Chapter 13: I Don't Need Your Permission

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"Lan Xichen!" Lan Qiren growled as he demanded an explanation. Both for the sword and the marks.

"Uncle, sect leader Jiang, madam Yu. I am deeply in love with young master Jiang and have every intention of marrying him." Lan Xichen said with a deep bow.

"You do?" Jiang Cheng asked, looking over at his lover. As much as he had hoped for it, it wasn't like getting married had ever been an absolute. Overwhelming joy flooded through the Jiang, it felt like a bunch of fireworks were set of and exploding inside of him. Zewu-jun wanted to marry him. Jiang Cheng dropped Shuoyue to the floor with a clang as he spun around, it wasn't like his mother would stab him in the back, and as long as he was standing in between them Lan Huan would be safe as well.

"You really think I would let anyone else have you?" Lan Xichen asked with a raised eyebrow. "Jiang Cheng. I am sure you have heard of how having the most beautiful lotus flowers on your wedding will lead to a long and happy marriage."

Jiang Cheng nodded, as the heir of the region which produced the most high quality lotuses of course he had heard of it. "I will get us the most beautiful ones there are." No one but them would have access to high quality lotus flowers for the entire next year. The future Jiang heir's wedding was hardly a time to cut corners. If Lan Huan wanted them all Jiang Cheng would happily drown him in flowers.

"There's no need, I only need one." Lan Xichen reached out and took his lovers hands, holding them gently in his own. His eyes focused solely on him and no one else, not even the woman whom had mere seconds ago attempted to take his life. "Jiang Cheng, will you allow me to have the most beautiful lotus of all time to be my groom? Will you give me my happily ever after?"

Jiang Cheng was too overwhelmed to speak and instead chose to excitedly nod his head up and down before throwing his arms around the Lan. Of course he'd agree to marry him. Never before had he wanted something so much.

"Don't just stand there. Do something!" Madam Yu shouted at her husband, who so far had just silently stood and watched as his son got engaged.

"What are you expecting me to do? Threaten that I'll hand the Jiang sect over to Wei Ying if he doesn't marry a woman?" Madam Yu glared at him, she of course did not want something like that to happen. Jiang Cheng was her son, Wei Wuxian was not. As the wife of sect leader Jiang of course it would be her kin who would take over the throne.

"That wouldn't work anyways. I'll be marrying Lan Zhan, so you'd get a cutsleeve as sect leader either way" Wei Ying chimed in, supporting his brother in his own unconventional way. But unlike Lan Xichen's proposal which was met with a joyous agreement Wei Ying's was far less successful. The Lan he was aiming to court simply gave him a frown as he clasped the hilt of Bichen.

And the Lan was not the only one sending glares his way. Lan Qiren as well as Madam Yu was less than enthusiastic about the suggestion as well. One unconventional couple was already more than enough. A second one was not happening on their watch.

"I just need to convince him first..." Wei Ying looked down at the floor as he spoke, somewhat dejected about how harsh the Lan's refusal had been. "But I'll make it happen eventually." He added underneath his breath, still not giving up on his crush.

Seeing that one of his nephews still had common sense Lan Qiren turned to the one which needed guidance. "Lan Xichen, I hope you don't believe that you will be an exception to the rules of the Lans. Every engagement has to go through the one-month period..." his uncle lectured.

"...And if anyone voices their grievances with it the engagement will be null and void. Don't worry uncle I remember. All Lans, including you and me, are subject to Gusu rules. No exceptions." Lan Xichen replied, showing that as the future Lan heir he was very well aware of what restrictions there were. But Jiang Cheng had not been. If just a single person disagreeing with their engagement would be enough to stop it...? They wouldn't last a day, much less an entire month.

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