Mobile Suit Gundam - The Witc...

بواسطة IthioranJedi

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In a galaxy torn apart by war, a haunted pilot seeks solace and redemption within the hallowed halls of a pre... المزيد

Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - Reclamation of A Dead World
Chapter 3 - Abhor the Insect
Chapter 4 - Harm Her, If You Dare
Chapter 5 - Loving, Suletta Mercury
Chapter 6 - Elevator Ruminations
Chapter 7 - The Ballad of House Harmony
Chapter 8 - Duel of Will
Chapter 9 - Fight to The End
Chapter 10 - The Party (Part I)
Chapter 11 - The Party (Part II)
Chapter 12 - The Secret Passion of Aiden
Chapter 13 - Pride or Savagery
Chapter 14 - Second Duel
Q&A - Question and Answers!
Chapter 15 - A Parley
Chapter 16 - Pilot's Love
Chapter 17 - Ego Battle
Chapter 18 - Day at The River (End of ARC 1)
Chapter 19 - New Day, Old Ruins - (Start of Cour II)
Chapter 20 - The Last Druid of Harmony
Q&A - Part 2
Chapter 22 - Hard Truths, Cut Both Ways
Chapter 23 - Declaration of War
Chapter 24 - Brothers and Wars
Chapter 25 - The Dawn of Winter
Chapter 26 - For You, my Suletta
Chapter 27 - The Sons of Jack Cooper
Chapter 28 - A Universe Without War - End of Elan ARC
Chapter 29 - Blood of Jetturk
Chapter 30 - The Witches of Earth (Part I)
Chapter 31 - The Witches of Earth (Part II)
Which Girl?
Chapter 32 - Jazz Machinations at The Award Show
Chapter 33 - Jazz Machinations
Covers for Book (1 and 2)
Chapter 34 - Gund-ARM.INC
Chapter 35 - Newtype of Earth
Chapter 36 - There Choice
Chapter 37 - Gundam Politics
Chapter 38 - Gundam's and Zero's
Chapter 39 - Loving Miorine Rembran

Chapter 21 - Never Forget, Never Forgive

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بواسطة IthioranJedi

Hello everyone! It's been a while, but I'm still dedicated to completing this story. I'm confident in my ability to do so, and my dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the narrative has fueled my motivation. It's this dissatisfaction that drives me to take creative liberties, addressing what I perceive as "issues" and striving to enhance the overall viewing experience.

'The Witch from Mercury' holds a peculiar place in my perspective, unlike other Gundam shows within my knowledge. It appears shorter than its counterparts, possibly contributing to the rushed ending and the feeling of unresolved plot points and characters. My goal is to address and rectify these issues. I'm planning for the story to conclude within 40 to 60 chapters, a range I believe will allow for a more comprehensive and satisfying resolution. This project has been both challenging and enjoyable, providing me with an opportunity to refine my writing skills while concurrently working on my novel.

Now, for the exciting news: I've built up a substantial backlog, currently spanning Chapter 21 to Chapter 24. We're approaching the conclusion of the Elan arc, and I've relished the creative process in writing it. I can't wait for you to experience what's in store. Expect weekly updates on Fridays, but any occasional slowdowns are likely due to life's demands. Despite that, my commitment to this story remains strong. Let's see where this journey takes us.

On a personal note, this upcoming chapter is infused with drama. As always, I appreciate follows, favorites, votes, and comments. Join me in enjoying this rollercoaster of a story.

Best Regards,

The Author

Chapter 22

The figure, designated Enhanced Person Number 4, or the 4th Elan Ceres, existed in a state of uncertain identity - a blend of clone, human, or something beyond comprehension. Stripped of facial features, only a solitary memory lingered in the recesses of his consciousness.

Drifting through the sterile confines of a utilitarian medical chamber, he sat cross-legged in his sleepwear. Blond locks cascaded behind his ears, bathed in the soft glow of dim blue lights, while his half-lidded eyes exuded an air of indifference.

Belmaria, her eyes half-narrowed from fatigue, ceased her keyboard's rhythmic tap dance and swiveled in her chair. The grooves on her face, once etched with smiles, now seemed ironed and worn, as if she had forgotten the art of mirth over time.

