Master and His Kitten

By ElementalElf96

10K 465 8

When young Harry Potter is found by a young French man his life is turned around. He now lives with his maste... More

The Beginning
Playful Banter
Fay Davet
Best Day Ever
New Home
Harry's New Guardian
New Friend
Cat Form
Two New Friends
Mind Healer
Birthday Party
Birthday Magic
The Truth is Revealed
Dumbledore's Trial
Trial Continues
A Small Break
Break Over
Final Decision
End of School Year One
Summer Vacation
Happy Birthday! Part 1
Happy Birthday! Part 2
After the Plan
New Year, New Friends
Failed Plans
The More You Learn
Another Arrest
The Return
Thirteenth Birthday
New School Year
New School Event
Art Show
Joining Voldemort
Layla Talks
Voldemort Knows
The Dark Lord's Name
Layla Dreamer's Death
Dolores Umbridge's Death
Harry's Emotions and Fear
Another Problem
Diggle's Interrogation
Attempted Breakout
Fourteenth Birthday


241 8 0
By ElementalElf96

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
(Master to Kitten, Kitten to Master)

[Kitten speech]


Harry and Neville handed their trunks to Fay and Augusta. They were very excited to go to school. They were handed their shrunken trunks and they said goodbye to their family. Sirius picked Harry up and Remus did the same with Neville.

"Are you ready Harry?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah." He confirmed.

"How about you?" The Animagus asked Neville.

"I'm ready." The fae said.

"We're ready to go then." Remus said.

They all apparated to the bank. There the children would meet a teacher who would port-key with them. The two would be bunking together since they had already been sorted.

The headmistress had come to Harry's house with their acceptance letter. She liked to do this personally so that she could get to know them. After a one on one with both of them she placed a stone in their hands. The stone turned green. That meant they were in the green towers. All first years were in a tower of a color.

The stone was a personality stone. The color meant a certain personality. There were four main personalities that they used. Green meant calm, red was those with a temper, blue meant cold and distant, and purple were those hyper, happy people.

Next year they would be sorted by symbols. The school knew that one changes as they grow and it was a way for them to get to know more of their classmates. They would also learn more then. For now they were excited to see their new dorm and their bedroom.

"Are you Mr. Potter-Davet and Mr. Longbottom?" A male elf asked.

"Yes." The two answered when they spotted the school insignia on his chest.

"Where are your trunks?" He asked.

"We shrunk them and had them put them into their pockets." Fay replied.

"Good. I am Spencer Gladius. As you can see I am a light elf. I am also your potions teacher." He introduced himself.

He was a tall man. He was a head taller than Lucas. Professor Gladius was lean and had long white hair that turned to a golden color at the end. It was braided and ended just above his tail bone. His eyes were a swirl of many colors and it looked like a rainbow.

He wore a light gray tunic. On the left breast was the school insignia. It was an Egyptian crown with two scepters crossed behind it. A golden snake circled around it. He wore black pants and a black belt. He had brown boots on. A sword was strapped to his back.

"Hello. I'm Harry Potter-Davet and this is Neville Longbottom. It's nice to meet you." Harry said.

"Pleasure to meet you sir." Neville said.

"Pleased to meet you both also." Spencer smiled.

The adults introduced themselves before they left. The two eleven year old's went over to their new professor. He pulled out an old T-shirt.

"Have either of you used a port-key before?" He asked.

"No but Nicolas told us about it." Harry answered.

"So you know what to do?" He asked.

"Yes." The neko confirmed.

"Yeah." The brunette said.

"Good. Let's get you two to school." They grabbed the T-shirt. "My pharaoh."

Both closed their eyes and took a deep breath. It didn't take long for them to feel like they were being sucked through a straw. Soon their feet hit the floor.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"I'm good. A little nauseous, but good." Neville answered truthfully.

"Not too good." Harry felt horrible.

"Here you are." The potions professor gave him a potion. "It's an after port-key potion."

