Phai & Bank ( Love Syndrome)

By unaisaas

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#Bl # lovesyndrome #mature #bl #boyxboy #bxb #bxblove #lovesyndrome #mature #maturelanguage #maturity #mxm #r... More

CHAPTER - 12 🔞
CHAPTER - 18 🔞
CHAPTER - 20 🔞


760 30 1
By unaisaas

After drinking, Phai and his friends sat down and talked for a while. Ingfah ran and played with the children who were present.

- Uncle Phai, Ingfah is thirsty. -

Ingfah rushed to grab his arm.

- I thought you didn't love me anymore. -Phai pretended to say to his niece.

-Ingfah loves Uncle Phai very much, but now Ingfah is thirsty. - The girl replied in a pleading voice. Phai laughed softly before placing

water in a glass for the girl to drink.

Ingfah continued running and playing along with Day and Brick. Ingfah played until he got tired, sat on Brick's lap and fell asleep.

-Bank, look at Ingfah, take her to my room. Phai said, then Bank slowly took Ingfah off Brick's lap and took her to Phai's room, where Bank usually slept. Bank went to bed with the girl first, he was shocked when

they opened the bedroom door. Phai entered gently.

-Day and his wife are back. Phai said, Bank nodded.

- You can sleep here tonight, Bank. Did you bring your motorcycle? Ingťah is already sleeping. - Phai said as he sat on the edge of the bed, on the side where Bank was lying. Bank hesitated a little.

- I'm going to go back to the store for a bit, Phi. I'm going to get Ingfah's clothes and mine too and get ready here so I don't have to take my baby home. - Bank said. Phai agreed with the


-Then let me take a look at my daughter. Phai said, as he felt his heart flutter when he heard Bank say the word baby, because it reminded him of his son in Pin's womb.

-Hmm. Bank responded when he saw that Ingfah was sleeping well. Phai and Bank went out to find the

Phai's friends still drinking.

-Guys, don't get too drunk or no one will come to the Khan Mak Ku parade tomorrow. I will step on you. - Phai provoked his friends.

-I am fine. Not drinking like that

It doesn't bother my stomach at all. - Pom said jokingly.

- I'm going home first, Phi. I'll give

look around the store for a bit. - Bank said.

- What about Ingfah? Pom asked. - Go sleep here. I'm going back to get our clothes and I'm going to sleep here too, so I don't have to run to
get up tomorrow. - Bank replied.

- Do you want me to take you? - Pom asked when he saw that Bank had brought a motorcycle.

- It's okay, I'm just going for one
minute.Bank said with a smile
before leaving. Pom went to sit and
to drink.

-Is something wrong, Phai? Pom asked Phai when he saw his friend looking at him.

- No, nothing. I wonder if you are drunk or not. - Phai replied.

with a smile.

- You're probably scared

that I won't help you with the Khan Mak parade, right? Well, after I drink this glass, I'm going back home. Pom replied. Phai didn't say anything.

After a while, everyone gradually went back to rest. Phai's mother also told the groom to take a shower and

sleep, because tomorrow morning the ποίνο

must go to the bride's house first and

offer food to the monks in the morning.

Phai got into the shower and then

he dressed delicately so as not to disturb Ingfah who is sleeping.

After changing his clothes, he called Bank, but Bank cut the call. Phai immediately frowned, but didn't call again because there was a knock on his bedroom door. Today the

Phai night won't close the door to

his mother wakes him up.

-I arrived just in time, so I didn't answer the call. - Bank spoke knowingly

that Phai should ask. Bank took a shower and put on the clothes he

brought it from home.

- Wait a minute, I'm going to clean and change my daughter's clothes first, then I'm going to sleep. Bank said,

because Ingfah had run and was sweaty, but fell asleep before

to have a bath. He didn't want to wake up

his daughter so she wouldn't be nervous. Bank little by little removed it. skillfully your daughter's clothes and

cleaned his body, with Phai looking

to Bank with eyes of admiration.

- By the way, you are good at creating

a child to grow up like this.. Besides, you can do everything

fluently. Phai blurted out.

