
بواسطة hjpstreacletart

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A story in which Matilda Lockwood spends her first summer at the Fishers beach house. [ OC x Conrad Fisher ] المزيد

1. - August
2.- Dinner & Debs.
3. - As the world caves in.
4.- Daylight.
5.- Labyrinth
6.- shopping.
7.- a tea party .
8.-I dont want to look at anything else now that I saw you.
debutante social media posts!
10.- got lovestruck went to my head.
11.- infact, I love you.
12.- sparks.
12.2- recent posts.
13.- beach baby.
15.-I don't know anything, but I know I miss you.
16.- will you want me? will you tell me to go fuck myself?
17.- I would stay forever, if you say don't go.
18- everyone wants him, that was my crime.
19.-your mother would be proud of you.
20.- know what?
21.- we'll be a fine line.
The end.

9.- right where you left me.

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بواسطة hjpstreacletart

A/N buckle up for the rollercoaster

Jeremiah stacked more books on top of a pile in Stevens arms, which was going beyond the top of his head. " don't drop it ." Jeremiah told him, his expression amused. He placed another one, and Steven staggered a bit, "you cannot do this." Jeremiah laughed.

Meanwhile, Matilda spoke to another girl at the book party about none other than books , that they both enjoyed. 

Laurel was handing out books, before engaging in a conversation with Cleveland, while Susannah floated, talking to guests.

Conrad poured himself some Chardonnay, he had promised Matilda he wouldn't drink tonight after how bad he was after the bonfire, but what she didn't know didn't hurt her. He had to drink. If he didn't, he would break down, he would end up telling her everything, so, like the drinking, what Matilda, or really any of the others didn't know, didn't hurt them.  He quickly gulped down an entire glass, the bottle still in his hand, ready to pour another.

After Cleveland, and Laurel spoke about sailing, Laurels eyes lit up .
"Hey, you see that boy other there?" She asked, pointing over at Conrad.
Cleveland turned his head, looking at Conrad who was gulping down another glass, " oh yeah, the boy whose been pounding Chardonnay all night? "  he chuckled, "yeah."
Laurel called out, "Conrad!" , gaining his attention.
He looked round confusedly, before looking at Laurel, " come over here ! " she beckoned.
Sluggishly, he finished his drink, finally placing the bottle down. Cleveland awkwardly chuckled.
Conrad walked over to the two, looking confused.
"Conrad, this is Cleveland, he is writing about sailing, but knows nothing about sailing." Laurel explained, chuckling. Cleveland nodded.
Laurel smiled proudly, " Conrad is amazing at sailing. " she told Cleveland, " you won a regatta last year, right?" she asked Conrad.
Conrad didn't look too enthusiastic. " came in second, but" he nodded at Cleveland.
"Ah!" Cleveland nodded understandingly,
After a few moments of awkward silence, Cleveland asked, "so, uh, do you teach?" he chuckled, waving a pen, handing it to him
Laurel laughed,
Conrad smiled, taking the pen, he then looked at the two who had expectant expressions. They weren't joking.
"Did my mom put you up to this?" Conrad asked, his face dropping as he looked annoyed.
Laurel looked genuinely confused, narrowing her eyes, "what, no? why?"
Conrad shook his head at the pen, scoffing, "typical." he didn't believe Laurel. he handed back the pen to Cleveland, walking off.
Cleveland chuckled again, " a man of very few words? "
Laurel looked confused, " apparently. "  she sighed, before handing him his book, "Uhm, here you go!"
"Thank you." Cleveland nodded, laughing softly, as the two waved before he left.

Conrad walked over to Jeremiah, Steven, and Matilda.
Jeremiah and Steven were talking, as Matilda read the blurb of Laurels book.

He flopped down, sitting in between Matilda and Steven. Before any of the three could say anything, he huffed, "you know, this shit is boring, can we go somewhere?"

Jeremiah chuckled,

Matilda whipped her head to look at him, she could tell, by this tone he had when he's been drinking, that he is drunk. She shook her head, "we said we would support Laurel."

Steven ignored Matilda's comment, looking at his phone, "yeah, where?" he asked Conrad.

" we could go into town, buy some weed from the guy with the Rainbow dash tattoo? " Jeremiah suggested.

Matilda immediately shook her head, " guys what the fuck, no-"

Conrad tilted his head back, "Nah, he got arrested last summer."

Jeremiah huffed, "oh shit, really?"

Conrad slurred, "yeah."

"Good, I don't want to go and see some dodgy drug dealer in the dark, and I don't want any of you guys going either." Matilda stated firmly, her smile slightly smug.

Conrad leaned closer into her, " don't worry Tills, you know you'd be safe with me. " he murmured, his breathe smelt of alcohol. Matilda ignored him.

" hey, we could go to the drive in! " Steven smirked,

"Dude gross." Conrad shook his head, "I don't really want to see Belly hooking up with some kid in the back of a car."

Steven chuckled.  Silence fell again.

"Yo, actually.." Jeremiah perked up, "let's go to the drive in." he looked at Steven.

