Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

374K 8.4K 783

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.3K 36 0
By tonysnarky

James hesitated before entering the hospital room, his heart heavy with a mixture of emotions. The sight of Alexandra's battered and bruised form sent a shiver down his spine, igniting a storm of memories from their tumultuous past.

As he took a seat by her bedside, silent tears streamed down his face. The room, usually so sterile and cold, now felt suffocatingly intimate as he grappled with his fears. The fear that he might lose his sister, the fear that the shadows of their painful childhood would resurface.

He couldn't shake the haunting image of the crash from his mind, the helplessness he felt watching it unfold. It revived old demons, the ones he thought he had left behind with the love and support of Eleanor. Now, with Alexandra's life hanging in the balance, those demons clawed their way back into his thoughts.

Staring at Alexandra's unconscious form, memories of their shared history flashed before James' eyes like a fragmented film. Summers spent with Sebastian and the Schumachers, moments of escape from their tumultuous family life. Trips to the paddock, filled with dreams and aspirations, and the comforting presence of friends like Lewis and his family.

The heart monitor beeped steadily, a rhythmic reminder of the fragility of life. James pondered the unpredictability of their journey together, the highs and lows that shaped their sibling bond. He recalled their shared dreams, the laughter that echoed through the years, and the unspoken understanding that tethered them even in their darkest moments.

Yet, for all the pain and uncertainty, James couldn't deny the depth of his love for Alexandra. She was not just his sister but a resilient force that had weathered storms, emerging stronger each time. The realization struck him – their shared history, though marked by adversity, also bore witness to moments of strength, resilience, and love.

As he wept by her bedside, James yearned for a chance to rewrite their story, to forge a path free from the shackles of their painful past. He longed for Alexandra to wake up, to reclaim her life, and for them to navigate a future illuminated by hope rather than shadows. The room, once filled with the echoes of anguish, now held the quiet whispers of a brother's love, hoping against hope for a new chapter to unfold.

In the dimly lit hospital room, James poured his heart out to the sleeping figure of Alexandra. His voice trembled with a mixture of anger, fear, and a vulnerability rarely exposed.

"Why did you have to start racing Ally? Why couldn't you just stay in Hollywood?" he scolded softly, his words hanging in the air. "You scared the hell out of me. You can't just leave, not again."

He spoke of his own trauma, a realm he had avoided for years. The accident he shared with Theo LaGuarde, a moment buried deep in the recesses of his mind, suddenly resurfaced. The echoes of that dark period were interwoven with the fear of losing Alexandra. "You almost...It was exactly like what happened to LaGuarde. I didn't think you and Max would get out of those cars..."

As tears streamed down his face, James spoke of the haunting similarities between her crash and his past. The triggers, once buried, had clawed their way back to the surface. He admitted to suffering from PTSD, a silent struggle he'd carried alone for too long.

"It was like I was back in the car again, reliving it," he whispered, the weight of his unspoken pain palpable. "I've spent years trying to forget, but seeing you like this... It all came back."

James spoke of the terror he felt, watching both Alexandra and Max teetering on the edge of life and death. The hospital room became a confessional, an intimate space where he laid bare the emotional toll he carried.

As he continued to talk, James shared his deepest fears. He admitted that, while their relationship had been strained over the years, the thought of losing his baby sister was unbearable. "If you'd died...How could I have ever told Theo? How could I...How could I tell him his Aunt Ally won't be coming home?"

"I don't know if I could have faced that, Ally," he confessed, his voice breaking. "If you had died, I think I'd be close behind you. No matter how many years we spent without contact, you're my sister. Losing you again... it would've destroyed me. I'd be close behind."

The room became a sanctuary for unspoken truths, a testament to the profound bond that transcended the complexities of their shared history. In the silence that followed, James grappled with the weight of his emotions, a brother confronting the fragility of life and the enduring love he held for his sister.

