hatred {editing}

By hemmosocial

52.3K 1.8K 559

How can a person hate someone so much? Well, let me tell you. One person; one person can fill you with so mu... More

[12] Reasons
[13] Betrayal
[14] Breakfast
[15] Unexpected
[16] Mia?
[17] Broken
[18] Blame
[19] Just Kidding
[20] Ice Skating
[21] Parties
[22] Penguins
[23] Webcam Secrets
[24] Promises
[25] Watch Your Back
[26] Liar
[27] Change
[28] Hit
[29] Friends Again and Crushes?
[30] This is the Beginning
[31] Thinking Out Loud
[32] Wisdom Teeth
[33] You Did What?!
[34] The End of The Queen's Reign
[35] Luke's Secret
[36] Heartbroken
[37] Mistakes
[38] Too Late
[39] New Looks
[40] I Love You
[41] Proposal
[42] No More Secrets
[43] East Sydney
[44] New Places, Old Faces
[45] The Love Doctor
[46] Happy Endings
[47] Not So Good News
[49] She's Gone
[49.5] NEW STORY
[50] Is This The End? (pt.1)
[51] Is This The End? (pt.2)
To be continued...

[48] The Truth Comes Out

541 28 11
By hemmosocial


"I can't believe he did that!" I heard Meredith gasp through the crack of the door. I was still in bed but I was woken up by the sound of Meredith and Emily's girl talk and it was the only thing I could hear. I didn't want to barge into their conversation but I wanted to know what they were talking about.

I saw Emily through the crack of the door and she looked mad as ever. Her hands were clenched and she looked like she was ready to explode. I didn't know why.

"He promised me." She said, wiping the tears that were coming from her eyes, "But he broke that promise not even 10 minutes later."

Meredith hugged her and Emily was a mess. I wanted to help her, I wanted to see what was wrong. She wiped her eyes and moved the hair from her face.

"What if it was unintentional? He could have been drunk or something." Meredith said, "Do you even know if that was him or not? It could have been a mistake, a misunderstanding."

"Mistake or not, what he did teared me apart." Emily said, "I think I know that it is him. I need to take a walk. Get some fresh air. Get my mind over this. If you don't mind."

"I get it. I needed time to think about Calum and you should about Luke. I'll give you all the time that you need." Meredith said, "Whatever you choose to do, I know that whatever it is, is right."

I saw Meredith walk away and Emily opened the door, walking back into the room. I shut my eyes quickly pretending to be asleep while I heard her footsteps around the room.

I opened my eyes slightly to see that she was at the desk writing something on a piece of paper. She walked over to my side of the bed and left a note on top my phone.

"Luke, my love, I don't know why you did what you did but I don't think I can do this anymore." She said softly, before planting a kiss on my forehead before walking away. I opened my eyes and I saw her close the door shut.

What was she talking about? She couldn't do this anymore? I sat up and looked over at the note.

Going out for a walk. Don't bother coming to find me. -Emily

I took off the note and looked at the time on my phone. It was about noon and everyone was probably awake by now. I needed to find Emily. I needed to talk about what I heard because I had a feeling Emily wasn't telling me something.

I walked out of the room and saw the boys in the living room.

"Really guys? We're on vacation in the middle of the forest. I didn't even know that you could get wifi here. You guys should do something outside." I said and they all laughed. I walked down to them and sat on the couch beside Ashton.

"You are too funny Luke." Michael said, "Seriously, why go out when we can stay here. Nature scares me. There are bugs out there." Michael pointed to the window.

They went back to doing what they were doing and I just couldn't think about what Emily said. 'I don't think I can do this anymore.' Her voice was going on and on like a record player. I just couldn't stop thinking about her.

"Do you guys know where Emily went?" I blurted out and they shrugged. Ashton turned to face me. "She said that she was going for a walk." He said, "She seemed upset too. Did you say something to make her upset?"

"I didn't say anything to her actually. She's not talking to me or at least trying not to." I explained, "Nothing's the same anymore, man, we've been so distant lately. It's been two days since the party and she is upset over something but I don't know what."

"Ah, relationship troubles I hear." Ashton said, "I have nothing else to do, more or less have a girlfriend. So spill, Hemmings."

"I didn't know if it was because she was upset about the tour or it was something else. I needed to talk to her alone." I explained, "I never get the chance to because we are always surrounded by everyone and in the morning, she's never there"

"I don't understand what I did wrong." I further explained, "Did I do anything wrong at the party? I don't know."

For a while now, they've been my on-going therapists. I've had so many issues with Emily and all the drama, I needed someone to talk to and they were the only ones that would listen to me without telling Emily.

The girls turned their backs against me and gave me the cold shoulder because of something I did to Emily. I didn't know why? Did I do something wrong? Did I say anything bad? I don't remember anything...

"I'm not aware that you've done anything wrong." Calum shrugged, "I actually thought you guys were okay now. You seemed to be the power couple compared to what happened to Meredith and I."

"But that's the thing. I thought so too. She told me that she didn't want to be the one to hold us back." I said, "She was happy even if we argued a bit on the way."

"Maybe she's hiding something else. All girls do that." Michael said, "She looks happy on the outside, but on the inside she's miserable." Michael had a good point. I know Emily has done that all her life and it was mostly because of me. I knew why but this time I didn't.

