your name on my wrist || drar...

By lupinsfight

14K 638 922

one of those predetermined soulmates au, except I found out we're supposed to be soulmates and no??????? how... More

1 || ouch my wrist hurts must be my soulmate
2 || why does everyone want to know who my soulmate is
3 || father stop with the marriage plans we're both gay
4 || it's almost as if the world is against me
5 || breaking news, Veritaserum is my worst enemy
6 || hey conversations, stop being awkward
7 || it could theoretically be going well
8 || i swear it's not a date
9 || confrontation tingz
10 || I had hoped she wasn't paying attention
11 || ginny weasley

12 || predicaments

143 7 4
By lupinsfight

Draco - September 9, 1998

Draco was experiencing two predicaments.

Not only was his soulmate dating Girl Weasley, but he and his best friend (both gay as a very rainbow maypole) were expected to be courting each other. High society had its perks, but this? The lack of freedom, the expectations, the solid life path that stuffy and traditional parents enforced? Not so much.

Draco would probably give up his wealth to be able to make his own decisions.


He did, when it mattered, end up defying the Dark Lord, after all. It took a while, and it surely wasn't easy (harder even than when Harry Potter caught him crying in the bathroom and permanently scarred him; harder even than when he was forced to take the Mark to save the lives of his parents; harder even than when he was tasked to kill Dumbledore). He didn't learn to sacrifice his well-being for nothing, after all. His and Pansy's futures may not be as world-shattering as a murderous and genocidal dictator wanting to take over the Wizarding world and beyond... but all that growth he went through? All that change? It had to have meaning. He had to use it for something. He had - no, he needed to use it, to grasp the courage to get out from under his father's thumb, and to help Pansy do the same.

It would be nice to keep his inheritance, though.

Draco sighed. The ceiling of his and Harry's shared room looked as off-white as ever. The beige curtains, hanging open surrounding his four-poster, contributed to this boring atmosphere. Lying in bed was much less satisfying with disappointing decor.

"How can a man think in these conditions, honestly," Draco muttered to himself. With a flick of his wand, the curtains swoosh-ed into a much more interesting color.

It was at this very moment when the door to the room opened (rather aggressively, Draco thought). Harry swept in with an odd look on his face and stopped.

"Why the hell is everything purple?" Harry said, perplexed.

"Why, do you have a problem with it?" Draco said teasingly, his head lolling to the side to look at his roommate-slash-soulmate with a smirk.

"No," Harry said defensively.

"It's to spice up the space, Potter. Get with the times, beige is out of style," Draco said. "Anyway, better question. Why is it you're looking so... frazzled? Well. More than usual, I mean."

"Hey!" Harry looked offended, and Draco was worried for a moment he had crossed the line and already shattered their new and fragile relationship, but he relaxed when Harry kept talking. To his surprise, Harry moved closer and closer until he plonked down onto the bed right next to where Draco was lying.

"Well, basically-" Harry started. Draco's mind stopped working at this particular moment, and he said tightly and with a hint of surprise, "You are sitting on my bed."

Harry seemed to realize this himself simultaneously, and he looked down with a panicked expression and hastily stood up, saying urgently, "I'm sorry, Draco, I didn't mean to impose-"

"That's alright. Calm down, Potter. Carry on." Draco's heart was beating faster. He urged it to stop. There was nothing amiss with this situation. Draco watched as Harry sat gingerly back down.

"It's Harry. We've been over this. Anyway... well, I just broke up with Ginny." He says the words in a rush as if he can't wait to get them out. He looks at Draco with anticipation, as if he cares what Draco has to say.

Draco is, to say the least, surprised. "Did you really? You two were all chummy just earlier today. What changed? People drop from your affections that quickly?" Draco regrets allowing himself to say the last sentence when Harry's face darkens, but he is (quite unfortunately) anticipating Harry's answer.

"No, that's not it. I... really, she hasn't had my affections since before the war," Harry said softly, looking away from Draco.

Draco was speechless for a moment. By this point, he felt quite off-kilter lying down next to a mildly distraught Harry Potter, so he drew himself up and crossed his legs. This has inadvertently brought his own face closer to Harry's, and he was briefly distracted by the slope of Harry's strong nose.

Snap out of it, Draco, he yells at himself.

"If I may inquire... Harry, why did you get back with her in the first place, then?"

Harry looked back at Draco and seemed to consider something. His eyes flickered to Draco's lips. Draco figured this was an accident, because the glance didn't last long. It didn't stop his heart from fluttering, though.

"I wanted everyone to stop asking me about my soulmate," Harry said, gaze leaving Draco's with discomfort.

"Ashamed of me, were you," Draco muttered, tense once again.

"I was," Harry admitted. Draco huffed. "But, Draco - not anymore. I told Hermione, you know. She knows we're soulmates, now."

Draco drew in a quick breath and examined Harry's face for any sign of dishonesty, but his expression shone as pure and genuine as ever. Harry had never been able to mask his feelings- not like how Draco was taught. Draco feels a pang of envy. Harry must have had such support, to be able to wear his heart on his sleeve like he does. Draco's mother may tell him that she loves him, but real affection is rare at Malfoy Manor.

A beat of silence, then Draco replied, "You didn't lose a friend over me, did you?"

"No! Hermione would never. She... she was surprisingly supportive, actually," Harry said with a chuckle. "She apparently knew I was- well, that I liked guys before I ever knew myself. Said she'd be blind to miss it with how I looked at Cedric back in fourth year."

This was news to Draco. "You were with Cedric? Wasn't he a seventh year?"

"Oh please, no, it was nothing but a silly crush. Besides, he only had eyes for Cho." Harry's expression became more melancholy. Towards his failed relationship with Cho or the loss of Cedric? Draco didn't know. Maybe both. Harry always had loved fiercely and without restraint.

Draco could only hope that one day, he would be a recipient of that love.

"I hope Cedric is doing okay. In the afterlife, I mean. And all the rest of ours lost. I wouldn't give a damn if the Death Eaters and Voldemort weren't at peace."

Draco's head snapped up at this. "Vince- Crabbe, Crabbe didn't deserve to die, and he doesn't deserve to suffer, he was forced into it just like I was-"

"Draco! I don't mean him. I promise. I know better than anyone how Voldemort coerced anyone he could get his hands on. I'm sorry Crabbe's gone. We all lost people in the war who didn't deserve to die."

They both quieted. The war had taken a toll on everyone, even those who weren't necessarily on the side of the Light.

"I'm used to blaming you for things. I apologize," Draco said softly.

"I am no less responsible than you are, Draco. It's okay," Harry replied.

"So. You... you think there is an afterlife? One where everyone is okay, and watching over us? I mean, I know the fables say so, with what the mythical 'Resurrection Stone' is supposed to be able to do and all, but I just... I can't seem to be convinced that's true. There is so much darkness in this world. Sometimes I think I couldn't bear to die and find out there's more."

Harry watched him and chewed on his lip as if debating something. He sighed. "I do believe in it." The response was curt, as if Harry wanted Draco to end the conversation here. It's something he doesn't want to talk about.

Draco understood completely.

"Well!" Harry exclaimed. "I, er. I'm pretty exhausted. I'm going to head to bed. Erm- it was nice talking to you, Draco." He gets up with an awkward smile and makes his way to his side of the room.

"You too, Harry," Draco replied, a smile ghosting his lips.

Draco laid back once again. He flicked his wand to close his curtains before he broke out in a wide grin. He was tempted to giggle and kick his feet at the emotional, deep, friendly conversation he just had with Harry - with his soulmate. But that would be undignified.

Draco was honestly delighted, because now?

He only faced one predicament!

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