Chapter 11: Sleeping

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In the dark of night, a set of light but still audible footsteps could be heard. Lan Huan laid straight on his back, pretending to be asleep as the trespasser approached. A light creak could be heard as the door to his bedroom was opened. The green light from a talisman which had been used to guide the intruder's way lit up the beautiful face, revealing his identity. Closing his own eyes, Lan Xichen continued to pretend to be asleep.

"Lan Huan?" The voice whispered but when he didn't get a response he chose to approach the bed which he had already spent time in a handful of times. But to the intruder's dismay the Lan was already deep asleep "Fuck you, we promised." He disappointedly let out before heavily sighing. This however did not dissuade the love-struck cultivator, he was not about to leave. Letting the light of his talisman go out he climbed into bed and laid down on the Lan's outstretched arm. He had come this far, he was not leaving without at least getting some cuddles.

Too bad for the Jiang, he had just gotten into the older cultivator's bed not realizing the risks involved. Like a venus flytrap that had laid in wait for an unsuspecting insect to climb into its gaping mouth, Lan Xichen waited until Jiang Cheng was right up against his body before it was time. Using his second arm to entrap his prey in a close embrace. Along with the movement Lan Xichen also pushed himself on top of the Jiang, his face close enough that he could see the slight surprise which then turned into annoyance only to then disappear completely. Because for as much as he was annoyed with his lover for making him think they wouldn't do anything after all the work he had put in to get here in the first place, he was much more interested in spending time with Lan Xichen. Alone.

Because of Wei Wuxian's nosiness and the Lans' heavy patrolling it was difficult for the Jiang to sneak out unnoticed. The two lovers hadn't seen each other after curfew for almost a week. For Lan Huan to then have fallen asleep during such a time... Jiang Cheng huffed. But Lan Xichen was very much not asleep and was very much on the same page as the purple-clad cultivator. Not that he would stay purple-clad for much longer.

"You've been caught trespassing in the bedroom belonging to none other than the future sect leader of the Lan clan. A very serious crime not to be taken lightly. There will be no escaping your punishment and I will show you no mercy. What do you have to say for yourself?" Lan Xichen stated with a playful smile.

"I plead guilty to all charges" Jiang Cheng placed his hands above his head to submit to the man who was judge, jury, and executioner.

"In that case, your punishment will be..." Lan Huan pretended to be thinking it over, but he already knew exactly what he wanted.

"For you to take it whilst laying on your back" So far Jiang Wanyin had refused to let him see his face as they did it, always insisting on having Lan Xichen do it from behind claiming it felt better. But how could he know that if they had never tried doing it differently? Lan Huan wanted to see his face. Wanted so see whatever raw reacting the Jiang had as they made love. He wanted every single piece of the Jiang, and his expressions was among them.

"Fine, but you're not allowed to turn on any lights... or talismans" Jiang Cheng replied, bargaining with the judge.

"That's fine" for now. The lack of light would mean he wouldn't be able to tell if the Jiang was blushing, a hefty loss. But the moonlight from outside was still enough that he would be able to make out the general expressions his lover was making. Like right now, he was pouting, pretending to dislike the punishment in order to hide his embarrassment. Oh how he loved this man and all the oddities he had found over the past couple of weeks. If he could he would happily spend the rest of his life exploring what else there was to a normally uptight man.

But as things were right now they could not marry, they couldn't even be together in public. Or at least that had been the case a couple of weeks ago when they first started sleeping together. Lan Huan had yet to tell him but the Lan had "taken an interest" in Gusu's rules recently, and under his uncle's watchful eyes he had slowly been rewording them, one by one. All to allow for a very particular loophole, one which would allow the two to marry. Lan Xichen hadn't prepared a proposal yet but had decided to not reveal this fact until then. That way he could keep it a surprise until it was time.

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