Yu-Gi-Oh: It's Time To Duel...

By MrEhero-Ultimate

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Long ago, when the pyramids were still young, the Egyptian Kings played a game of great and terrible power. B... More

Oc Bio: Information
Season 1 Episode 1: The Heart of the cards
Season 1 Episode 2: The Gauntlet is Thrown
Season 1 Episode 3: Journey to Duelist Kingdom
Season 1 Episode 4: Into the hornet's nest
Season 1 Episode 5: First Duel
Season 1 Episode 6: Attack from the deep
Season 1 Episode 7: Everything's Relative
Season 1 Episode 9: Duel with a Ghoul - Pt2
Season 1 Episode 10: Dueling monkey
Season 1 Episode 11: Evil spirit of the ring
Season 1 Episode 12: Light shines in darkness
Season 1 Episode 13: The scars of defeat
Season 1 Episode 14: Arena of lost souls
Season 1 Episode 15: Double Trouble Pt1
Season 1 Episode 16: Double Trouble Pt2
Season 1 Episode 17: Honor amongst each other
Season 1 Episode 18: The Key to the Mind
Season 1 Episode 19: Face Off
Season 1 Episode 20: Shining Friendship
Season 1 Episode 21: Champion vs Creator
Season 1 Episode 22: The Night Before
Season 1 Episode 23: Duel Identity
Season 1 Episode 24: The Kaiba name...
Season 1 Episode 25: Keith's Machination
Season 1 Episode 26: Best of friends, Best of duelists Pt1
Season 1 Episode 27: Best of friends, Best of duelists Pt2

Season 1 Episode 8: Duel with a Ghoul - Pt1

572 15 2
By MrEhero-Ultimate

(Watch Opening)

After the opening, Joey is seen running through the forest with the others running behind him. He stops for a moment to look around as he soon starts to run again.

Tristan: H-hey, slow down will ya?!

Joey: No! I gotta find Ami!

Joey stops as he keeps looking around to see if Amikou was anywhere nearby as he continued to run into another part of the forest. Stopping in place as he calls out into the air.

Joey: Ami, where are you?!

As he shouts, the others manage to catch up to them with Tea and Tristan breathing heavily as Jason and Yami were good on breath.

Tristan: I don't think she's around here...

Joey: She has to be... I gotta find her!

Tea: You really think she wants you to find her? She said she never wanted to see you again, especially after what you said.

Joey grabbed the sides of his head as he grunts and paced back and forth.

Joey: Gah! I know! I know I screwed up again, but I didn't mean it like dat! I was angry that she didn't trust us enough to alteast tell us...

Yami: Joey, it was ultimately her decision to make whether she was ready or not to reveal that information.

Jason: But it's out in the open now. What's important now is what happens next.... and what you intend to do?

Joey looks at his dueling glove as he narrows his eyes before breaking into another run. The others soon followed him as they ran for what seemed to be an hour, sooner or later, they were now in the meadow region around the area where Joey beat Mai as they looked around the area.

Tea: I'm starting to get worried.... I hope she's alright.

Jason: Well, that should answer your questions right there.

Jason points over to direct the group's attention to a girl walking in the distance with familiar long brown hair, and a black leather jacket. Joey's eyes widened as he saw her as he once again broke into a sprint and with the others behind him, called out to Amikou.

Joey: Ami! Wait!

Amikou turned around with a cold stare directed at the Brooklyn boy as her eyes were red from crying.

Amikou: What do you want, Wheeler?

Joey: Ami, I-i'm... I'm sorry.

Amikou crossed her arms as she kept her hard stare on Joey as he continued to speak.

Joey: I-i... I said some things I probably shouldn't have. And I understand that it was entirely your decision to tell us that you were a Kaiba...

Amikou: No, I wasn't trying to hold it off. I was afraid to say it because I knew something like this would happen! It always goes the same way with almost every new friend I met growing up, the moment they find out about my family, they put on a mask. They would either pretend to be nice for my family's money or assume I would be some spoiled brat who'd ruin their lives if they weren't nice to me! I never cared about the money or the status, I just wanted to be a normal girl with friends who actually cared and worried about me....

