Stay || Manjiro Sano

By YooraHyouka

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[I'd do the same thing I told you that I never would.] [I told you I'd change, even when I knew I never coul... More

Chapter 1 || Inseparable
Chapter 2 || Dorayaki
Chapter 3 || Hanagaki Takemichi
Chapter 4 || From The Future
Chapter 5 || "That's A Promise"
Chapter 6 || Laundry With Emma
Chapter 7 || Disagreements
Chapter 8 || Keep it A Secret
Chapter 9 || The Ambush
Chapter 10 || "I'm Always Here"
Chapter 11 || A sudden crybaby
Chapter 12 || Nightmare
Chapter 13 || Cute
Chapter 14 || Strange
Chapter 15 || Tachibana's Message
Chapter 16 || Mike's Hopes
Chapter 17 || Reminiscence
Chapter 18 || To Fight For Something You Love
Chapter 19 || Regrets
Chapter 20 || Avoid, Avert, Away
Chapter 21 || Birthday Party
Chapter 23 | Take every chance

Chapter 22 | Kissing Best friends are normal?

251 14 4
By YooraHyouka

"Is kissing best friends the trend nowadays?" Mikey stopped by the door frame of his bedroom. He turns to the left and sees Draken with crossed arms and his back leaned to the wall. "I suppose you kiss me in my sleep as well?"

"The fuck?" Mikey gives a side eye, his brows furrowed. "Shut up..."

Draken raised a brow. "Are you really going to be that way? Kissing her in her sleep then acting like nothing happened the next day? Do you even plan on talking to her ever again?"

"She doesn't need to know."

"That's considered assault you know?"

"So you're a lawyer now?" Mikey crosses his arms.

"Atleast I ain't a coward." Draken shrugs.

"Useless meat wall."

"Dumb blonde midget." The both steps closer to each other, their fists clenched tightly as they glared at each other.

But as a few moments passed by, Mikey sighed and relaxed back, if they were going to cause a fight, it might get too loud and chaotic, enough for Y/n to wake up.

Draken eased up as well and crossed his arms. "If you don't talk to her again I'm snitching."


"Wah! Emma you cook the best!" Y/n rubs her belly, satisfied with the breakfast Emma had prepared for her. Her headache was still there but Emma provided some hangover remedies for her as well.

As Y/n finished her portion, she couldn't help but look around, her eyes travelling at each corner of the kitchen and living room. Emma does not fail to notice this.

"Mikey's out." She told, her words caused Y/n to freeze, she didn't know why but she felt like she shouldn't have made it so obvious that she was looking for him.

"I see..." The female sighed, taking another sip of the orange juice Emma made.

"It's weird seeing you guys not in one place." The blonde girl commented, taking a seat across her on the table. "Now that I've thought about it, you guys have been together for as long as I could remember."

Y/n could only listen to her, a reply wasn't real necessary. She ends up staring at the empty plate in front of her.

She wished she could know what Mikey was thinking about or what the heck is going on inside that stupid brain of his. It's been days since they talked, she admit she missed talking and hanging out with him, it was practically a daily routine.

"Oh, Mikey, you came back already?" Emma callls causing the other girl to perk up, her head turned back by the door and her eyes immediately landed on a certain blonde haired boy.

Mikey and Y/n exhanged eye contact, there were no words spoken as he immediately breaks it off and went upstairs, saying something about a forgotten object.

"Why don't you go talk to him?" Emma asked.

"As if he won't jump out the window just to avoid me." Y/n huffs, sinking in her seat in annoyance and disappointment.

"Sounds like a Mikey thing to do." Emma's words caused her to laugh, indeed it was.

After another moment passed by, Mikey finally came back down and Y/n's eyes were again on him. She sees him holding a red scarf on his hand as he jogged to the door, immediately leaving.

She sighs and looked away, crossing her arms. "That idiot..." She murmured.

"Thanks for the food, Emma." The girl stands up from her seat. "But I think I should go."

"Sure." Emma smiled, bidding her a goodbye and a wave before Y/n finally left as well.

Other than Mikey, Y/n had other business to do. Of course her life wasn't all about Mikey.

"You're here early." Hyunso spoke, looking up from his book, staring at Y/n. The two were supposed to study together in the library today, exams were right around the corner and of course no one could afford go fail.

"I brought snacks as well." Y/n smiled, holding up a bag of snacks she bought from a nearby convenience store on her way to the library.

Both of them didn't waste time talking, they immediately went into studying, helping each other out and reviewing the topics that was discussed to their class.