-But, for this I have been practicing.

My parents taught me,

remembering things, I don't

I was able to be a good father at that time because my maturity was non-existent. After all, I wasn't ready to have children at that time, you know that. Bank quickly cleaned Ingfah up and dressed her. The girl

he seemed to be at peace, he was still sleeping.


-But you're very good at it. Phai
praised Bank. Bank smiled.

- Wait, you'll be as good as me. Bank said, as now Phai would have
a son.

- I don't know if I'll take good care of him. - replied Phai.

- Oh Phai, you can definitely be a good father, take good care of Ingfah. - Bank said what he could see and feel.

- I would like. - Phai replied.

- I think you should sleep. Tomorrow, you will be tired all day. Bank said, before Phai lay down in the middle while Ingfah lay near the inner wall. Phai was also lying next to Bank, they were both tired from the whole day, which made them both fall asleep quickly.

P'Phai. - Bank gently shook Phai's body to wake him up because Phai's mother asked him to get ready. The two slept for about two hours, but Bank woke up when he heard Phai's mother's voice.

Bank, please wake up Phai the makeup artist is waiting alone. Let's get dressed outside so we don't wake Ingfah. - Phai's mother said before leaving.

- Yes. - Bank replied, waking Phai up again. Phai sat in a strange way.

How many hours did you sleep? - Phai asked with a yawn.

About 3 hours, Phi. I think you should take a shower and change your clothes. The makeup artist is waiting. You have to go to P'Pin's house first. - Bank said, not feeling that Phai really wanted to get married, but he had to get up to go to the bathroom.

Bank went to Phai's mother to ask about Phai's outfit. Phai's mother told Bank to help Phai get dressed. Bank entered the room. Phai had just gotten out of the shower.

P'Phai, don't go waking Ingfah. I'll be busy soon. - Bank hastily scolded him when he saw that he was leaning over to kiss his daughter's cheek.

- No? Phai asked.

- No, you can go get dressed. Wait a minute. - Bank said.

- Help me, I've never been married. - Phai replied.

Bank came to help Phai get dressed. It's actually not difficult to get dressed because it was a Rajapatan t-shirt and a checkered Jong Kraben. There's a cummerbund along with some shoulder accessories that Bank helped Phai finish putting on. Bank retreated and looked before smiling.

- You are so Beautiful. - Bank praised him. Phai was silent for a moment and looked at Bank.

- I've been beautiful for a long time, haven't you noticed? - Phai asked, Bank laughed softly. Before Bank's wide smile slowly disappeared, leaving only a faint smile with serious eyes.

- Congratulations, Phai. Bank said, but he doesn't know because the inside of his chest was throbbing as he knew that in a few hours Phai's wedding ceremony would begin. Phai looked at Bank.

-...I'm going to get married, right? - Phai asked, making Bank freeze.

[N/MissR. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Phai is "sort of" asking Bank for help so he doesn't get married...]

Well, Phai and Pin love each other. You will have a witness to your love. Must be good! - Bank said, taking a deep breath before nodding.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

There was a knock on the bedroom door, before Phai's mother entered.

- Hey guys? Are you ready yet? - Phai's mother asked with a smile.

- He did. I helped Phai get dressed, I don't know if it's good or not, Aunt Mew. Take a look at it. - Bank told Phai's mother.

- You can sleep a little longer. Then wake up and take a shower. - Phai said out loud.

Bank nodded in acceptance, but in the
end, he left to help prepare the
work anyway.

Phai went to the bride's house with her parents

to hear the prayers of the monks
and offer food to the monks for
morning. There is a photographer hired

to take photos all the time. Phai did
what everyone said it should be
done. Pin is wearing a beautiful dress
today. It's good that the belly is not
too big, so she can use
thai clothes.

- Pin, is it too tight in your belly? - Phai asked, fearing that the Thai silk skirt the girl was wearing was too tight to make the child uncomfortable on her belly.

- No, I can breathe. Pin said, and Phai nodded to continue the ceremonies.