The group looked at her sadly as Joey placed his hand on his glove, before staring back into Amikou's eyes as he seemed sorrowful.

Tea: Ami... We'll always care about you.

Yami: She's right. You're a good friend.

Tristan: Yeah! Friends till the end! Right Joey?

Joey: ....Well, maybe for you guys.... But I still screwed up and let my anger get da better of me... I said some things I didn't mean, and because of that I hurt one of my best friends. And if I'm a true friend, then I have to make this right.

Suddenly he held his hand out infront of Amikou as her cold stare softened as she uncrossed her arms and saw a star chip resting in his palm.

Joey: I wanna give ya back the star chip you gave me... I'll start over from the ground up.

The rest of the group looked surprised by Joey's offer as Jason silently stood next Yami with a smile.

Joey: I know it probably won't make up for what I said, and I know that you're fightin' for ya little brotha.... I'd probably do the same thing if it was my little sister.

Amikou: Joey....

Joey: Take it. I don't want ya to face that pin-headed jerk with only one star chip, and maybe if ya want... We could try to still be friends?

Joey smiled as Amikou looked up at him with sadness before reaching her hand out to his open one. But instead of taking the star chip, she reached out and closed Joey's hand and put it close to his chest as to his confusion.

Amikou: ...Of course I still wanna be friends... Meeting you guys was the best, and I was just scared. Seto could be a jerk at some points, and I didn't want you all to think of me like that.

Yami: We would never imagine you as such.

Jason: You aren't like your brother, Ami. We can see that without even thinking about it.

Amikou smiled as tears started to well up in her eyes as she released Joey's hand as she stared at him. Her smile drops as she sees the red mark on his cheek.

Amikou: I-i'm sorry about slapping you Joey.

Joey: Eh? Oh, heh. Ain't no big deal. I guess I did deserve it.

Joey laughed as he walked over and wrapped his arm around Amikou's shoulders as he smiled rubbing his cheek.

Tea: But what about your star chips? You still only have one.

Amikou: Weeeeeeell.....

Amikou lifted up her glove and showed that she has four stars on her glove causing the group to be taken back by the surprise.

Tristan: Whoa! You managed to get three more star chips?

Jason: Impressive...

Amikou: I knew I was going to be facing a heavy challenge. So I found a duelist and managed to play an all or nothing duel against him, luckily I won and doubled my star chips.

Joey: Hehe, so I guess we're still in the game, huh?

Amikou nodded as she was relieved that they talked, the group discussed things further as their relationship as friends grown. They spent the next few hours working on helping Amikou with her strategy.


Four hours went by in a flash as the group made their way to the Duel Arena-146 where Kemo was seen still holding onto Mokuba as the little brother continued to struggle.

Mokuba: Ami, over here! Get him off me!

Amikou: Mokuba! Put him down now!

The group walks over to the guard who was standing next to the arena.

Kemo: I'll consider it if you win the duel.

Jason: And how do you expect to duel while latching onto Mokuba like a teddy bear?

Kemo: Oh, I never said I would duel.
There is your opponent.

Kemo points up to the red side of the Duel Stadium as someone was already standing on the platform.

Group: Huh?

Kemo: He's an familiar face who's dying to see you again. He met with an unfortunate end earlier today, but he's come back just to duel you.

Mokuba: What are you saying?!

Amikou: N-no....

Amikou and the rest of the group saw as Seto Kaiba stood in his school uniform and an evil look on his face.

Amikou: S-seto...

Seto smirked as he spoke in a distorted voice.

Ghost Seto: Hehehe.... Yes Amikou, it's me, and in this duel, You don't stand... A ghost of a chance.

Kemo: Haha! I hope you aren't afraid of ghosts, cause you'll soon be facing one!

Yami: A ghost?

Mokuba: Stop it, kemo!

Kemo: It's a fact. Two witnesses saw him fall to his doom.

