Purple Ninja

By hannahconkle

527 100 379

Natalie and her mom have just moved into the big city to start a new life after her father passed. The two mo... More

Chapter 1 Fresh Start
Chapter 2 New Look
Chapter 3 First Fight
Chapter 4 First Encounter
Chapter 5 New tricks
Chapter 6 Long Story
Chapter 8 Icy Day
Chapter 9 Costume Troubles

Chapter 7 Ninja Love

44 8 14
By hannahconkle

It was an average Wednesday and it was so boring as Natalie and Martha were in their algebra II class. Natalie hated math as she didnt like to think with logic as it hurt her brain. She looked to Martha and saw she was texting someone on her phone from under her desk. The way Martha was doing it made it look like she was looking at the teacher while she was teaching, so she wouldn't get caught.

Note to self, ask Martha how to look at your phone when bored out of your mind in class so you don't get caught, Natalie thought to herself.

After a dreaded long half an hour the bell finally rang for lunch, so algebra II was over for the day. When Natalie heard that bell run she jumped for joy on the inside as she was starving and needed a break from learning for a bit. All the students in the classroom got up and suddenly made a break for the lunch room as if a demon were on their tails.

"Wow! What's going on?!" Natalie asked as she and Martha were roughly pushed by the sea of students.

"Oh! You dont know! Today is Pizza Day! And for dessert only the best of the best!" Martha exclaimed excitedly.

The two were then shoved into the lunch room and when they arrived Natale was shocked by what she saw on the dessert table. It was her uncle, Martha's dad handing out sweets to the students who got their normal lunch.

"MY DAD'S BAKED GOODS!" Martha screamed in delight.

When she screamed, everyone cheered in joy as they all loved her Fathers pastries. Natalie was impressed that her uncle was selling his baked goods in the school. She had no clue that the bakery had become this successful; she did know that people lined up for them. However she needed to ask how far the business had grown since the last time she was here. So both of them got their lunches and when they went to grab their desserts Natalie decided to ask.

"Hey Uncle, I didn't know you sold pasterties at the school. How successful did the bakery get?" Natalie asks.

"Huh? Oh the pastries are free, this is a charity thing I do, and the bakery has gotten so big that I had to open up two more shops on two other blocks," Mason explained.

"W-what?! Really?" Natalie asked, surprised to hear that.

"Yeah let's talk about it when we get home cous, we're holding up the line," Martha explained before sliding Natalie and her tray out of the way. She then brought herself and her cousin over to their lunch table, which was right next to the window that overlooked the parking lot.

"Ah, nothing like pepperoni pizza and my dad's chocolate, maple, and cream eclairs!" Martha exclaimed happily as she began eating.

"Yeah I agree, well for me it's the cinnamon buns that are my favorite," Natalie explained.

Martha smiled and the two began eating their foods as they were both very hungry. As they were eating Martha suddenly felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out to check and saw her notifications. When she looked she saw that it was a text from her romantic partner Taylor. Seeing the text Martha instantly opened it up to see what they had sent her.

"Hey Martha, check out what my school has made for lunch," Taylor sent along a picture with what looked like a possible lasagna with legs. When Martha saw it she felt sick to her stomach as it looked utterly disgusting.

"Wow what are they putting in the food to make a lasagna look like an alien creature?" Martha texted back.

"I don't know and I don't want to find out," Taylor responded.

"Hey cous, who are you texting?" Natalie asked as she took notice of Martha's activity on her phone.

"Oh just texting Taylor, look what they're having for lunch!" Martha exclaimed and showed Natalie the picture.

"Ugh?! What is that, a lasagna or a monster! Is that mold or broccoli, either way it's gross!" Natalie screamed in horror when she saw it.

"I know! Man, I wonder who cooks there and why they still work there!" Martha commented as she looked back at her phone again.

"My gosh I feel bad for Taylor having to deal with that," Natalie said as she thought about what other horrors of food they had for lunch.

"You think this is bad? Ha! Wait till you see the spaghetti!'' Martha said.

