Empire: The Rise (Anakin x Re...

By renessainte

20.9K 1.2K 971

(Anakin X Reader) (AU) When the Queen of a kingdom under threat runs out of options, she is forced to commit... More

The Queen of Coruscant
The City of Ra
The Force Within
The Train to Tatooine
The Tusken Raider
The Dathomirian Encounter
The Business Reunion
The Empire's Wildcard
The Acquisition of Cal Kestis
The Emperor's Training
The First Touch
The Energy Explained
The High Tides
The Battle of Kamino
The May 4th Special
The Battle Continued
The Start of The Affair
The Empress Prepares
The New Invention
The Twin Sun Festival Part I
The Twin Sun Festival Part II
The First Fireworks
The Empress's Mistake
The Excursion Off-Empire
The Unwelcome Surprise
The Sweetest Friend

The Imperial Wedding

1K 58 28
By renessainte

A/N: So sorry for the long wait! I've been sick the past week or so - it's truly terrible to catch a bug! Please forgive me if this chapter isn't as well written. And, just to preface it - this is not meant to be a romantic chapter by any means. They hardly know each other, and don't like each other, anyways! This is simply the precursor to their romance. I hope you enjoy. <3

Anakin blearily rubbed at his eyes, smudging soot over one of his cheekbones. He hadn't gotten any sleep at all last night, having been preoccupied by his thoughts. He looked over his handiwork; a small, dome-topped shell was coming together slowly but surely on his workbench. He hoped to make it come alive with mechanics. He hadn't thought of a name for it quite yet - something along the lines of "magimech", or anything that described the fantastical idea of an inanimate object springing to life. 

Sunlight splashed across his face as he stood and stretched, illuminating his eyes and warming his skin. He took a couple steps toward his nightstand where a pitcher sat. Caring little for etiquette, he drank straight from the mouth of it, the water soothing his dry tongue. 

A loud banging on his door sounded, causing him to jump slightly. Water spilled down the front of his loose linen shirt, causing him to curse as he set the drink down. 

"Anakin!" Obi-Wan yelled through the door. "Are you in there? Open up!"

Yanking the damp shirt over his head, the Emperor yawned and walked to the door, pulling it open lazily. 

"Yes?" He drawled, using the shirt to clean some of the remaining water off of his chest.

"No clothes today?" Obi-Wan asked, his voice piqued with annoyance as he brushed in past Anakin.

"Sorry, Obi-Wan, I couldn't find any I liked," the young man replied smugly. 

Ignoring his comment, Obi-Wan began tearing through the Emperor's wardrobe, searching for a clean top. 

"We've been waiting for you in the Jedi Temple for over an hour," the auburn-haired councilman said without looking up. "You were supposed to meet us at sunrise. These traditions are very important, Anakin."

Anakin let out a short groan. Today was the day of the supposed "marriage"; one he had been dreading all week.

"What do I care about the traditions, Obi-Wan? It isn't a real marriage, anyways. It's all for show. I'm just doing it so that we can achieve our goals - you said it yourself, that having Coruscant will allow us to form a stronger border against the Sith."

"If you won't care about it for yourself, you need to at least care about it for (Y/N)," Obi-Wan sighed. "She's the one who has left her home, and everything she knows, to come live here in abject isolation. She could still pull out of the deal, you know."

"As if that threatens me at all," the Emperor retorted. "I could crush Coruscant with half of my military if she did."

Obi-Wan cut the young man a sharp, warning look.

"But you wouldn't - another battle is the last thing we need. Regardless of the size of her military, the queen isn't a stupid girl. She would certainly give you a fight."

Anakin said nothing in return. He knew that Obi-Wan was right - despite his arrogance, he knew that (Y/N) was still a kingdom leader, meaning this alliance held significant importance. 

"Get dressed," the auburn-haired councilman said tersely. "Let us get this event over with so that we might return to military concerns."

Anakin nodded.

