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I didn't go to school the next few days. A splitting headache ripped through my skull and with every sharp movement of my head, my nose ached. And I honestly I couldn't stand to return with a bruised nose. Annick sat across from me on my bed, staring out of the window and down at some of the people walking. I followed her gaze and leaned a little further into the propped up pillows.

"School's been fine I suppose, Simone has been acting strange though. And Descamps won't stop teasing Pichon" Annick said, our Latin homework laid abandoned and half completed on the white comforter. Pages of busy work scribbled on, I knew I would be finishing it as soon as she left.

I looked up from the street to Annick with a questioning gaze, "What's wrong with Simone?"

"She's been racing off as soon as school ends and I'm not sure if Michelle noticed, but she's been very closed off lately. Her test grades have been slipping too" Annick said quickly, shaking her head slightly. I sat there for a moment, thinking about the look Jean Pierre gave Simone at lunch and suddenly all of the little glances I noticed between them started to pile up in my head.  And didn't Michelle mention Simone had been studying at her house more?

I hesitated a little before lowly sharing what I thought could be causing Simone to be so distracted, "Have you noticed.. anything weird between her and Jean Pierre?"

Annick shook her head once more, tilting it a little in wonder, "Is there something between them?". I shrugged in return and wondered how no one else had noticed, especially Michelle, it seemed so obvious. I yearned to just tell Annick I thought they were seeing each other behind everyone's back but I couldn't, it wasn't my secret to tell.

I thought back to what she said about Descamps and it burned a hole of curiosity within me. His name tended to have that effect on me. I didn't understand why he had to be such a prick all of the time. Every single day without fault he was rude, obnoxious, cruel, annoying...

"So uh what did Descamps do?" I asked and leaned closer with interest. I mentally scolded for my complete lack of resistance but there was no point, I already asked the question. Annick shifted a little on the bed and grabbed one of my throw pillows.

"He keeps teasing Pichon for getting hit by a girl", she said sadly, "And I mean he's always teased him. Since the first day he's been shoving him into the girls or the lockers and calling him fat, it's truly horrible. But since gym he's been just making a complete mockery of him. He put a lace bra in his locker today at school" Annick finished. I gulped with guilt, for being the one to hit the only decently kind boy at school and for being so attracted to Descamps. Well physically attracted.

"He's such a pig, you watch I'll set him straight when I come tomorrow" I teased in an attempt to cheer Annick up. I hadn't asked her about her and Pichon but it was clear they were at least friends, they typically spent the afternoon together studying the library but anyone who peeked in could see the rare smile on Annick's face.

Annick smiled and playfully nudged my arm with hers, "Good someone needs to keep him in his place, you're the only girl I know that isn't afraid or deeply obsessed with him" she said with a slight giggle. I laughed with her though the ordeal of denying my attraction to him was already difficult enough without the added pressure.

Annick had supper with my family and I, my mother took a special liking to her when she mentioned her interest in the invention of the polio vaccine a few years ago. I spaced out a little during that conversation, picking at the peas on my plate with a fork while my mind wandered else where. My Latin homework was almost done, all my makeup work from the first month was done, my nose was healing up nicely, I still had a few days until my next shift at the bakery, the only thing causing an anxious twist in my stomach was Pichon. Specifically how I accidentally made his tormenting significantly worse by being a horrible aim.

"Lydia you should have Annick over more!" My mother called across the table, Annick smiled widely and a light shade of pink covered her cheeks. My youngest brother Antoine nodded enthusiastically from his highchair and small specks of apple sauce landed on his bib.

My other brother who I was assuming was going through a very young 'difficult' phase chimed in "Lydia should have more than one friend" Mason said through the food still in his mouth. I rolled my eyes at the eight year old. In retrospect, fighting with my brother who was half my age was a bit childish.

"Mason should focus more on his manners instead of my life" I smiled sarcastically at him and my father moved the newspaper covering his face to give me a reprimanding look. I muttered sorry and gave a sheepish smile to Annick. From what she had told me, she didn't have any siblings and though I loved mine, I couldn't help but envy the freedom she must have.

I walked Annick out of our apartment building and chatted her ear off while she unchained her bike, though I did manage to get a laugh out of her before she rode off. I cleared off the homework left on my bed and sank under the covers, looking forward to finally returning to school.

I had just walked through the iron school gates when I noticed Descamps sauntering towards me like some kind of model, his friend Dupin and some mousy blond boy in close pursuit. Descamps kept his hands shoved in his yellow coat pocket, making his shoulders look even more broad and intimidating than usual. I stopped walking and stood there, waiting for him to say his piece.

Descamps called out my name before he walked right up to me, "Your nose healed up nicely, though if I was your plastic surgeon I would've fixed that up". I felt a flutter in my stomach as he lightly brushed the top of my nose with his long index finger, taking his time to slowly run down the entirety of my nose.

"You hate him, you hate him, you hate him" I repeatedly thought to myself, having to remind myself after seeing his handsome features for the first time in days. It was so unfair, he should at least have an ugly haircut to match his terrible personality.

"Maybe when I go back in I can mention your man boob problem", I began, taking a step closer to him, "I'm sure they can try and salvage something". To my dismay, a smirk rose to his mouth. It was seeming more and more impossible to actually make him upset without being a complete asshole and mentioning his eye.

He had a taunting look in his brown eyes and tilted his head down at me, "you just want me to comment on your boobs, don't worry Lydia you can hardly see them". I rolled my eyes and brushed past him, knocking my shoulder against his hard bicep and I heard his friends teasingly shout "Ooooh". It was of course followed by his boyish laugh, the kind only someone as immature as him could posses.

I made my way over to Annick who was deep into reading what I assumed was an American mystery novel. I sat next to her and Pichon on the school bench and awkwardly looked over at him despite Annick sitting between us.

He gave me a polite smile and I swallowed down my nerves, "Pichon I just wanted to apologize for the other day in gym, I didn't mean to hit you" I said, eyes giving away the guilt I felt. It was so unfair, the only well mannered boy at school who viewed women as people accidentally humiliated by me.

"No no, Lydia don't worry I know it was just an accident. How is your nose doing?" He asked kindly, eyes glinting with the care he possessed for everyone. I responded and soon enough Annick and Pichon were discussing the mystery novel they had been reading together. I said my goodbyes and took it as my cue to get to class early.

Should've Stayed Away- Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now