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I was sitting in History, head resting tiredly in my hand as I stared blankly at the spot above Madame Giraude's big head. I watched the lines in the stone wall move as my eyes focused and unfocused, the words of the teacher and students around me long lost on my distant mind.

A giggle brought me out of my daydreaming. I turned by head to the left and looked as Michelle sat turned away from the front, drawing on Laubrac's History paper. The two were completely immersed with each other, completely oblivious to the stares of their peers. A better friend would've smiled happily, pleased to see their friend having such a cute moment with their crush. 

I couldn't help but frown. We were here to learn, that's what all of this struggle was about. Maybe I was being selfish and small minded but it didn't seem fair. Her grades were subpar at best and she never paid any attention. And here she was, completely throwing away any chance at a career and education by spending all of her time giggling and flirting with boys. I groaned at my own insolence and covered my face in my hands, exhaling deeply. I wasn't being fair and deep down I knew it. I also knew I was jealous that she was able to be so open about her feelings while mine were pressed so far down I didn't think they'd ever come out. Michelle and Laubrac knew they were good together so they were together. It wasn't this complex fight, it was simple. 

I couldn't understand why I had to be so difficult.

My inner torment was interrupted by a knock on the classroom door. Descamps shot up out of his seat, lanky body striding over to open it despite Madame Giraude's frown.  Yet the teacher made no move to get up from her desk. A secretary stood there and handed him a note before she descended back towards the front office. Descamps turned around with a smirk and waved it around in the air like it was some kind of toy. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my uncompleted notes. 

"Someone's in deep trouble" He called out teasingly and a few boys chuckled deeply, they sounded like a crowd of morons.

Footsteps on the old wooden floor filled the air as Descamps walked, the creaks were always so loud. I scribbled down a battle date I already knew, I had to at least try to look busy. The sound of him clearing his throat made me look up, my eyes widen slightly in surprise as he stood over my desk. Our eyes bore into the other ones and neither of us moved for a second. He had a blank expression and for a split second I wondered when he last genuinely smiled, I didn't think I'd ever seen it.

His large hand reached out and a bright yellow pass was visible. I went to take it and his fingers twitched slightly, the movement almost invisible. I waited for a second for him to hand it to me or just drop it on my desk but he didn't, he just stood there with a stoic face.

I reached and grabbed it from his hand, feeling his surprisingly soft fingers move against mine. My eyes scanned the pass quickly and I stood. He had that taunting smirk back and my nerves were too intense for me to care about whatever little comment he was planning on making. 

As I was closing the classroom door behind me I heard him, "It's always the innocent looking ones" followed by that painfully annoying laughter. I walked down the empty halls, heels clicking against the tiled floor and my mind racing.

I hadn't done anything right? Did the Headmaster usually call people to his office for check ins? 

Within a few minutes, I was sitting in an elegant office, across from the shrew looking man. He folded some papers down and smiled at me, dark brown eyes glinting. 

"Miss Blanchet, your teachers and I have been discussing your academic performance. I'm very pleased to say not only have you caught up, you've become one of our top students. We've been deliberating on appointing a head girl next year and I think you would make an excellent contender" Bellanger said, folding his hands professionally in front of him as he finished. I sat there a little stunned.

Should've Stayed Away- Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now