Meet me by Lavender Valley

By Emmas_inkedpages

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When her mother unexpectedly passes away, Eloise Somerset leaves behind her job as a small-time baker, apartm... More

Author's note
Chapter 1 - To new beginnings
Chapter 2 - Old ties
Chapter 3 - Scammed
Chapter 4 - Pasta for two
Chapter 5 - Family
Chapter 6 - Stuck with you
Chapter 7 - Not the same as before
Chapter 8 - It's a date!
Chapter 9 - Not so subtle
Chapter 10 - Trouble
Chapter 11 - Cabin Getaway
Chapter 12 - Full house
Chapter 13 - The broken picture frame
Chapter 14 - Just another mystery
Chapter 15 - Busted
Chapter 16 - Time out
Chapter 17 - Girls night
Chapter 18 - Gone
Chapter 20 - Found
Chapter 21 - Closer
Chapter 22 - Christmas delights
Epilogue - A scavenger hunt to forever

Chapter 19 - Surprises and secrets

115 10 24
By Emmas_inkedpages

"And what is it that you want exactly?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Your inheritance." He said it in a way as if it meant something to me.

I was taken aback by his response. My brows scrunched together. "My what?" I didn't know anything about any sort of inheritance. My father must have officially lost his mind.

"Oh come on. Don't even act surprised. You must know about your inheritance."

Of course, this was all about money. It was the one and only thing my father truly cared about. Well, that and gambling. I was about six years old when my father got into gambling. At first, everything seemed fine and under control until it wasn't. He had the knack of racking up a lot of debts. If this whole situation was because of a gambling debt I was in big trouble because I certainly didn't have enough money to cover his debts. I'm a waitress and part time baker for goodness sake.

"I don't. Mom never told me anything about any inheritance." I stared him down.

"Mmm, I might believe you. Guess that car crash didn't do me a lot of good, since she never got the chance to tell you. This whole mess could've been avoided if she just told you where it was."

I pushed against the rope with all my strength, which only caused the rope to dig deeper into my skin. I was going to end him. Slowly. "You son of-"

"No need for crude language." My father smirked. I was going to wipe that smirk right off his face as soon as I got out of these ropes.

"She probably wanted to surprise you on your twenty-fifth birthday. Your mother was always so good at surprises. And secrets." My father said as he eyed me.

"Your mother was especially cagey when she spoke of your inheritance. I do know that she saved up a lot of money for when you turned twenty-five. She deemed it was the appropriate age that you'd spend money thoughtfully. She never told me where she put it all and I have a feeling you know. You are turning twenty-five in a month after all."

"Like I said before she never told me about any of this!" I didn't get riled up a lot. My father always brought out the worst in me. I hated it.

"Guess we'll see if you are more willing to talk tomorrow." My father threw a can of beans at my feet and left the room.

I stared at the canned beans. Well looks like this is my breakfast, lunch or dinner. I didn't even know what time of day it was or how long I'd even been here. It's hard to tell the time when you are sitting in some sort of concrete room with no windows.

I looked at my surroundings to try and figure out where I was. At the other end of the room, there were a lot of racks with chemical supplies on them. If I had to take a guess where I was I would probably say some sort of factory. It had to be abandoned.

Not that it did me any good. I was still tied up at the end of the day.

I tugged the canned beans closer to me by using my feet to get them as close as I could to my hands. It wasn't as easy as I liked to admit since my feet were tied together as well. I still had some room for moment even though my hands and feet were tied up. Just enough to get the canned beans closer to me and to open the can.

I opened the canned beans with a sigh. I don't think I've ever missed Drew's cooking as much as I do at this moment.

2 days later

I tugged on the rope with as much force as I could muster. I let out an angry cry as nothing happened to the rope that tied me to the wooden table. It only dug further into my skin. I tried cutting the rope with the lid of the canned beans a while back, but the rope was too thick for the thin metal to slice through.

"Now now, we wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." My father said as he sauntered into the room.