James sat beside Alexandra's hospital bed, a mixture of guilt and concern etched on his face. His emotions, laid bare in the wake of his heartfelt confessions, now seemed to manifest in a visible breakdown. He leaned over, his head in his hands, silently grappling with the weight of his own turmoil.

As his shoulders shook with sobs, a gentle touch brushed against his hair. Startled, he sat upright, realizing he had disturbed Alexandra from her rest. Her teeth gritted in pain, she reached for the nurse call button, pressing it repeatedly. James watched, helpless, as she silently communicated her need for assistance.

"I'm so sorry, Ally," James stammered, wiping the tears from his face. "I didn't mean to wake you up, and I certainly didn't mean to... break down like that."

Ally weakly patted the empty space on the bed next to her, urging James to sit. He hesitated for a moment before settling beside her, feeling the weight of the accumulated years of tension between them melt away as his little sister pulled him in for a hug.

"It's okay, James," she whispered, her voice strained. "We all have our struggles, our demons. I've kept mine hidden for so long, too. We've never got a chance...we've never spoken about everything. Not really."

As the nurse entered the room, Ally explained the pain she was feeling, subtly downplaying the emotional turmoil she had witnessed in her brother's breakdown. The nurse, with a comforting smile, promised to administer the necessary medication to alleviate her discomfort.

Once the nurse left, James turned to Ally, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and regret. "I didn't think you'd want me here after everything." he hesitated for a second. "I thought seeing me in a hospital room...might trigger you."

Ally's expression softened, and she gently reached for James's hand. "We might have a complicated history, but we're family, James. We've been through so much together, and I don't want you to go through it alone."

In the quiet moments that followed, the siblings found themselves on the precipice of a tentative reconciliation. The hospital room, once a space of anguish, became a sanctuary for shared vulnerability.

Amidst the palpable sorrow, Alexandra hesitated before breaking the silence. "James," she began, her voice a mere whisper, "I need to tell you something."

James looked up, eyes swollen from the weight of unshed tears, and nodded for her to continue.

"I... I saw Mum," Alexandra confessed, her words hanging in the air like a fragile secret.

James, momentarily taken aback, furrowed his brow. "Saw Mum? Lexi, What are you talking about?"

Lexi, with a steadying breath, recounted the surreal encounter she'd had in the dreamlike state between life and death. She spoke of the corridor, the doors unveiling pivotal moments of her life, and the eventual reunion with their mother.

"She was there, James. I spoke to her," Lexi insisted, her eyes pleading for understanding.

James, a mixture of skepticism and curiosity clouding his expression, urged her to continue.

Lexi took a deep breath, her voice quivering with a mix of vulnerability and sincerity. "James, I know it sounds unbelievable, but she was there," she insisted, her eyes searching his for understanding.

James, still grappling with his own emotions, wiped away his tears and nodded for her to continue. He wanted to believe, to find solace in the idea that their mother had indeed visited Lexi during the darkest moments of the accident.

Lexi continued describing the ethereal reunion, her words carrying a profound weight. "She told me she would watch over Theo," she said, her gaze holding an unwavering certainty.

James, caught between skepticism and the yearning for connection, found himself drawn into the vivid imagery Lexi painted. He wanted to believe that even in death, their mother remained a protective force in their lives.

"She looked... happy. Younger, carefree. Her smile, it reached her eyes," Lexi recounted, the memories of the encounter etched on her face. "She told me to tell you that she's proud of you."

Their tears merged, forming a river of shared sorrow and a desperate desire for reassurance. Lexi's revelation became a bridge, bringing them closer, as James wiped away his tears, trying to comprehend the profound nature of the experience she had just shared.

Amid their shared grief and newfound vulnerability, James and Alexandra delved into a conversation that transcended the boundaries of their typical sibling exchanges. The weight of their experiences bore heavily on their shoulders, and for the first time in years, they opened up about the shadows that had haunted their past.

