Long lost sister - Katherine'...

De mayforbes

24.7K 547 29

We all know what happened to the Petrova family in 1490. Every single member of the family was murdered by Kl... Mais

What do you think you're doing here?
Katherine 2.0
Professor Stefan
Witches and vodka
People change
Starry night
The lake
Game on
For on the road

Fresh blood

1.2K 23 0
De mayforbes

"Don't run away." I whisper in my victim's ear before I open my mouth, revealing my sharp fangs. I feel my veins under my eyes popping up, and my body is craving this young man's blood after I even heard it flowing through his body. Without wasting one more second I push my fangs into his tanned skin, finally able to taste him. I drink and drink and drink... and then finally sip the last bits of blood out of his body. I can already see the headlines in the newspaper tomorrow: Another animal attack in Mystic Falls!

My fangs slowly disappear again and the veins under my eyes are returning to their normal - invisible - state under the skin. I throw his body on the ground, next to all of my other victims of tonight, and chuckle when I see the last expression he had on his face before he died. With pride in my eyes I look at the many deaths I caused tonight and how amazing it made me feel. Fresh blood is amazing.

"Amanda? Oh God, Amanda!" I look around to see Matt standing there in his working outfit since I'm behind the Grill. Yea, it may not be the best place to kill all of those people but on the other hand: Why would I care? Poor Matt though, he looks like a lost puppy the way he looks at me. Probably since my mouth is covered in blood, still dripping down on the floor.

"Great timing, Matt. Leave before I can't control myself." I say in a singing voice while taking a tissue out of my pocket to wipe away the blood.

"I'm gonna call Damon." He says demanding, and I laugh because he actually thinks he can talk to a vampire like that. Not that I'm going to hurt him, by the way. He's cute.

"Sure you will." And I start walking in the opposite direction - not really feeling to chit chat with him.

"Suprise." A very known person says, suddenly standing right in front of me. God damn it! Why does he always have to get under my skin like this?! He looks good tho. He always does - but I think that's just a curse on the Salvatore brothers. They always look good. His dark hair is very messy tonight and he is wearing one of his black leather jackets again.

"Fuck you." I groan and turn around but - of course - he appears in front of me again using that damn vampire speed.

"Aren't you going to clean up this mess you made?" Damon asks, looking at the bloodbath on the ground.

"Not really my business." I shrug.

"Well, Amanda - you see, it really is your business since they are the people you killed," Damon says, sounding pretty mad, annoyed and also quite aggressive. "I've been trying my hardest not to kill in this town, so if you'd just follow the rules for one time..."

I want to make a sassy comeback like; 'Didn't Katherine tell you this? I'm a Petrova, we don't take orders', but I decide it'd be better to just follow his 'rules' since A) I'm not arrogant like Katherine, and B) they're still letting me stay at their house and I want to keep it that way. Damon throws one of the dead bodies over his shoulder and pushes three of them in my arms so I can do the same. If you're wondering how a dead body feels like when it's drained of blood; it's very, very floppy. It feels weird how it rubs against my skin when Damon and I are running to the woods in vampire speed. When we finally reach a good spot I drop the bodies and Damon hands over a shovel. I give him a 'seriously?!' look, but he just ignores it. Guess I'm the one who's going to dig a grave tonight. Fantastic.


A few days have passed since that night when I kind of tried to let go of my ability to care. I just got caught up in it really, but it was so good. Damon was right tho. I can't walk around here and kill people. Even though that's kind of what you do as a vampire. Let's just say we're finally getting some manners. About Katherine... she still didn't show up, even though it has been like 5, 6 days now? Don't get me wrong, I hope she never will.

I knock on the front door of Elena's house and I'm secretly praying that Jeremy will open because he is just so, so cute. Sadly, that doesn't happen. Instead, I see my dearest friend standing in the doorway. Elena decided it'd be nice to go to school again so I could take a break from all the sister drama. Stefan told me he already took care of my application at school. It's a good thing that not everyone in this town drinks vervain.

