Highschool dxd: Abused And be...

By Dustinsage

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My name is Danny takashi and yes I got. betrayed but jokes on them an awesome dude named DUSTINSAGE saved my... More

Oc bio
Chapter 1: betrayed
chapter 2: struggle
Chapter 3: never give up
Chapter 4: the return
Chapter 5: fighting demons part 1
chapter 6: fighting demons part 2
chapter 7: as life continues
Chapter 8: a little lime and meeting a nun
Chapter 9: sweet Asia
Chapter 10: rescuing a nun
Chapter 11: to the familiar forest
chapter 12: a meeting with a devil King
chapter 13: face2face In April pt 1
chapter 14: face2face In April pt 2
chapter 15: first time ❤️
chapter 16: nailing a violinist ❤️
chapter 17:a dragon teacher ❤️
chapter 18: my first threesome pt 1
chapter 19: my first threesome pt 2 ❤️
chapter 20: friend or foe part 1
chapter 21: friend or foe part 2
chapter 22: prelude
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26:
chapter 27
chapter 28: blarix lessons
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31: rias vs riser part 1
chapter 32: rias vs riser part 2
chapter 33: rias vs riser part 3
chapter 34: rias vs riser part 4
chapter 35: rias vs riser part 5
chapter 36: the lost phenex pt 1
chapter 37:the lost phenex pt 2
chapter 38: a new trouble
chapter 39: helping serafall
chapter 40: the meeting part 1
chapter 41: meeting part 2
chapter 42: the meeting part 2
chapter 43: the meeting part 3
chapter 44:the meeting part 4
chapter 45: the meeting part 5
Chapter 46: you'll regret everything
chapter 47: I must fuck them all 🍋
chapter 48: meeting the inlaws
Chapter 49:gremory clan in ruins
chapter 50: an assassination attempt
chapter 51: blazing phenex
chapter 52:🍋
chapter 53:an unknown war pt 1
chapter 55: unknown war pt 3
chapter 56: unknown war pt 4
chapter 57: an unknown war pt 5
chapter 58:an unknown war pt 6
chapter 59: unknown war part 7
chapter 60: unknown war pt 8
chapter 61: an unknown war pt 9
chapter 62: an unknown war pt 10
chapter 63: unknown war pt 11
chapter 64:an unknown war pt 12
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68:m....om

Chapter 54: an unknown war pt 2

218 5 0
By Dustinsage

The clash of Excalibur against Asia's powerful magic sent shockwaves through the surroundings. The air crackled with energy as the two forces collided.

Asia skillfully weaved intricate magic spells, creating dazzling displays of light and elemental forces. Bolts of magical energy surged towards Xenovia, who expertly deflected them with her formidable Excalibur.

The battle became a dance of power, with Asia's magic painting the air with vibrant colors and Xenovia's swordplay leaving trails of destruction. The ground trembled beneath their clashes, and the onlookers marveled at the intensity of their confrontation.

Asia, fueled by determination, summoned her Twilight Healing powers, mending any wounds inflicted by Xenovia's attacks. Xenovia, in turn, pushed the limits of her Excalibur, unleashing devastating slashes that cut through the magical defenses.

As the battle continued, the surroundings bore witness to the clash of conflicting ideals. Each strike and counterstrike carried the weight of their convictions, making it more than just a physical confrontation but a clash of beliefs and allegiances.

The spectators, including Kaori, myself, and the rest, watched in silence, aware that this battle held the potential to either deepen the divide or foster understanding between their worlds.

The air hummed with magical energies as the battle reached its peak, and the outcome remained uncertain. Asia and Xenovia, each driven by their own principles, continued their intense struggle for supremacy, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of Kuoh Academy.

Asia stood resilient against Xenovia's onslaught, her magical shield shimmering as it absorbed the holy magic emanating from Excalibur. The clash between their powers created a dazzling display, casting radiant sparks in every direction.

Encouraging words echoed from the sidelines, urging Asia to stand firm. Kaori, myself, and the rest of our group watched with a mix of concern and anticipation, fully aware that Asia's determination was the key to overcoming this formidable opponent.

