Get Your Hands Off My Man (Xi...

By XichengLoverXX

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Jiang Cheng was truly a real Jiang for he had done the impossible. He had found a man he despised more than h... More

Chapter 1: Love at First Glance
Chapter 2: Research Materials
Chapter 3: Tutoring Session
Chapter 4: Share the Love
Chapter 5: Injured
Chapter 6: Flute Practice
Chapter 7: Staying Behind
Chapter 8: All Alone
Chapter 9: On the Run
Chapter 11: Sleeping
Chapter 12: An Unexpected Visit
Chapter 13: I Don't Need Your Permission
Chapter 14: Results of the Deliberation
Chapter 15: So Zewu-jun turned out to be a cutsleeve?
Extra 1: Breaking the Cycle

Chapter 10: Not Very Inconspicuous

492 10 12
By XichengLoverXX

Waking up in Lan Xichen's arms confirmed that last night had been no dream. The two of them were still together. Through a gap in between the boulder and the cave entrance bright rays of sunlight made their way inside lighting up the cultivators. The Lan was already awake, probably still following Gusu's rule of waking up at five am. But instead of waking the Jiang as well he had let him sleep in. Jiang Cheng could feel the two golden eyes on him as he woke up.

"Good morning boyfriend" Lan Huan said with a smile, giving the Jiang a good morning kiss once he opened his eyes.

"Good morning Lan Huan, you look even better in the morning" he said sarcastically. The Lan looked like he had been on the verge of dying the night before, his robes a dark maroon as the blood had coagulated overnight. Not that he wasn't still stunning, but having calmed down from last night's excitement meant realizing that he wanted Lan Xichen back in clean clothes.

"Well your robes look as stunning as a willow tree" Looking down Jiang Cheng realized that the fierce corpses had shredded his robes, the fabric hanging down in strips. He did indeed resemble a willow tree.

"Let's get back to the Cloud Recesses then. We both need a change of clothes." Jiang Cheng suggested as he got up.

"Before then, one final kiss." Lan Xichen said, looking for more than just a light peck this time. His hands held onto the Jiang's after which the younger cultivator entwined their fingers. Lan Xichen's hands were large but not nearly as rough as his own as a result of having spent less time with his sword and more with the pen. The same hands which last night had grabbed, touched, and explored every inch of his body.

"You're worried Lan Qiren is going to catch us and force us apart?" Jiang Cheng asked, extending the time Lan Huan needed to wait for that kiss. Subconsciously biting his lower lip, the Lan showed just how keen he was on getting to it.

"Yes, but I'm more worried about not getting to see you in private as much as I want" Lan Xichen leaned in. Jiang Cheng sighed, of course he had known their relationship would need to stay a secret. It wasn't like he could run around the Cloud Recesses and kissing his boyfriend whenever he wanted, but still...

"Do we have to hide? Like you said, all the disciples who came along for this trip already knows you like me." Jiang Cheng pleaded. He didn't want to go back to the way they were before.

"Just from uncle. Anything that won't make him catch on is fine." Meaning that from now on he, similarly to what the worm did, could shamelessly touch the Lan whenever he wanted. As long as it wasn't egregious or created rumors loud enough that they would reach the elder Lan's ears it was allowed.

"I love you" Jiang Cheng said cheerfully before granting the Lan's request of a kiss. Their lips locked and Jiang Cheng could feel the Lan's tongue breach his mouth. The ocean's waves yet again threatening to reclaim the sandcastle which the Jiang had carefully rebuilt.

After a last loving goodbye, the two worked together to remove the boulder, peaking outside there was no living, or undead, beings waiting for them. No cultivators and no fierce corpses, only two swords laying in the grass reflecting the bright rays of the sun.

"Sandu!" Jiang Cheng exclaimed rushing to his blade's side, ecstatic to see his beautiful savior. Well... second beautiful savior, the first one being the cultivator willing to carry him on his back. Picking up Lan Xichen's blade as well he went to hand it back. But the Lan didn't take Shuoyue and instead sent a small amount of spiritual energy into the Jiang's hand. The blade lit up with the Lan's golden glow.

"Lan Huan, you can't..." But it was already done. Shuoyue's golden glow faded into a barely visible purple, signifying that the Jiang's spiritual energy was flowing through it. He was now just as much the sword's master as Zewu-jun. Sharing the ownership of your sword was an awfully intimate act, one even many married couples didn't go through with.

"Her main job from now on is to protect you, whether she is in my hand or yours shouldn't matter." Lan Xichen stated as though what he had done was nothing big at all. It was true that Shuoyue belonging to him would make the Jiang safer if he ever were to use her. Swords didn't particularly like being wielded by a cultivator different from their master.

"Take her back, I've got Sandu to protect me. I'll be fine" Jiang's face was a deep maroon, as he held the out the Lan's blade for him to take. Jiang Cheng had always been deeply fascinated with swords and so to be allowed partial ownership of such a beauty as Shuoyue was overwhelming. She was drop-dead gorgeous. In a literal sense.