James, wiping away the remnants of tears, voiced the unspoken sentiments lingering in the air. "Do you ever feel like our family is cursed?" he asked, the weight of the question reflecting in his eyes.

Alexandra, her gaze reflecting the weariness of a battle-hardened soul, nodded in solemn agreement. "Yeah. I do. It's like a dark cloud has followed us. I thought once I went to Hollywood...Once I changed my name...I thought I'd escaped it - but I didn't. It follows me wherever I go." she paused. "I'm glad you had a few years of peace with Eleanor. I'm sorry that it's been chaos in your life since you reconnected with me. I'm a bad omen."

"No, Ally. You aren't. I had a few peaceful years, but my mind wasn't at peace...The addiction. It never goes away, you know. Even know. It's like a  rot spreading through my mind. I can shrink it down, but now and then it tries to spread. It's a constant fight to stop myself from slipping. Today...Watching you crash was the closest I've come in a long time to crumbling. For a second - only a second - I thought to myself, God, I know what would make this pain go away."

The siblings engaged in a poignant dialogue, recounting the traumas they had endured, the fractured relationships, and the scars etched into the fabric of their lives. It was a conversation that touched on the wounds left by their mother's absence and the complexities of a family irrevocably altered by tragedy.

"James...I know we don't like to talk about the bad things, but maybe...maybe we should." Alexandra murmured.

"Yeah..." James replied. "I'm sorry, y'know? For everything. If I could turn back the clock, I'd have gotten us both out of that house. You could have grown up with Seb - or Christian."

"Was he good to us?" Alexandra asked. "I don't remember much about Christian."

"He was the best," James smiled sadly. "Seb and Christian...You were their favorite. You still are. Lewis always joked about how strange it was that you saw him as a big brother, but Seb as a Dad but...Seb stepped up for you in a really big way. He started as 'uncle Seb' and then never looked back. He was there for you every time you needed him."

"I know." Lexi smiled. "That's why they're family."

As they spoke about their shared past, their words painted a pessimistic narrative of lives seemingly marked by misfortune. James confessed his fears for Theo, unsure of how to shield their son from the shadows of their own history.

"I don't want Theo to go through what we went through," James declared, his voice resolute. "I want to shield him from this curse of our family."

The room, once filled with the echoes of their shared pain, now became an intimate space where the scars of their past were laid bare. James and Alexandra faced the grim reality of their family history, grappling with the daunting task of breaking free from the shackles that bound them to a cycle of despair.

"I don't want to pass my trauma onto my baby." Alexandra smiled softly. "I want them to grow up knowing only love. Sure, I know that pain is unavoidable, but I want to make sure I'm not the one to hurt my child. Not like Mum and Dad did to us." she sighed. "If it wasn't for them...things might have been different."

In that vulnerable exchange, they found a fragile alliance, a shared determination to rewrite the narrative for the next generation. As their conversation unfolded, the weight of their past became a heavy burden, but within the shadows, there lingered a glimmer of hope – a shared commitment to protect their children from the haunting legacy that had defined their own lives.

The nurse entered with a gentle knock, smiling at both Alexandra and James. "How are we doing in here?" she asked, her eyes shifting between the siblings.

Alexandra offered a small but genuine smile. "Surviving, I suppose."

The nurse nodded and proceeded with her routine checkup, monitoring vital signs and ensuring that Alexandra was as comfortable as possible. As she went about her tasks, James leaned in closer to his sister, his expression lightening.

"Hey, I heard you're pulling a surprise wedding on us." he teased, attempting to infuse a bit of levity into the conversation.

Alexandra chuckled, her eyes gleaming with a mix of playfulness and sincerity. "James, life's too short to wait around. Besides, I want to be Mrs. Leclerc as soon as possible. Can you blame me?"

James mirrored her smile, appreciating the spirit that seemed to rekindle in his sister. "I can't blame you at all. Charles makes you happy, and that's what matters. Why wait when you've found something so special?"