Bank wakes Ingfah up, showers and dresses just as Day and Brick arrive. Phai's friends had already gathered too, but Brick had slept in the car first. As for Day, he did Ingfah's hair and also helped carry things to the car.

- P'Day, Ingfah and I can go in your car? - Bank approached and asked Day, why Ingfah wants to go with Day and Brick.

- Did you sleep here last night? - Day asked as she left her fiance's house, Ingfah sitting on Brick's lap.

- Yes, I slept with Ingfah, in the morning I had to wake Phai. I only slept 3 hours and I'm sleepy. I just need to buy a coffee. Bank said.

- There must be one in the bride's house. Why will you buy it? - Day said.

Bank nodded because he forgot to think about it until he arrived at his fiancée's house. Now everyone is getting ready to leave for the parade. Ingfah will have to help hold the silver and gold tray. Bank has to hurry to find an adult first.

Phai went out to join the procession and came to greet his friends as well, until it was time to move the Khan Mak procession inside. The sound of boos is heard, Phai walks in the middle with a raft of incense sticks

and candles.

- Bank, get some tissues to wipe my sweat. Phai turned to call Bank who was not far away. Bank quickly picked them up to dry him off immediately.

- Come with me. In case I have to ask for something. - Phai said.

Bank nodded in acceptance and looked at her daughter as well.

Bank was relieved, the bride's friends

they blocked the silver door and the golden door. Upon receiving the envelope, he opened the way for Phai to meet the bride inside, at which point Bank left because it is the duty of adults

perform the ceremony. Then he took Ingfah and sat with Day and Brick.

Phai's friends also sat and waited at the table prepared at the bride's house, along with food and drinks.

After finishing the ceremony at

home, Phai took Pin to meet everyone and they greeted each other like

of costumes.

- Are you going to continue the ceremony at your house, Phai? - Pom asked, now heading towards Phai's house. Phai nodded.

- P'Pom, Ingfah and I will go together, because P'Day and P'Brick went to the store first. - Bank said.

- You can go in my car. - Phai said.

-Are you crazy, Phai? It's the bride and groom's car. It's just for the bride and groom to sit. It is better

I go with Pom. - Bank said laughing and Phai didn't insist.

Then everyone returned to the groom's house for new ceremonies,

and the bed where the bride and groom will be together was prepared. Bank, who was standing there, had a strange feeling in his heart when he saw Phai and Pin lying together on the bed where last night he slept with Ingfah and Phai.

Bank went to look for Pom and Ingfah, who is with Phai's mother.

- Is the ceremony over? Pom asked.

- It's almost finishing. But now I'm very tired. Bank said.

- Can I sleep at your house again? I'm looking for a bed. In the afternoon, we go to Ai Day's store. - said Pom.

- Okay, Phi, there's nothing here. – Bank replied.

- Then just tell Phai first. He'll be confused about where we all went. Pom said, and stood there waiting for Bank.

- It's over? Pom asked.

- Well, go rest first. In the afternoon, get ready to go to the night party again. - Phai replied.

- So, Pom and I are going back to get some sleep, P'Phai. - Bank said.

- Where are you going to sleep? - Phai asked immediately.

- At my house, Pom will also sleep, because in the afternoon we will go to the P'Day store. - Bank replied.

- Don't you sleep well at your house, Pom? - Phai asked his friend.

- I'm too lazy to go back and forth. My clothes are already ready in the car. It's better to go take a shower at Bank's house. - Pom replied.

- You can sleep at my house. There is also a guest bedroom. - Phai said again.

- I'm also going to go back and take a look at the store. Let's open our store. I don't want to close because I'll lose money. Bank said.

- I think it's better to sleep at Bank's house. Your house is ready for ceremonies, so it's very noisy. - Pom said.

Phai couldn't object, so he had

to nod his head because he couldn't go anywhere, he has to stay at home and wait for the time.

- Well, see you tonight. - Phai spoke, both agreeing, before Bank went to take Ingfah home so her daughter could sleep during the day.

The three returned to Bank's house. Bank took Ingfah to sleep in his room, then returned to find Pom in her own room.

