Unspoken Intentions(ON HOLD)

By _Rena_1

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This is a Dovesso fanfic. I want it to begin before the deans were where they are in the movies. We will get... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 17

45 2 4
By _Rena_1

The Next School Year

~Lesso's POV~

   I sighed as I watched Clarissa leave the dining hall; not eating much again but she did have her tea. I had almost half my plate empty but I shoved it away. Something was definitely off with her but I would find out soon enough.

Why would you wanna do that love?

I gulped as Rafal's voice entered my head. Love? He's..never called me that before. I shook my head to clear his voice but all I heard was him chuckle darkly. I ignored him and made my way to my class to get it set up. It was always a long walk and I needed to leave early anyways. I didn't see any students on my way except for Sophie who was hiding behind something in hopes I would not catch her. I sighed but kept walking away, ignoring her all together.

"Just get to class.." I vaguely whispered under my breath and let it travel to her. I smirked as she jumped up, startled by my voice. I heard her scurry away as I kept on walking up to my classroom. I opened the door and used magic to have books travel to each seat for my students. I then walked over to my own desk and brought out their last test scores. Sofie, last again because she thinks she belongs with the Evers. I sneered at her obvious ignorant mind; she was a never through and through. I flipped through more and saw a promising villain from Hester. Her demon was strong and would only grow more with time.

"If you can't even cast a simple enough curse, you're dead. Now go work on your curses and show me some results next time. Class dismissed!" Do they get dumber with each year?! I shot out my anger towards a few small items nearby, my magic destroying them.

"Someone's angry." I whirled around but didn't see anyone.

"Over here." I moved to where there was a face in my mirror. Not just any face though; Clarissa looked tired but seemed amused.

"The students are getting more stupid with each passing year. I think I'm allowed to be a bit angry. How are your Evers this time around?" I was genuinely curious if she was having similar problems. She looked down and sighed before responding.

"They are a bit dense...but I can mold them in the correct way. Just like you can, my dear." My breath caught in my throat at the endearment used.

"..I should probably get ready for my last class Clarissa. I shall see you in the dining hall." I waved my hand and made the connection drop. My dear? She's only slipped up once before and it was around the other teachers. I haven't ran that fast before out of the dining hall. That was at least a few months ago but everyone forgot about it. Or at least haven't mentioned it to me. I put out some test papers for my last class; advanced deathtraps. It was just a quiz on the few chapters they read through so they wouldn't bother me. I stayed in my chair as they trickled in and explained the paper in front of them. A few groaned but I snapped at them and told everyone to get to work.

I walked into the dining hall late and saw half of the school already gone. I got too carried away with grading, just realizing what the time was. Clarissa was not at the table and I cursed myself for my tardiness.

"She's in her bedroom waiting for you. She asked me to tell you." I looked to my right and saw the beauty teacher there. I just nodded and started towards her chambers.

"Don't break her heart. We both know she can't handle that." I simply nodded, remembering the multiple men she tried courting but it didn't last more than a few months. Her latest was more...aggressive. I climbed the multitude of stairs up to her tower. My breath becoming heavy as I got to the top floor that was hers. I lightly knocked so she'd know it was me.

"Come in." I heard her faintly say and figured she was in her wardrobe. I presumed she was looking for a nightgown so I let myself in and went over to her chaise lounge. I sat down with a slight groan as I got the weight off my bad leg. I leaned my head back as I rubbed my knee a little, that always helped.

"You waiting on me?" I picked my head up and saw Clarissa was in the shortest possible nightgown. I swallowed a few times as it was sheer too. Her figure standing out from the clothing, the light behind her showing herself off. I couldn't speak as she moved closer, her hands just inches from me. She moved behind me and chuckled as I tried following her movements. I watched her move in front of me and bend down to eye level with me. My eyes darted down as I could tell that the nightgown she chose almost couldn't contain her breasts. Her hand gripped my chin and pulled my gaze up to her eyes. I gasped as I saw the red eyes that I knew were Rafal's. I tried moving away but was held down with blood magic, flinching as it tightened more on my bad leg.

"Did you really think I was that naive to think you stayed loyal to me? I knew why you stared at her earlier than you did; you love her don't you?" The face belonged to Clarissa but the voice, the eyes, they belonged to Rafal. I started to hyperventilate as I realized that I couldn't really keep anything away from him. He must've known from the first moment.

"Oh yes..that first glace, the first connection between you two was instantaneous. I quickly made work of  that to stop it before it became more..developed. Remember Vincent? That little bitch was supposed to kill Clarissa, not the prince that day. I had to change my plan slightly but it's been doing wonders now. I wonder if she'll still see you the same after she learns that it was your fault that Vincent died that day." He full on laughed as I passed out from the lack of oxygen.

"Lesso?! Lesso!" I gasped as I sat up quickly. I saw the tan skin and moved away before looking up into now chocolate brown eyes. They weren't red, it wasn't Rafal. It was actually Clarissa now. She was staring at me worriedly but I couldn't bring myself to comfort her. Rafal was still laughing at me.

"Lesso..?" She almost whispered and reached out to my shoulder. I stayed still as she reached out to touch my shoulder. I didn't flinch away, I didn't move at all. She was wearing a more conservative night gown and I breathed a sigh of relief. I wouldn't have been able to focus at all if she wore something like in my...I don't even know what that was..

"I'm..I'm alright.." I reassured her as I took a steadying breath. That seemed to help her and she smiled a little.

"Okay. You were passed out, did you not sleep well last night?" I chuckled at her question but she didn't seem to find it funny.

"Sorry, I didn't know I passed out. My leg is always bothering me so maybe it was from the excessive walking. You are on the very opposite side of the castle like I am." She made an 'oh' noise and then smiled slightly.

"Well, you can sleep here for the night then." I was about to protest but I was instantly changed into a black night set; it included pants which I was thankful for.

"Thank you.." I said softly as I walked over to her bed. She went to the opposite side of the bed and slid under the covers. I followed suit and was instantly assaulted with her body against mine. I smiled and held her close. She would find out the truth another time, tonight was a calm night for the both of us.

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