Asia, unyielding in her resolve, unleashed a counterattack. She summoned torrents of magical energy, weaving intricate patterns in the air. These magical constructs surged towards Xenovia, testing the limits of her ability to defend against the relentless assault.

Xenovia, a seasoned warrior, skillfully parried Asia's magical onslaught with Excalibur. The sound of clashing forces echoed through the battleground as each stroke and parry added to the complexity of the battle.

Amidst the fierce confrontation, Asia's determination burned bright. She drew strength not only from her magical prowess but also from the bonds she shared with our group. The collective support fueled her every move, turning the tide of the battle in her favor.

Asia, determined to prove her strength, unleashed a barrage of powerful elemental spells that echoed through the battleground. Her magical prowess manifested in a symphony of destruction, each spell representing a different facet of her command over the elements.

First, she summoned swirling gusts of wind, creating a cyclone that surrounded Xenovia. The force of the tempest disrupted Xenovia's footing, leaving her momentarily vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Asia transitioned seamlessly to her next spell.

Bolts of crackling lightning emerged from her outstretched hands, converging on Xenovia's position. The electrifying display added a dynamic layer to the battle, forcing Xenovia to maneuver swiftly to avoid the arcing bolts.

Undeterred, Asia shifted her focus to the earth beneath them. With a determined gaze, she commanded the ground to quake and upheave. Large chunks of rock and debris ascended, forming a makeshift barrier between her and Xenovia. The battlefield transformed into a tumultuous terrain, creating further challenges for Xenovia to navigate.

Asia's magical repertoire wasn't limited to the natural elements. She conjured ethereal flames that danced around her, imbuing her attacks with a scorching intensity. The mystical fire served both as a defensive shield and an offensive force, enveloping Excalibur in a dazzling display of contrasting elements.

Xenovia, skilled and disciplined, met each elemental assault with strategic precision. She deftly parried the gusts of wind, dodged the lightning strikes, maneuvered through the rocky terrain, and expertly swung Excalibur to dispel the ethereal flames.

Xenovia's taunts echoed through the battleground as she unleashed a devastating strike, shattering Asia's magical shield with the sheer force of Excalibur. The holy sword radiated an intense aura, overwhelming Asia's defenses and pushing her several steps backward.

Asia, determined but visibly strained, struggled to counter the relentless assault. Xenovia, with precision honed through countless battles, pressed on. Each swing of Excalibur created shockwaves that reverberated through the air, causing distress not only to Asia but also to the spectators witnessing the fierce confrontation.

Blood trickled from Asia's lips, a testament to the toll the battle was exacting on her. The holy power of Excalibur clashed with Asia's magical resilience, creating a dazzling display of opposing forces. The very ground beneath them seemed to tremble, echoing the intensity of their clash.

Despite the physical and magical onslaught, Asia refused to yield. She summoned her remaining strength, calling upon her deepest reservoirs of magical energy. Unfazed by the pain and exhaustion, she gathered her resolve, determined to prove her mettle against the wielder of Excalibur.

With a defiant cry, Asia conjured a radiant burst of healing magic, mending some of her injuries and bolstering her resolve. The glow of restorative energy surrounded her, pushing back against the relentless assault. The battlefield became a battleground not only of physical prowess but also of indomitable wills.

Xenovia, recognizing Asia's tenacity, adjusted her stance, preparing for the next exchange. The clash between the sacred and the arcane continued, each combatant pushing the other to the limits. As the battle raged on, the outcome remained uncertain, hanging in the balance of their determination and the forces they wielded.

Asia's determination ignited a surge of magical prowess as she delved into the rare and formidable skill of elemental fusion. The air crackled with anticipation as she harnessed the elemental forces around her, drawing upon the very fabric of nature to enhance her magical capabilities.

Xenovia, aware of the shifting energies, eyed Asia warily. The battlefield became a canvas for the impending clash of powers, each combatant poised for the escalation in the already intense confrontation.

Asia's hands moved in intricate patterns, weaving together strands of fire, water, earth, and wind. The elements responded to her command, swirling around her in a dazzling display of magical mastery. The fusion of these elemental forces created an ethereal aura, marking the emergence of a power seldom witnessed.