Truthfully, there wasn't much he had to do. The "ceremony" was to be short and relatively simple - mainly a gesture of a union. There would be no exchanging of vows, or even walking down the aisle. It was all just fanfare - (Y/N) and Anakin would sign the legal documents in private, with the Council and Padme as witnesses, and then immediately proceed to the balcony for the showboating to the citizens afterwards. The people would be none the wiser; apparently, Obi-Wan had done an excellent job of fabricating a story of an elaborate, private ceremony occurring in the castle garden today. They just needed to see Anakin and the queen standing side by side as leaders of two nations brought together.

He wasn't sure how much the people would celebrate a wedding, anyways. In the midst of a war, a full-out commemoration seemed distasteful. Many of the citizens of the Empire were against Anakin and his heavy-handed method of ruling, and he knew that remnants of the rumors about his previous wife still circulated at every turn. 

Today's events were little more than a display, and the tension of the audience was tangible. The Emperor kept reminding himself that once he was able to return to the outer lands, the scrutiny would be behind him.

Donning a crisp white shirt, he followed Obi-Wan towards the royal modiste's quarters, where his jacket and robe were being tended to. It was traditional garb of the Empire - thick fabric that would cloak his body, ceremonious in both appearance and weight. 

"Do I have to wear something so stiff?" Anakin questioned out loud, irritated at the thought of such restrictive clothing.

"Yes, Your Highness," Obi-Wan responded in a bored tone. "(Y/N) will be wearing something twice as heavy, so be grateful."

Anakin snorted in response. 

"That exhibitionist? She's probably going to show up in a bath robe," he muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" The older man cast a questioning glance in the Emperor's direction.

"Nothing," the Emperor replied, tucking his hands behind his back.

This couldn't be over fast enough.


If she looked closely, (Y/N) could see tiny particles of dust drifting in the air, illuminated by a sunbeam. She had always enjoyed watching the particles float; it was one of the mundane things that made the world seem a bit more magical. Though to anyone else, it would've just seemed that the room needed a good cleaning. 

They could only be seen when there was light present, like a secret of the chamber that would reveal itself to those who allowed themselves to be at peace enough to notice. 

Today the dust seemed suspended in midair, hovering around (Y/N) as she sat cross-legged, closing her eyes. She had begun practicing meditation years ago, finding that it calmed her mind in the face of important events or decisions. The longer she sat, calming her breath, the more she was able to feel energy coursing through her, wrapping around her spine and branching into her lungs. It was the same energy that attuned her senses every morning, and the same that she had felt as she dressed Anakin's wound, touching him for the very first time. 

She exhaled. 

A night's worth of hours had passed since her meeting with Anakin. Though she would like to say that she had weeks more to go before her wedding, the day of the event was upon her, causing a swirl of emotions. She had known that it would be a rather quick series of events - seeing as it was a political marriage, there was no need for courtship, or taking the time to know one another. 

What would the rest of her life be like? Would it be the same has her time in Ra had been already? Would she be allowed the same freedoms, or locked away in the fortress, unable to leave again? Would Anakin return to the warfront, never to see her with the exception of high-profile empire events?

Anxiety-ridden questions cluttered her mind, making her heart and respiratory rate increase once again. 

You're losing focus, (Y/N), she thought to herself, feeling her connection to the energy faltering slightly. Breathe. Allow control back in.

"Nervous, you are?" A voice sounded from behind her.

(Y/N) jumped, her perception of the dust vanishing as she whirled to face her company.

"Oh, Yoda, it's you," she said breathlessly, placing a hand over her chest as if to steady herself.

The older creature ambled towards her, leaning on a wooden cane. The queen moved to change position, unsure of his reason for being there.

"Stand on my account, you must not," he assured her. "Continuing your meditation, beneficial for you it will be. To meditate with your Majesty, am I allowed?"

(Y/N) cleared her throat to hide her surprise.

"Why yes, of course," she said, sliding over to make a spot for him near the sunlight. The elderly man lowered himself into a folded position beside her, laying his cane across his lap.

"How did you find me here, anyhow?" She asked out of curiosity, meeting his gentle green eyes.

The queen had found the room they were in early this morning. Unable to sleep, she had risen before the sun, and wandered around her wing of the castle without purpose. Alighting several flights of stairs, she was surprised to find a completely empty rotunda towards the top floor of the fortress. A round room with lofted ceilings and walls that opened up to the landscape, the room had a perfect view of the horizon and the twin suns. Because of the circular nature of the display, the suns could be observed both during rise and set, making it the perfect place for meditation. There wasn't any furniture, but she truthfully didn't mind sitting on the floor.

