Should've Stayed Away- Joseph...

By wilting_dahlias

65K 2.6K 531

In a small city in 1963 France, the idea of mixed schooling was a heavily controversial action amongst the pe... More

shouldve stayed away
twenty one
twenty two


3K 129 29
By wilting_dahlias

The brief kiss was proven completely irrational and stupid as the day continued. I spent my lessons avoiding Descamps and the glances he shot back at me, I could feel his stare on me the entire day.

He stood in the courtyard after school like most of the students here, he sat on the cement ledge smoking and laughing with Dupin while Applebaum stood in front of them trying to explain something in frustration. A short distraction was luckily keeping my mind and eyes from wandering over to him. 

"I don't know though, I mean I don't think I'd be a very good girlfriend anyways" Annick said, shocking me out of my Descamps filled daydreams. She had just been telling my in a hushed tone about how she and Pichon were spending more and more time together.

I shrugged, "I mean he definitely likes your personality as well as your looks, you two seem to get along" I replied. She nodded her head slowly and her bright blue eyes stared down at the ground in thought. I let her have her moment alone, reaching into my skirt pocket to pull out a cigarette and my lighter.

Annick finally looked up just as a took my first exhale, letting the smoke waft past her face before she spoke, "What about you? How was Jean Pierre?"

"Don't even get me started", I rolled my eyes, "He pretends to be this intellectual with some kind of 'golden boy' persona. In reality he's just another douche looking to sleep with any girl". I wanted to badly to tell Annick about what Descamps and I had seen, conclusive proof that Simone was involved with Jean Pierre. However, then I would probably have to tell Michelle too and then she'd be upset I'd gone out with him for the afternoon. 

It was a seemingly impossible situation to be in, no matter what I chose to do I'd hurt someone. I decided to ignore it, meaning the only person who understood the intense secrets in my life was now Descamps, much to my dismay of course.

Annick and I bid each other goodbye and I quickly found myself pacing in my empty apartment, Descamps fresh on my mind. Earlier he'd made me agree to meeting with him tonight at his house but then we kissed.

I groaned in frustration at the memory of him so close to me, the thought alone made my neck uncomfortably hot. I was such an idiot for letting it happen and yet the idea of repeating it felt enticing. I glanced outside at the setting sun, if I was going to uphold my end of the deal I was going to have to figure things out quick. 

I took a deep breath for courage and grabbed the home phone attached to my wall, reading the scribbled numbers down and dialing them.

It rang once, twice, before someone picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Descamps asked cooly and I felt panic course through me. My hand twitched in the brief reflex to slam the phone down to end the call.

I took another breath in, "Uh hi Descamps, it's Lydia".

I was met with silence and I felt myself inwardly cringe in the awkwardness.

Descamps cleared his throat quickly, his voice suddenly slightly deeper, "Hey Lydia, miss me already?" he asked cockily and now I really wanted to slam the phone down, not in panic though no, this time in annoyance.

"What where you talking about earlier?" I replied quickly in a quick attempt to end his flirty tone there, after the closet I didn't think I could handle his usual banter. 

He chuckled, "we weren't talking earlier".

I sighed in exasperation and moved to lean against the wall, lazily intertwining my finger with the phone's long cord, "You're such an idiot, when you said wear black and show up at my house?"

"Oh that" Descamps said with amusement in his tone. I dropped my head back against the wall in frustration at this game he was so intent on playing. 

I pretended to hit my head against the wall as I held in the strong urge to hang up on him, "Yes 'oh that'," I said mockingly, "what do you want?"

"i thought i was pretty clear?" He replied with faux confusion, I could picture him casually leaned against his house's nice walls, a cigarette in between his finger as he messed with me over this phone call.

I huffed in annoyance, finally reaching my breaking point for what I could tolerate from him, "Can you stop acting like a little boy and just tell me?"

"Just do it okay? And be quick, we have school tomorrow. Wear a black dress and try for once in your life to look halfway decent". 

I scoffed and just as I was about to yell at him and cancel all together, he hung up the phone. I slammed the receiver back down before I quickly walked over to my barren closet.

