wolves and vampires won't do anything to help our dwindling numbers, we will do something ourselves. We will make you care. We are creating tribrids."

I wasn't expecting her to be so forthcoming with information.

I choke, "Tribrids?"

"Yes, witch, wolf, and vampire mixes. Our magic alone isn't enough to make us strong, but with were-vampire genetics, we will create children that will have the best parts of all of us, thus ensuring our race survives."

"Um.. I'm sorry...are you fucking insane?"

She stiffens, "our kind is dying! We need the strength from your genes... we've gone to the council, sought help, and received none. We're only trying to ensure that we don't completely disappear."

Is she serious? It almost sounds like she's expecting sympathy, from me, the woman chained to a bed.

"By kidnapping people off the street and what... forcing them to have mutant babies?"

"No, we only need to harvest eggs from you, for DNA. Once we're done, your memory will be wiped and you will be released, unharmed."

"Oh," I feign understanding, "you only need to harvest eggs... I see, way better. Totally not illegal or fucking deranged at all!"

She stands angrily and storms out of the room like she's been insulted. I've heard that magic folks can be a bit... off but this is unthinkable.

"Hey!" I yell after her even though the door is already closed, "why can't I feel my wolf? What did you do to me?"

Sitting here, stewing in my anger, I start to formulate a plan. In her indignant exit, she forgot to turn off my light. For the first time, I'm really able to look around the room. Aside from the bed and a single chair, the room is empty. I can see that the walls are made of a strange, soft-looking material. I think the room might be soundproofed.

I pull my legs up, forcing myself to stand in an unnatural, awkward squatting position. Using the leverage from my legs I jerk myself from side to side. My wrists burn, the restraints cutting straight into the bone but I keep going. Tears stream down my cheeks from the pain as the metal bar on one side of the bed breaks. The rail hangs from the restraint on my wrist as I use my feet to kick the other bedrail. When both rails are finally broken I twist the rails around so that I can hold them in my hands. They are going to slow me down but I can use them to my advantage.

I wait by the door, pressed against the wall. The next person that comes in here is in for a surprise.

My feet tap anxiously against the ground as I wait what feels like years. Someone has to come eventually. When I hear the doorknob move I switch off the light, holding the railing like a bat, ready to swing.

When the door pushes open I wait until the light flickers on to attack, smashing her over the head and upper body several times. Luckily she's caught off guard enough that I'm able to knock her down, even in my weakened state. I rush past her and pull the door closed. I'm in a hallway with four other doors.

After a mostly nonexistent analysis of my surroundings, I opt for the window at the end of the hall. Running at full speed I use the rails like a shield, shattering the glass and falling a few stories down, into a bush.


I groan and hobble out of the bush, yanking the railing along with me. I manage to take three steps before alarms sound, blaring through the quiet.

I take a few more steps before my body is painfully jerked back and slammed into the side of the building.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I recognize him, he's one of the men that grabbed me off the street.

"Oh, just out for a walk..." I strain against the magical force he's using to hold me up.

He smiles and flicks his wrist, the grip of his magic tightening on my neck, "we can't let you go, not yet. You're exactly the kind of wolf we've been looking for, strong, with your DNA one of these procedures might actually work."

"Wait! You haven't even been successful? You're kidnapping people, violating them, and it's not even working?" I can't help the hysterical angry laugh that rips through me.

This angers him, the amusement drops from his face instantly. He waves his hand and my body is pulled behind him, back into the building.

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