"A strong presence, you have," Yoda responded with a small smile. "Follow it, I did. Speak candidly, may I?"

(Y/N) laughed softly, appreciating his forwardness. It wasn't often that someone was perfectly blunt with the queen.

"Please, do."

"Sense concern in your mind, I do. Worry, confusion, fear," he began, eyes flitting over her as if he were reading her emotions as he spoke. "But uncertain, you should not be. Your path, it is clear."

"My path?" She clarified, unsure of what he was trying to say.

"Your destiny. Have one, everyone does. The same emotions I sense from you, I also sense from Anakin," Yoda continued, his words growing a foreboding tone. "But clouded, Anakin's path has become. Able to regulate, you are. Help him, you must."

(Y/N) felt an overwhelming sense of disorientation at Yoda's prophecy. How could she help Anakin if he refused to even see her?

Her eyes focused on the sky in front of her, now tinted grayish-blue with the sun fully risen, yet concealed behind a new wave of smog.

"Where does the smoke come from?" She asked finally, breaking the silence in an effort to change the subject from the uncomfortable request.

"Holds much war, the Outer Rim does," the creature replied. "These are the territories Anakin fights in. Blown towards Ra, the aftermath is. A metaphor, is it not?"

Another pause.

"Teach you our politics, I will. With the wedding, you should go through. Learn about everything after, you will." He finished, a grim resolution on his face as he turned towards her.

(Y/N) turned her head towards the man, surprised at the ally she had unintentionally made. As the two sat in a near-meditative state, she felt energy buzzing off of him, similar to her own.

"But, put in effort, you must," he finally continued. "The only territory that needs your help, Coruscant is not. Many agreed to bring you here to solve the problem of Anakin's personal relations, but another purpose, you may serve. Your initial vote of confidence, I will be, but as you told Obi-Wan, you must use your skills to help us."

(Y/N) inclined her head thoughtfully as she mulled over his statement. He was agreeing to represent her interests in the Council in exchange for her diplomatic services - an invaluable offer indeed. She wasn't sure how much power they were planning on allowing her as a foreign bride, and working closely with the counselor could prove beneficial. 

"Thank you, Yoda," she said graciously. "I'll certainly be needing your help."

A mutual understanding grew between them at her assent, and the two sat for a moment more to soak up the quiet before the day began.

Finally, the air light with resolution, the two moved to stand.

"Ready for your wedding, are you?" Yoda asked, a knowing smile on his face. 

Ready to get married to one of the worst tyrants on earth, second only to the infernal frog that is Sheev Palpatine?

"Never more so," (Y/N) said with a less-than-enthusiastic smile, earning a chuckle from the counselor. 


Where is Yoda? I take it back, (Y/N) thought with an internal huff. 

Since her meditation, and Anakin's morning tantrum (which she was blissfully unaware of), it had been nearly three hours. She stood in a wide room, decorated with marble and bronze, that was in the old Jedi Temple. It was a historical site - the Jedi did not exist anymore, at least not as a group. Few remained, and even fewer were trained in the ways of tradition. In modern context, they were little more than shaman or priest, dedicated to maintaining their temples to an energy that no one else seemed to understand. 

Surrounding the altar were Padme and a few other council members who had been able to attend the rites. Based off of the portraits she had seen, (Y/N) recognized that Shaak Ti, Mace Windu, Ki Adi Mundi, and Kit Fisto were present for the event.

They were actively working through the wedding proceedings, yet it felt as if they would never end. She'd been standing next to Anakin for all of ten minutes, listening to the old Jedi Master droning at the front of the temple, and was already fed up. Not with the Jedi, of course - she was quite interested in the ceremony, as only one or two of the energy-wielders were left - but with Anakin's palpable impatience, shifting, and comments he made under his breath. 