Everyone in the group gasped from the information as Jason's eyes narrowed while Amikou suddenly began to tear up as she held her hand over her mouth, taking a step back while the thoughts of her brother being dead started to plague her mind.

Mokuba: Liar! Take back what you said!

Kemo: Get used to it. All that's left of Kaiba are your memories. Plus, a very cranky ghost just looking for revenge on Jason here. But I suppose a duel between siblings should be a great warm-up.

Jason: It's not him!

Kemo: Well, he's seen better days. It's time to duel with the ghoul.

Amikou: I-it can't be...

She started to shake as Jason placed his hand on her shoulder.

Jason: Remember... That guy's nothing but a fake, a trick by Pegasus. He may look like him, but he's not your brother.

Amikou: Right... Don't worry, Mokuba. I'll win your freedom. Then we'll find our real brother.

The whole field was being observed by Pegasus from his castle as he watched from the cameras all over the island.

Pegasus: This is extremely entertaining!
I just love reality tv.

Croquet: Sir, who is Miss Kaiba dueling?

Pegasus: It's Seto Kaiba... what's left of him. The poor boy had shown so much promise.

Croquet: But now he's...it's... here? How did you do that?

Pegasus: I really can't take all the credit.
I had help from Yugi. And now, to return the favor, I'm going to teach him
a lesson about the real power of the millennium items.

Amikou looked at the "Ghost" of Seto with a determined look in her eyes as she made her way over towards the other side of the arena. Suddenly Jason called out to her.

Jason: Ami, wait!

Amikou: Hmm? What is it?

Jason pulled out his deck and grabbed one card from it as he held it out for Amikou, who looked at it confused.

Jason: I don't doubt your dueling skills, but I want you to use this. It'll give you an edge against this creep.

Amikou took the card as she looked at it, causing her eyes to widen upon seeing it.

Amikou: B-but.... How?

Jason: Don't worry about it. Use it.

Jason walked back over to the others as Amikou held the card in her hand as she stared at it for a good few moments.

After that, she was now on the platform where Ghost Seto was waiting for her.

Ghost Seto: Hello, little sister. You look like you've seen a ghost.

Amikou: That's enough.

Ghost Seto: I am no longer of this world, and it's all because of Jason. I could have had it all, but when Jason beat me, he took more than just the match. He stole my life and destroyed my soul.

Amikou: You're nothing but an impostor, so stop the lies and let's start
the duel!

Ghost Seto: Fine with me. There's no way you can beat my cards.

Amikou drew her first five cards as she glared at the Ghost.

Amikou: You might look like Seto, but there is no way you can imitate his deck.

Ghost Seto: You mean my deck.

Mokuba: Beat him, Amikou! He's nothing but a fake!

Joey: Yeah. That ghost don't even look like your brotha!

Tea: That's right. Wait. I mean, it's not a ghost, and it's not Kaiba.

Tristan: Get him, Ami!

Yami stands with his arms crossed as suddenly Seto's voice echoed in his head.

Ghost Seto: 'Yugi, I know you can hear me. I know you can sense my thoughts,
and I know that you can see the truth. I am Seto Kaiba, but this time, you're dealing with someone who's got nothing to lose.' Kemo, once I beat my pathetic Sister, Pegasus can have Kaiba Corporation. All I want is revenge on Yugi and Jason! 3 Stars says I win.

Amikou: Fine by me. That means when the duel's done, I'll have 7!

She said holding up her glove to show the three new Star Chips added to her glove.

Amikou/Ghost Seto: Let's duel.

<Amikou> 2000LP
<Ghost Seto> 2000LP

Ghost Seto draw his hand as he smirks.

Ghost Seto: Guess I'll go first. And I'll start off with the Hitotsu-me Giant.

Playing his first card was a familiar sight for Jason as it was the same monster Seto opened with in their first duel.

Ghost Seto: Mmm. Is something wrong?
It's your turn to move, Amikou.

Jason: 'The Hitotsu-me Giant is how Seto began our duel.'