Michelle and Simone were lucky I liked them, otherwise their secrets would've been crawling all the around the school and I wouldn't be dealing with the joke that was Descamps. 

I had two dresses, luckily one of them was black however it had it's own unique set of problems. It was tight and short, far too scandalous for most outings. I had bought it with my first paycheck while working at the bakery with no intention of wearing it until I was at least 20. 

I slipped it own and admired how it fit, a small smile on my face. I didn't bother grabbing a jacket, hopefully we'd just be at his house. I had a feeling he was just being his usual annoying and perverted self, maybe he just wanted to see me in tight clothing. 

His red front door greeted me and for the second time that week, I walked into what I so affectionately called his house, the lion's den. I knocked once before the door swung open, revealing a handsomely dressed Descamps.

He wore a nice black coat with matching dress pants and shoes. The only other color on his tall body was the white dress shirt tucked neatly in his pants, covered slightly by the coat. I suddenly felt very relieved I'd chosen to wear the heels tonight.

"Are you trying to get me killed? My mother's home" Descamps said, shaking his head in annoyance before he shut the door behind him. I took a step back on his porch to ease the distance between us.

I frowned up at him, "Why are you dressed so nice?" I asked with skepticism.

"If you wanted to compliment you could've just said I look handsome, no need to phrase it like that" he replied with his signature smirk, looking down at me for a second too long before he shifted his gaze towards the dark and empty street, the only light coming from the overhead apartments. 

I began walking, not sure exactly where we were headed, "Whatever, let's just get this over with."

To my relief, he didn't argue with me and instead walked next to me for a few city blocks in silence. The night air had yet to turn cold and I hated to admit it but it felt nice, walking with him. The few people out and about at this hour gave us a curious look and for some odd reason every time we passed someone Descamps would rest his hand on the small of my back. It made my eyebrows furrow despite the warmth he provided. 

We finally stopped at a bustling town house, through the open windows I could see people talking with each other and sipping what was no doubt alcohol out of expensive china glasses. I looked up at Descamps in both confusion and surprise, apparently deep down somewhere in that stupid head of his he was able to make connections to sophisticated people.

He returned my look, glancing down at me before his hand resumed his spot on my lower back, "I know the host, he used to go to Voltaire high when I was a freshman". 

"Is he aware of how irritating you really are?" I asked with an attitude apparent in my tone. Descamps scoffed and moved his hand to rest on my back before he pushed me forward. Together we entered the well decorated and relatively crowded party. 

It smelled like alcohol and with a sharp enough inhale, my eyes burned slightly. The air was also uncomfortably warm with all the bodies in the house, it was apparent the party had been going on for a while before we'd arrived.

The hand on my back returned and Descamps slowly guided me out of the entrance and through the people both dancing and chatting, I didn't recognize any of the faces. Some looked our age though most seemed to be in their early twenties, all dressed in expensive black attire. 

I was distracted looking at a few men playing poker at a nearby table to notice we'd stopped walking and it was Dupin's voice that pulled my attention back. I turned my head around and watched Descamps shake his friends hand with a smirk, Dupin and an unfamiliar blonde girl looked at me with grins. 

"Lydia what a surprise, I didn't take you for the partying type" Dupin said, his teeth shining at me as he kept smiling. Descamps chuckled from besides me before he took a sip of what had to be liquor out of the expensive glass. Confusion briefly washed over me, when had he grabbed that?

I smiled a disingenuine grin at Dupin, "Oh well you know me and Descamps, always together" I replied with sarcasm, my grin dropping. Dupin laughed and Descamps hit his arm muttering a quiet 'don't encourage her'.

The blonde girl extended her hand, "Hi I'm Claire, Dupin's girlfriend." I lightly shook her hand and gave her a polite smile. She had light brown eyes and blonde hair cut into a short bob, she was significantly out of Dupin's league and I was positive his personality only magnified that. 

Descamps took another sip of the liquor and to my dismay he didn't recoil at the taste. I glanced back at Claire, "I'm Lydia".