Anakin, on the other hand, hadn't even registered that the Master was attempting to speak. Instead, he observed the scene outside of the window closest to him, a perfect view down the entryway at the front of the castle. The wide stairs leading up to the palace were extravagantly decorated, lined with every flower one could think of. Yara plant and yellow buttercups were clustered around the bases of the banisters, with long strands of queen's heart flowers wrapping up the rails. Bolts of fabric spilled vibrant color down the walkway, deep crimson and golden in color. Large flags with the Empire's emblem had been assembled and distributed out to the crowds who waited apprehensively at the bottom of the hill.

The Emperor eyed the gathering as it grew in number. He knew they were all there to see (Y/N) - and who could blame them? Anyone would be curious to see which ill-fated woman would be chained to him next, though few would ever voice that.

He turned his head back into the temple they were in, suddenly becoming aware of the ceremony happening around him. He gave a side-eyed glance to the queen, who, to his surprise, was already looking in his direction.

"What do you keep looking at?" She asked in a hushed tone, craning her neck to see outside of the window beside him.

"Certainly not you," he muttered. "You look ridiculous."

(Y/N) let out a quiet gasp. She knew immediately that he was talking about her wedding dress. It was hugely lavish, with cascading layers that pooled around her, ribbons and precious gems decorating the bodice. Behind her, two arches of a firmer fabric created a dramatic flair, drawing the eye towards the top of a train that toppled down behind her for ten feet.

Though the gown was certainly beautiful, (Y/N) had always preferred a more sophisticated look - if she didn't dress the role of a queen, she had found that her counterparts were less likely to see her as such. Yet, how could she have refused, when so many of the palace maids seemed thrilled to dress her in Empirical clothing?

Walking in the dress certainly proved to be difficult, but it wasn't much of a concern - the official "ceremony" was a brief stint in the Jedi temple, meant to address the curious people and signify the merging of the kingdoms.

"At least I look on the level I'm supposed to," (Y/N) tersely whispered back. "You can wear all of the gilded robes you want, and you still wouldn't look nearly as ceremonious."

"Then should I strip down?" Anakin retorted with a raised brow. "Would that get you to stop talking?"

"You would have to stop talking first," (Y/N) cast him a cutting glance. "And I suspect that you are undertaking a vain and impossible task; for who can stop the mouth of a fool?"

"Are you insulting me?" He snapped, his voice elevating slightly above a whisper.

"Of course not!" (Y/N) insisted in response.

And then, after a beat -

"I should like to insult you, but I fear I won't do nearly as well as nature did."

Anakin gave her a bewildered glance before facing forward with a slight scowl.

"I don't even know what you meant by that."

Feeling the energy of irritability and resentment building between them, both quickly looked to the large sundial clock - only a half hour more until they were both relieved from the duty of standing next to each other.

(Y/N) sighed. Her life was typically so serious - just this morning she had been meditating on her situation, searching for a silver lining. And yet, when she was around Anakin, she was lured into an immature and unladylike banter.

"Your Majesty?"

Her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the Jedi, calling her forward to sign her half of the documents. 

Gathering her gown into her hands, (Y/N) took small steps towards the platform that held the parchment. 

The queen's lips parted slightly as she drew a breath in, eyes widening as they scanned down the page.

"The following agreement is between Emperor Anakin Skywalker (known henceforth as the 'executor') and associated parties, and Queen (Y/N) (L/N) of Coruscant (known henceforth as the 'recipient') for the purpose of setting forth the exclusive terms and conditions by which the executor desires to exchange services with the recipient. In consideration of mutual obligations specified in this agreement, the parties, intending to be legally bound hereby, agree to the following:

1. The executor shall provide unconditional support and protection to the recipient and the lands within her control, against all threats, including (but not limited to): the Sith conglomerate, internal revolt, rebellion forces, etc.

2. The executor shall allow the recipient full internal control of the lands she should cede to his control, with the stipulation that the political control assigned to her does not interfere with the greater wellbeing of the Empire or his Imperial Majesty.

3. The recipient, in exchange for protection and legal authority over the lands of Coruscant, shall cede legal ownership of Coruscant to the Empire and the executor.

4. The recipient, in exchange for protection and legal authority over the lands of Coruscant, shall willfully enter into a political marriage to the executor, with the goal of strengthening the imperial party, and creation of an heir.

5. The recipient shall hereby be bound to the laws and customs of the Empire, and will be accommodated to the extent of what is allowed in the court.