" guys, no. " Matilda shook her head, she knew Jeremiah was jealous but she couldn't let them ruin Belly's first date.

They all ignored her.

"Wait really?" Steven grinned.

Matilda's face dropped as they all ignored her.

"Yeah, why not!" Jeremiah decided.
All the boys started laughing, as Matilda put her face in her hands.

"You're driving!" Steven laughed, throwing Jeremiah the keys.
As all the boys began to get up, Matilda grabbed Conrad's arm, " Con, please, this isn't fair to do . "
Conrad looked her in the eyes, before brushing it off, " it's just a joke, it'll be fine. " he followed the boys.

Steven, he purely wanted to go to wind up his sister.
Jeremiah, wanted to go for a "laugh" but really, a part of him wanted this date to stop.
Conrad, truly was just going for the joke, deep down he really did feel bad that he was upsetting Matilda, but if  they leave now there's no more pressure from his Mom or Laurel to stay and act perfect,when he's not.

Matilda sighed, looking torn, she knows what it's like to have someone wanting to ruin your relationship.

She hurried outside, following the boys, she stood outside the car, shivering, talking to them through the window, " you guys are seriously going? " she looked so disappointed.

Steven barked out a laugh, "uh yeah!"
Jeremiah laughed too.

Conrad couldn't meet her gaze. he looked down, emotionless. he hated how he was being right now, but the only way to not be a dick that ruins everyone's summer with the most horrible news, was to sometimes be a dick anyway.

"Just get in Tilly!" Jeremiah laughed.

Matilda shook her head indignantly, "no."
they all looked a bit stunned. Jeremiah and Steven awkwardly chuckled.
She looked over at Conrad, whose face looked guilty.
Jeremiah noticed the awkwardness, "uh don't worry about it Tilly, we'll just see you back at the house, I'm sure you can go back with the moms." he suggested, smiling trying to lighten the mood.

"Right." Matilda nodded, looking disbelieved, she turned on her heel, to walk away,
"Tilly-" Conrad tried calling out, looking regretful, but she had already gone. he sighed.

Steven clapped his hands, starting the car, " let's go to the drive in!" he laughed.

Matilda walked back inside , she wanted to cry, but she just didn't. she was annoyed, but she felt an odd twisting of insecurity inside her, did Conrad also feel jealous of Belly and Cam?  She flopped back into the same couch they were on only five minutes ago, she was right where he left her.

As tears brimmed her eyes, she bit her lip opening her phone. She texted the group chat with Violet and Charlie, explaining what happened. even though they haven't seen each other much, the three will always be
bonded for life.


Matilda gently sighed, placing her phone down, after the two messaged her, threatening to come to Cousins and put Conrad in his place. She appreciated them both so much, but all she wanted was Conrad. She sat there, staring mindlessly, in the corner she's haunting.

After an hour or so, the party ended. She smiled weakly, at the last guests leaving, as she stood next to Susannah and Laurel.

Laurel sighed, tiredly, " I'm going to pack up my stuff, and we can go . " she nodded,

"Okay Laur." Susannah smiled. When she was out of sight, she turned to Matilda.

"Did something happen with you and Conrad honey?" she asked, concerned.

Matilda looked at her, shaking her head, lying, "oh, no, we are fine."

"Tilly."  Susannah looked her dead in the eye. Matilda's heart dropped as it reminded her too much of Conrad.

"We'll be fine Suze, you know what he can be like when he's drunk, I'll talk to him when we are back." Matilda reassured her, mustering up a smile.

"Okay, honey." Susannah sighed, "talk to me, if you need anything?"

Matilda nodded, smiling gratefully. Susannah was really like an angel in disguise to Matilda. " thank you Suze."

"Of course honey." she chuckled, patting her cheek before walking over to Laurel.


The three arrived home, the others got back not long ago also.

The three said goodnight, Laurel and Susannah both looked exhausted, and went upstairs.

Matilda finished hanging her coat off, and walked to the kitchen, wanting to get some water before facing Conrad.

"Why don't you go look in the mirror some more?" Jeremiah spat.

Matilda looked confused, as she walked into the kitchen. She saw Belly and Jeremiah stood. Belly looked like in her eyes, something had died.

Belly stormed off, straight past Matilda.
Jeremiah sighed, putting his face in his hands.
Matilda cautiously walked in, going to get some water, "that was a bit out of order." she commented, she was pissed at Conrad, but also Steven and Jeremiah.
"I know." he nodded weakly,
Matilda filled up her glass with water, " I know you like her, but you fuelling your jealously like this won't make her like you." she told him, in a firm sisterly tone.
"Thank you." Jeremiah muttered gratefully, not even denying this time he likes Belly.
Matilda stood, quietly for a moment, before chuckling in dismissal, " whatever, boys are stupid. " as she began to walk of, Jeremiah called her back. She turned around, raising an eyebrow expectingly .
" I know you were hurt, earlier, by Conrad, but he really does love you, you know that right?" he told her, everything he said was truthful. He could tell that his brother loved her deeply, and that she loved him, and honestly, he couldn't ever imagine the two apart.
love.  Matilda chuckled weakly, the word playing on her mind, and even the question ,when were they going to say they loved each other?
"Thank you, Jere." she chuckled weakly, before turning back round again, going upstairs.