She dropped her hand and nodded, "And you are with Descamps?"

I quickly opened my mouth to debunk her confusion before Descamps beat me to the chase, chuckling slightly before he replied, "She wishes, I can't be tied down especially not to such an irritating girl" he said arrogantly and I felt my eyes narrow up at him. 

"Descamps is more of a charity case, poor thing" I whispered loudly to Claire, Dupin chuckled as he heard. Descamps nudged his arm again in frustration, making his friend cease the noise.

Claire's soft eyes looked at the two of us in confusion, "So you are not dating? Are you sure?"

"Yes" We both responded quickly, the blend of our voices making us both shoot each other a glare. I shifted slightly to add a slight distance between Descamps and I, suddenly he felt far too close.

Claire and Dupin started talking to Descamps about some trip to Prague they'd all attended that previous summer and I allowed my eyes to wander around the house. We were standing close to one of the plaster walls, exquisite artwork adorned practically every inch of the wall, each painting held together by a gold frame. 

We were in one of the parlor rooms and we were far from alone, multiple small groups of people drinking and talking filled the space and the sound of American jazz music drifted in from a record player hidden somewhere upstairs. The entire place was dimly lit by lamps, not a single overhead light was on and it made everyone unfortunately including Descamps glow with a soft yellow hue. 

I quickly grew bored of simply observing and I leaned closer to Descamps to whisper in his ear. He turned his head towards me and slouched down slightly so I could properly whisper, "why am we here?"

He leaned his own head closer, "I need you to do something for me while i socialize". He whispered back and I felt his nose brush against my pearl earring. 

I leaned away and furrowed my eyebrows, "No."

Dupin and Claire watched us with interest, trying to ease drop while pretending to continue the previous conversation. Descamps sighed in annoyance and leaned forward again, this time his hand lightly grasped my bicep to hold me in place, "Remember our deal? you do this and I won't tell everyone about Michelle and Laubruac, Simone and Jean Pierre", he lowered his whisper, "Do you think Michelle and Simone's friendship could survive such a fight?"

I knew he was right. Part of this was my fault after all and Simone and Michelle truly did care for each other, they were practically best friends. Guilt formed in my stomach for a multitude of reasons. I had accidentally spilled Michelle's secret, I had spent the afternoon with Jean Pierre, I had kissed  the boy who ruthlessly pranked Michelle and insulted Simone. And I was with him now, allowing his arm to hold onto me like it was nothing. I sighed, "Just tell me already."

He turned me around so that we had our backs to his friends and were instead facing the bustling room of wannabe socialites. He remained leaned in to me, chin resting near the top of my head, "I need you to make friends with that girl there, ask her about her relationship with Jean Pierre". I followed his less than subtle point at some redhead girl laughing in a group of girls, she luckily didn't notice the oaf next to me pointing. 

I sighed in annoyance, not taking my gaze off of the girl, "This is getting ridiculous just punch him or something."

To my internal dismay, Descamps leaned in even closer, his lips brushing against the tip of my ear as he replied quietly, "I'm not an animal. Besides I have something bigger than just a black eye in store for him."

I laughed at him, pulling away and pressing my hand against his broad chest to keep him there, "Oh sure because you could give him a black eye" I teased.

Descamps scowled down at me before he grabbed my hand and threw it off of him, "don't start with me I'm not in the mood."

"Maybe i wasn't in the mood to be practically abducted and forced to be your henchman" I replied bitterly, finally looking at him. His brown eye looked orange in the lighting and I couldn't help but feel some kind of pull to him. I loved the way he looked when he was angry and annoyed, his facial expression serious and eyes narrowed.

He stared back at me for a moment before he responded, "Then you shouldn't choose sluts for friends."

"I'm doing this because I don't want to be around you anymore, not because you control me" I replied quickly, forcing my gaze off of him as I began walking away towards the other side of the room. The redhead girl gave me a curious look as I approached her group, my smile warm and inviting as I did so.