"Four," she declared, her weary attempt at a smile betraying the struggles beneath. He met her gaze with impassivity. "Are you excited?"

Perhaps genuine excitement was a relic for the 4th. He merely stared back. Undeterred, Belmaria sighed, the pleasantries dissipating as she returned to her screen.

"After you triumph in the Aerial, freedom awaits. A new face, a substantial sum. Maybe, a chance at a semblance of normalcy."

"Maybe," the 4th replied dispassionately.

Undeterred by his stoicism, Belmaria pressed on with the debriefing. Unexpectedly, he broke his silence. "I wish to learn more about Aiden Winters," he declared.

Her surprise palpable, Belmaria turned back, chair swiveling. "You want to know about him? That's unusual for you, fourth."

His response was blunt. "I need to understand my opponent before facing him, especially someone as formidable as Aiden."

Belmaria paused, intrigued. "I've never heard you speak of a rival like this, fourth."

His newfound vigor prompted her to skip the standard medical checkup, delving straight into the crux of the matter. Typing 'Aiden Winters' into the screen, the file materialized. The large flat screen displayed Aiden, a mischievous smile playing on his features, eyes as blue as the ocean, and wavy black hair cascading.

Belmaria, now engrossed, began recounting Aiden's file. "Eighteen years old, blood type AB RH positive, towering at six-foot three. Born during the IMC's frontier colonization. No information on his father, more indicative of a lack of knowledge than blacklisting. His mother, Caitlin Winters, deceased at thirty-five."

A pause lingered, and she took a deep breath before continuing, "Serving in the IMC Milita War, he was a part of the youth they enlisted into their war machine."

"War Machine?" Elan questioned with nonchalance, his eyes scrutinizing Belmaria. "I didn't realize that the IMC reducing their home to the ground would merit calling them a war machine?"

She swallowed hard, meeting his uninterested gaze as she continued, "He was trained by the militia for years, his main titan being an ION unit, and he served throughout the entirety of the war."

"So, he has actual battle experience," Elan spoke. "That's probably why he bested Guel. Duels and battles are two completely different things."

Belmaria nodded along with his assessment. "Psychologically, his files state that he is disturbed. Insomnia, PTSD - the aftermath of surviving the war. However, therapy from the pardons and rehabilitation programs appears to have stitched some semblance of sanity into his mind. Still, he's labeled to be in and out of IMC juvenile detention centers. Led a mass riot, escaped with over a hundred others from Harmony into the unknown. They were pardoned, bounties paid off."

The fourth stared at the screen with widened eyes, the most emotion BelMaria had ever witnessed from him.

"The rest of the information is strangely blacklisted," she continued. "Someone doesn't want anyone to see the rest of the files. The fact that their bounties were cleared speaks volumes about who they have in their corner. Be careful, fourth, with this one."

The fourth nodded along.

"He is an enhanced person, like you," she stated, gauging his reaction, but he only stared at Aiden's picture on the screen, sizing him up.

"He isn't like me," he bluntly spoke. "His enhancements are more... arcane."

The word 'arcane' caused her to pause and tense. The fourth continued staring at her. "I may be enhanced, but you know what they did to me. I've heard of the druids from you. No one knows what the Milita did to them?"

She sighed. "No, we don't," she answered honestly. "Aiden Winters is enhanced. His medical records indicate he lost his right eye, right arm, and left leg during one of the final battles for the frontier. Pardoned, he received bionic replacements, fully funded by the IMC. Most likely, he still utilizes those same bionics. He also underwent something labeled as the 'Butchers Nails' at the age of twelve. It's a bridge between human and titan - a machine drilled into their brains, creating a unanimous connection between man and machine."

The fourth stared at her. "Like the gund-format?" he questioned.

She paused for a moment, then slowly nodded. "Yes, they are similar, but the Butcher's Nails could only be placed within young boys' heads. The electronics and the skull structure must grow together. Even then, success rates were glaring. The militia, desperate in their losing war, viewed this as their only option. They improved abilities within their titans and, some theorize, physically transformed them into stronger soldiers. However, all records burned with Harmony."

The fourth sighed, absorbing the information. "Can you show me the recordings of his battle with Guel?" he questioned.

