You can't catch me now. (Cato)

By the7thheroine

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"I wont let you die. Promise me you'll get your trident then come find us." He says sternly holding your shou... More

A Storm is brewing.
Prove to them your worth every penny.
The first night and the first day.
The second day and the second night.
Show them what you can do.
The interview of a life time.
Let the games begin.
You need to run.
The first game comes to an end.
*The interview for the tour*
*district 11*
*The end of the tour, the end of peace*
*im the bet you lost in the reaping*
*the first day of training*
*Just try and stop it*
*the quell begins*
*find him*
*tick tock goes the clock*
What do we do next?
Why should we be the ones?
Who do you think you are?

The trap.

341 14 120
By the7thheroine

You'd been with the group by the supplies for two days.

Occasionally, two at a time people would leave, gathering a weapon and some food heading towards the woods where occasionally a canon would go off.

You and Cato went a few times, but Marvel was the most eager as was Clove. The new boy you had no idea where he'd come from or who he was.

You'd assumed he'd randomly been found and given the choice. Die or help the careers. Which didn't leave much of a choice.

In the two days that you'd spent not doing much Cato had gotten even more tense. Often being found with a weapon in one hand, and yours in the other.

When killing someone, now Cato didn't draw it out as long, instead just choosing to kill them. Something about him had hardened.

He'd kept to his word, he hadn't left your side once.

Keeping close to you at all times seemed almost natural for him. Cato was vicious if the idea of separating was bought up by anyone. Glaring and snapping at whoever came up with the idea.

You could almost hear Flickermans comments whispering in your ear. You could almost imagine what he'd be saying about you and Cato.

It was a cooler morning in the arena today. Everyone was sat beside the supplies. The weapons they'd chosen lain on the floor next to them.

You'd barely touched your trident in the last day, there hadn't been any fighting like the one in the Cornucopia.

You didn't want to either.

The pile was huge of supplies and food. What made you the most nervous was the landmines. One wrong move and you'd be blown up. So far you'd done ok, following the same steps over and over, avoiding any danger.

"Hey.. hey look!" marvel suddenly shouted rising to his feet, pointing towards smoke coming up in swirls through the trees.

Instantly Cato was on his feet, taking you up with him. "You stay here. Keep watch of the stuff until we come back." He snapped at the younger boy.

He began to pull you along, his steps quick and heavy. You could feel your nerves begin to bubble again.

Clove and Marvel were quick to keep up with you both, clearly ready for action from the excitement in their steps.

After almost ten minutes, you'd all located the fire. It was huge, full of green leaves that wouldn't catch, but instead would smoke.

No one was there. And it soon became clear that the fire had been lit on purpose.

It was a trap.

"Fuck." Clove muttered as she looked around the forest. You walk closer to the fire, your eyes picking up on the sight of another flame not too far away.

"It's a set up-" before Marvel could finish he was interrupted.

A loud explosion sounded. Then another. Turning back your eyes widened as you realised it came from the direction you had just come from.


Cato had reacted even faster than you, quickly beginning to sprint even fast backwards to where you'd all come from.

His hand was tightly bounded to yours as he broke the tree line, turning into an even harsher grip at the sight of the flames and smoke.

The supplies were all gone. Blown up by the landmines. Next to the disaster, the boy. He was shaking. The spear in his hand wobbling. He knew what this meant for him.

He'd failed at the job.

As you moved closer looking around. Clove had joined your side. Her shoulders rising and falling.

"This isn't good." She snapped. Her eyes squinting at the smoke.

"No.. no it's not." You answered your eyes falling to Cato who was stood furiously watching as Marvel cornered the boy.

"What the hell happened?" Cato snapped.

"I don't know!" The boy cried.

He realised his fate was coming soon,  he fearfully attempted to move, swinging the spear towards Cato.

Marvel was faster, he flung the spear from the boys grip, beginning to scream even louder at him.

Slamming his palms into his chest forcing his off balance, then eventually wrapping his arms around his neck.

Whipping it side ways with a loud snap.

The canon faintly went off at that, the boy was dead.

You then realised something. In the far corner near the trees someone was pushing themselves backwards, trying to stand.


She'd done this. She'd caused the explosion to go off. Her eyes then caught with yours.

Clove wasn't looking, quickly You stared at nodding towards the tree line. 'Go.'

She looked relieved as she managed to get up, beginning to sprint away.

someone else began to shove past you.


"That bitch!" He snapped, his spear in hand. "I'm gonna get her, stay here." He snapped to the others, glaring at you.