Descamps owed me for this, even if it was his blackmail towards me. I was going to get my own revenge on him for this stupid task he sent me on. I humored myself thinking about pouring that liqour on his pants.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt", I began kindly, the other girls looked at me now too with intrigue as I stood next to their small group of four, "But is that a Hubert Givenchy dress?" I asked and my tone sounded far more cheerful than it usually did. The redhead girl beamed at me, freckled face opening up with excitement.

"It is! You're the first person to notice," she handed one of the girls next to her the glass she'd been holding, "You have an eye for fashion, such a relief to have someone  appreciate style."

I smiled warmly at her, "I'm Lydia."

"I'm Maeve, I haven't seen you around these parties before," she began, her hand moving to shoo away the girls previously around her and to my astonishment they listened. It was now the two of us, standing in our tiny group. I felt nervous now, unsure of how I was going to bring up Jean Pierre. 

"I'm here with my boyfriend" I said, nodding over to Descamps who was mid laugh with Dupin. Maeve smiled and nodded in approval at his appearance. A mischievous grin came to my face as I lied, if I was lucky all of Descamps friends would hear the rumor and his little 'playboy' reputation would be over. Maybe next I should tell Maeve he has night terrors and has his mother rock him to bed.

"Joseph, oh what a handsome man. Even after the eye patch, still so yummy" she said, giggling. I joined in though my head was racing. 'Yummy'? Descamps was hardly yummy. He was far from ugly but who did she think she was calling him handsome?  I wasn't sure how Maeve and all these other rich young kids lived their lives but as far as I was concerned, she needed to stop looking at Descamps like she was starving. 

I suddenly felt myself feeling like the giant green monster of jealously, I froze at the realization. I quickly shook it off and let the smile return to my face. 

"We met through school of course, he's just such a... great student" I said and  the jealously was replaced with amusement. I couldn't help but flourish at my own inside joke.

At the mention of school, Maeve looked just as interested as she had when I mentioned fashion, "Oh you attend Voltaire?". I nodded in response and she looked at me with much more interest. She sighed and shook her head, long orange hair moving as she did before she looked back at me, "My ex goes there."

Now it was my turn to look at her with interest, I leaned in slightly and lowered my tone "Wait who? I might know him."

"Jean Pierre, trust me you know him" Maeve replied, folding her arms over her sleek and long black dress. She looked a bit sour now, her previously kind smile now replaced with a dissatisfied frown. 

I nodded, "I do, so what's he like?" I inquired. She thought for a moment as if debating whether or not she wanted to trust me. She glanced back at Descamps before deciding.

"Well he cheated on me right after our six month anniversary" She said before she sighed again. It was becoming clear he was a bit of a sour topic for her and I couldn't blame her. If someone with his looks and charm cheated on me especially after six months together I would've lost it.

I shook my head in disbelief, "he's such a douche." I looked behind my shoulder and met Descamps intense gaze. He wasn't with Claire or Dupin anymore instead several older looking boys were around him all talking and nodding along. He tilted his head at me and I looked away back towards Maeve. "You did him a favor even entertainign him."

Maeve nodded in agreement, her ego slowly growing by the smirk on her face, "I don't know what I was thinking! He can't commit do the life of him and he's always too busy with school. And his parents are insane." I looked at her with confusion and she took it as an invitation to continue her speech. She shrugged, "Like he had these curfews and would get yelled at constantly for everything he did, they forbid him from seeing me. He's not allowed to have a girlfriend until he graduates."


We chatted a little longer, I'd changed the conversation back to fashion and she seemed to cheer up significantly.  As I was saying goodbye, she and I exchanged numbers. I gave her one last smile before she departed back to her friends and I walked over to Descamps. 

He turned his head towards me and I watched his jaw tighten at my arrival. A few of the other boys around him looked at me with interest and I just smiled tightly, standing next to Descamps as the others continued to chatter.

Descamps arm slithered around my waist, resting on my hip so his lanky fingers were dangling on my upper thigh. "I've got to go," he began to his friends with a casual tone and cold expression, "I think I've got a special surprise waiting for me" he finished with a cocky smirk, tilting his head over to me. A few of the people chuckled, one clapped him on the back.