Belmaria nodded and tapped on her keyboard. Flipping through photos and videos, they delved into the three duels between Guel and Aiden. In the first, Aiden showcased psychic potential, raising his blade, the ensuing lightning forcing them to momentarily shield their eyes. The second displayed Aiden's marksmanship, sniping a Jeturk House member from a distance. The final duel demonstrated Aiden's mastery, employing the sands and his titan's shock trooper might against Guel.

"He utilizes everything to his advantage," spoke the fourth. "His magic, the terrain, and his skill with the weapon. I may meet my match if I fight him on the ground, and I'd be done if I get close enough in melee range to him."

Belmaria nodded. "Yes, the CEO believes so too," tapping out of the screen to reveal something else. His eyes widened briefly, then settled back into the usual mask of indifference. Never forget, Belmaria was still their handler, no matter how kind or apologetic she tried to be. She'd put him in his place. "This next duel will be in space. Titans were shock troopers meant for ground battles. It is unknown if he has any 'Raptor Units,' but the map will not be random—it will be in zero gravity outside the academy."

The fourth agreed with her assessment. "Likewise, you will be utilizing the Gundam Pharact. You are already familiar with its controls and such."

He turned to her. "Everyone is going to be watching this," he stated. "Does Peil not care about the rules of the Benrett Group?"

She shrugged. "I do not know what they are planning anymore, fourth. However, this duel is going to be very different than before."

Still nonchalant, the fourth questioned, "Why Aiden? I could just issue a duel to Suletta and go against her Aerial unit. She's not as seasoned, and I know that the company wants the Aerial. What is the point of me attacking Aiden?"

Belmaria sighed, fully turning around. The tiredness and sorrow etched within her dark blue eyes were evident. "You were ordered to get closer to Suletta, but that didn't work out."

The fourth sighed. "As stated in the report, Suletta Mercury has no interest in me. I tried to connect by delivering her food, but Aiden beat me to it, and Miorine bailed her out. I've attempted to get closer, but she's always with those Harmony guys, and you know how they feel towards outsiders. Lastly, I planned to invite her to my house, but Deacon..."

"I know, fourth," Belmaria spoke. "I know, but the higher-ups don't see it that way. They think you're either failing or not caring enough. That's why this duel is going to be different than before."

"Different how?" The fourth questioned, and the room tensed like a blade. "Belmaria," he said her name with a certain edge, making her wince. "What do they want me to do?"

She groaned, staring at him. "I am truly sorry," she spoke, rising and closing the gap until they were inches apart. He sat, and she stood over him with saddened eyes, producing a keycard from her pocket.

"What is this?" he asked, taking the dull grey card.

"That is Miorine's hangar card, a duplicate," she answered, the guilt of it threatening to consume her. Then, she lifted her gaze to his. "How much do you want to be free, fourth?" she asked.

He stared at her for a moment and nodded his head.

"The CEO has a mission for you. Break in and get caught by the cameras. We don't need you to do anything more or less. However, we know from Aiden's track record with Suletta that this will instigate a duel between you two. He'll most likely declare for money or privileges, merely pennies compared to the wealth the company has. However, you must declare for the Aerial unit and take the Holder position."

The fourth tilted his head, resembling a confused owl. "Peil is now a part of the race?" he questioned.

"Peil has always been a part of the race, but now they are planning on being more active. Especially the real Elan Ceres in regards to marrying Miorine," she spoke the words with a sigh. "He's got a horrible streak to him, but if you win this, they'll wire you money and give you a new face. You can effectively disappear and live a normal life out of all this."

"I don't even have a choice," the fourth announced. "I'll do what is asked of me." He declared.

She nodded, lacking a smile, her expression tortured. "They expect something different than Guel from before; they need you to win."

"They're giving me a Gundam," the fourth spoke. "I can handle a titan."

Her eyes snapped to him. "Aiden Winters has killed Gundams before. They know this, and you cannot underestimate him." She paused, her gaze rising to meet his.

"They want you to win by any means necessary, Fourth. This is not a normal duel; this is a trial by combat. End this with the death of Aiden Winters."