"You ready?" She asks in a chirpy, cheerful way, and I nod. Right before she closes the door I hear a few voices coming from inside - and I use that vampire thing to hear who's talking.

"Is that Matt I hear inside?"

"Yea, he always picks up Jeremy to go to school," Elena answers and steps in her car, while I sit down on the passenger's seat. "You should really go talk to Matt, you know. He's a really, really sweet guy, but he just doesn't feel special enough here surrounded by all of those supernatural creatures. That's why he's always trying to help and save people as much as he can." She explains as she starts the car and pulls away from the driveway.

"God, I know," I agree, staring out of the window with my head laying against the comfy leather of the seat. "And I will," I added. I really will. Trust me. I even feel almost bad for what I said to him that day. The last thing I want is making him feel unsafe around me or his friends - since basically everyone he hangs out with is a vampire. Oh lord, how amazing it must be to be him right now. To be human. A smile appears on my face as it makes me think back about 1488. Katherine and I were 16 at that time. Young, careless. Life made us happy. Not a day went by where we didn't feel wanted and loved. We embraced the feeling of being alive. Being a breathing, happy, healthy person. It's hard to explain it, but life really did work out for us that year. What'd you expect, though? We were only sixteen! I remember when Katherine and I went horse riding one day on a very, very early morning. We had to bring our fathers stuff to a village nearby like we had to do every month. After we finished, we'd always go this one lake not too far away from our house to play in the water with our feet and - as I said - to embrace the feeling of being alive and happy. It sounds pretty cheesy, I know, but it was wonderful. That lake was the place where we told each other our first secrets or crushes that we weren't allowed to have. We'd laugh and talk until the sun went down, as a reminder that we needed to be home soon. It was one hell of a special place. Too bad that one day the horses ran away and father didn't let us go there together any longer. I feel like from that moment things went downhill for our sister bond. Our parents didn't let us go anywhere too far away anymore and we couldn't talk to each other about those kinds of things anymore because our family would always be around.

But throughout everything, I can still remember the last day we spent at the lake together. I remember what she told me that afternoon, and how we laughed and joked around. She was always the one that got to tell everything. I never did because I never really had interesting things to talk about. I didn't fall in love with people or went to secret midnight meetings. Neither did I meet new people as fast as Katherine did, and for some reason, she was always the mysterious one. That girl that everyone wants to know more about. Do you get what I mean? Katherine really was special. And I think she still is. Somewhere deep inside of her, there's still the Petrova sister I know.

A loud noise makes me snap back into reality and I let out a scream.

"Chill out, it's just me!" Tyler says, opening the car door for me, as he was the one who was drumming on the car a few seconds ago. Apparently, we were already in the parking lot. I smile at him and thank him for opening the door as we walk towards the school entry with Elena. Bonnie and Caroline join us only a minute later, followed by Jeremy. And with the six of us, we enter the Mystic Falls High School. I can't help but chuckle a little of the thought of us walking here together. We're just a bunch of vampires, hybrids, witches and ghosts. Jesus Christ, we're at hot mess.


This was no doubt worlds worst chapter ever written and I'm so so so sorry. I just wanted to let y'all know how Amanda is dealing w all the sister drama right now since I feel pretty bad for her hehe. I mean; she basically dedicated her life to finding Katherine!

So yea this chapter is just a filler but it's actually important for later so..!! I also added a very useful video of Katherine's life story to refresh all of your brains since you may have forgotten something about her idk [SPOILER ALERT FOR THE ONES WHO JUST STARTED WATCHING]

I want to thank all of you for reading my story - even though it's not even close to a proper book and my english isn't really good. BUT I promise I'll do my best and I'll try as hard as I can to make this fun to read for you! Thank you thank you thank you!

Little note for my lil pumpkins out there; please, please, please love yourself! You're worth it, believe me. Don't give up. You deserve the damn world! And remember Nina loves you! And so does Ian! You know why? Because you are the reason why they're able to live their dreams today. You're a very important part of their lives. Please never forget that. I love you! Make it a great day. xxxx

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