"That's exactly what I think," Alexandra replied, her expression softening. "And Charles... he just gets me. After everything, he's been my anchor. I don't want to waste any more time."

James nodded, his gaze sincere. "I've never seen you so sure about someone, Lex. And I love that he makes you happy. You deserve all the joy life can offer."

The conversation drifted to lighter topics, with James seamlessly weaving anecdotes and jokes to distract his sister from the pain and discomfort she was enduring. As they bantered, a sense of camaraderie filled the room, a small haven within the hospital's sterile walls.

The pleasant atmosphere in the room shifted as Alexandra winced in pain. James, perceptive to the change, instantly grew concerned. "Ally, you're clearly in more pain than you're letting on. Let me get a nurse," he insisted, reaching for the call button.

Despite her initial refusal, Alexandra's discomfort intensified, and she found herself unable to suppress a cry of pain. James swiftly pressed the call button, summoning the assistance they needed.

Within moments, a nurse entered the room, her demeanor calm yet attentive. "What's going on here?" she inquired, glancing between the siblings.

Alexandra, gripping her injured abdomen, winced as she explained, "I think something's wrong. The pain is getting worse."

The nurse moved efficiently, checking the monitors and assessing Alexandra's condition. "Let's get a doctor in here," she suggested, concern etched on her face.

As they waited for the doctor, James offered a reassuring presence. "You're going to be okay, Lex. They'll figure out what's happening and fix it."

As they waited for the medical assistance, the room seemed to close in, the atmosphere tense with the heightened uncertainty of the situation. Alexandra, beads of sweat forming on her forehead, struggled to regulate her breathing amidst waves of unimaginable agony.

The nurse, usually composed, couldn't conceal the palpable panic as she reassured both siblings. "Help is on the way."

In a matter of moments, a doctor rushed into the room, the gravity of the situation immediately apparent on their face. Without hesitation, the doctor realised she'd torn her stitches. 

"Miss Heroux, we need to take your dressing off and stitch you back up." the Doctor said softly. "We're just going to get you some local anaesthetic-,"

"Please." she gasped, blood seeping through her bandage. 

As the doctor made the sobering discovery that Alexandra had indeed torn her stitches, a sense of urgency permeated the room. The nurse, quick on her feet, scurried to find vials of local anesthetic and pain relief. Time became a fleeting ally as they worked to manage the escalating situation.

Amidst the organized chaos, James stood helplessly at the edge of the unfolding medical drama. The nurse gently ushered him towards the exit, advising him to give the medical team space to address the emergent crisis.

Reluctantly stepping out into the hallway, James took a deep breath to steady himself. The corridor, once familiar, now seemed to twist and warp under the weight of the recent events. Images of his sister's injury flashed vividly in his mind, haunting his thoughts.

James sank to the ground and placed his head in his hands, trying to drown out the sounds from the open doorway in front of him as he listened to his little sister cry.

In the room, the nurse struggled to offer comfort as Alexandra gasped in pain, feeling the rawness of the reopened wound. The doctor issued rapid instructions, and the medical team worked with meticulous haste. 

As James sat anxiously, wrestling with the unsettling sights he had witnessed when they unbandaged Alexandra's abdomen, he became aware of Charles standing nearby. Charles, who had arrived with a bouquet, stood frozen in the doorway, his eyes locked onto Alexandra's battered form.

"Charles," James called out, his voice filled with a mixture of urgency and despair. Charles turned to face him, his expression a mosaic of shock and horror. James hesitated for a moment, his words catching in his throat. "She's hurt, Charles. Really hurt."

Charles, his grip tightening on the flowers, tried to process the gravity of the situation. His eyes, wide with disbelief, scanned Alexandra's wounded frame. James, desperate for support, watched as Charles struggled to comprehend the unfolding medical crisis.