Oscar had already been awake as the horde of people barged into his room. He sputtered, the video game controller slipping from his fingers as he moved himself backward into his bed, feeling the comforting softness of a mountain of pillows used to prop him up.

In his room, he observed the eyes of family, friends, and strangers roaming over the poster-covered walls and furniture. A sigh escaped him as they scrutinized his wounded and bruised form, hearing the sounds of the IV drip and the whirring of hospital machines. Miorine eyed the machines, squinting at the strangeness of why they had fully functioning hospital equipment.

"Boots, shoes, all of you!" Oscar's declaration pierced the air, and the majority of the crowd winced as he shouted. He smirked, arms wrapped around himself. "I was having a great game before you all came up here to..."

"Oscar," a silent voice, tortured and quiet, only spoke his name. Deacon, with hair masking his features, made his way towards Oscar's bed. Oscar remained mute, his gaze locked onto Deacon.

"Yo, Deke," Oscar spoke. "Are you okay?"

Deacon was still silent, the others watching as he advanced with wide eyes fixed on Oscar. His hands outstretched, body almost stiff in its movements as he just stared.

"Is he okay?" Suletta questioned Miorine. Even Miorine was taken aback by this. Her head snapped towards the boys, but what was there to make of it?

She sighed, heavier than she realized, her palm against her features. She shouldn't have done that; Suletta saw that, and Miorine could already see the fear and anxiety traveling across her features. Nika was staring. Miorine did not know why, but Nika and a couple of members from her house had come along. Maybe, this was a result of aiding them in their times of confusion, or maybe Nika still cared about Deacon's wellbeing.

Miorine needed to relax; she, for a moment, threw her gaze towards Deacon. Yet, she bit her lip. Should she trust him? Yes, Deacon has been honest with her now, however, what was Aiden doing then?

Speaking of Aiden, Suletta was the first one to see him. Her eyes widened, and her mouth slowly parted. "Aiden!" she called out. "You're here!"

Aiden stood next to Oscar's bed, a wrist cast along his non-mechanical arm, and on the other side sat Jack.

Jack snickered. "Really, Suletta?" he chided. "Me and Oscar are here, but only Aiden gets praise. I thought we were friends?"

Suletta's cheeks reddened. "No!" she quickly rose her voice. "I am very happy to see"

Her words trailed off as the others stared at Deacon. Suletta raised her arms to her chest with wide, trembling eyes. Even Miorine, ever so distant, cold, and emotionless, had witnessed. It was almost like Deacon's skin had turned white, his throat burning as his stomach churned with bile.

He fell to the edge of the bed but caught himself, and the others just stared. Nika stared and didn't know what to do, while Chu Chu eyed the room and the situation. He turned towards Nika and behind her other housemates that had tagged along. Why were they even here? Only because Nika wanted to check on why Deacon was freaking out? This wasn't their place, and her eyes narrowed at all of them.

The Spacians, even the boys of Harmony house, they still were Spacians. "Deacon, are you all right?" Oscar asked plainly, and they heard the chirping of the hospital machine. The others around were silent.

Jack eyed everyone around, and he eyed Oscar. He wanted to facepalm himself; they were so focused on getting Oscar back to his room, back to his safe space. He deserved it after everything they've been through, everything they've all been through.

Ojelo and Nino both turned to the sights. Martin was still there, but his focus was mostly on Nika, who watched Deacon with worry. Yet, Ojelo gestured toward them. "Nino, look at them, look at their clothes."

Nino didn't even need to stare. "More like armor..." He muttered under his breath.

Aiden and Jack seemed a mess, cuts and bruises littering their bodies. Their eyes held a feral intensity. Even Miorine winced at that, especially Aiden. For a moment, it was as if his eyes didn't recognize Suletta at first. Even Jack, who smiled and spoke, seemed on the verge of collapse.

She remembered Deacon's shutdown, then her mind drifted toward Aiden. She studied his salvaged armor, almost held together by sheer will. Jack's arm was in a cast, Henryk sporting a heavy bandage around his head. "What is this madness?" Miorine shockingly replied, her piercing glare meeting each member of Harmony.

She walked in a semicircle around the crowd that had formed in Oscar's room, some spilling into the hallway. "No more secrets!" She proclaimed, pointing at Deacon.

