Her sins

Autorstwa AuteureAngel

20.8K 652 26

Isadora's life has been a series of unfortunate events. Raised in the presence of an abusive father and tragi... Wiฤ™cej

1. Wedding arrangements
2. Wedding bells
3. What the fuck do you mean you can't have sex, Isadora?
4. Everything is going to be fine soon
5. If our lives were as beautiful as the butterflies
6. He'll be your language tutor, i want you to be perfect
7. Mystical
9. Club and vodka.
10. Explore
11. Beautiful art
12. Medical tests
13. So which one of your wives will be going, father?
14. Dinner party
15. T...this is wrong, I... I'm married, to your father
16. I'm yours
17. Shut the door, Isadora
18. Don't be a tease tesoro
19. So, you mean to tell me that you spent the night there?'
20. Thank you for spending time with me, Issa
21. my safe heaven, my peace and sanctuary,
22. I need to find Isadora
23. you're safe with me.
24. Within the realm of forests and babbling streams,
25. Don't leave Tesoro, I need you
26. A silver lining
27. A second chance
28. Reunion
29. Tales of the past
30. Picnic under the stars
31. The end of it
New Book

8. N..no, I don't want to be punished

671 21 2
Autorstwa AuteureAngel

I woke up early in the morning to the warm glow of the 6am sun casting through my bedroom window. I laid on the bed for a while staring at the sun then suddenly my mind recalled a certain unique eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Angél, 10am sharp. I don't joke with my time. If you waste it by a second, I won't be held accountable for what I'd do to you," his words echoed in my mind louder than any alarm could. Immediately, I felt my body being lifted up and out of the bed.

Without wasting any time, I rushed into the bathroom and turned on the tap to fill the tub. While the water was getting warm, I brushed my teeth and treated my tired face with some refreshing skincare. I then added some of my favorite lavender body wash to the tub and grabbed my shampoo, which filled the bathroom with a calming aroma.

After finishing my bath, I dried off my body and hair and picked out a yellow long sleeve dress that showed off my curves. I styled my hair in a neat bun and added a touch of lip gloss and perfume. Satisfied with my appearance, I smiled at my reflection and left the room.

Pablo did not stay over the night, and I was grateful for that. I assume he stayed out at a hotel, probably banging a hottie. I rolled my eyes at the thought and made my way to the kitchen.

I made myself a hot cup of latte and helped the maids make breakfast, all the while glancing at the clock every second. Finally, when it read '9:55,' I grabbed my phone and notebook from the dining table and headed upstairs.

One of the maids, Bettina, who I had become acquainted with, led me to his office. The hallway leading to it was exclusively for him, with his room and his office occupying the entire floor.

My footsteps echoed through the silent hallway, the cold and dark interior sent shivers down my spine. Despite the fact that it was daytime, the heavy curtains prevented much light from streaming in.

I stood in front of his office door, his golden nameplate glimmering under the dim light.

Holding my breath, I knocked on the door.

A deep, authoritative voice called out for me to enter. With a deep breath, I opened the door and walked into his office.

Inside the room was filled with leather chairs, a large wooden desk, and bookshelves filled with thick, intimidating volumes. I was greeted by the soothing aroma of a carefully selected fragrances, wafting through the air and filling the room with a sense of calm and relaxation.

The scent was like a gentle whisper, creating an enchanting atmosphere that enhanced my focus, but it'd be difficult to focus because it scented so much like him.

The lighting in this office was intentionally dim, with soft, warm lights strategically placed to create a cozy and intimate setting. The walls are painted in deep, rich colors; charcoal gray and pale lavender, adding to the overall sense of sophistication and elegance.

The furniture in this office was carefully chosen to complement the dark and cool aesthetic. The desk was made of polished ebony wood, with a smooth surface that reflects the soft glow of the dim lighting.

I nervously stood in front of the sleek, mahogany desk, my hands trembling as I stared into his charming eyes.

He was standing behind the desk, his casual attire only adding to his intimidating presence. His simple outfit perfectly complimented his tall, muscular frame. The white T-shirt hugged his toned chest, while his black sweat pants showcased his strong legs. A simple silver chain rested on his defined chest, drawing my eyes to his chiseled jawline.