Mokuba looks up and sees the monster on the ghost's side of the field.

Mokuba: There's a card just like
that in Seto's deck....

Joey: Hey, just 'cause it's the same card
doesn't mean it's the same deck!

Jason: He's right. That card is a basic monster, Amikou's smart enough to not fall for something like that.

Amikou stares the monster down as she looked at her hand.

Amikou: 'He's trying to confuse me by making the same opening move he always does...' I'll play one card face-down. Then I'll summon my Mystical Elf in defense mode, with a defense strength of 2000!

Appearing on her field was a blue-skinned woman with long blonde hair and crown stood on the field with 2000DEF.

Amikou: Your move!

Ghost Seto: Hmph, how typical of you sister... Always hiding behind someone instead of facing your problems head on.

Amikou: You don't know anything about me, you fake!

The ghost said nothing as he drew his next card, smirking as he placed a card face-down.

Ghost Seto: Oh but I do know, you believe that you can beat me... But we both know that has never once happened whenever we dueled.

Amikou's eyes widened upon hearing this as Seto's ghost summons a new monster.

Ghost Seto: I may not be to attack with my Giant, but I can still strengthen my field with strong monsters to demolition you. Go, Ryu-Kishin Powered!

Appearing on the field was a fiend-like creature that was covered with armor as it stood with 1600ATK. Ghost Seto smirked as he pretended to be stuck as he shrugged.

Ghost Seto: I suppose that's all I can do... Your move.

Amikou: Gladly! I draw!

Drawing her next card, Amikou studied her cards closely as something caught her eye as she smiled.

Amikou: I summon... Gyakutenno Megami in attack mode!

A new monster is summoned to the field, a tall woman with curved green hair in a dress stood tall with a staff in her hand as she aimed it at Ghost Seto with 1800ATK.

Amikou: I'll follow this up with two magic cards, Silver Bow and Arrow which increases my Megami's ATK and DEF by 300 points! And then I play this for my Elf...

Amikou: Book of Secret Arts! Which will have the same effect for my other monster!

-Mystical Elf: 800+300/2000+300 = 1100/2300-

-Gyakutenno Megami: 1800+300/2000+300 = 2100/2300-

Joey: Yeah! That's how you do it!

Mokuba: Yeah, you go sis!

Amikou smiled as she looked at the Ghost as she pointed at him.

Amikou: This is only the start of it, fraud! I attack your Giant with Gyakutenno Megami!

The monster aimed it's staff as a build-up of magic fired at the green giant causing it to be destroyed, as well as a bit of Ghost Seto's life points.

<Amikou> 2000LP
<Ghost Seto> 2000-900/ 1100LP

Jason: Nice, she's managed to strengthen her defense as well as a strong monster on the attack.

Joey: Yeah! There's no way she'll lose ta dis creep!

Yami: Don't be too sure, Joey.

The group turned to Yami who looked at the field intensely as the battle was just beginning.

Yami: This duel hasn't started yet, and I feel as though Amikou's in for a rough time.

Meanwhile, at a familiar mansion, several guards walked around the property with two standing infront of the gate to the large house.

Unaware to the guards but from behind a tree of the front area, Seto Kaiba was seen watching them with caution as it shows a flashback to what really happened after he jumped out the window. It was revealed that he had managed to stop the fall and pull himself up onto a ledge without the two gunmen noticing.

In real life, Seto runs over to another side of a wall as he climbed over the wall around the mansion as he runs through the yard, pulling a handle attached to a long chain that opened a large hatch door.

Seto is then seen entering a room on the inside of the mansion where he opens a secret door revealing a computer room, where he sat down and booted up the system.

Computer: Running identity verification protocol. Please state your name.

Seto: Seto kaiba.

The computer loads up as it starts up completely.

Computer: I thought I'd seen it all, but having to break into your own house?

Seto: It's too long a story for right now.

Computer: Too long a story? Well, maybe I'm not in such a talkative mood myself right now.

Seto: I'd find that hard to believe.