Looking at Aiden, she saw him for the first time. Before, in the academy, he never truly embraced their attire. He once mentioned that wearing his pilot armor, not uniform, within his titan felt more like home. Here, he glared at her with annoyance.

His dark blue eyes narrowed like a hawk's. His helmet dangled from his belt looped around his suit, a strange design now etched across the visor. A golden eye and dashes in odd directions and glyphs—Deacon's voice flared in her mind, "Prophet."

She couldn't comprehend why his gaze irked her so much, perhaps it was the absurdity of it all. Why was he angry? Why was he angry at them? They were caught red-handed, yet they persisted in hiding.

Didn't he realize they cared? Why did she care? It only frustrated her more, fueling her anger. Why did he make her second guess and stammer?

"I don't understand the issue," he scoffed, turning toward her. "Nice job," he sarcastically taunted Miorine. "You dragged a whole damn house into our house, thanks for that."

Miorine sneered, arms wrapped around herself. "Really?" she scoffed. "Like you don't have two-thirds of the school's shoes on your floor during your parties."

"That explains why it's so scuffed," Jack joked, attempting to divert attention. Yet, Aiden's narrowed glare sent a shiver down Jack's spine as he turned away.

Aliya laughed, her giggles echoing as Jack shot her a glance. Oscar, catching the moment, gave Jack a smirk and a thumbs-up. Jack nodded in return, smirking back at the onlookers.

As the verbal battle raged between Miorine and Aiden, Suletta joined the fray. Aiden hurled a remark at Miorine, questioning her belonging to their house, a comment that momentarily stung her. Swiftly recovering, anger fueled her response. "Says the damned alcoholic chainsmoker at eighteen!" she yelled back.

Aiden scoffed, brushing off her words with a casual "Whatever." But Miorine persisted, flinging insults and complaints while Aiden countered with terse responses, the simmering anger evident.

Deacon's fist clenched the bedsheet. Suletta tried to intervene, raising her arms and stuttering, "G-guys, can you stop!" Aiden briefly glanced at her before redirecting his attention to Miorine.

This immature spat was not the first interaction Aiden wanted with Suletta after his prolonged absence. The situation was screwed, and they were caught off guard. Aiden sighed audibly, a heavy groan escaping him. "Miorine, as much as I would love to get into another pissing contest," he continued with a tempered voice, "we will discuss what happened later."

Aiden turned toward Oscar, Jack, and Deacon, silently conveying a language only the brothers understood. Miorine couldn't know where they were. It had been a unanimous decision—Miorine and Suletta couldn't know, and Prospera must remain oblivious.

Approaching Miorine, Aiden, now composed, addressed her surprise. "Whatever the reason, you can't just do this. You can't just leave without telling anyone, and look at the way you guys come down!" Jack and Oscar winced, understanding. But Jack, eyeing Suletta and Miorine, grasped the complexity. Could they be trusted with the knowledge of their mission, with the truth of what happened?

Miorine raised both hands, attempting to convey her concern. "Look, you've got bullet holes and dents along your armor. There were burns coming out of the spaceship. Are you really going to—" Her words halted as she turned her gaze toward the bed.

Her eyes widened, fixated on the bed. Lips dry, caught in the tension, she wrestled with the urge to speak or remain silent. Why conceal such a thing? Fear rippled through her, questioning their motives. If they could hide this, what else were they capable of concealing?

Oscar's left foot and toes moved restlessly, but where his other foot should be, there was nothing—just an eerie void where a leg belonged. An empty expanse within the bed.

Deep space travel held mysteries she only glimpsed, like bugs infesting abandoned spacecraft. Yet, untold horrors lurked within that expanse. He was the prophet, and those who opposed him would tremble at his light.

Turning to Jack, she found him staring at her. He whispered fervently, the first to recognize divinity.

Miorine tapped her foot impatiently. "I am waiting," she nagged, growing more vexed as the others stared.

Aiden met her gaze, glancing briefly at his friends before refocusing on Earth house. "No."

"No," Miorine snapped, her glare cutting through her words. "You are refusing to tell me where you've been. Ignoring our friendship..."

Aiden scoffed, revealing white teeth. "So, we're friends now?"