"Thank you." He said gratefully.

"Of course." He said.

Harry drank the potion. Soon he stood up. He felt better.

"Would you like it also?" Spencer asked the flower fairy.

"No thank you. I'm good." He responded politely.

"Alright." He then gestured toward the palace. "This is Pharaoh's academy. It had been built by a magical pharaoh, named Asim. He had fallen in love with an English witch and built a castle next to it just for her." He then pointed to the castle.

"Awesome." Neville said with awe.

"Both are beautiful" Harry said also in awe.

"That they are. His great granddaughter, Net, turned them into schools. The palace was for witches and wizards and the castle for magical creatures. Her grandson, Amen changed it so that the castle was a school for both while the palace was for apprentices. It is like the muggle version of schools. The castle is an elementary, middle, and high school while the palace was a college school."

"Wow." The fae gasped.

"That's cool." The neko said.

"Yes, yes it is. Now let's get you two to the green towers." He said.



"Maps will be provided. They are in your room. Don't hesitate in asking others for help." He told the new first years.

It didn't take long for them to arrive. Despite its name the common room wasn't green. It was done in cream and gold. A white marble fireplace was across from them. Two cream colored couches and an armchair surrounded it. The pillows were gold and the wood was white oak. Bookcases and armchairs were along the wall. The wall was cream and the floor was white with gold rugs.

"Wow." Harry said in awe.

"Every month this room will change. You see the staff selects an apprentice to oversee your first years. They change the room according to their tastes. That green door leads to their room." He explained.

"Cool." Neville said.

"Yes. This month it is my apprentice, Amanda Birch. Later today at noon she will host an orientation lunch. This way you can get to know her and the other green first years." The light elf informed them.

"Got it." Harry said with a nod.

"This door leads to your dorm room." It had a 10 on it with their names below it.

They entered the room. The beds were on opposite sides. Neville's was a large magically grown flower. Since he was a flower fairy he and his kind slept in flowers. The petals were a soft purple with green pillows and a green blanket in the middle. Harry's was a large cat bed. His was mint green with black pillows and a black blanket. There were purple paws on them.

Off to the side were two dressers and a closet on either side. Above the dressers was a huge mirror in a silver frame. In the middle of the room were two desks with chairs. The chair on Harry's side was green while Neville's chair was purple. A flower shaped lamp was on one desk and a kitten shaped lamp was on the other.

"I'll leave you both to settle in." He said.

"Okay. Thanks." The dark haired boy said.

"Thank you." Neville said.

"You're welcome." He left after he unshrunk their trunks.

"Time to unpack." Harry said.

"Yup." He agreed.

They both unpacked their trunks. Once done they changed into their uniforms. When they finished it was time for lunch.

A knock was heard. "Hello?"

Harry answered the door. "Hi."

"Hi. I am Amanda Birch." It was a female elf.

"Hi. I'm Harry and that's Neville." He introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." She said.

"Nice to meet cha too." Harry said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too." Neville said.

They took in her appearance as she looked around the room. She had long leaf green hair and moss green eyes. Her skin reminded Harry of milk chocolate. Her ears were long and pointed upwards. She wore a simple gray dress that fell just below her knees. Under the dress was a long white sleeve button up shirt. She wore a silver tie and belt. A name tag was pinned on the right side of her shirt. She had on white tights and gray Mary Janes. On the tag was her name, school crest and the potion apprentice crest.

"Are you both unpacked?" She asked.

They answered at the same time. "Yes."

"Great." She smiled at them.

She looked and saw that they were already in their uniforms. Harry wore a dress similar to her own but black and it ended a couple inches above the knee. He wore a short sleeved button up underneath. Instead of tights Harry had knee high white socks and black Mary Janes. Neville wore a white short sleeve button up with black vest and slacks. His shoes were also black. Both wore a green tie and the school crest was on the left.

"And you are in your uniforms, great. Follow me." She said.