Natalie felt queasy just at the thought of what it looked like. Not wanting to throw up she got out her own phone and looked at some videos with actual food that both looked and tasted good. That always helped her feel better when she saw deformed excuses of food. Half way through lunch a girl with a hip hop get up, came up to their table. Natalie looked and saw that the girl had a pink upper shirt, blue sweatpants, a sideways ponytail with the rest of her hair held up in a black clip.

"Like hey Martha, hey Natalie. You two are like so invited to my party after school today, it's gonna be like, so awesome. And Martha since you're like the coolest girl I know and your cousin is also like super cool too, I'm hoping you two would like so come," the girl said.

"Of course Sabrina! Your parties are like the cool Ninja levels!" Martha exclaimed, accepting the invitation.

"Awesome, see you at like Garry's Games and Grub, it's at like 6 so be there," Sabrina said before leaving to invite other students to her party.

"Hey what's Garry's Games and Grub?" Natalie asked.

"Garry's Games and Grub, AKA The Three G's is the local arcade and food court smashed into one big awesome hang out spot! Sabrina throws a party there every chance she gets! And every one is more awesome than the last! And now you're going and she thinks you're cool! That's so awesome!" Martha squealed excitedly.

"Wow, okay that does sound cool and fun even. It's also impressive that I'm already seen as a cool girl here," Natalie said happily.

"Yeah oh and we're allowed to bring Plus ones! I know I'm bringing Taylor as I feel like they need it. Oh and I know who you could bring!" Martha exclaimed.

"Really who are you thinking of?" Natalie was curious to see what her cousin had to say. Martha then waved for Natalie to come closer, so she leaned in to hear what Martha had to say.

"I think you should bring Daniel," Martha whispered, which caused Natalie to blush bright red.

"W-What?!" Natalie asked while backing up in a panic, causing her to fall off the chair and right onto the cafeteria floor. From the floor Natalie could see and smell that this thing seriously needed to be cleaned. She just hoped that nothing gross got into her hair as she didn't want to have to wait to get home to clean it out.

She sat up, faced Martha and said "W-Why would you say that?!"

"Hehe, isn't it obvious I know you like him! And from the sneak peeks I've managed to get into his drawing book, he seems to like you as well," Martha answered.

"What? What drawings?" Natalie asked curiously what Daniel had been sketching down.

"Take a look for yourself, he's right over there," Martha said, while pointing towards a table on the other side.

Natalie looked and saw Daniel sitting alone at the table with his face buried in a notebook. "Hmm, okay I'll take a look," Natalie said then got up and walked over to Daniel's table.

When she got there she greeted him by saying, "Hey Daniel how are you today?"

Daniel's head shot up when he heard that voice and when he saw Natalie standing on the other side of his table he began blushing. "H-hey Natalie! What brings you here?" Daniel asked nervously as he started brushing some exec papers back.

"Well Martha told me that you do some sketching so I was wondering as a fellow artist could I see what you've been drawing?" Natalie asked.

Daniel blushed before quickly grabbing his note book and holding it close to his chest. "S-Sorry but it's personal stuff! I-I need to go now. I just remembered I had left my backpack in English!" Daniel excused himself before running out of the lunch room.

Natalie stood there in shock for a moment before she heard Martha calling out to her. She decided to try to talk to Daniel more after school, even though she was very nervous about doing it.

Meanwhile Daniel had run into the school bathroom, he felt utterly ashamed of himself. He looked into the mirror and tried to find the confidence he needed. However his attempt failed as he only heard his inner demons mocking him like the bullies in school. "Ugh! What am I thinking they'll never think of me as charming or a smooth cool dude! I'm just a freak and they might think the same about me," Daniel said as he looked into his notebook and the drawings in it.

Inside he drew the Purple Ninja and Natalie both next to him hugging and kissing him. It wasn't just that some pages just had sketches of the Purple Ninja in poses with hearts around her, and others with just Natalie in cute poses with hearts around her as well. Daniel never thought he'd be in this situation but he had fallen in love with two girls.

However he felt as though both girls were out of his league and neither of them would want to go out with him. He then flipped to the current page he was working on in the cafeteria. Inside was a love letter he was writing to the Purple Ninja, as he wanted to try and slip it into her pocket if he had gotten the chance. Daniel's mom told him that's how she had gotten with his father, by slipping love letters in his pockets.

