Chapter 1: Love at First Glance

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It was the first day at the Cloud Recesses and the representatives of all the sects of worth had lined up to show their gratitude to the Lan sect for committing to educating their disciples over the next couple of months.

Being one of the five major sects Jiang Cheng and his second in command, Wei Wuxian, was second in the lineup. Having prepared for days the Jiang took a couple of deep breaths to clear himself from the anxiety running through his veins and mentally prepared for what's to come. He would not embarrass his family in front of everyone. Going in there he would act the way he had practiced, he would be calm and collected yet swift to avoid any bad actors from getting a word in. In the end he would show the Lans proper respect and Wei Ying would cause minimal damage. It would all be fine.

"If you want I can carry our gift for the Lan sect" Wei Ying offered, already trying to ruin his perfect plan.

"Not a chance. Knowing you, you'd lose it before we even get there" Jiang Cheng snapped, gripping tighter to the scroll of parchment. The Jiangs' gift was an agreement to supply Gusu with lotus flowers at an exceedingly good price, and considering the large amount they were already ordering the Lans would save a fortune as a result. It wasn't like the demand on Lotus flowers would become lower either. Having the most beautiful of lotus flowers at your wedding symbolized good fortune and promised a long-lasting happy marriage. "Why would you even ask of such stupidity, as the next in line of course I should be the one to carry it." There were already enough rumors about Wei Wing potentially stealing his title as heir of the Jiang sect. No need to add additional fuel to the fire.

"Why not? Nie Huaisang let his disciple carry the offering" The purple clad cultivator said as he pointed to the hopeless Nie who had given up the honor of gifting Zewu-jun the Nies' gift. If his brother, Nie Mingjue, was here he would receive a proper tongue-lashing for not taking his responsibilities seriously. Having recently turned nineteen he was old enough that he should be able to handle adult-responsibilities, but looking at the size of the box there was no way for the Nie to carry both it and his beloved fan so his responsibilities were tossed to the side.

It wasn't like the Nie was very well-respected either way. With his hesitance and lack of ambition he was hardly seen as a threat. No one would bat an eye at the Nie not following proper procedures, not even Lan Xichen himself. Being friends with the cultivator's older brother he would likely let it slide as though it was nothing. Jiang Cheng had no such luxuries, he couldn't afford losing face over such a simple misstep.

Just then the gates into the Lans' hall opened and the first sect was being allowed to step inside. Following in the footsteps of the annoying peacock it was soon the Jiangs' turn to walk the long way up to the front of the hall where three men dressed in snow-white robes were standing. All framed with neatly arranged jet-black hair and golden eyes. The similarities leaving no doubt they were related. The two Jade twins of Gusu and their uncle Lan Qiren. Three upstanding men, the opinion of whom was of great importance.

Raising his head high Jiang Wanyin gave his brother a final warning glare before making his way to the front of the hall. Standing before them Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying bowed deeply to show respect. Though his footsteps could not be heard, Jiang Cheng could sense the oldest young master Lan step forward, same as he had for the Jins. Rumors said he was a strong and capable future sect leader. With a mind as sharp as his blade he was the kind of person you wanted as an ally not an enemy. Being patient and of a clear mind the Lan had yet gained any of the latter kind, and no one wanted to be first on that list, Jiang Cheng included.

There were also another set of rumors, spread by the more feminine group of people. All saying that Lan Xichen was a kind and welcoming man with a smile able to capture the heart of any woman. The most handsome and eligible bachelor in the entire cultivation world they had said.

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