Computer: Such a smart guy. While you were off gallivanting, a hostile takeover
of Kaiba Corporation has begun.

Seto: I know.

Computer: At the same time, Maximillion Pegasus kicked off his duel monsters championship at the duelist kingdom. If Yugi Muto and Jason Talbott can be defeated by Pegasus, or a competitor that represents him, then the new Kaiba Corporation board has promised him control of the company.

A picture of Jason and Yugi appear on the screen as well as an overview of Duelist Kingdom island.

Seto: He won't win. Yugi's deck has Exodia, and Jason's unbeatable.

Computer: Yeah, well, some time
after you lost to Jason, Yugi lost Exodia.

Seto: What? No way!

Computer: When it rains, it pours. Pegasus knows all about the corporation bylaws that require a living Kaiba heir
to make any change of control legal.
Mokuba's his prisoner, and with you out of the way, it's likely Pegasus will exert all kinds of pressure to make your brother do what he wants, one way or another. So, now you know. What are we gonna do?

Seto sits back with his hand to his mouth as he remembered something important.

Seto: What about Amikou? Where is she?

Computer: Hmm, well, according to my records... She's evaded capture, but has ended up on Duelist Kingdom by use of your invitation.

Seto: She's on Duelist Kingdom island?! Why would she do that?

Computer: Probably for the reason of saving Mokuba. So once again, what are we going to do?

Seto thinks for a moment before he spoke up.

Seto: They'll keep my brother safe, at least until the takeover's complete. So, I've got to make sure Pegasus doesn't defeat Yugi or Jason in a duel no matter what.

Seto immediately started to type on his keyboard as he began to work.

Seto: I'm not gonna give up Kaiba Corporation without a real fight. It's takeover time by me. We're going to hack right into Pegasus's computer mainframe. Next stop, the Duelist Kingdom!

Amikou is seen with a smile as the field where Ghost Seto's Giant once stood was now nothing but a cloud of dust.

Amikou: I think I've been enough for now, so I'll place one card face-down and that ends my turn. Your move.

Ghost Seto: Hehehe... And it's going to blow your mind. This next card's a blast from the past, Amikou... With the emphasis on "Blast."

Amikou's eyes widened upon hearing this as it only reminded her of one thing.

Ghost Seto: I attack with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

Everyone was taken back from the shock as Ghost Seto summoned the legendary dragon to the field, making a loud roar as it stomps onto the arena.

Joey: Only one deck has got that card...

Mokuba: That means, what they say... Could it be true?

Mokuba and Amikou looked at the dragon with tears welling up in their eyes upon seeing that this was Seto's deck.

Amikou: B-big brother... N-no...

Ghost Seto: Don't worry, Amikou. My feelings weren't hurt when you called me a liar. Not having a real body isn't so bad. You would not believe what I save in food bills alone. Hahahaha!!!

Ghost Seto broke into a loud maniacal laugh while Amikou steps back on the platform as tears started to flow down her face as she started shaking in place.

Ghost Seto: But I still get to enjoy the finer things in life, like revenge, and I'm going to savor its sweet taste for a very long time.

Mokuba: Shut up! Please, someone make him go away! M-make him go away!

The group could hear and sees the distress that the two siblings were having. Joey could only watch as Amikou looked like she was about to break down while a crying Mokuba was struggling with Kemo's grip still on his arm.

Ghost Seto: Heh. Seeing you two crying over my death would actually break my heart... if I had one.

Yami and Jason both scowl at the ghoul as the scene plays out.

Back at the real Seto, he was currently waiting for the computer to load.

Computer: We've easily broken through
the Duelist Kingdom computer system.

Seto: Too easy. Okay. When it comes to computer duels, Pegasus has met his match. Now it should be a piece of cake
to find the field in which Yugi or Jason are dueling.

Computer: I'm lookin', I'm lookin'.

The computer begins to work it's magic when suddenly an error appears.

Computer: Access denied?!

Seto: What did you do wrong?