- Bank, did you think Phai was strange? Normally today, he should

appear happy. But I still feel like he's irritated, I don't know. - Pom said.

- He must be tired, Pom. He slept little last night. - Bank replied.

- Hey, Phai usually sleeps less and doesn't seem to be as irritable. In other words, if he and Pin weren't lovers, I would think he was forced into marriage. Pom said with a smile, he really didn't think so.

- I don't know. Are not you going to sleep? - Bank asked.

- I'm going to sleep, I'm sleepy. - Pom replied, before the two lay down and fell asleep.

Hours later...

During the evening party, which was filled with smiles from relatives and bridesmaids, including friends of the groom who attended the event, Bank came to sit with Phai's closest friends. Bank's friends also came.

The ceremonies unfolded slowly, both in front of the event and on stage, although there was no time to prepare. But everything went perfectly. The bride and groom greet guests at the tables in a friendly manner.

- Don't drink too much, sir. Phai reached out and grabbed Bank's shoulder, squeezing lightly.

- Oh P'Phai, just once in a while, this is your wedding. I want to get drunk for a day. Bank said.

- No. Phai said in a serious tone because he knows how Bank gets drunk.

-Phai, don't force your nong too much. Let him drink. There are a lot of people to watch. Pin, who was next to him,

he spoke.

- Bank is drunk, where are the others? said Phai.

- I'll take care of him. You don't need to worry about that. Pom said with a smile. Phai frowned slightly.

- Is this your father or your Phi? - Another friend asked because of the name. - I'm both. Phai replied.

- Good thing it's just two things. If it were more you would be finished. - he continued playing without thinking.

- What else would it be? Pom asked.

- He's Bank's husband, ha ha ha. Just kidding, Pin. - he continued joking, but Pin didn't seem to be

Even if you want to say things like that, other people might be able to hear you. They will misunderstand Phai and Bank and hurt them. -

these Pins.

- Sorry, we were just joking. But probably no one thought that way. After all, these

two are related. - he continued.

- But they are not really related, it is just by affinity. - the voice of Phai's friend Yuth, the one

who made the souvenir tree, he joked.

- Did I said something wrong? - he asked suspiciously when everyone fell silent.

-Nothing bad, let's keep drinking. As for you, Bank, no

drink a lot, understand? Phai was the one who cut the subject short. Making the atmosphere more fun than before.

- Yes. Bank replied, before

Phai and Pin went to greet the


- It's because Phai got too close to Bank. So people

They can't see very well, you know? - Pin said in a slightly disgusted tone.

- No, Bank and I have been close since childhood. It's normal. -

replied Phai.

- Pin wants Phai to keep some distance from Bank. If people

are confused, what will Phai do? Phai also has a reputation. Pin no

He wants no one to think wrong. - Pin said.

- Nonsense. Nobody said anything. - Phai

he responded.

He was upset because the girl

kept him away from Bank, even though he and Bank had been close for a long time. Even if they are not

really blood relatives, they got close before he met the girl. So Phai doesn't agree with the girl keeping him away from Bank.

-Pin is just worried.-he replied

the girl.

- Yes, I know, but it's nothing. - Phai said softly when he saw that the girl had a disgusted look on her face.

- Let's go see your friends. - Phai said with a smile to change the subject, before leaving holding her by the


The girl immediately went to

the group of friends. While talking to the girl's relatives and friends, he turned to look at

Bank, until he saw that Bank was sitting with his head on Pom's shoulder. That was enough to

know for sure that Bank was starting to get drunk.

-Pin, I'm going to have a drink with them.

- Phai said. Pin nodded because she was talking to her friends, Phai

got up and walked.

- Bank, your second father is here. - Pom said jokingly, making
with which Bank, who had drunk so much that he began to get drunk, immediately turned to look at him
before smiling until his eyes were.
soft when they see who has arrived.

- Did you get drunk? Don't you listen
Nothing, you're stubborn, Phai suddenly complained.

- Drunk, yay, I'm a widower. bank

- Ingfah? - Phai asked about his daughter.