"Shut up," she shot back. "Ignoring the fact that I convinced all your professors to excuse you from classes, ignoring that I persuaded my father to repair your equipment..."

Fuming with rage, she gestured emphatically, but he seemed indifferent. His wide, red eyes locked on her, revealing the bionic nature of one eye against the natural one.

"Whatever," she scoffed, turning to leave. "Go to hell, Aiden Winters."

Aiden huffed, smirking. "About time she got the hint," he muttered, shifting his gaze toward the crowd that had gathered. He raised a robotic finger, dismissing them. "What are you still doing here?" he questioned, a malevolence in his tone that compelled most to step back. "You think we need you here, that we want you here..."

His words lashed at the group, but Nika felt the true sting. Her eyes dropped as she cast a final glance where Miorine had fled. Soured and shaking her head, she considered talking to her later to ensure Miorine was okay.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you," Aiden spat, glaring at Nika, as others eyed him warily.

Nika faced him as he advanced, each word dripping with malice and veiled threats. " in my home?" Each syllable had the bite of steel etched into it, cutting through the tense air.

Aiden's fingers coiled into fists, tearing the cast from his body, a pulsing vein on his forehead betraying the mounting tension. Jack, rising from his seat, approached Aiden, attempting to calm the storm.

"Aiden, relax," Jack urged, placing a firm hand on Aiden's shoulder. A chuckle escaped Aiden, his gaze unwavering on Nika, her blue eyes locked onto him.

"You think that you can disappear from Deacon's life, fucking ignore him like he doesn't exist. And when he's at his lowest, you think you can swoop down and try to play the hero. Get the fuck out of here," Aiden snapped, the words slashing through the air.

Jack's grip tightened. "Aiden, the hell is wrong with you?" he questioned, the realization dawning on him. Aiden was lashing out, and Miorine and the others were caught in the crossfire. Aiden's propensity for violence became a coping mechanism.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Aiden, please stop yelling. I am pretty sure I am still shellshocked."

A new voice cut through the tumult, unfamiliar to both houses of the academy but recognized by the others. Deacon raised his head, eyes following the sound. "Is that?" he began to ask, his attention drawn to a boy joining the fray from House Harmony.

Clad in pilot armor resembling Aiden's, yet more akin to Jack's, the boy bore a bulky holo class appearance. An unusual grappling hook adorned his right arm, and he removed his helmet, revealing a wild mane of curly orange hair framing freckled features and doe-like brown eyes. Nino noticed the assault rifle strapped to his back as he approached.

"Christ, Connor," Aiden snapped, and Miorine observed that this Connor had a distinct limp. A heavy cast encased his right leg, stained with either mud or blood. Connor chuckled, holding a medkit beneath his armpit, and Aiden, breaking away from Miorine, helped him into the room.

"I'm fine," Connor snarked.

Aiden laughed loudly. "Keep telling yourself that," he retorted, leaving Miorine and the others wide-eyed and bewildered. As Jack rushed to assist Aiden, the boys carefully settled Connor, who winced from the pain.

"Fuck...fuck...fuck," he muttered, the words slipping from his lips in an almost desperate cadence. Miorine's horror deepened as she noticed a slight seepage of blood on the side of Connor's head, evidence of apparent head trauma.

Aiden swiftly cracked open a medkit and brandished his flashlight, directing its beam into Connor's eyes. "Check for any crazy dilation," Jack instructed, his tone lecturing.

"Really, Jackie?" Connor snapped, a toothy grin breaking through. "Wasn't I meant to be the medic?" he quipped, directing his gaze toward Aiden. "Get that damn light out of my eyes."

Connor's eyes were glossy, searching for something, his hand rising limply in an attempt to push the light away. Aiden continued, undeterred. "We need to make sure that you don't have a concussion."

"Silence, druid, all I see are stars and women in this room," Connor snapped, but immediately after his outburst, he clutched his head in pain. His gaze swept across the room, fixating first on Suletta and Miorine, then on the rest of Harmony House, and finally, on Earth House.

"Who are these people?" he questioned, a biting undertone of malice aimed toward them. He sneered as he glared at the lot. "Where are you from? Who are you lot? Who are in Harmony House but look so very different and act very differently?"