I pulled his arm off and rolled my eyes, causing their chuckles to morph into laughter. Descamps quickly pulled me out of the party and out into the cold, dark street. 

He looked at me urgently, never ceasing his footsteps as we left the front yard, "So? what did she say?"

I sighed and thought for a moment if I even wanted to share my insight. On one hand, I hated Descamps, simple as that. However, the more I learned about Jean Pierre the more I disliked him and if these cheating rumors got out maybe Simone would dump him and then I would only have one secret to try and do damage control with. 

"He cheated on Maeve after six months, um he has commitment issues, uhh and his parents are crazy strict about girls" I replied, continuing our stride. It was becoming clear from the buildings we were passing that he was walking me home, I tried to ignore how it made my insides warm slightly.

Descamps nodded along, seemingly satisfied with my information as we approached the front steps of my building building. He gave me once last look before he turned around and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his expensive coat, ignoring me and walking off. I rolled my eyes and entered, relieved to be done. 

Lunch the next day was feeling more boring per usual, Annick was too busy doing a crossword to engage in our usual gossip and occasional intellectual discussion. Simone and Michelle were giggling and trying to finish the math assignment due in twenty minutes, I was lazily poking the mashed potatoes with my spoon. 

Until a deep voice carried across the isle separating the boys and the girls, "Descamps was so late this morning" some random boy across from Descamps said, a few boys looked in interest. Descamps kicked him under the table and the boy quickly shut up.

Maybe it was because it was Descamps or because I was bored but I quickly interjected, leaning in my seat, "Oh really? What were you even doing out?" I asked tauntingly. I knew exactly what he was doing, I smirked as he frowned at me.

He shrugged casually, looking at the boys next to him, "I was with a girl." A wolf whistle escaped Applebaum and Descamps shot him a glare, shaking his head in annoyance.

"Who?!" Applebaum asked with far too much interest. I swear, he practically worshiped the ground Descamps walked on. 

An arrogant smirk appeared on Descamps face as he tilted his slightly at Applebaum, "wouldn't you like to know" he replied coldy. My own breathing halted in my chest as Descamps quickly shot me a glance out of the corner of his eye. 

I rose in my seat, I wasn't really sure why. Suddenly I was feeling flustered like I did in the closet the other day, my skin hot and prickly, all because of Descamps. 

A metal spoon full of mashed potatoes was flicked at me, landing with perfect aim on my abdomen and staining my black shirt with the white chalky substance. I let my mouth fall open in shock and everyone nearby quickly shushed their conversations.

I looked up at was met with the large grin on Descamps face, an empty spoon in his hand still in launching position. I scoffed and grabbed my tray, anger blinding any rationality left in my body as I quickly approached him.

I poured my tray on his head.

His shaggy brown hair was covered in milk, potatoes, and peas as he shot up from his seat, wiping his face clean of the substance. I stared at him in disbelief over my own actions. The lunch room erupted in laughter. 

"You are such a bitch!" He shouted at me and his face was full of complete outage, the two of us less than a foot apart, standing in between tables. 

"Me?! Look at my shirt!" I shouted back, hands moving down to the stained fabric. 

His hands moved in anger, gesturing towards his head, "Look at my hair!"

"So what?! you deserve that!" I shouted again though I did feel slightly guilty. I watched as Descamps reached up into his messy hair, grabbing a glob of potatoes. My eyes widened just before he threw it at me, the food hitting my neck. 

I closed my eyes and my mouth hung open in shock at the feeling of the warm glob slowly sliding down my neck and chest. I reached down and scooped it up just as he'd done, throwing it as hard as I could at his own chest. It splattered and the remains hit a few of the students sitting nearby, the lunchroom was a continuous eruption of shrieks and laughter.

Descamps large hand was wrapped around a milk cartoon, his arm preparing to throw it at me when the headmaster walked in to investigate the loud noise.

We both froze, the milk cartoon fell to the floor with a deafening silence as the students around us also froze. 

"My office. Now."

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