Xenovia, undeterred by the display, gripped Excalibur with unwavering focus. The holy sword gleamed, ready to cut through any opposition. The clash between the mystical elemental fusion and the sacred might of Excalibur promised to be a spectacle of extraordinary proportions.

As Asia unleashed the fused elements, torrents of flame danced alongside surges of water, while earthen constructs rose from the ground. The wind carried the harmonized forces, creating a kaleidoscopic symphony of magic. The battlefield transformed into a mesmerizing arena, illustrating the potential unleashed by Asia's rare and advanced magical technique.

Xenovia responded with precision, parrying the elemental onslaught with Excalibur. The holy sword emitted radiant waves, countering the intricate fusion of elements. Each collision sent shockwaves through the air, resonating with the elemental symphony that surrounded them.

The clash reached a crescendo, the battlefield bathed in the radiant glow of conflicting powers. The struggle between Asia's elemental fusion and Xenovia's Excalibur intensified, creating a visual spectacle that captivated all who bore witness to the extraordinary confrontation.

Asia's retaliatory move demonstrated not only her proficiency in defensive magic but also her strategic acumen. The magical dome encapsulated Xenovia, preventing her from evading the subsequent onslaught. A symphony of magic circles materialized, each pulsating with destructive energy, and unleashed a relentless barrage of spells upon the trapped exorcist.

The magical onslaught intensified, the array of spells carefully chosen to exploit any vulnerability in Xenovia's defenses. Asia's mastery over the arcane manifested in the precision and potency of each magical assault. The air crackled with residual energy as the magical storm raged within the confines of the shielded dome.

Xenovia, ensnared within the magical tempest, endured the relentless assault. Her attempts to break free were met with an impenetrable barrier. The severity of the magical barrage took its toll, leaving her battered and wounded. The once formidable exorcist now bore the scars of Asia's retaliatory might.

As the magical onslaught subsided, the dome dissipated, revealing Xenovia in a state of disarray. Her armor, once gleaming, now bore the scars of battle, and her injuries were evident. Asia, standing unwavering, wore a triumphant smirk, her strategic retaliation proving effective in putting an end to Xenovia's aggressive stance.

Asia's words carried a weight of authority, a reminder that words had consequences and actions spoke louder than misguided accusations. The aftermath of the battle served as a testament to Asia's resilience, resourcefulness, and command over advanced magical techniques.

The onlookers, witnessing the intense clash between Asia and Xenovia, were left in awe of the magical prowess displayed. The once turbulent confrontation now stood as a testament to Asia's capability to defend herself and her allies, even against adversaries wielding powerful artifacts like Excalibur.

The atmosphere buzzed with a mixture of relief and triumph as Asia, having successfully defended herself and the others, fell into my arms. A chorus of congratulations and admiration echoed through the group as everyone acknowledged Asia's remarkable display of magical prowess.

I couldn't help but wear a proud grin, impressed by Asia's resilience and strategic thinking.

Me:That was awesome, Asia

I commended her, and the rest of our friends joined in with praises and applause. Asia, blushing at the unexpected attention, couldn't hide her modest delight at the acknowledgment.

Even Irina, who had been closely observing Xenovia's condition, couldn't deny the magnitude of Asia's achievement. As Xenovia struggled to assess the extent of her wounds, Irina couldn't help but acknowledge the undeniable skill and power Asia had exhibited during the confrontation.

In the aftermath of the battle, as the adrenaline waned and the group basked in the success of their friend, I couldn't help but reflect on the strength of the bonds that held us together. This unexpected confrontation had not only showcased Asia's abilities but also reinforced the unity amid the challenges we faced in the supernatural world.


As we sat in our domain, surrounded by the comforting ambiance, Irina looked at us with a mix of disbelief and sorrow.

Irina:Danny, it's really you? I thought... I thought you were gone for good when issei told me once

she uttered, her voice trembling with a range of emotions.

Kaori and I exchanged glances, acknowledging the weight of Irina's realization.