Computer: Don't blame me. I finally found the security, and it's all around
Yugi's data. Jason's too!

Seto: Ah, I should've known. Fine by me, Pegasus. Go ahead and give it your best shot. There isn't a computer system anywhere on earth that I can't break into.

Seto smiled as he readied up his backup plan.

Seto: Here's the thing: Every computer
has a back door if you know where to look. And guess where we're gonna look.

Computer: Beats me.

Seto: It'll be quicker if I take over on manual for a while. Data from all the duels is being beamed from the island to an orbiting Industrial Illusions satellite
and back down to their mainframe. These transmissions are obviously highly encrypted. If we can somehow force the Industrial Illusions computer
off-line, I'm sure their backup systems
won't have as much security.

Computer: Are you sayin' we can make their computer crash... From here? But how?

Seto: A computer crash is exactly what
I had in mind. The biggest computer crash ever. And I'm going to use
Pegasus's own satellite to do it.

Computer: But I've already tried to hack into their systems.

Seto: My idea's different. Once the security is down, we should be able to freely access the data. Be ready with a search for the Dark Magician... Wait... search instead for any field that's using Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Computer: Gotcha. But why you're own monster?

Seto: I'm sure those punks from Pegasus took my deck and will probably use it to defeat Yugi or Jason. I have no idea on who's dueling at the moment, along with no knowledge of what's in Jason's own deck. Dark magician would be a good one to look for, but there's a chance Yugi may not be dueling right now.

Computer: Understood. Blue-Eyes White Dragon inquiry loaded and standing by.

Seto: Good...

Computer: So spill it already. How the heck are we going to use Industrial Illusion's own satellite to bring down
their computer?

Seto: By bringing down.the satellite itself... Down all the way!

The computer began to work through the schematics of the satellite and started to rework the mainframe taking control of it.

Computer: Loading satellite schematics.
M-class triton series. Booster rocket controls on line. Locating orbital
coordinates. Breaching onboard computer security. You are now
the proud owner of an Industrial
Illusions satellite.

Seto: Great. Now plot a crash course for the computer mainframe.

Computer: Uploading new coordinates now.

The satellite's orbital systems aimed down at the mainland where Industrial Illusions tower was located as it begins to lock onto the computer.

Computer: We are locked on target for the computer.

Seto: Hmm. Virus software won't stop this. Pegasus! You're on notice that the Kaiba Corporation's still mine!

Computer: Satellite impact in 10 seconds.

Back at the duel, Amikou was still crying as her body was shaking. Ghost Seto was simply laughing as he found her behavior amusing.

Ghost Seto: Hahaha! Just like old times... You scared to move while I was always infront of you, talk about pathetic.

Amikou gripped her arms tightly as she remembed the times where her fear and cowardice always made Seto shield her from the world.

Ghost Seto: As much as I'd like to reminisce on the old days, I have some revenge I'd like to dish out on those two next... So I'll play this. Defense Paralysis!

Yami: Ah, a trap!

Jason: That's not good!

Suddenly, Mystical Elf turned to attack mode as it stood on the field with 1100ATK.

Ghost Seto: Now dear sister... prepare to taste defeat! Go Blue-Eyes, attack with White Lightning!!!

Blue-Eyes suddenly fired a blast at Mystical Elf as it destroyed the monster and wiped out a large portion of Amikou's life points.


<Amikou> 2000-1900/ 100LP
<Ghost Seto> 1100LP

Joey: Ami!

Tea/Tristan: Amikou!

Mokuba: Big sis!!!

Amikou staggered on her feet as she managed to survive the blast with only 100LP to spare as she stared at the Dragon.

Ghost Seto: Hehehe... HAHAHA!!! I left you with only one hundred measly Life Points, but I think that'll do for now.

Amikou: I-i...

Amikou reached her hand out to draw her card but she couldn't stop shaking.

Jason: Amikou! Don't give into the fear. He's using mind games to mess with your head. You can do this!

Joey: He's right! You know Kaiba betta 'en anybody! You should know something dat can stop dat beast!