The way his muscles were defined had me completely mesmerized. I could feel my legs shaking inside as I tried to maintain a professional focus.

I couldn't deny the attraction I felt towards him. He exuded an air of confidence and power, making it impossible to look away. I couldn't help but groan inwardly at the way he commanded the room without a word, his presence dominating the space.

His intense stare was captivating yet intimidating, causing my heart to race.

"Good morning, Alvaro," I greeted him nervously.

He raised an eyebrow at my punctuality.

"Angél, you're right in time. I like that," he said with a smirk and a hint of smugness. I couldn't help but blush at his compliment.

"Have a seat," he said, gesturing towards the chair in front of him. I muttered a 'thank you' and complied to his words.

The moment I sat down, I couldn't help but sink into softness and comfortability of the leather. As I settled in, Alvaro sat on his own chair and took a deep breath.

"I'll go straight to the point, Tesoro," he began, "This isn't a usual learning class, alright? So I want this to be over as soon as possible. To make this easy for me and you, I need to know the areas you're lacking in. What I mean is, I want to know what you don't know about Italy, and how much you know about the language."

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment in his words.

Why does he want our session to come to an end so soon? Did he not want me around? Did he find me disgusting because I married his father? Does he hate me?

Why am I even bothered by all these thoughts? I scolded myself mentally.

Caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice when Alvaro got up from his chair and stood in front of me. His sudden proximity and intense gaze made me freeze in place.

His unique eyes, a striking combination of blue and green, seemed to see right through me. And his scent, a mix of musk and cedarwood, was intoxicating me.

"A..Alvaro," I stumbled over my words, my voice engulfing my nervousness.

"What did I tell you last night, Angél?' he asked, "I thought I made myself clear when I said I don't like when I am not looked in the eyes, hmm. Do you want to be punished?"

My eyes widened in shock at his words. I quickly shook my head and looked into his eyes nervously.

"N..no, I don't want to be punished," I stuttered.

He smirked and gently grabbed my jaw, making me meet his intense gaze. "Then don't put me in a position to do so Tesoro. I won't tolerate your lack of attention, neither will I tolerate you not looking at me while we interact. Regardless of who you are to Pablo, I'll ensure you go through with my punishment, am I clear?"

My face fell at his last statement, but I managed to conceal my emotions and nodded, hoping he would let me off the hook.

"Words," he commanded.

"Yes, Alvaro," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Good. Now that we're on the same page, let's begin with the first task," he said as he returned to his seat.

I sat frozen in my chair, my heart racing.

Right from the moment I set my eyes into her dark gray eyes, I was left mesmerized. Isadora was beautiful. Her radiant brown skin, curly long lashes, cute small lips, and her curly hair that framed her face were like pieces of art. She was a masterpiece worth staring at.

I couldn't help but be drawn to her at first sight. When Pablo told me she was his wife, I was taken aback, maybe even a little angry. I couldn't understand why a woman like her would choose to marry an old man like my father.

Isadora could get any man she wanted because of how beautiful she was, and how young she was. So why would she choose to be with an old man? It was ridiculous.

Pablo had fed me with tales about Isadora the night before i arrived. But I wasn't one to fall for someone's words, especially someone like Pablo. I had to confirm his accusations for myself.

When she walked into the room, her body language and the way her eyes tinged when Pablo introduced her as his wife confirmed my suspicions. There was something off about their relationship.

But it wasn't just her reaction that made me question their marriage. Gabriele, Leah, and my mother's reactions also made me draw the final conclusion that something was wrong.

As I sat across from Isadora, I couldn't help but stare into her distant gray eyes. They seemed to have a tornado swirling inside them, begging for help to calm down. It was as if she was screaming from the inside, waiting for someone to hear her and save her.

Isadora didn't seem like the type of person who would easily open up. And her reactions so far had only confirmed that she thought I hated her and was disgusted by her. But that was far from the truth.

I wanted to know her story. I wanted to understand why she chose to marry an old man like my father. I wanted to know what led her to this point in her life.