"Be careful." Clove snapped at him, watching him begin to walk away. Marvel nodded, his eyes still on you, before beginning to sprint after Katniss.

After a long time, he didn't come back.

Despite cloves demands to wait, you couldn't be in the open like this anymore. It was getting cold and with no supplies you'd be screwed.

You were too vulnerable here.

In the time you'd spent waiting, two canons had gone off loudly.

Here you couldn't tell where from, or who it was. Maybe Marvel had found Katniss and Rue, or Maybe he'd been one of the two canons.

"Attention tributes!" A loud male voice echoed the arena, causing the three of you to tense up. "The regulations requiring a single victor have been... suspended."

You could feel your eyes widen. Suspended? Cato had tensed up too. "From now on, victors can be crowned in two pairs. Two females and two males."

Cato came to your side after the announcement ended, a hand moving coming to take yours. "We can't wait anymore. We need to set camp up. Now, Clove." He snapped at the girl glaring at her.

Clove eyes instantly hardened onto Cato, her face falling. "What? We don't know if he's dead.-"

"He'd of come back by now. If he is alive he'll find us." Cato snapped at her. "We need to go. Don't come, or come. I don't give a shit."

He then turned on his heel, his hand taking yours, pulling you along. He kept his pace even despite his anger.

You turned back to look at the girl who was only staring at you and Cato in anger, her eyes were sharp on your back, her fists tightly clenched.

Clove didn't follow you both.

The night had settled with an even colder chill than before. Freezing over leaving frost to appear on the trees.

You'd both quickly started a fire, huddled close together as the fire continued to snap and crackle. As you leaned against Cado, his fingers gently traced circles on your shoulders.

"We could both win this." Cato murmured, pulling you closer at a sudden breeze. You nod leaning closer to him.

"Do you think he's alive?" You suddenly asked Cato, who stared down at you.


You nod.

"Maybe. He's stupid. Too reckless. If he is he'll be injured. We'll find out soon enough." Cato answered.

As the sun had then set, the sky and everything going dark except for the area closest to the fire.

The projection began to play again along with the music. This time, only two faces appeared in the sky.

Appearing in the sky first, was the district eleven little girl, the one you'd  left Katniss with. Then, Marvels face appeared.

Cato let out a sigh as the projection quickly ended, his arm tightening around you. "I told her." He snapped.

"Don't be like that." You hissed. He only went silent, his body still tense. "We need to look for food tomorrow. Hunt or something." He suddenly spoke up.

"It should be safer now." You replied quietly. "There's not many people left." He seemed to nod slowly at that.

"Clove, the genius girl, that boy from eleven, and twelves tributes." Cato listed them off. "If it's two pairs, then us, Peeta and the girl on fire is another." He thought slowly.

You seem to realise where he's going with the idea.

If you two stayed away from the other tributes, and they survived as well. Then you'd all go home.

But you couldn't stop yourself from asking.

"What about Clove? She's from your district." You ask quietly.

Catos eyes were staring down at you again. He almost seemed surprised at the question. It was silent for a long before he spoke up.

"Look at me." Your eyes met with his again. He looked so serious, and harsh that you couldn't help but shiver. (Not the sexy way...)

"Clove would put a knife in my back the minute she could. And besides I already promised you, I'm not letting you die." He answered, emphasising the last few words.

You nod slowly, relaxing more into his grip. He went back to drawing circles on your arm. You couldn't help but feel safe in his grip. You were really going to be ok.

"Attention tributes, attention." Cato immediately sat upright, his arm pulling you tighter to his chest. God what now?

"Commencing at sunrise, there will be a feast Tomorrow at the cornucopia. This will be no ordinary occasion."

Instantly Catos attention was grabbed at that. Supplies and a feast. If you could get there early enough, you could grab enough supplies to be safe without needing to risk either of you.

"Each of you needs something, desperately. And we plan to be generous hosts."

"Food and water." You murmur. "We should go."

"No." Cato cut in. "You're not going. Everyone will be aiming for the feast. Cloves still out there and so is the boy from eleven. I'll go."

"Cato that's not fair." You look up at him, sitting up off his shoulder. His face is hardened as he stares at you.

"Listen to me." You say gently your hand cupping his cheek. "You've taken care of me this entire time. Let me help you."

He leans into your touch for a moment, his face relaxed and his eyes shut. For the first time since you'd met him, he looked calm. Peaceful.