Amikou looked at her deck as she took a breath before drawing her next card and starting her turn.

Amikou: I'll summon, Aqua Madoor in defense mode! Then I'll switch my Megami into defense as well!

With newfound confidence, Amikou summoned a new monster with 2000DEF and switched her remaining monster to the same position. Ghost Seto smirked as he saw her attempt of a turn.

Ghost Seto: Was that really the best you could do? Pitiful. I expected better from my own sister, then again, I was the better one for the job.

Amikou's eyes widened as she narrowed them and grits her teeth.

Amikou: You shut your mouth, you fake!

Ghost Seto: Huh?

Amikou: You can't be my brother.... Because Seto never once doubted my potential to run the company!

Joey: Yeah! You tell 'em! Dat slimeball doesn't know what he's talkin' about!

Ghost Seto's face shifted as he draw his next card and quickly called an attack.

Ghost Seto: Blue-Eyes, destroy her Megami with White Lightning!!!

The dragon charged up once more to fire a shot when suddenly the attack stopped.

Ghost Seto: W-what?! How did my attack not work?!

Amikou: Maybe because you triggered a trap card of my own! Go, Spellbinding Circle!!!

The circle of magic flew across the field and ensnared the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, draining most of it's ATK power.

-Blue-Eyes White Dragon: 3000-900/ 2100ATK-

Amikou: I know for a fact that Blue-Eyes White Dragon is normally unstoppable, but once drained of its energy by the Spellbinding Circle, It's just a basic monster who can't make a dent in my monster's defense!

Blue-Eyes continues the attack as it bounced off of Megami and reflected right back to itself, destroying it from the field.

Amikou: And that puts an end to your Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Not to mention since it had less attack power then my Megami, you lose the difference between them as damage!

<Amikou> 100LP
<Ghost Seto> 1100-200/ 900LP

Ghost Seto's face contorted into anger as he seemed frustrated by the destruction of the great dragon.

Ghost Seto: Grrr.... Lucky move!

Amikou draw her next card as she smirked.

Amikou: Not luck, I just knew that you'd take the bait to attack. Now to insure that I don't have anymore trouble... I activate Swords of Revealing Light!

Suddenly a barrage of sword shaped pieces of light rained down from the sky as they surrounded the Ghost's only monster.

Tea: Great play, now he can't attack for three turns!

Jason: Not totally true, Tea. Sure the swords keep him from attacking, but that implies to only the monster's on both sides of the field... and it's different when a new monster enters the fray.

Ghost Seto: How right you are, Jason! After all you played the same move against me when we dueled. Which is why it will have the same result! I summon the second Blue-Eyes White Dragon!!!

A second Dragon appears on the field as Amikou stared at this one without fear as she stared at her brother's favorite card.

Ghost Seto: Now, my new monster can destroy that pathetic creature of yours since it's not affected by the Swords. Go, White Lightning!

Blue-Eyes attacked Megami as it destroyed Amikou's monster but her life points remained the same.

Tristan: This isn't looking too good! Ami's on her last bit of life points and there's no monsters she can play that can beat that!

Yami: She's doing a lot better against those cards than I expected...

Jason: Just keep fighting Amikou... You can do this.

Amikou looked at the field as she soon realized that her area and defense was dwindling fast. All the while, Ghost Seto continues to laugh loudly at the sight.

Ghost Seto: Hahaha!! Once again I've gained the upperhand, and now that your field's starting to get smaller... Your chances of winning go along with it. Hehehe...

-To Be Continued....

[Star chips Tracker]

Amikou: 4 (Duel in progress)
Jason: 4
Joey: 2
Yugi: 4

(Hello readers and thank you for reading. A very lengthy chapter for this one, and even as a two parter. Amikou facing off against Ghost Kaiba was an idea I had for the series and I thought that it would be a good way of giving the OCs more duels, even though I had her face a random character in the four hour timeskip before the battle.... Now I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and stay tuned cause I do intend on working on the next one very soon.)

-Until next time...

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