Her sins

By AuteureAngel

20.8K 652 26

Isadora's life has been a series of unfortunate events. Raised in the presence of an abusive father and tragi... More

1. Wedding arrangements
2. Wedding bells
3. What the fuck do you mean you can't have sex, Isadora?
4. Everything is going to be fine soon
5. If our lives were as beautiful as the butterflies
6. He'll be your language tutor, i want you to be perfect
7. Mystical
8. N..no, I don't want to be punished
10. Explore
11. Beautiful art
12. Medical tests
13. So which one of your wives will be going, father?
14. Dinner party
15. T...this is wrong, I... I'm married, to your father
16. I'm yours
17. Shut the door, Isadora
18. Don't be a tease tesoro
19. So, you mean to tell me that you spent the night there?'
20. Thank you for spending time with me, Issa
21. my safe heaven, my peace and sanctuary,
22. I need to find Isadora
23. you're safe with me.
24. Within the realm of forests and babbling streams,
25. Don't leave Tesoro, I need you
26. A silver lining
27. A second chance
28. Reunion
29. Tales of the past
30. Picnic under the stars
31. The end of it
New Book

9. Club and vodka.

570 19 1
By AuteureAngel

⚠️ mild sexual content

I spent the rest of the day lost in my thoughts, my mind continuously wandering to Alvaro. Each thought of him sent a delicious shiver down my spine. I couldn't get enough of him, his touch, his voice, his scent. I wanted him so badly that I could barely focus on anything else.

My arousal was evident in the wetness between my legs, soaking through my panties. Lost in my horniness, I began to trail my fingers down my body, ready to satisfy my desires when a text interrupted me.

I let out a frustrated groan and grabbed my phone from the nightstand, annoyed at the interruption.

'Hey Issa, I'm back in the country. Meet me at our usual spot, we need to catch up,' the text read. A wide smile appeared on my face and I felt a sudden surge of ease wash over me. Finally, there was someone I could talk to. But how would I be able to sneak out without Pablo finding out about my whereabouts?

A thought suddenly popped into my mind. Leah. She could help me. Plus, with Alvaro in town, we would have the freedom to do whatever we wanted.

I quickly got up from the bed and looked at the sky, realizing that the sun was setting and it was getting dark outside.

I went to my wardrobe and pulled out a black seductive dress along with a pair of heels.

Suddenly, I heard someone fumbling with the door. My heart raced, as the reality of Pablo arrival played in front of me. Before I could get caught, I threw the outfit back into the wardrobe and tried to look nonchalant as Pablo walked in.

His eyes glared at me suspiciously, probably because it was the first time I had smiled at him. "What's going on?" he asked, crossing his arms and glaring at me.

I shook my head. "Nothing, I was searching for an outfit." He raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying my excuse.

"An outfit for what?" he asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"It was a gift from my mother, I just wanted to make sure I still had it," I replied, trying to sound as casual as possible.

Pablo's suspicious eyes didn't leave mine for a while.

"I hope you're telling the truth, Isadora," he said with a warning tone. "By the way, how was your lesson with Alvaro?'

I couldn't help but smirk at the thought of how good it was.

"It was good," I replied, trying to hide my excitement.

"That's great to know," he said, a hint of a smile on his face. "I hope you learned something, because in a week, you'll be taking a test. And if you fail, you know what that means."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed in disbelief. He's sick if he thinks I'd take a goddamn test. And I'll make sure Alvaro doesn't agree with him.

"By the way, our appointment with the doctor is by 3 at noon tomorrow, so be ready by then, I won't condone your tardiness" he glared at me and left.

Bastard! Only Alvaro has the right to say that. I thought.

As the sun set on the horizon, the sky was soon covered with a thick blanket of darkness. I could feel the cool night air settling in. I headed to the bathroom to freshen up and prepare for the night ahead.

I turned on the lights of the bathroom and took a quick glance at my reflection in the mirror. I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water rejuvenate me.

After my shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and walked over to the vanity. I kept my make up simple and beautiful, opting for a natural look that highlighted my features. I then proceeded to do my hair in a neat bun, pulling back any stray strands that might ruin the look.

Feeling satisfied with my appearance, I slipped into my fitted black dress and slipped on the pair of silver heels I chose earlier. I grabbed my clutch and made sure my phone was in it before heading out. As I was about to leave, I paused and left a note for Leah, just in case anything happened while I was out. But I knew deep down that I would be in safe hands with Ethan.

Not wanting to risk driving and getting caught by Pablo I decided to book a ride instead.

I arrived at the club, the pulsating beats of music audible from outside. Navigating through the crowded entrance, my eyes were drawn to Ethan's figure at the door. Dressed in a simple gray button shirt and black pants, he effortlessly stood out in the bustling crowd.