"They aren't a part of the house," Deacon announced, regaining his composure. "They come from Earth, and Suletta comes from Mercury... Miorine is—"

"Ah," Connor spat, grim amusement evident in his chuckle. His narrowed eyes shifted toward the Earthians. "So, Deacon, you've left the legion and took your warband with you...only to find yourself in a nest of traitors and cowards. Damned dogs that would rather take it in the ass by the corporations."

Earth House fell into stunned silence as even Nika recoiled from the venomous words. Martin's wide-eyed gaze seemed to implore Nika to act. "We need to leave now."

Yet, Connor continued to chuckle loudly, the Sons of Harmony preoccupied with ensuring his well-being. "Jack, get me more bandages, and get me an adhesive one too. There's more blood than we realized," Aiden directed.

Jack nodded and navigated through the crowd that Earth House had formed. They planned to circle around and leave, but Connor's gaze and stare froze them in their tracks.

Nino took a cautious step forward. "He's got a gun, Martin," he whispered.

"He's got a gun, Martin!" Connor shouted with a bloody laugh etched within it. "You think we can't hear you, fool? How about I show you? Remind you of the cowardice of your homeland...the same cowardice that lost us our world." Connor slung his rifle, leveling it with both hands, the relic of the militia laid bare for all to see, eliciting a surprised scream from one of the girls.

"Woah, fucking Christ!" Aiden barked, snapping the strap of the rifle from Connor's chest with a swift motion. Rising to his feet, Connor tried to reclaim it, but Aiden, as quick as a flick of his wrist, produced his data knife, placing it beneath Connor's chin.

"Enough!" Aiden lectured, his gaze sweeping the room. "Enough!" The force of his command sent everyone trembling and backing away.

"I am acting druid," he declared, cold malice infusing his voice as he pressed the blade beneath Connor's chin, blood starting to dribble. Glancing at Deacon, he continued, "He is still the acting commanding officer. The agreement was that if we get you away... you'll get your degree and education, that you'll serve us and listen to us."

"Aiden," Oscar interjected.

"Not now, Oscar," Aiden snapped, turning his attention to Miorine and Suletta. "Miorine, get her out of here. What are you still doing here, arguing with me? And you, Earth House lot!" He gestured with his knife hand. "Get the hell out of our home. We do not want you here, we do not need your presence, and that goes for everyone else who wasn't born of Harmony stock. Leave!" he screamed.

"Aiden!" Oscar's voice rang out louder. Pointing towards Connor, he revealed the urgency of the situation. Connor spasmed in his chair, bubbles of spit frothing from his open mouth, eyes glazing over, and violent tremors shocking his body.

Jack stood in the doorway, wide-eyed. Aiden swiftly lifted Connor from the seat, laying him on the floor, but the seizures only intensified. "Jack, I need you!" Aiden screamed.

The bandages slipped from Jack's hands as he pushed through the crowd. "What is happening?" he snapped.

"Christ," Aiden muttered. He drew his blade, cutting a piece of fabric from his pant-leg. "Stick this in his mouth, make sure he doesn't bite off his own damn tongue!"

Jack followed orders. "Keep him steady," Aiden instructed. "Damn it, I've known Connor had seizures, but I thought the nails kept them repressed."

Jack's eyes widened. "Damn it all," he snarled. "That damned blow, I thought it was meager, but it must've scrambled his skull. Must've..."

Aiden's eyes widened. He glanced back at Miorine and Suletta, who were paralyzed with shock. Firmly, he uttered his final words to them, "Leave." And with those words and the slamming of the door, they found themselves outside Oscar's room. Frozen and silent, Miorine was the first to turn on her heels and start walking away.

"Miorine." Suletta called out, quickly chasing after her, but Miorine didn't bother to turn. Her footsteps echoed through the quiet mansion as she fixated on the double doors leading outside.

"Miorine, where are you going!" Suletta's scream reverberated, her hand grabbing Miorine to halt her. Miorine merely stopped in her tracks, refusing to face her.

"Miorine, Aiden, Oscar, and the rest... they..." Suletta stuttered, and Miorine turned, her features laced with annoyance.