Of course he did wish he knew who his father was as he had left when he was just three so Daniel didn't have that many memories with his dad. Daniel sighed and tore out the page that contained the love letter; he wanted it to be separated from the corny drawings he made.

"If Purple Ninja somehow finds my drawings, I think I'll die of embarrassment, not to mention how Natalie will react if she sees them! Agh! Why did I have to draw them in such stupid poses! Not to mention the three of us in romantic positions! What's wrong with me! Neither of them will love me, I'm just a freak." Daniel said to himself as he left the bathroom.

The school day soon came to an end so now Martha and Natalie were heading back home. They were planning on getting their homework and chores done so they'd be allowed to go to the party. As they were leaving Natalie saw Daniel leaving the school as well. Because she didn't have another opportunity to talk to him, she decided to talk to him now.

So she walked up to him and called out, "Hey Daniel!"

When he heard her voice Daniel looked at Natalie and felt his face flustered as he was drawing another corny picture of her hugging him. Nervous and scared of being seen as a big dork if she saw it, Daniel hid the notebook behind his back.

"H-Hey Natalie! How are you doing?" Daniel asked nervously.

"I'm good and I wanted to ask you something," Natalie said.

"W-Well what is it?" Daniel asked again, still very nervous.

"Well I got invited to a party at the 3 G's tonight and I was wondering if you would like to be my plus one?" Natalie finally asked.

When Daniel heard that his heart started racing as he never believed he'd be asked to go to a party by a girl he liked. "Y-You and me, at a party in the 3 G's? Dancing in funky outfits? Sweating?!... I NEED TO GO!" Daniel screamed before he raced off, hugging his notebook and keeping his head down.

"Um... Okay?" Natalie said now feeling disheartened and a little upset that Daniel had turned her down.

In the limbo Judas could sense the feeling of a broken heart and looked into his mirror to earth. Searching he found the source and saw Natalie standing outside of the school upset about Daniel's reaction.

"Ah, a broken heart? This is a perfect host for my creation," Judas said, then lifted up his hand and a black substance came off of it and then fell onto the mirror.

"Go through my creation and corrupt her heart!" Judas commanded.

Back on earth Natalie had the current events playing over and over again in her head. While her movements didn't show her emotions, the tears forming in her eyes made it clear how she felt. She didn't even notice the black creation slowly slithering up to her ready to corrupt. However Natalie felt a gentle hand on her shoulder and she looked to see Martha.

"Hey cous, don't worry about it Daniel can be pretty awkward with girls at times so he might've just panicked," Martha explained.

"A-Are you sure about that?" Natalie asked, still feeling upset.

"Yeah, trust me. After all he didn't say no so that doesn't mean he's not interested in you," Martha reassured.

Once Martha finished explaining, Natlaie felt a lot better. She felt reassured that Daniel had just panicked and ran off. As soon as Natlaie felt better the creature that was meant to corrupt her retreated back as it felt her mood change so it couldn't corrupt her. So it left to find someone else to corrupt and it soon felt a negative mood not too far away from them.

Meanwhile Daniel stopped at the next block and felt like beating himself up for just running away the way he did. His crush had asked him to be her plus one and he had just ran like a total coward. "Ugh! What's wrong with me! Why didn't I say yes?!" Daniel scolded himself.

"Oh what's this now?" Daniel heard a tough male voice ask in a mocking tone.

He looked and was horrified to see one of his biggest bullies in the school. It was Jock, Carol's boyfriend and the captain of the football team. The guy always found ways to pick on Daniel and he knew if Jock had found his drawings of Natalie and Purple Ninja he'd mock him about it.

"What's up you goth freak? Why are you talking to yourself?" Jock asked, still mocking Daniel.

"N-None of your business Jock! I need to go home now!" Daniel said before trying to leave.

However to his dismay Jock saw his notebook and managed to yank it out of his hands. He held Daniel by the collar of his shirt and looked through the notebook. When he saw the drawings he started laughing and mocking Daniel for what he saw as corny drawings.