So, I made it my mission to get to know Isadora which is why I agreed to the tutoring lessons. It was a way to get close to the damsel and also.... I got rid of the sinful thoughts brewing in my head.

"C..can I use your toilet?" Her soft voice cut me off from my thoughts, bringing me back to reality. I realized that I had been staring at her for a while so I quickly averted my gaze.

I didn't trust my speech, so I just nodded and allowed her to leave. She thanked me and got up, her lower body coming in full view. At that moment, I couldn't control the way my body reacted. She was heavenly and gloriously defined.

Her thighs were thick and her hips were wide, which accentuated her generous rear. She had a slim waist but on a closer look, you could see that she had a slightly big tummy. It wasn't big enough to ruin her physique, but just enough to make her even more alluring and it was noticeable only on close examination.

Every part of her body was charming, but her tummy aroused me the most. It defined her natural thickness and gave her a unique beauty. I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she walked towards the bathroom.

My mind was flooded with thoughts of her, her soft voice, her captivating eyes, her alluring figure. I couldn't shake her from my mind.

I found myself wanting to know more about her, most of all, I couldn't resist the overwhelming desire to touch her, to explore every inch of her body.

Her tummy, which had caught my attention earlier, was now all I could think about. It defined her natural thickness and I found it incredibly arousing. I wanted to trace my fingers over it, to feel the softness of her skin. I wanted to kiss every inch of her body, to make her mine.

I knew I was being consumed by my desire for her, but I couldn't help it.

After two hours of intense lessons with her, I decided to give us a break. She thanked me and left my office, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I released a deep breath and looked down at my pants to see the bulge there. I'll need a fucking release. I ran my palm down my face, trying to calm down my urges.

A knock interrupted me, and I quickly adjusted my sitting position. "Come in," I called, and Diego waltzed in.

"Good day, Don," he greeted respectfully as he made himself comfortable on the chair opposite mine.

"Is there a problem?" I raised a brow, surprised by his sudden visit.

He shook his head. "Not really. Your father asked me to come over."

I furrowed my brows at his words. "What for?"

"He wanted information about the Monteros," Diego replied, avoiding my gaze.

I digested his words in silence. The Monteros were a dangerous and powerful family, and I had managed to keep my business dealings with them a secret from my father.

"And what did you tell him?" I asked, my tone sharp.

"Nothing. But I know Pablo. He won't let me-"

"No matter what, don't ever give into his demands. My business is none of his concern. Am I clear?" I was firm, making sure that understood the gravity of my instructions.

"Yes Don," he nodded, looking a bit shaken.

We spoke for a while, and after that, he left.

I made the decision to spend some quality time with Mamá, so after my meeting with Diego i went to her room.

Upon arriving, I unexpectedly found Isadora in her room. I immediately sensed that something was amiss.

Polygamy is virtually unheard of in this day and age, making Mamá's apparent acceptance of another woman in her marriage rather perplexing. It's even more perplexing that this other woman was young enough to be Mamá's own child. And if Isadora truly is who Pablo claims she is, then...

"Son," Mamá's voice interrupted my thoughts. I forced a small smile and entered the room, Isadora's shy eyes tracking my every move.

"I'll leave you two," she muttered and exited, my gaze lingering on her as she departed.

"Are you attracted to your father's wife, Alvaro?" I cleared my throat and looked at mama.

"No, Mamá," I replied firmly.

"C'mon son, I can see that look in your eyes. You know that you should not have any romantic feelings towards Isadora. She is off limits, she is married, and on top of that, she is your father's wife. It would be sinful to view a married woman in that way. Remember what is written in Matthew 5:28-29..." I rolled my eyes in exasperation.

"Enough with the Bible verses, Mamá," I sighed. Her expression fell, and I knew she was about to deliver one of her religious lectures.

I deeply respect her beliefs and the Christian virtues she taught us, but I couldn't fully embrace them. The idea of a higher power and a sacred text simply didn't resonate with me.

"Alvaro, listen..." my mother started to say.

"Mamá," I interjected with a sigh. "I came here to spend time with you, not to listen to a sermon about a man in the sky."

She didn't appreciate my choice of words, yet she didn't say anything either.

Czytaj Dalej

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