Spotting me, a wide grin lit up his face, and he started making his way toward me.

"Hey, Ethan!" I exclaimed, my excitement evident. I launched into his embrace, hugging him tightly.

When he pulled away, he took in my appearance with admiration in his eyes.

"You look stunning, Issa."

"Thank you," I blushed, feeling a flutter in my stomach at his compliment.

"Let's go in, we have a lot to talk about Ms," he chuckled, leading the way into the club.

Together we made our way through the crowded club with sweaty bodies grinding against each other, and a strong scent of alcohol hanging in the air.

People were laughing, dancing and having a good time, while some were lost in their passionate moment at a corner.

Ethan took my hand and led me to a more secluded booth, away from the chaos.

"So Issa, how's life been treating you?" he asked as soon as we were settled. I sighed and shook my head.

"Not so great," I muttered.

His brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked, concern evident in his tone.

Before I could answer, we were interrupted by the waitress who came to take our order. She was a young girl, probably around our age, dressed in a revealing outfit. Her skirt was too short, showcasing her not thin thighs, and her shirt was a size too small, struggling to contain her ample bosom.

"Good evening ma'am, sir. Would you like to order anything?" she asked with a flirty smile, her eyes darting between us.

We gave our orders, and before she left, her eyes lingered on me a little longer than necessary.

As she left, I couldn't help but think about the strange look she gave me. It wasn't the usual jealous or hateful stare that most women gave, It was something else, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I chose to ignore it and focus on spending time with Ethan.

"Issa, can you tell me what's going on?" Ethan asked, concern etched on his face.

There was a period of silence where no words were exchanged between us, except for the loud music playing.

I took a chance to reflect on everything that went down while he was away, in the moment of my silence the waitress returned with our drinks. We thanked her and before she left, she gave me that look again but I ignored it.

By the time I had finished narrating everything, I was a crying mess.

The three bottles of vodka that I had consumed, left me with little to nothing, they had taken their toll on me. The pain and hurt I had been suppressing for so long spilled out of me like a broken dam, fueled by the alcohol in my system.

"This is so fucking unfair, Ethan," I sobbed drunkenly, my words slurring together. "I didn't do anything to deserve the hurt I'm going through. I never did anything."

As I poured out my heart to him, he listened patiently, his presence a calming force amidst the storm raging inside me.

"You know, I should have swam down the devil's pool when we went on that trip to Zimbabwe back in high school," I continued, my voice breaking.

"Maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't be in this mess."

"Issa," he called softly. He came to sit beside me, then he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into his embrace. "Don't talk like that. I believe everything will be alright."

"Don't fucking give me that bullshit, Ethan," I snapped, wiping away my tears angrily. "I've been hearing that statement since I was little, but nothing ever turned out fine."

"You're too drunk, Issa, how did I allow you to drink so much?" he scolded himself, his eyes filled with regret.

I pushed him away, suddenly filled with anger.

"Don't blame yourself," I spat out. "I did this to myself."

I stood up, the room spinning around me. "Where to?" he asked, his brow scrunching up in confusion and concern.

"I need to pee. Why? You want to come along?" I smirked, my sarcasm dripping through my words.

"Ew! No," he exclaimed, twisting his face in disgust.

"I'll wait for you." He said and I stumbled my way upstairs, the alcohol now fully taking control of my body.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I finally found the bathroom in the crowded club. The strobe lights and loud music had disoriented me, and I couldn't wait to relieve myself.

However, as I walked towards the women's restroom, I suddenly felt a strong grip on my arm, pulling me towards a dark corner.

I turned around to face two burly men, their intentions clear in their hungry eyes. My heart raced in fear as I realized that I was about to be taken advantage of. I tried to scream for help, but before I could, a hand covered my mouth.

Just then, the club owner, a tall and muscular man, appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He demanded the men to let go of me, and they hesitantly obeyed. With the help of the owner, I got rid of the evil men.

"Are you okay?" The owner asked me.

"Yes, thank you," I whispered, still shaken from the encounter.

He smiled and patted my back. "Glad to help. Just be careful, okay?" I nodded and with his reassurance, I continued my journey to the bathroom, grateful for his timely intervention.

After I finished, I decided to try and find him to thank him properly. But as I made my way back to the main area of the club, I heard a moan and a soft melody coming from one of the doors.

I haven't been laid in a while, with Alvaro in my mind and the fact I can't fuck him.... at least not yet, I'd just have fun with whoever this is.

My curiosity and alcohol-induced bravery led me to stumble into the room, not knowing what to expect.

The lights were dim, but I managed to find the switch and turn them on. My eyes widened in shock as I saw the waitress from earlier lying on the bed, her shirt discarded on the floor, revealing her large breasts, her skirt was raised up to her belly, and her legs spread open, while her fingers teased her wet core.

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