"You're right perhaps I should take her back" Lan Xichen said, quickly sheathing and hiding the sword away underneath his robes. His face also tinted in a shade of red.

"Hahaha, is the great Zewu-jun jealous of a sword?" The Lan had seen the admiration he held for her and gotten jealous. Jiang Cheng turned to hide his face as he attempted to reassure his lover. "Well you don't need to worry, she's only my third favorite sword."

"Third?" Lan Xichen asked, but before the Jiang could tease him further there was shouting heard coming from off in the distance.

"We've found them!" one of the Lan disciples shouted in celebration.

"Really, where? Are they alive?" a familiar voice shouted as he rushed towards the Lan who had spotted them.

"You really think I would die and leave the Jiang sect to you? Over my dead body!" Jiang Cheng shouted as he rushed into his brother's awaiting arms.

"Too bad, I was really hoping you'd croak." Wei Ying said after the Jiang had crashed into him, their arms wrapped closely around each other in an absolute mess leaving bystanders unable to tell which limb belonged to which cultivator.

"Yeah? Is that why you're trying to crush me to death?" Jiang Cheng retorted. Wei Ying's arms around him was gripping so tight he could barely breathe, but instead of letting go the Jiang hugged him closer. Part of him had been worried about the Wei as well. What if he had seen Lan Huan's red flare and rushed into camp alone, foolishly determined to play the hero? It wasn't beyond his brother to do something so reckless. The horde had been too much for the Lan and Jiang to deal with on their own, no matter how much talent the Wei had there was still a limit to how much he could handle. Jiang Cheng was greatly relieved to see his brother still in one piece.

"Brother" Lan Wangji bowed deeply at the sight of Lan Xichen walking towards them as though his attire wasn't a complete mess. From the Jiang's perspective it looked cold and uncaring, who would just bow after seeing their presumed dead brother alive and well? But the way Lan Xichen happily greeted him with a big smile in return he had to assume it wasn't as bad as it looked.

A couple of weeks later, back at the Cloud Recesses once more, they were sitting through the same boring lectures as usual. Lan Qiren had returned, but Lan Xichen just so happened to have a lot of time to spare and took over their lectures a lot more frequently than he ever had before.

"You really managed to get Zewu-jun's eyes again today" Wei Ying commented. The Nie nodded along, he had known about the Lan's affections the moment he had spotted the headband wrapped around Jiang Cheng's leg during the trip. It really did seem like Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying had been the only two who hadn't been made aware. Not that Jiang Wanyin had spoken to the worm, but judging from the dark looks he was currently giving him he could only assume he knew as well. "For someone who always complain about your hair being in the way when it isn't tied up you sure changed your tune when you found out he likes it that way, didn't you?" Wei Wuxian teased.

A logical assumption to make, on days when Jiang Cheng wore his hair down Lan Xichen was indeed significantly more attentive. The Lan's full attention was on him on days like this, Zewu-jun tried to hide it by not looking directly at the Jiang, but everyone noticed. All but his unconcerned uncle who if he didn't need to deal with the guest cultivators, wouldn't. They were too much of a hassle, constantly broke the rules and got on his nerves. And so the responsibility of teaching them had almost completely fallen on the older Jade twin of Lan.

Worm had attempted to mimic him by letting his hair down too but to no avail. Lan Xichen did not spare him a second glance despite the change of hairstyle. Because the reason for the Lan's additional attention wasn't because of the hair but because of what had happened last night.

Once back at the Cloud Recesses the two had continued their relationship in private after agreeing to keep it hidden from Lan Qiren. Last night was one of those days when their schedules, as well as their groins, had lined up. As a result, Lan Huan was being extra attentive of the Jiang the day after.

The hairstyle really didn't matter at all. Though he did use his hair to hide all the hickeys the Lan had left on his neck. But feeling like he wanted to gloat he said "Yes, Lan Xichen simply loves my hair, just look at how silky smooth it is". Lifting his hair up slightly he allowed the worm to spot the still fresh marks Zewu-jun had left the night before, the proof of the Jiang's victory. Jiang Cheng loved seeing the blood draining from his face as the realization sunk in. The Nie had known Lan Xichen held some affection for the Jiang but had still not given up, this however was the final nail in the coffin. The irrefutable proof that Lan Xichen's love belonged to none other than the Jiang.

"Don't let the Lan's affinity for you get to your head." Wei Ying said as he ruffled his brother's hair, intentionally messing it up. With a smile he stood up, the classroom was empty apart from the four of them. Everyone else had left immediately when class ended, even Lan Xichen who today would be busy writing reports all day and night. "I have a date with Lan Zhan so I'll be heading out now" Wei Ying waved goodbye as he headed out.

His "date" being the punishment he'd receive for messing around with Lan Qiren before class. The elder Lan had visited for a mere five minutes to talk things over with his nephew but that short period had been enough for Wei Ying to cause trouble as though he was looking to cause trouble simply to get caught.

The Nies also excused themselves and left Jiang Cheng behind. With Lan Xichen being busy and his friends having prior engagements he was left somewhat clueless as to what he should do. Perhaps he should go look if the training range was empty, he could use getting some archery practice in.