Charles remained rooted in place, his eyes fixated on the distressing scene unfolding within the room. James, rising from the floor, joined him in the doorway. The gruesome reality of Alexandra's injury laid bare, her midriff marked with fresh blood, and the urgency of the medical team's response all struck a dissonant chord.

The nurse, recognizing the need for privacy, gently guided Charles and James away from the room. She closed the door with a hushed promise that they would be updated on Alexandra's condition shortly. The corridor, once a passageway of hopeful anticipation, now seemed to echo with the resonance of uncertainty.

Charles, grappling with the shock of the unexpected turn of events, found himself at a loss for words. He turned to James, his expression a blend of fear and disbelief. The weight of helplessness hung heavy in the air, both men united by their concern for the woman fighting for her life behind the closed door.

As the minutes stretched into an eternity, Charles and James stood in shared silence, the distant hum of hospital activity a stark reminder of life's fragility. The bouquet of flowers Charles had brought, now seemingly incongruous, dangled forgotten from his grip.

Finally, a nurse approached them, her face a canvas of reassurance. "She's stable for now. The doctor is finishing up. She ripped them open somehow, probably from moving more than she should have." The words offered a fragile lifeline of hope, and the two men exchanged a glance laden with gratitude. 

"She'll be okay, I promise." 


Charles and James approached Max's room, hoping to provide a brief respite for Kelly. However, as they entered, they found Max alone, his weary smile not quite reaching his eyes. The room, usually a space for recovery, felt heavy with the weight of their collective struggles.

Max quirked an eyebrow at the flowers Charles held, a brief attempt at humor amidst the underlying tension. "Are those for me?" he teased, though the levity was short-lived.

The brief moment of levity dissipated as the weight of the situation settled in. Max sensed the gravity in Charles and James' demeanor. He shifted his focus from the flowers to their faces, concern etching lines across his own.

"What happened? Where's Ally?" Max's question hung in the air, laden with the shared understanding that, within the walls of a hospital, good news and bad news often walked hand in hand. 

Charles and James explained the ordeal with Alexandra, the reopening of her wound, and the subsequent urgency in the medical team's response. "She'll be okay. You both will."

Max sighed, his gaze dropping to the hospital bed. The interconnectedness of their lives, the delicate balance they all tread, was now more palpable than ever. The camaraderie in the room shifted, and the trio settled into a more serious conversation.

"How are you holding up?" James asked, genuine concern etched in his features.

Max's response was a mix of physical pain and emotional fatigue. "It's like nothing I've ever felt before, but the painkillers help... a bit." He managed a half-smile, attempting to downplay the intensity of his suffering.

Charles, sensing the need for a change of topic, asked about Kelly. Max's eyes softened, betraying the vulnerability he tried to conceal. "She's gone to get some rest. It's been tough on her too. I had to make Christian promise not to leave my side while she's gone."


"Gone to sneak me some coffee." Max shrugged. "After today, I doubt a coffee would kill me." 

"So, what have they said about your leg?"

"Well...I might not race again." Max said the words as if they had a bitter taste to them. 

As the gravity of the conversation lingered in the hospital room, the trio—Charles, James, and Max—found themselves caught in a moment of shared introspection. Max's determination to reclaim his racing career echoed in the sterile air, a testament to his unwavering spirit.

"You're not thinking of retiring, are you?" Charles ventured cautiously, glancing at James, who wore a concerned expression mirroring his own.

Max's eyes widened in realization, and he shook his head. "No, not at all. I'm not ready to give it up. If I retire before Ally, she'll never let me live it down."

The statement hung in the air, and the unspoken understanding between them deepened. It was then that the shock set in for Charles and James, a shared revelation that Alexandra's future in racing remained unspoken.

"Wait, Ally never said she'd go back to racing," James remarked, his voice carrying the weight of realization.

Charles, usually attuned to every nuance of Alexandra's life, found himself startled. "You're right. She never mentioned it."