"Screw you." I bit out as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"This can all go away if you just tell me what I want to know." My father pursed his lips together and raised his brow.

"I don't anything about an inheritance!" I screamed in frustration at him. This was his third visit since I'd been in this place and I still wasn't any closer to knowing where my mother hid my inheritance if she even left me an inheritance.

I flinched when the door flew open and a raven-haired man walked into the room. This guy looked straight-up dangerous with his black leather jacket, tanned skin and tattoos.

This guy wasn't at my father's cabin. He was an entirely new face. If he was here it probably meant that they were getting impatient. Which wasn't good.

"You've had your chance. Now we are trying my methods." The man said as he looked at my father with dissatisfaction. "Do you know who I am?" He asked as he eyed me.

I gulped. "Someone dangerous?"

"I am the leader of the White Lions gang." He sneered.

My brows rose. This wasn't good at all. I've heard about the White Lions gang before. They had a reputation for being one of the most dangerous gangs in America. If my father somehow got caught up with them there was a big chance that this wasn't going to end well, at all.

"Now tell me little girl where is the money?" He said as he came closer to me.

"As I told my father a thousand times I don't know!"

His prideful smirk dropped. It wasn't the response he wanted. He started turning away from me and then he got this evil glint in his eyes. He smirked and turned back to face me fully.

"Maybe I'll pay a visit to that boyfriend of yours. Maybe he'll have an idea where this inheritance of yours is. I can't promise that I'll leave him unscathed." The gang leader swiftly whipped out a pocket knife from the back of his pants with an evil smile.

I felt all the blood drain from my face. "No, please you can't. You can't hurt him." I pleaded.

"Then think harder!" He shouted.

"I'll try. I'll try okay? Please just give me some time." I begged him.

"You have until tomorrow afternoon. If you have nothing for me I'll pay a little visit to your boyfriend." He spit out the words like an evil snake. This man terrified me. Which is exactly why I couldn't let him hurt Drew.

My mind went back and forth the whole night. I tried to pick out any unusual things that happened since I arrived here. There wasn't much...except.

Except for the purple diary with a piece of paper in it. I recalled that there were a lot of numbers on the paper. They had to mean something. There was a good chance that they were my ticket out of here.

I slumped back against the table with a sigh. Those numbers could mean anything.

I sorted through some possibilities that came to mind. My first guess was that it was a phone number, but no it couldn't be. It was too long. Maybe it was a password of some sort? But then again, no one would choose a password THAT long. It would just be pure torture. My mind suddenly wandered off and I thought of my mother. She would absolutely have a heart attack if this had happened while she was still alive. A memory popped into my mind at the thought of my mother. Right before my mother died she added new information to her will. It was about a year before I was supposed to turn twenty-five.

Then it struck me. Her will. She had mentioned something about a postal office box in her will. PO Box 246. My inheritance and the postal box had to be connected. I just had to figure out how.

I tried to find the postal box in the city I had lived in just before I moved, but maybe it wasn't in a city at all. Maybe it was in an inconspicuous small town, for example, Evermount Springs. It made sense. It was the one place that my mother truly felt at home. All her fondest memories were in Evermount Springs. It was also the one place my mother thought my father would never step foot in. I guess she was wrong about that last part.

I was just about to call for my captors when I heard it. The screeching of tires and gunshots.

I let out a small breath of relief. They found me. It had to be Drew. I don't think I could handle it if it was only more bad guys.

I tugged on the rope with all the strength I had left and by some miracle the rope broke loose. I was free. I guess the lid of the canned beans did something after all. I loosed the rope on my feet and ran for the door. I was getting out of here today no matter what. There was no way that I was going to be someone's captive ever again.

I struggled to my feet and ran or should I say stumbled to the door. I wrapped my hand over the cold metal handle and yanked the door open. It was surprisingly unlocked. My captors probably thought I was too weak or stupid to escape. Well, do I have a surprise for them.

I felt the breath leave my lungs as I took in the scene before me.

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