Walking outside there was a white-clad man who almost rushed head first into him.

"Ah, y-young master Jiang. Is Zewu-jun still here?" If it wasn't for his robes, Jiang Cheng would never have guessed that this panicked man was a Lan. Nothing about the way he held himself indicating he was. Anxiously he walked in place, clearly in a hurry. His eyes darting around, looking everywhere but refusing to meet the Jiang's eyes, fearful of the Jiang's characteristic glare.

"No you missed him" Rather obvious considering the fact that Jiang Cheng was the only one left in the classroom, there wasn't another person in sight. Being charitable, perhaps the Lan had hoped Zewu-jun was hiding as to not get caught with the Jiang alone. But Jiang Cheng was beyond being kind at this point.

"Could you please deliver these to Zewu-jun? Thank you very much" The Lan disciple hurriedly said without taking a breath and without waiting for an answer. The heavy stack of papers was now Jiang Cheng's responsibility. But Lan Xichen wasn't here, he was back at home. Having nothing better to do the Jiang traveled the familiar path over to the Lan's residence.

Standing outside handing over a document to another white-clad cultivator Zewu-jun was incomparably handsome. Admiring his lover from afar Jiang Cheng could still not believe how lucky he was. Completing the interaction, the Lan soon turned to face him, his golden eyes meeting that of the Jiang's.

"Jiang Wanyin!" Lan Xichen's face lit up as he saw his lover. "What a coincidence to see you here"

"Not really. Here" Jiang Cheng said holding out the papers.

"Thank you. Please come inside, I'll get some tea ready for you as compensation" Taking a look at them Lan Xichen nodded having noted down what the papers were for before turning back to go inside. Jiang Cheng walked around him to hold the door open for the Lan who now had both his hands full.

"Since when did I become your assistant? You really should ask your disciples to stop treating me as such." Ever since the trip when the Lan's feelings were revealed all the Lan's had begun treating them as one. If they needed something delivered to Lan Xichen but happened to see Jiang Wanyin, perfect they no longer needed to go through all the trouble of looking for the Lan themselves. Jiang Cheng was sick of it. The future sect leader Jiang should be treated with more respect than this, same goes for the future husband of sect leader Lan as well. Lan Furen should not be treated as an assistant.

"Why? It gives me an excuse to see you" Lan Xichen smiled as he went to get the tea set. Despite being busy with work he couldn't possibly mistreat a guest by not offering a cup. Especially not when said guest was his beloved Wanyin.

"What even are those?" Jiang Cheng leaned over to take a look at the stack of important papers which he had just delivered.

"D-don't look, they are very secret!" Lan Xichen exclaimed, but it was too late. Jiang Cheng had already caught the words Definitely a very important paper written in Lan Xichen's handwriting. He had been fooled. The Lan disciple had been sent not to deliver papers to Zewu-jun but to deliver the Jiang. Realizing Lan Huan's dirty little trick Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes.

"Are you mad at me?" Lan Xichen hesitantly asked.

"Mm, you should have told me. Had I known I wouldn't have been so mean to your disciples for being lazy." Jiang Cheng said with a pout. Surely the Lans would hate him now after being treated so poorly, Jiang Cheng had both insulted and glared anyone daring to approach him with papers.

"Haha, I'll tell them it's my fault and that you're the most kind and huggable person in the world" Lan Xichen said as he wrapped his arms around the Jiang from behind.

"Don't." In that case he'd rather be feared and hated. Besides, the only person allowed to see this submissive version of him was Zewu-jun. His disciples had no business knowing this side of him. And with that sorted Jiang Cheng had a lovely tea time with his lover before the Lan was forced to return to his work.


A/N: Hello everybody <3. Completely unrelated to this chapter, but I wanted to gauge the interest of a fun new idea I came up with. Would you guys be interested in an interactive Xicheng-fanfic?

So what we would do is at the end of each chapter I would give you guys 2-3 choices of what [insert character here] should do. For example the end of a chapter might be something like this:

Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian, and Nie Huaisang had decided to go out drinking tonight. All excited they can barely contain themselves as class is about to come to an end, but before it does a familiar Lan walks into class and calls out to "Young master Jiang".

Glancing over at his teacher, Jiang Cheng only receives a small nod in acknowledgement from old man Lan confirming that he's expected to go talk to the Lan Jade.

"Zewu-jun, what's the matter?" he asks, once the two are outside. Surely it must be important for him to interrupt his uncle's lesson like that instead of waiting for it to end to talk to him.

"Uhm...I was wondering what you'd be doing this afternoon, and if you weren't to busy... perhaps we could do something together...?"  the tips of Lan Xichen's ears were tinted a bright red color as he spoke.

Jiang Cheng was being asked out!?

[What should Jiang Cheng do?]

1.Decline the offer. He already has other plans.

2.Ditch the boys to go hang out with Zewu-jun.

3.Invite Lan Xichen to join in on the drinking party.


Please let me know if this is something you guys would be interested in, because as fun as I think this could be I can't do it on my own.

I'll see you guys later <3

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