9.- right where you left me.

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A/N buckle up for the rollercoaster

Jeremiah stacked more books on top of a pile in Stevens arms, which was going beyond the top of his head. " don't drop it ." Jeremiah told him, his expression amused. He placed another one, and Steven staggered a bit, "you cannot do this." Jeremiah laughed.

Meanwhile, Matilda spoke to another girl at the book party about none other than books , that they both enjoyed. 

Laurel was handing out books, before engaging in a conversation with Cleveland, while Susannah floated, talking to guests.

Conrad poured himself some Chardonnay, he had promised Matilda he wouldn't drink tonight after how bad he was after the bonfire, but what she didn't know didn't hurt her. He had to drink. If he didn't, he would break down, he would end up telling her everything, so, like the drinking, what Matilda, or really any of the others didn't know, didn't hurt them.  He quickly gulped down an entire glass, the bottle still in his hand, ready to pour another.

After Cleveland, and Laurel spoke about sailing, Laurels eyes lit up .
"Hey, you see that boy other there?" She asked, pointing over at Conrad.
Cleveland turned his head, looking at Conrad who was gulping down another glass, " oh yeah, the boy whose been pounding Chardonnay all night? "  he chuckled, "yeah."
Laurel called out, "Conrad!" , gaining his attention.
He looked round confusedly, before looking at Laurel, " come over here ! " she beckoned.
Sluggishly, he finished his drink, finally placing the bottle down. Cleveland awkwardly chuckled.
Conrad walked over to the two, looking confused.
"Conrad, this is Cleveland, he is writing about sailing, but knows nothing about sailing." Laurel explained, chuckling. Cleveland nodded.
Laurel smiled proudly, " Conrad is amazing at sailing. " she told Cleveland, " you won a regatta last year, right?" she asked Conrad.
Conrad didn't look too enthusiastic. " came in second, but" he nodded at Cleveland.
"Ah!" Cleveland nodded understandingly,
After a few moments of awkward silence, Cleveland asked, "so, uh, do you teach?" he chuckled, waving a pen, handing it to him
Laurel laughed,
Conrad smiled, taking the pen, he then looked at the two who had expectant expressions. They weren't joking.
"Did my mom put you up to this?" Conrad asked, his face dropping as he looked annoyed.
Laurel looked genuinely confused, narrowing her eyes, "what, no? why?"
Conrad shook his head at the pen, scoffing, "typical." he didn't believe Laurel. he handed back the pen to Cleveland, walking off.
Cleveland chuckled again, " a man of very few words? "
Laurel looked confused, " apparently. "  she sighed, before handing him his book, "Uhm, here you go!"
"Thank you." Cleveland nodded, laughing softly, as the two waved before he left.

Conrad walked over to Jeremiah, Steven, and Matilda.
Jeremiah and Steven were talking, as Matilda read the blurb of Laurels book.

He flopped down, sitting in between Matilda and Steven. Before any of the three could say anything, he huffed, "you know, this shit is boring, can we go somewhere?"

Jeremiah chuckled,

Matilda whipped her head to look at him, she could tell, by this tone he had when he's been drinking, that he is drunk. She shook her head, "we said we would support Laurel."

Steven ignored Matilda's comment, looking at his phone, "yeah, where?" he asked Conrad.

" we could go into town, buy some weed from the guy with the Rainbow dash tattoo? " Jeremiah suggested.

Matilda immediately shook her head, " guys what the fuck, no-"

Conrad tilted his head back, "Nah, he got arrested last summer."

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