Miorine harshly drew her sleeve away. "Are you serious, Suletta?" She scoffed, pointing upwards. "Do you have no ounce of self-respect or self-preservation? Those damned boys, what the hell are they up to!" She snapped.

Suletta released her grip, eyes focused on her shoes. Miorine breathed heavily, thrusting the door open, allowing cold air and snow flurries to invade. Suletta remained silent, sensing a change in the air, a shift in dynamics.

"Does this not bother you at all? The truths veiled in secrets, how they'll be friendly one day and the next day secretive, and now look at what they dragged into their lives..."

Suletta was silent, gaze fixed on the floor. "Miorine," she softly uttered, "We caught them at a bad time... they... t-they..."

"Suletta, how can you excuse this behavior!" Miorine snapped loudly, causing Suletta to cover her ears. Miorine, breathing heavily, stared her down. "He is the Holder now. Aiden and House Harmony, in our deal, we agreed that if I got them their parts and relics, they'll bring me to Earth. I am fulfilling my part of the deal, but how am I meant to trust them to fulfill their end of the bargain when they'll lie just as easily about what they had for breakfast for the sake of it all."

She snarled the words out, fingers twisting into fists, staring fiercely at Suletta. Miorine, surprisingly vulnerable, trembled and hugged herself against the chill.

"Aiden comes into my room all normal and charming," Miorine continued, wrapping her arms tighter, eyes narrowing as tears threatened to spill. "We talk about our mothers and flowers. Oscar just pops in to say hi, Deacon checks if I need anything, and even Jack has been more friendly. We've been growing as friends, but why do I feel so alone? They make it feel so fake..."

Anger and wrath contorted Miorine's features, and Suletta felt it directed at her. "So what," she sneered. "Aiden Winters is a drunk pot-smoker too busy trying to get inside you than focusing on his own responsibilities. Oscar is a little perv, Deacon is a little rat, and Jack's indifference speaks volumes. Damn them, and damn you for defending them!"

Suletta backed away, staring at Miorine. "Miorine, I..."

"I don't care anymore, Suletta!" Miorine screamed, tears streaming down. "This lying game is exhausting. I get enough of this from my father, but my so-called friends will just as easily lie to me. You want to know the difference between Guel and Aiden? The fact that Aiden will try and charm me. Sometimes, there will be moments, actual moments... but Guel never did that. Aiden's disrespect is an insult to both me and you. And I thank Guel for not trying to play with my feelings."

Suletta stood frozen, unable to find words in the midst of Miorine's storm. She cast a glance back at the staircase, uncertain of what to say or do. Miorine sneered in their direction, her tone biting with resentment.

"Go off with them, Suletta. I don't give a damn anymore, but tell them that whatever sort of relationship they had with me is over. They want me to leave so badly, they can take their crappy mechs back with them too. Damn them, and damn the Sons of Harmony. They'll act so noble and kind one day, and then they'll act like a gang of monsters."

Her thoughts spiraled back to the concealed truths, the strange powers, and the mysterious Connor with weaponry on the academy grounds. The legion, the warband, and...

Miorine's mind echoed with Deacon's talk of Prospera Mercury, and she realized that she, too, had been lying to Suletta. A moment of grimness followed her movements.

"Suletta, I don't care anymore," she said with a biting cold tone, reminiscent of her father. She scoffed, turning away from the Witch from Mercury. "Be Aiden Winters' friend or lover or whatever. I don't give a damn anymore, but I am done with the secrets and Harmony House. Let them sink or swim, I don't give a care anymore."

"M-Miorine..." Suletta stammered one last time, her right arm raised almost as if to catch her. Miorine turned on her heels and walked away, leaving Suletta to feel her own tears stinging at the corners of her eyes.

Her mind flashed to Aiden's smile, then just as quickly to his rage, laughter, and violence. Those lovely moments, why couldn't they just have a normal school life? Yet, her determination flared, eyes narrowing as she raced after Miorine. Miorine was her friend, after all, and right now, she needed her more than ever. So, Suletta ran after her. Unbeknownst to them, Elan Ceres had broken his way into the hangar owned by Miorine and her father. His focus wasn't on Aiden's titan but on the Aerial unit, looming like a ghost specter. As he approached, the machine flickered along its core blue, for it was alive.

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