Me:Yes, Irina, it's me

I affirmed, trying to offer a reassuring smile.

Me:Life has taken unexpected turns, and I'm here now

Irina's eyes welled up with tears as she reminisced about the past.

Irina:We used to have such simple and carefree days. I never imagined things would become so complicated.

Kaori chimed in

Kaori:Irina, we've been through a lot. Danny's return is both a blessing and a reminder of the challenges we've faced.

I shared the painful truth about my demise at the hands of Issei and his group. Irina gasped, covering her mouth in shock.

Irina:never thought Issei could... I mean, he seemed like a good person.

Me:He changed, Irina. Power and circumstances can lead people down unexpected paths

I explained, a sense of regret lingering in my words.

Irina wiped away tears,

Me:And now he's lost his sacred gear and been exiled? It's hard to believe all this has happened.

Kaori placed a comforting hand on Irina's shoulder,

Kaori:Life doesn't always follow the scripts we imagine. But we're here for each other, no matter what.

The atmosphere in the room shifted, carrying a mix of nostalgia, pain, and a shared resolve to navigate the complexities ahead. Irina, Kaori, and I continued talking, reminiscing about our shared past and finding solace in the strength of our enduring friendship.

In the quiet confines of our domain, Irina's tears flowed freely as she sought solace in the embrace of both Kaori and me. The weight of the revelations about Issei and the trials against Rias and her Peerage had left her bewildered and emotionally shaken.

Irina:Why, Danny? How did it come to this?

Irina questioned, her voice filled with a mix of sorrow and disbelief.

I sighed, understanding the difficulty of processing such unexpected turns in the lives of those we once held dear.

Me:Irina, sometimes the paths we take diverge, and people change in ways we can't foresee. Issei... he lost himself along the way.

Kaori added,

Kaori:It's painful to witness the transformation of someone you cared about, especially when it leads to such tragic consequences.

Irina, nestled between us, continued to express her sentiments.

Irina:I never thought our innocent childhood days would lead to such darkness. Issei was my friend, and now he's involved in such horrifying acts.

Me:We all share in the shock and disappointment, Irina

I  said, my words tinged with regret.

Me:But we're here for you, just as we've always been. Friendship withstands the tests of time and tribulations.

As the conversation unfolded, we delved deeper into the memories of our shared past, finding comfort in the bonds that had once defined our lives. Irina's tears became a cathartic release, a process of coming to terms with the harsh realities that had unfolded.

Kaori, holding Irina in a comforting embrace, spoke with heartfelt sincerity.

Kaori:Irina, there are moments in life when we believe we could have altered the course of fate, but the truth is, we can't change what has transpired. It's a heavy burden to bear, feeling responsible for events beyond our control.

She continued,

Kaori:I understand the weight of regret and the desire to undo the past. But in those moments of reflection, we must also recognize the power we have to shape the present and the future. Healing begins with acceptance and the willingness to move forward, even when the scars of the past linger.

Kaori's words carried a profound sense of empathy.

Kaori:It's okay to feel the pain, Irina. Acknowledge it, embrace it, and then, in your own time, allow yourself to heal. The journey to healing is unique for each of us, but remember, you don't have to navigate it alone. We're here for you.

Amidst Irina's tears and heartfelt emotions, she expressed a profound sense of regret and longing.

Irina: I  wish I never left

she whispered, her voice laden with sorrow.

Irina:I wish I was there, maybe Issei wouldn't have become the monster he did.

Kaori and I, understanding the weight of Irina's words, offered silent support. Kaori gently responded,

Kaori:Irina, it's natural to harbor these 'what if' thoughts. We all carry moments of remorse and wonder if things could have been different. But remember, the past is unchangeable, and we mustn't blame ourselves for events beyond our control.

Irina nodded, her tears continuing to flow.

Irina:I just never thought he could change so much. Issei was once a friend, a comrade. Now, he's unrecognizable.

In the midst of Irina's pain, I spoke softly,

Me:Sometimes, people take paths we can't predict, and it's not your fault. We all make choices, and Issei made his. Now, our focus should be on supporting each other and finding a way forward.

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