Matilda walked into Conrad's room, she placed her cup of water down. Conrad sat on his bed, he looked up at her, " hi " he said, smiling as if nothing happened.

Matilda thought he was joking , until a few moments later, he said nothing else. she shook her head, trying to hide her disbelief. " Hi, Conrad." she replied.

Conrad asked, chuckling innocently, " what's the mood for? "

" nothing " Matilda replied, grabbing comfortable clothes out of her bag.  She walked into the bathroom and changed.

Matilda came back out, as she said nothing to Conrad, simply folding up her clothes from today.

"Seriously, I don't get why you're being like this?" Conrad asked, the question salty, his tone, oddly calm.

Matilda looked at him, she hated being annoyed, but she truly was, " are you being serious? "

"Yes!" Conrad scoffed, standing up, walking over to be closer to her.

" You left me Conrad serio-" Matilda began,
Conrad interrupted her, " I thought you wanted to stay to support Laurel!"

he knew this wasn't the case, and he knew he was being an asshole.

Matilda opened her mouth, she could hardly find the words, " thats not the only thing Con, you promised me you wouldn't drink tonight after-"

"Oh so you're gonna be controlling now?" Conrad snapped, raising an eyebrow challengingly. he knew Matilda only cared about him, he just had to do anything he could to protect his secret, and how he was really feeling at the moment.

His heart shattered when he saw the way her face dropped, and the way anyway sort of light in her eyes faded,
"No, Conrad, you know that's not what this is about, you know it's because I care about you."  Matilda breathed out, her eyes full of hurt, she felt as if she had been hit by a ton of bricks.

For some reason, Conrad continued to argue, " Just drop it , Matilda, I'm grown enough to decide if I drink or not!" he exclaimed. " this is all seriously, because I went out for a bit, and I had a dri-"

Suddenly, Matilda quickly interrupted him, she couldn't believe she was asking this, " Con, do you like Belly? "

Conrad stopped talking when she asked the question. He looked in true disbelief. " what- no-" he was so confused. Matilda meant the absolute world to him, and he really thought that she knew. " Tilly, why would you even think that? " his face now softened,

Matilda couldn't stop a few tears that fell from her eyes. " I don't know Con, she practically acts like she is married to you or something, and now you're so keen to crash her date."  her voice broke, as she explained this. she felt stupid.

Conrad thought about what she said for a moment, and realised how this all looked. " Fuck, Tilly, I'm sorry-" he apologised, by this point, more than a few tears flowed out of her eyes. he pulled her into a hug, he rested one hand on the back of her head, as one arm wrapped tightly round her waist, "Tills, I swear Belly is like a younger sister, you mean everything to me, please, you have to know how much you are to me Tilly." he told her, heart fully. He felt tears still fall on his shoulder.
"Fuck,I'm sorry." he whispered, Matilda could tell his tone was full of regret. He heard her sniffle into her shoulder " I'm so sorry." he said again, so gently, stroking her hair with his thumb. They stayed like this for a few minutes.
"No, I'm sorry, I feel so stupid." Croaked Matilda, pulling away from his chest, looking up at him, her eyes puffy.
"Why are you sorry, idiot?" Conrad tried to joke, his smile was small, but held Conrad's warmth.
"I probably did overreact-" she began.
"No, you didn't. Tilly, I got drunk, when I said I wouldn't for you, because I know you care about me, so much, and I care about you, so so much - and I know I'm already enough of an asshole when I'm drunk, but then I leave you there, then you come home and I shout at you. You have nothing to be sorry for, you understand me?" Conrad questioned, his tone firm but gentle.
Matilda smiled weakly, before she leant back into his shoulder, he hugged her tightly.
" can we just, forget this happened? " she asked, her tone soft.
Conrad smiled, " of course we can" chuckling. he moved back slightly, so he could see her face, his hand was still on her waist, the other moved to her jaw.
The two looked at eachother, before there lips gently met. the kiss was innocent, and sweet.

Conrad then grinned, and threw her over his shoulder,
"Conrad!" Matilda laughed, still sniffling from her cry prior.
He gently lifted her into bed, putting her under the covers. He then slid in next to her, opening his arms, which Matilda accepted naturally. her head rested on his chest, as her hands clung onto Conrads arms tightly wrapped round her.
Conrad kissed her forehead, sighing in relief they had made up.
He was so grateful to have someone as amazing as Matilda, who forgave him so quickly for being an ass like this. He vowed to himself, he would do his very best for Matilda , so she knows how much he really lov- values her, and that she's the only one for him, but also to ensure this didn't happen again.

A/N ngl I hate the way I wrote this chapter sm, I'm so sorry. I hope you guys enjoy though! <33

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