Though on thing was weird. Y/n couldn't help but feel as if two pair of eyes was on her the whole time, she looked around already but found no one suspicious or someone looking her way.

On the other hand, with Hyunso, he felt as if a devil was watching him closely, he swear he could feel it's dark aura radiating as it stared at him. But he shrugs it off, maybe he's just nervous for the upcoming exam.

After nearly five hours, both agreed to call it a day. Hyunso was a part-time tutor and he had someone to tutor.

"See you tomorrow." The male waved goodbye.

"Take care." Y/n smiled and waved goodbye as well, watching him leave the library.

After a few moments of gathering her things into her bag, she also decided to leave the library.

It was still early, maybe calling Chifuyu to hang out?

But as she did tried to call...

"Y/n! What a pleasant surprise! Just the timing! I've got something to tell yo-"

The call answered with Draken's voice and his unusual tone of voice followed with weird screams and thuds in the background and then the phone call ending with Draken sounding like he just received a hit, either a punch or kick.

Only thing that was left for Y/n to say was:


She blinked, taken aback and dumbfounded.

What the heck just happened?

And so she got curious. What was the chaos all about? What the fuck is wrong with Ken-chin again? Why didn't Chifuyu answer?

Y/n didn't worry about where she'll be able to find the guys, she knew exactly where they liked to hang out in and so she decided to go there.

Though as she arrived there, the things she saw was Chifuyu trying to break Draken and Mikey up because they were practically yelling at each other and kept fighting. Takemitchy on the other hand was knocked out, unconscious, you could swear he was seeing stars.

Y/n froze there for a moment.

"What the heck is happening?!" She yelled out, the guys froze as they heard her voice. Their eyes widened, looking over to her.

"Y/n! Good thing you came!" Draken grinned devilishly, anyone could tell it was mischievous. "I have something to te-" He was cut off when Mikey punched him across his face.

"Shut the fuck up!" Mikey glared, almost immediately Draken punched back as well, Mikey took the hit, Draken took that opportunity and hold him behind him as he looked over to Y/n.

"Y/n! Mikey-" Draken was once again cut off when Mikey pulled Draken's braid, causing him to yelp. "You bitch!" Draken attempted to punch Mikey in the gut but the shorter blonde manages to dodge and immediately ran his way to Y/n's direction.

Y/n didn't have time to react when suddenly, Mikey grabbed her wrists and dragged her away with him, leaving the place.

Her eyes widened as she couldn't say a word, she stared at Mikey's back as they ran, then looks down to his hand that was wrapped around her wrists.

Well that was until she realized.

No wait! I'm supposed to be mad at him!

Y/n immediately stops and tugs on her arm, stopping Mikey from running as well.

Mikey looks at her. The girl had just yanked her arm away and crossed her arms, glaring at him. She didn't say a word, though it was clear what it meant, Mikey could tell just from the glare.

"What?" He asks after gathering up the courage to speak. A second passes before a hand landed on his cheek and across his face.

"What?! WHAT?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" Y/n yelled out, glaring at him.

Ah, she's upset...

Mikey thought, well it's not like he didn't expect that anyways.

Mikey stood still, unaffected by the slap. "Look... I'm sorry..." He spoke in a quiet voice, not being able to look at her and stared at the ground in guilt. "I'm a coward, I know... I'm sorry..."

"Don't think a sorry is gonna c-"

"I know..." He cuts her off. "I'm sorry."


"Jerk, I know." He cuts her off once again. "I'm sorry."

"At least let me finish-" Y/n was pretty pissed when he once again cuts her off but somehow, it subsided as she felt his arms wrapped around her.

"I'm sorry." Mikey spoke, he was sincere about it as well. "I'm sorry..."

Y/n huffed, she wanted to break away from the hug but Mikey just only tightened his arms around her.

"Let me go." She told, Mikey shook his head, resting his head by her shoulders and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.

"No." He responded. "I'm sorry, Y/n." He mumbled. "Please don't push me away."

"You expect to listen to you after what you did?!" Y/n yelled.

"I was scared, I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing."

"I won't." Y/n could only sigh at him.

"Bastard." She commented.

"Call me any name all you want, I'm not letting go." Mikey replied. "I'm sorry... Y/n."

"I heard you the first time." The girl sighed, looking down. "Do anything like that again and I'm burying you alive."

"I promise." Mikey raised his head to look at her. "It felt like hell avoiding you." He chuckled softly and smiled.

"Then why the fuck did you do that?!" She yelled, quite pissed on his stupidity.

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