1. - August

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The cab drove slowly into cousins, peering out the window, Matilda smiled as the smell of salt air rushed into the cab, as the "welcome to Cousins" sign came into sight.

This was going to be the perfect summer.

She couldn't help but daydream as she stared in awe out of the window, the thought of spending long days at the beach with Conrad, swimming in the sea, Conrad teaching her to surf, fresh fruits, their backs beneath the sun, and that summer house.. to die for.
Matilda had seen pictures of the beautiful house, from all three of the Fishers, who are madly in love with their beach house, but Cousins too, and Matilda, well, she really is starting to see why.
She thought of how the summer days would look. She never felt more excited. She's known the Fishers since she was about 5, and in kindergarten. She met Conrad, at school, and she will always remember Conrad going over to her, when they were just five years old, and checking on her when she was alone in the book corner.

Slowly but surely, she met Jere, and Susannah, and Adam. While Conrad, and Matilda grew to become the bestest of friends, Susannah and her Mom, Inez, became best of friends, and then the Fishers and Lockwoods were like family. - well, in middle school, Inez Lockwood passed away. Matilda struggled like never before, and the relationship between her and her father became strained, and it really is still poor. The Fishers, but especially Conrad, helped Matilda through this, and really every day Matilda thanks whatever is above us that she met Conrad Fisher, because maybe, just maybe, because of that day they met, he saved her life.

Conrad and Matilda got together last year, after their whole childhood of longing glances, naturally holding hands, jealousy, they finally got together, which truly, didn't shock anyone who knew the pair. Matilda and Conrad haven't looked back since. They have never been happier.

Now, here she was, on the way to spend summer with her family. She has already briefly met Laurel, and Steven, but she heard Belly is going, and she is so excited another girls in the house her age, Matilda was certain they'd be best of friends, right?

Oh, and Conrad didn't know Matilda was coming for summer, when he found out " she couldn't " , he was so disappointed, he begged for ages for her to come, but she said her father wouldn't let her. Infact, he's at the summer house right now, mourning to presence of Matilda. Truthfully, Susannah and Matilda had been scheming Matilda coming as a surprise, for everyone, but really for Conrad. They both felt horrid for keeping this a secret, but they know it'll all be worth it.

- -

" They're here! " Susannah exclaimed, beaming, as the Conklins pulled into the drive.
Jeremiah hurried to the door, "Hello!" he grinned, as he embraced Laurel,
"Hiya!" Laurel grinned back, hugging the boy whose one of her honorary sons. Susannah dashed out the door, her hair blowing behind her as she grinned.
Laurel rushed over to Susannah, while Jeremiah and Steven reunited happily.
Belly stepped out the car, awkwardly smiling as everyone else greeted eachother, but the one person she truly wanted to see, was Conrad.
Jeremiah turned over to Belly, his jaw practically dropping. "Look who came back all grown up!" he exclaimed in shock, and awe, almost as if he was in love. There was no denying Belly looked considerably different, more mature, and Belly herself felt more pretty. Belly chuckled, smiling widely as her and Jeremiah embraced, while Steven walked over to greet Laurel.

Jeremiah let go of Belly, still taking her in.
"Yo, Jere, C'mere bro!" Steven beckoned him over.
Jeremiah flashed a final smile at Belly, before dashing over to him. Belly felt as if butterflies had filled her stomach, but surely that was just at the looks of awe Jeremiah sent her. She always knew, or at least thought she would end up with a Fisher brother, that's what Susannah said at least, but in Belly's mind, it would always be Conrad she would end up with.

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