"HA! What's this corny stuff? I thought you were a freak but this takes the cake! HA! You're such a simp, but what makes you think that the Purple Ninja and that Natalie girl would ever go for the likes of you?" Jock then threw Daniel to the concrete ground, and before he could react Jock started ripping out the drawings and tearing them to shreds.

He even managed to find the two love letters that Daniel had written and ripped them to shreds like the drawings. Once he was done Jock looked down at Daniel and saw the shocked and horrified look on his face and smiled triumphantly.

"Don't you see? You're a freak and you always will be a freak! No one will ever love someone like you. Especially not two hotties like the Purple Ninja and Natalie," Jock mocked.

He then left Daniel alone as the poor guy gathered up the now torn up notebook and letter. As he was collecting the paper the creature finally reached him and sensing the feeling of sadness it aimed at the pencil that was sticking out of his shirt pocket and lunged into it. It merged into it and Daniel shot his head up and his eyes turned black.

"Horror Animator, I am Judas. I'm giving you the power to make anything you write or draw come to life. All I ask of you in return are the Colored Ninja charms, do we have a deal?" Judas asked.

"Hehe, yes sir, I will show everyone the horrors of my mind!" Horror Animator declared as a black haze surrounded him.

A few hours later Natalie and Martha were at The Three G's with Taylor as Martha's plus one. Currently the three of them were at a table enjoying some food as they all were very hungry.

"Hey Taylor how have you been since the last time I saw you?" Natlaie asked as she wanted to get to know them more.

"I've been alright, but my school sucks. I think my parents might transfer me as soon as they noticed how awful it was. It turned out to be one of those schools that sounded good online when you look into its website. However as soon as I was enrolled into it we learned that it was an awful school as I hardly learn anything and it's just an outright awful environment with a lot of bad kids," Taylor explained.

"Yeah Taylor even told me that they've been getting bullied by a lot of kids when they came out as non-binary," Martha explained.

"Oh, well why don't you come to our school? You'll be with your girlfriend and I'm sure the other kids will like you for you... well aside from Carol and her minions," Natalie explained.

"My parents are thinking about it," Taylor said.

The three chatted for a while, that was until the doors had bursted open which brought a silence over the party. The three looked and they all saw Horror Animator standing at the entrance. He wore a black cloak, his skin was purple with pure black eyes, he had a purple notepad attached to his arm, and his other hand had all kinds of drawing material on it. He also wore purple and black pants, and shoes.

"Hey like, who are you, and like what's with that get up?" Sabrina asked as she walked up to Horror Animator.

He pushed her to the ground and said, "I'm Horror Animator! And I'm here to show you all the horrors of my mind!"

Horror Animator then pulled out a notepad and drew something in it, two humanoid bat creatures then formed at his sides. As soon as everyone saw the creatures they screamed and ran out of the back entrance. Taylor started running, however when they looked to see if Martha and Natalie were following them, they saw that the two were running into the bathroom. They followed the two girls however they stopped right outside the bathroom door when they heard the conversation they were having.

"Okay cous, ready to go Ninja?" Natalie asked.

"Am I ever! Being a Ninja is my biggest dream!" Martha exclaimed happily.

Natalie then called out, "Purple Ninja, it's time to Purify!"

Martha called out, "Yellow Ninja, Let's Shed Some Light!"

Taylor watched in amazement and saw their girlfriend and her cousin transformed into the Purple and Yellow Ninjas. They didn't say a word, but when they saw the two pull out smoke bombs Taylor backed up, and decided to watch the fight then ask about it after the fight was over. Yellow and Purple smoke filled the main room and once the smoke cleared Horror Animator saw the two ninjas standing in front of him.

"Well then, Purple and Yellow, I'm pleased you two have come here, I knew that you two would show up," Horror Animator said.

"Well we're not going to allow you to bring harm to anyone!" Purple declared.

"Hehe I love that attitude of yours, that's what attracted me to you, your strength, your bravery! Oh it was just so attractive to me! However if I want to make everyone pay for treating me as a freak I'll need to take your charms!" Horror Animator declared.

"Well sorry buddy! But we aren't gonna let you take them!" Yellow stated in a stern tone.