6. The recipient shall not, under any circumstances, be involved in any outside relationships, courtships, or alliances, under the threat of expulsion or termination. The recipient will not be allowed consorts, concubines, or any other company of which the executor does not approve.

7. The recipient understands that her living arrangements, travel abilities, and level of responsibilities both within the Empire and within the kingdom of Coruscant are subject to limitation at any time by his Imperial Majesty.

8. The recipient understands that any political betrayal, including alliances with those held in contempt of the Empire, attempts to flee the arrangement, or failure to produce results as listed above may result in accusations of treason and the consequences thereof.

Violation of any of the outlined agreeances will subject the recipient to threat of banishment or execution, with full authority granted to the Emperor to strip her of her title and powers at the executor's discretion.

(Y/N)'s hands suddenly felt cold as they held the icy contract. Her entire life was under the Emperor's control - she knew that, and yet to see it so plainly in writing felt cruel. Not long ago she had been a freestanding ruler, and though she may have been crushed easily by Anakin's military might, she would have forced him to see her as an equal during the fight. Now, the Emperor did not have to see her as anything at all.

But here she was, standing in an ornate ballgown in front of some of the more powerful people in the world, looking like a toy doll with a feather in hand. She didn't want to hesitate; any hesitation would reflect poorly on her decision making skills. And yet, the quill hovered above the page, trembling slightly in the queen's grip. 

Her eyes flitted up slightly, taking in the world around her as she pressed the ink covered barb to the contract. She met the gaze of Yoda, who only have her a small, encouraging nod. With a forced swallow, (Y/N) signed her name across the document, standing with her shoulders back and her head held tall.

Anakin stalked forward and snatched the quill from her, signing his name in obnoxiously large letters above hers. 

Though her eyes reflected a cold and steely look, the queen's lungs betrayed her, taking a shaky breath as the ink dried.

"The contract has been signed," the Jedi announced, holding it up for the Council and Padme to view. "I now present to you, their Imperial Highnesses, Emperor Anakin and Empress (Y/N)."

Applause erupted around the room. The noise somehow made the Empress feel considerably smaller, but she would never let it show. Instead, she straightened her posture, turned, and gave a gracious bow to their witnesses. 

"Excellent job, both of you," Obi-Wan said warmly, approaching the couple as the applause died down. "Are you ready to go greet the people?"

(Y/N) gave an uncomfortable smile, looking to Anakin for his reaction. Of course, the Emperor was stone-faced. 

"As ready as we'll ever be," the sandy-haired Emperor replied casually. For some reason, he appeared as if he were spacing, completely checked out of what was happening.

He held out an arm, but didn't bother to even look at the Empress as she took hold of it. As the two began to walk towards the doors to the balcony, Anakin moved rapidly, dragging her along at a disagreeable pace.

"Anakin!" (Y/N) called in protest, nearly tripping over her dress and heels as she stumbled forwards. How could he be so inconsiderate on the day of their wedding?

Just as the young woman went to let go of his arm, the two were brought to a screeching halt as the doors to the temple burst open, a sweaty soldier gasping for air at the entrance.

Quickly, the councilmen drew their weapons.

"Soldier, what's going on?" Obi-Wan asked, his voice hard.

"He's back," the soldier gasped, putting his hands on his knees for breath support. "General Jinn is back, and has called for an emergency meeting in the Council Chambers."

As if he was suddenly cold and soaking wet, Anakin snapped into focus.

"Emergency? For what?"

"There is a new war front as of early this morning. The territory of Tatooine is under attack."


A/N: Finally, we've covered the wedding! I know it might sound crazy (because who doesn't want to be married to Anakin??), but I wasn't looking forward to writing the wedding chapter! I have so many places I want to take this story to, including an in-depth romance between the two, but the initial political wedding is... not that. I decided to just make it as casual and flippant as Anakin is in the prequels. Lol. He's a clown. 

Also, *gasp*! Qui-Gon Jinn?! He's not dead?!

I figured that, since this doesn't follow the actual plot of Star Wars, there's no need for him to be dead here. Or will he die later?? Who knows...

Please let me know your thoughts, and as always, thank you so much for reading! <3 

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