twenty two

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Annick acted like I'd ran all the way to Russia when I returned the next morning, early sun illuminating her angry expression. A brief lie of me having to visit an Aunt fell from my lips effortlessly, I was once again feeling all too much like Descamps with these lies.

Chemistry was far from my mind as Monsieur Meyer explained something to do with covalent bonds, his naturally agitated voice echoing off of the bright room. I tapped my pencil against a blank notebook page, eyes focused on the back of Descamps head.

We were just in Paris together, out on the town like two love birds. I hadn't seen him much outside of class and our professors had been determined to start term off with as much content as possible. The urge to throw a crumpled up note at him buzzed in my head like an annoying little fly before I pushed it down.

I was acting so childish, passing little love notes in class when I should be studying. But lately I'd been questioning so much of what I thought I should do. I could study, pour myself into my classes, fight tooth and nail to get the highest marks. I  had  done that, all year. 

Getting the highest mark and praise from even the strictest of teachers couldn't compare to how it felt walking around at night, side by side with Descamps. I glanced over at the long, frizzy hair of Michele and felt another pang of guilt. We were friends, not great friends but still, friends. I accidentally told Descamps her earth shattering secret love affair with Laubrac. 

I outwardly cringed and averted my gaze from her hair to my wooden desk. If I wasn't in class, I would've completely covered my face in my hands until the world disappeared. Why why why did he make me so dumb?

After a few moments, I grew the courage to look up at him again. It annoyed me endlessly that all it took was a glance at him and suddenly all the swirling and confusion in my head disappeared. Everything was simple, calm, quiet though only in my head, Monsieur Meyer was still droning on and on, Applebaum was carving what was most likely genitalia into the wood and Simone was whispering to Michele. 

Finally the shrill noise of the bell rang out and everyone stood with their belongings. Before I could think, I was moving to Descamps. I was by his side, bag on my arm looking up at him when he glanced down at me.

A silent question hung in the air between us, did last night change anything between us?

He answered it first. With a lazy smirk on his handsome face, he reached out and flicked the collar of my white polo before nudging me. "I bet you're just loving all this homework huh?"

"Oh yeah, can't get enough of it", I replied with a steady tone. My eyes remained locked on him despite our school mates glancing at our rare civil conversation as they began to leave.

He grinned, "Don't forget about me when you invent time travel and become famous."

"Shut up", I murmured.

He stared at me for a moment, teeth subtly biting his bottom lip. If I hadn't been looking so intently I would've missed the small action, "You're working tonight?"

I shrugged, ignoring the ever presence weight of my school bag as we talked, "No, I figured they'd survive a day without me."

"Impossible", He smirked before it fell and he cleared his throat, "As much as it pains me to admit this, I actually like spending time with you, I know I'm just as surprised as you are."

I swallowed down a bottle of nerves, "You flatter me."

"Come to another party with me tonight, no weird fake dating, no scheme, just us at a random party, together." I wanted to pinch myself to make sure it was real. I didn't say anything for a moment, instead opting to admire the varying shades of brown in his eye. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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