The conversation pivoted to Max's recollection of the crash, his voice carrying a weight of guilt and anxiety. "I felt the car bottom out, and then I lost control of the brakes," he confessed, his eyes distant as he relived the harrowing moments. "I tried to stop, but it was too late. I didn't realize Lexi was there until the impact."

Charles and James listened, their hearts heavy with the weight of shared trauma. The thin line between competition and camaraderie became starkly apparent, and the implications of that fateful crash reverberated through the room.

In the quiet hospital space, amid the sterile smell of antiseptic and the hum of medical equipment, the trio grappled with the uncertainties that life had thrown at them. The road ahead seemed filled with challenges, and the scars – both seen and unseen – told tales of survival, resilience, and the complex interplay between their lives, dreams, and the ever-unpredictable future.


Alexandra's room was filled with the sterile scent of hospitals, the low hum of medical equipment, and the muffled sounds of the outside world. As Christian walked past her room, an unexpected projectile came hurtling through the door – an empty bedpan. It narrowly missed him, causing him to jump in terror. However, the fear was quickly replaced with confusion as he realized the culprit was none other than Alexandra.

In a moment of pure mischief, she grinned at Christian, who entered the room with a mix of relief and amusement. "What on earth was that for?" he exclaimed.

With a cheeky giggle, Alexandra shrugged, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Just testing my aim, and apparently, it's still spot on."

Christian laughed and pulled up a chair, taking a moment to survey her bandaged form. "You scared the life out of me, you know that, Ally Cat?"

"I figured," she replied with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "It's good to know I can still surprise you."

"You'll always surprise me. Now, how are you feeling? I'm sorry I didn't come see you sooner, but Max...Well, I had to make sure he was okay too."

As they settled into a conversation, Christian, unaware of the recent complications with her stitches, asked about the others. Alexandra simply shrugged again. The effects of the painkillers she was on were evident in the way she seemed detached from reality.

Feeling a lighthearted comment coming on, Christian opened his mouth to speak, but Alexandra's sudden shift in demeanor caught him off guard. She grabbed his wrist, her gaze turning serious.

"Mum wanted me to tell you," she began, her voice taking on a poignant tone, "that she always loved you. And Geri... Geri is perfect for you."

Christian's eyes widened in shock, the unexpected words hanging in the air. For a moment, the room held a silent reverence as the weight of Camille's message sank in. It was a tender reminder of the bonds that transcended time and the enduring love that lingered even in the face of loss.

As quickly as the weighty moment had come, Alexandra's mood shifted once again. Her gaze, once filled with solemnity, now sparkled with a detached and giggly demeanor, fueled by the potent concoction of painkillers coursing through her veins.

"Christian, do you ever think that giraffes are just horses on stilts?" she quipped, her laughter bubbling up as if the weight of the world had momentarily lifted.

Christian couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected turn in the conversation. "Ally, you're on a whole different level right now," he teased, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"I mean, think about it. Long necks, long legs. It's like they were trying to one-up the horses," she mused, her words carrying a whimsical air.

Christian played along, adopting a contemplative expression. "You might be onto something there."

"Toto is a giraffe." She burst into another fit of giggles, her eyes glinting mischievously.

"You know, Ally," Christian began with a sly grin, "I've heard a rumor about Helmut. Apparently, he's an alien."

Ally's eyes widened, and she stared at Christian with an exaggerated seriousness. "Really? An alien? That would explain so much." she paused. "Is that why the dinosaur hasn't died yet? Is he immortal?"

Christian chuckled at her reaction, not expecting her to take the playful remark seriously. "Ally, I was kidding."

Ally leaned in conspiratorially, her expression deadpan. "Wait, so when people say the Red Bull cars are rocket ships...Fuck, Christian, do I drive a spaceship?"

Christian burst into laughter, thoroughly entertained by Ally's willingness to embrace the fanciful idea. "Maybe, you'd have to ask Helmut."

"I'm scared of dinosaurs, Christian."

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