- Bank's mother took her back to bed. Because she has school tomorrow. - Pom replied.

Phai pulls Bank to sit upright, but made Bank go back and lay his head on Phai's stomach next to him. Bank is always begging the people around him. This is something that is not a concern.

- P'Phai, you could easily let me get married first. Bank said unconsciously.

- He's not the one who got married before you, Bank. - Pom said in a joking tone.

- I'm not married yet. - Bank replied, pretending to lean towards Pom again. But Phai grabbed Bank's head and placed it on top of him. Bank could only place his hand lightly on Pom's shoulder.

- Oh, I'm married! - Bank said drunk.

- It's better to go home and get some sleep. Phai said worriedly.

- No, no, I'm not going back, I'm going to keep drinking... drinking. One more sip so I can forget you for a moment. - Bank responded and sang the song without thinking.

Upon hearing the song Bank sings, Phai wanted to take Bank home, but he couldn't. Day and Brick are back.

- I'll take it myself. - Pom said, seeing that Phai's eyebrows were together.

- Take it. Call me. - said Phai, because there was only Pom, the one he trusted most among the friends present.

- Okay, let's go home then. I have to work tomorrow. - Pom replied.

- Um, thank you very much for coming to my event. Everyone can sit and drink. Phai said, before helping carry Bank to the car.

- Don't forget to call me, Pom. - Phai recalled.

- Oh, I was worried about that. He didn't fight. - Pom said.

- I'm afraid he'll fight. - Phai replied and Pom laughed before leaving the place. Phai then went back to the party because it was almost time for him to take Pin to rest too.

- Where did you go? - the woman asked immediately when Phai entered.

- I took Bank to Pom's car, he was drunk. replied Phai. The girl agreed.

- Pin must go back to rest. - Phai said, worried about the baby in Pin's belly, because now it was too late.

- All good. - replied the girl before saying goodbye to her friends.

Phai's parents let them go back to the house because they are adults and have to take care of the party alone.

- Pin, take a shower and go to sleep. - said Phai, who had already helped take off the bride's dress and the jewelry from the girl's head. The girl immediately went to the bathroom.

Trim... Trim... Trim...

Phai's cell phone rang. He quickly pulled it away and left the room to answer the call.

(We're at home. He's in

bed.) replied Pom.

- He threw up? Phai asked.

(-No, I'm glad he didn't throw up. Otherwise, my car would be a mess.) Pom said jokingly and let out a sigh of relief.

-So you're going out again? - Phai asked because he thought his friend was probably leaving Bank's house.

(I'm here looking. What should I do? Clean it? Or take it to the shower? Or leave it like that?) asked Pom.

-Leave it like that. You can go home. - Phai said hurriedly.

(-But it looks like he doesn't feel well at all.) Pom said again.

-Just leave it. He wanted to drink and didn't look at his own limits. - Phai said as if he wanted to punish him, but deep down he knew it wasn't a punishment for Bank to sleep like that.

(Oh, okay. Oh, his shirt, he just took his shirt off. I think it's hot.) Pom said jokingly, but Phai wasn't feeling well at all.

- Leave it at that. Come back. Tomorrow you have to get up to supervise the workers, right? - Phai repeated.

(Oh, I'll be right back. I'm sleepy too. Leaving the Bank now.) Pom

he replied, before Phai heard the sound of the bedroom door closing. Phai sighed in relief. Pom's voice says goodbye to Bank's mother. So Phai knows that Pom is really coming home.

(That's it, I'll drive.) Pom said.

Well, thank you very much, see you later. - Phai concluded, before Pom could speak and hung up. Phai returned to the room.

- Where did you go? - Pin asked when he saw the light entering the room.

- I was talking to Pom. - Phai replied. Phai reached out and gently stroked the girl's head.

- Pin can sleep now. I am tired. Phai said with a smile. The girl looked at Phai for a moment, then she nodded. Phai put his hand to lightly caress her face and belly


- Go to sleep, little one. - Phai said to the boy in Pin's belly, before going to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for bed.

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