He only shakes his head, coming out of the trance as he looks at you firmly. "Helping Me would be to stay here. If you didn't it would make me concerned and throw me off."

He's not gonna budge.

But who says you have to?

After a long moment of you both staring at each other silently back and forth, he lets out a heavy sigh, his expression becoming vulnerable. "I don't want to loose you Y/n."

You nod slowly feeling some guilt. "Ok. Ok fine. I'll wait for you." You lean back into his side as he lifts an arm up, taking you back into his grip.

You were going to go. Whether he liked it, or not.


The next morning, you were up before the sun had risen properly leaving only a darkened sky. Carefully you slipped from Catos grasp.

He wouldn't be awake for a while. It gave you enough time to grab a bag, then come back. You ducked down grabbing your trident. Time to go.

You quickly began to make your way towards the Cornucopia, planning how you would get there, and what you'd do.

Once the Cornucopia came into view, you quickly ducked behind a tree eyeing the 'feast.'
Rows of bags were lined up. Each with a number on them.

One had a four and another had a two. One for you, and you guessed one that would have been split between Cato and Clove.

The other bags there were one for eleven, and another for five. That meant you'd need to be careful for the district eleven boy.

He was strong. Too strong. If he saw you? You doubted you'd be able to put up a fight.

Before you could blink, the girl from five had sprinted to the centre of the Cornucopia, quickly grabbing her bag before running as fast as she could back into the trees.

Maybe you should have done that...

Quickly you begin to run to the centre, only stopping and slowing down as another person had done the same. Katniss.

As you stared at each other for a long moment by the bags you, took a deep breath.

"I won't kill you if you don't kill me." You said slowly, keeping your hands in view. Her eyes flash between you and the trident, before relaxing.

She nods slowly. "Truce." She confirms slowly. You quickly continue to run towards your bag, flinging the number four over your shoulder.

You needed to go, now.

As you turn watching Katniss grab hers, beginning to run, a knife suddenly flung out, knocking her towards the floor.

Quickly Katniss grabbed her bow and arrow firing at whoever was attacking her, but missing as suddenly she was shoved harshly to the ground.

Clove. She looked exhausted as she held Katniss down, a knife held tightly in one hand. She attempted to slash Katniss missing as she moved, and was then shoved harshly off her.

The two began to roll around fighting roughly until Clove managed to get the upper hand again.

"Where's lover boy? Oh I see... you were gonna help him.. right? How sweet too bad you couldn't help your friend."

She was talking about Rue you guessed, from a distance you could see Thresh approaching. You needed to do something.

Quickly you began to move, approaching quietly behind Clove.

You took a deep breath before slamming the trident harshly into her neck, watching as blood began to come up from her mouth, down onto Katniss.

With a quick yank, you pulled it from Cloves neck watching her fall roughly to the floor. "Go. Now." You snapped at Katniss, leaning down and grabbing Cloves bag.

She nodded shoving herself backwards, before wobbling to her feet.

You turned on your heel beginning to sprint. Get back to Cato. You crossed the tree line without any trouble.

You managed to find your way back towards where you and Cato were, only to see him on his feet his sword tightly in his hand. He looked furious, his face mixed with some fear too.

At the sound of your footsteps he jolted, preparing to slam his sword into you. When he saw your face along with the bags he grabbed your shoulders shaking you.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" He snaps, forgetting about being quiet. You drop the bags shaking your head. "It's ok!-"

"No! It's not!" He hisses taking in your appearance. "You're covered in blood what the hell happened?" He snapped.

"Clove I had to.. kill her. She was attacking Katniss." Cato took in a deep breath. His hands loosing their tight grip on your shoulders.

He pulls you closer to him wrapping his arms around you. "You are so fucking stupid." He snapped quieter into your head.

After a long moment. He let go of you. Staring at the bags. "What's in there?" He asked slowly.

"I don't know.. I didn't open it. I just grabbed it and ran." You shrugged kneeling down. You quickly began to undo and open the bags up.

Inside number four was water. (Classic) bottled in metallic flasks that were much bigger than the ones supplied at the initial beginning of the games. Cato begins to rip open the other bag, inside was food, at least six packs of it.

"We'll be ok." Cato said, his hand slipping into yours, giving it a tight squeeze.


Damn bro that's crazy. I would do so many things to this man I can't even lie to the public.... 😪😪😪😪

Anywho the Sejanus version two will be out today or tomorrow idk I'll see what I think if you deserve it 🤬

Also so will the Tanner and Treech chapters xxxx

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