The two ninjas charged at Horror Animator, who quickly wrote the actions of his humanoid bats in his notepad. The two then began charging at the two ninja's and attacked them. Purple pulled out a pair of nunchucks and spun them around rapidly and continuously blocked the creatures.

Yellow meanwhile got out a staff and blocked the attacks that the creatures had thrown at her. Purple was thrown into a table and the items had been pushed onto the ground. Yellow was slammed onto a counter that was in front of the kitchen, and fell onto the floor behind the counter. She groaned but quickly got up and blocked the humanoid bat with her staff.

However the bat bit through the staff and Yellow was thrown into the wall. She was cornered and the bat creature tried to attack her when a frying pan was suddenly slammed into its face and an outline of its face was imprinted into the pan. The pan was removed and the Humanoid bat fell to the ground unconscious from the attack. Yellow looked and saw Taylor panting and trembling with the pan still in their hand.

"You need to save Purple Now!" Taylor screamed before Yellow could say anything.

She looked and saw Purple struggling to push the other Humanoid bat off of her as it tried to attack. So she jumped the counter and ran to Purple; she used ninja chains to pull it off of Purple and throw it to the ground. Purple jumped up and the two faced Horror Animator, who quickly tried to draw another creature but Yellow acted before he could finish.

"Blinding Light!" Yellow called out with all her might; she threw the light at Horror Animator.

He screamed in pain as he went blind temporarily from the light Yellow thrown at him. Purple then quickly looked around for any source of the corruption and spotted the pen with a black aura around it.

Once she saw it she called out "Purify Bloom!" and shot at the pen. Flowers then bloomed around the pen and withered away returning it to normal. Horror Animator was surrounded by a black haze and turned back to Daniel.

"Ugh, W-What happened?" Daniel asked in a daze.

"Aww yeah! Ninja five Purple!" Yellow called out happily with her hand in the air.

Purple gave her the high five and the two smiled triumphantly at the victory.

"Hey Purple, Yellow, that was awesome!" Taylor called out as they climbed over the counter.

"Oh hey kid! Thanks, you were pretty awesome," Yellow complemented, impressed with Taylor's bravery.

"Thanks, and if you two run into my girlfriend and her cousin, let them know I want to talk to them," Taylor requested.

"Will do, come on Yellow lets go," Purple said.

Yellow nodded and the two smoke bombed out of the place, leaving just Taylor and Daniel.

"Ugh, my head hurts," Daniel groaned as he slowly got up.

"Hey, you need help?" Taylor asked while walking up to Daniel.

"Huh? Um, yeah, could you call my mom and ask her to come take me home?" Daniel asked while handing his phone to Taylor.

"Sure thing," Taylor said before looking through Daniel's contacts.

Later the party was back in swing once everyone had learned that it was safe again. So now Taylor was waiting outside for Martha and Natalie to return and tell the two what they now know. Soon the two arrived out of breath from the amount of running they were clearly doing.

"Hey Taylor! Sorry about disappearing like that! We kinda got lost in the panic," Martha explained.

"Um yeah follow me we need to talk," Taylor said.

Martha and Natalie looked at each other curious on what they wanted to talk about with the two of them. Taylor gestured for the two to follow them into the alleyway. Once they were alone Taylor finally talked to the two about the current events.

"Okay I'm gonna say it, Martha Natalie, I saw you two transform into the Purple and Yellow ninja's, and don't worry I wont tell anyone," Taylor explained reassuring the two that they won't say a word.

"Wait you what?! But how and when?" Natalie asked, a bit panicked.

"Hey, hey cous, it's alright, they said that they won't tell anyone so it's cool. And I'm guessing they saw us when they noticed that we had run off into the bathroom," Martha suggested.

"Yeah I did, and I felt that it would be best to talk about this when the fight was over and we were alone," Taylor explained.

Natalie settled down a bit. She was still nervous about Taylor knowing, but she did trust them with the secret till she would be shown otherwise. "Alright thanks Taylor, I hope that we can work together in future battles," Natalie said. The three smiled together and hoped that they could indeed help one another out in future battles.

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