"But if it's not that, then why is she so mad at me?" I asked, "I don't think I've done anything wrong in the past two days."

"Actually, you have." I heard someone say. I turned around to see Mia, walking down the stairs, holding her phone up, waving it around. "You've done something terribly wrong." She made it down the stairs and walked over to us.

"Can you just go away? You've done enough damage as it is." Calum said, making a disgusted face. She looked at him with an evil glare and sighed.

"Oh, Calum, I thought we were friends." She gasped.

"Well you thought wrong." Calum said, "Get on with what you have to say. So I don't have to hear your voice."

"First of all, I didn't do anything. I was as drunk as the rest of you. But, I had no control of what I taped and posted on a little thing called Snapchat." She said, maniacally, tapping away on her phone, "But, when I looked at it yesterday morning, trying to relive the events, I had a feeling that Emily had seen it."

"What did I do?" I asked curiously, "I need to know what I did wrong and I want to fix it."

"Okay, if you wish. Be prepared for a smack down later today." She said with a smirk, "Watch closely." We all looked closely at her phone waiting for what evidence she had.

She played a video from her phone. It was from the party two days ago. I wasn't ready for what she was about to show us, but the curiosity killed me.

"Woo! It's getting hot in here!" I heard someone yell in the video. It was quite dark in the video and the camera was focused on two people who were full on making out against the couch. Why did this concern me?

She paused it and my eyes went wide at what I saw. "If you guys don't recognize that lovely face in the video, that there is you, Luke." She pointed to the face in the video and I couldn't believe that I did that.

"Luke, what have you done?" Calum said, "Now we all know why she hates you."

I looked to Calum with a confused look. "I don't remember anything!" I said, "I was drunk. I need to apologize to her make this all better."

"We all believe you, Luke." Ashton said, "Everyone makes mistakes and you need to fix this giant one." I was relieved that the boys believed me but I needed Emily to believe me the most.

"She saw that?" I asked, my voice cracking, "I've got to go find her. I have to say I'm sorry." I jumped off the couch but before I could walk out the door to search for Emily, Mia stopped me.

"Do you think she's going to believe you?" She said, furrowing her eyebrows, "She told all of us girls and she's pissed." She chuckled a bit and we all looked at her like she was crazy.

"This is not funny Mia." I asked and she shrugged. "This makes the cherry on top of my cupcake." She said, "After all you guys deserve it, after all what you did to Hannah."

"Why are you bringing Hannah into this?" I asked, "Nevermind this can wait." I walked away from all of them and searched for Emily out in the woods. Emily couldn't have gone that far, she had just left minutes ago.

"Where is she?" I said to myself, surrounded by the trees hoping I wasn't terribly lost in the middle of the forest. "Emily! Emily!" I yelled, looking left to right for her. But, she was nowhere to be found.

I walked through the forest and I still had hope that I will eventually find her. "Emily!" I yelled, once more but instead of silence, the sound was the cracking of sticks. Emily.

I looked in the way of the noise and I saw a figure in the distance running away, fast. "Emily!" I yelled, running after the figure. I ran fast and fast was an understatement.

I caught up to the figure and it was Emily. She turned back and looked at me, but she kept running and running. "Stop Emily!" I yelled, "Stop running!" She turned around and tripped. She fell to the ground and I offered to help her up but she refused.

"Why Luke? You seem to run from me to other girls. I don't need your help." She spat, getting up and brushing the dirt and leaves off of her, "And I said specifically in the note for you not to look for me."

"Emily, I understand that you are mad at me." I said, trying to apologize, "I'm sorry for what I did. I had no control. I didn't care what the note said, I needed to find you."

"It's just you promised me that I was your 'one and only' but then you break that promise not even 10 minutes later." She said, "That hurts, Luke, it really does." I understood what she was going through but I did't know how I was going to make her feel better.

"I told you I was sorry," I said, "What else do you want from me?"

"I don't know Luke," She said, walking around, "I don't think I can do this anymore."

"What are you talking about?" I said, holding her hands, with hope that we can fix this, "We can fix this. We've always fixed it and we're so happy together. You make me happy." She shook her head and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"That's the thing. You make me happy. You don't understand how happy you make me." She explained, "We always fight, we argue too much and we only have at least one good week. This is not healthy." I shook my head. I waited my whole life for this and I didn't want what we have to end.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked her and she let go of my hands.

"I love you, Luke my love, with all my heart." She cupped my cheeks in her hands, "I think that we need to take a break. The fighting, the arguing, the drama is all too much for me." She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"But that doesn't mean that we have to let go of everything we had." She further explained, "We can just be friends right?"

"Yeah, yeah, friends." I said with a frown, "But remember that I love you."

"I love you too, but it's time to say goodbye." She hugged me and kissed my cheek one more time before saying goodbye leaving me in the forest alone.

You know what they say, if you love someone, let them go.


Since you guys were so eager for another chapter here it is!

Don't hate me I'm sorry for the ending but I HAVE A PLAN dont worry

All the votes and comments are just wow, tysm

Also jello with strawberries is the bomb.com

I have a new story idea but I don't know if anyone would like it, should I post it?

Thanks for everything


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