Deja Vu Battle | Hunger Game...

By Julia_Hart90

16.3K 967 49

➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶ Set post-rebellion in Panem, "Deja Vu Battle" follows Aries White, an unexpected symbol of hope fro... More



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By Julia_Hart90


𝕀𝕟 the dimly lit room adorned with the muted glow of screens displaying various scenes from the Capitol, Dennis sat in silence, his eyes fixated on the footage playing before him. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for Aries White, the young victor whose spirit seemed to be weighed down by the aftermath of Estella's misguided belief in his demise.

A heavy sigh escaped Dennis' lips as he stole a moment to observe Aries, his mentor's heart sinking at the sight of the blue-eyed young man. The scars that marred Aries' face told a story of the brutal arena, where survival meant facing unimaginable horrors. Dennis couldn't shake the ache in his chest as he traced the lines of scars etched across Aries' eyes, a haunting testament to the price of victory.

His gaze shifted down, drawn to the burn marks that snaked their way from Aries' right arm to the side of his neck. Each mark carried the weight of a deadly dance in the arena, a macabre waltz where life and death twirled in a relentless embrace. Yet, despite the physical reminders of the past, Aries bore his battle scars with a certain stoic pride. Dennis knew that for many victors, these marks served as a painful reminder of the lives they had taken, the innocence extinguished within the Hunger Games' merciless arena.

Caught in his thoughts, Dennis was snapped back to reality by Aries' harsh tone, the young man clearly uncomfortable with the scrutiny. Shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, Dennis redirected his focus to the screens around them. The room was filled with the silent presence of fellow victors Beetee, and the higher up of District 13, alongside the prep team Haymitch and Effie. Joined by the iconic Mockingjay herself—Katniss Everdeen. The atmosphere in the room shifted as everyone tuned in to watch the recorded footage. Katniss, standing up from kneeling, held a flag while surrounded by people, a symbol of the brewing revolution.

A smirk played on Aries' lips as he watched, unable to contain his laughter at the awkwardness unfolding before them. The others exchanged knowing glances, acknowledging the universally agreed-upon truth that Katniss was not exactly a masterful actor. However, it was Aries who boldly broke the silence with his infectious laughter, unafraid to mock the supposed hero of the revolution.

The room buzzed with a mixture of amusement and tension as Aries' laughter echoed against the backdrop of the recorded scene. At that moment, the camaraderie among the victors became palpable, a shared understanding that even in the face of revolution, they were still bound by the scars of the past and the unspoken truths of their survival in the Capitol's deadly games.

"Can you believe this?" Aries muttered, his voice dripping with disbelief. "She's like a puppet, spewing whatever lines they feed her. This revolution is a farce."

As Aries' laughter subsided, a heavy silence settled over the room. His voice cut through the stillness, dripping with disbelief, as he expressed his candid thoughts about Katniss Everdeen's role in the so-called revolution. Dennis, his mentor, couldn't help but react, releasing a hiss that echoed like a mother's warning to her unruly children. "Aries!" The room seemed to darken in response to his blunt words, but Aries nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, unapologetically standing by his perspective.

"Oh, come on," Aries continued, his voice holding a raw honesty that demanded attention. "Imagine being those in other districts. Families torn apart, homes destroyed, lands seized. And here we are, sending 'hope' through this ridiculous video... It's making Katniss seem like nothing more than a mere mascot."

Haymitch, the seasoned victor with a penchant for biting wit, bit back a smile, his agreement with Aries' sentiments evident. He had been on the verge of expressing a similar view, but hearing it from Aries carried a unique weight. Aries, with his commanding aura and no-nonsense approach, had a way of making his words resonate throughout the room.

"How are people supposed to believe that Katniss will change the future when she's all dolled up and hidden away?" Aries challenged, his eyes scanning the room defiantly. The question lingered, a challenge to the carefully crafted narrative unfolding on the screens. Havensbee, usually the mastermind behind Capitol propaganda, couldn't help but smirk as he glanced at Aries. It was an unexpected perspective, a viewpoint that he would have never anticipated from someone like Aries, who had often been perceived as self-focused.

A nod of agreement rippled through the room, the victors silently acknowledging the validity of Aries' words. The screen continued to play, showcasing Katniss Everdeen as she played her role in the grand charade. The room, however, had become a space for dissent, a haven where the victors dared to challenge the Capitol's narrative.

In the dim light, the faces of Beetee, Alma, Boggs, and Effie reflected a mixture of skepticism and agreement. The camaraderie among them deepened, forged in the crucible of shared experiences and scars. The laughter that had initially broken the tension now gave way to a more profound understanding – they were survivors, bound not just by the physical scars on their bodies but by the unspoken truths that connected them as victors of the Hunger Games.

⇘             ⇙

Estella Perez stood in the opulent dining room, clad in a lace white dress that radiated a brilliance so blinding it threatened to induce a headache. The wardrobe transformation, driven by Peeta's desire for a public partner, had become a complex dance aligning not only with his preferences but also with the discerning tastes of President Snow himself. The white dress clung to her form, a stark symbol of the sacrifices Estella made to navigate the treacherous waters of Capitol politics.

Her eyes remained fixed on her hands, delicately slicing through the steak presented for today's lunch. The meal served in the presence of President Snow, added another layer of complexity to Estella's delicate balancing act. Ever since her clandestine meeting with Johanna from District 7, a captive alongside Peeta, Estella had meticulously avoided the President's attention, orchestrating her moves to prevent any suspicion from arising.

The plan seemed to be progressing smoothly, but Estella, ever the pessimist, couldn't shake the feeling that the tides of fortune could turn at any moment. Her knack for seeing the glass as half empty served as a shield against unforeseen challenges, and in the midst of this elaborate ruse, she couldn't afford to let her guard down.

President Snow's voice cut through the air, drawing Estella's attention away from her internal musings. "Estella, my dear," he called, his tone honeyed but with an underlying edge. "What do you think?" Her mind, momentarily lost in its own labyrinth of thoughts, took a moment to catch up with the ongoing conversation. The topic seemed to revolve around Katniss Everdeen, and Estella, though disinterested in the discourse, felt the weight of the President's inquiry bearing down on her.

"I want to know your thoughts on the silence from Katniss Everdeen," President Snow pressed, his sharp eyes piercing through the veneer of Estella's composed exterior. The mention of Katniss stirred a frown on Estella's face. Her initial reluctance to engage in Capitol politics had evolved into a strategy of feigned indifference. Yet, President Snow's intense focus on Katniss revealed a narrative that deviated from the rebellion brewing in the districts—an unexpected twist that demanded Estella's attention.

As the conversation unfolded, Estella found herself entangled in the web of President Snow's expectations. His fixation on her transformation into his successor mirrored the scrutiny he reserved for Katniss. The lunch, initially an orchestrated event to maintain appearances, had transformed into a subtle battleground of influence and manipulation.

The rich aroma of the meal filled the air, the clinking of silverware against fine china creating a symphony that underscored the tension in the room. Estella, ever the master of concealing her true emotions, maintained a composed exterior while internally strategizing her next moves. The revolution, an ever-present specter, loomed over her plans, intertwining with the delicate threads of political maneuvering in the Capitol.


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