"Yes miss Birch." Neville said after Harry.

"You both can call me Amanda." The elf told them.


"You got it." Harry saluted, causing her to laugh.

"I'm going to go check on the others." She informed them.



(With Dumbledore)

'Where is he?' Dumbledore thought as Minerva grabbed the list of new students.

"Albus?" The Scottish witch looked at him.

"Yes?" He looked at her.

"Is something wrong?" She asked not really caring but knowing she still needed to act like she did.

"No. Everything is fine." He assured her.

"If you're sure." She said.

"I am." He smiled at her.

"Alright then." She said.

Albus watched Minerva leave. The students were arriving that day and she had to prepare. Unfortunately neither Potter nor Longbottom would arrive at Hogwarts. Potter was dead so the reason why he wouldn't was obvious.

Dumbledore growled when he thought about Potter. That bastard was the reason his reputation had dropped. He had to report it since it would have done more damage if they discovered it on their own and then found out he knew all along. It caused many to dislike muggles even more. Many of his loyal followers stopped trusting him and now there were more people who questioned him.

He sighed in frustration as he thought of Longbottom once more. He was alive. The problem was that his grandma moved them away and had her son and daughter-in-law transferred to another hospital. He couldn't find where they moved to. He tracked the parents to a hospital in Japan but the family didn't live there and they had been transferred again and this time he couldn't track them. The Hogwarts letter always returned and any attempts at tracking failed.

"Where is he?!" He growled.

He had tried to get Fawkes to track them but even he couldn't. What was the point in forcing a bond with the Phoenix if he was useless. Said bird glared at the man. He just had to wait until the man died and then he could go to his rightful person. Meanwhile Albus growled once more.

"What am I going to do? Ever since Potter died nothing has gone as I planned."

(Pharaoh's Academy)

"Good now everyone is here and ready. Let's go." Amanda said.

There were six rooms in the tower. One was for the apprentice and the other five for the students. They allowed two students per room which meant there were ten students. The green towers had four boys and six girls. They walked into the dining hall. They were the only ones there at the moment. Amanda led them to a table near the doors.

"Just say what you want and it will appear. Fruit salad, grilled chicken, and a glass of earl gray please." She said and the food appeared.

They all did and soon they began eating. Amanda spoke once more.

"To start with we will introduce ourselves. I am Amanda Birch. I am a nature elf. As you all know I am Professor Gladius' apprentice and I am eighteen." She pointed to the person next to her.

"I am Harry Potter-Davet. I'm obviously eleven and I am a neko." He introduced himself.

"You're wearing girls' clothes?" One of the boys asked.

"Yeah, so?" He glared at the boy.

His glare didn't affect him and he shrugged. "Nothing. It's just that my sister-in-law is a neko and makes clothes for neko's. She has a special line just for male nekos that wear female clothes. She said that having a tail can suck."

"Oh." His anger deflated. "Sorry."

"It's fine. I'll give you her business card later." He understood why the neko felt attacked so he waved off the apology.

"Okay." He was happy the boy forgave him.

"Next." Amanda said.

"I'm Neville Longbottom. I am eleven and I am a flora fairy." He said.

"I'm Talia Embers, age eleven. I'm half fire imp and half water imp. I am also an empath." She said when Neville finished his introduction.

Talia had bright fire red hair that turned orange in the middle and ended in yellow. Her skin was lighter than Amanda's. Her eyes were ocean blue. Under her right eye was a flame and under her left was a water symbol. Her tail was wrapped around her waist and was red like her hair.

"Aren't fire imps temperamental?" The other boy asked.

"Usually. I take after my father in personality. He is a water imp and an empath." She explained.

"Oh. Cool." He said.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"You're welcome." He smiled back.

"Next." Amanda said happy they were getting along.

"I'm Lola Summers. I'm eleven and I am just a witch."

Lola was a pale girl with dark brown hair and light brown eyes. She was the smallest of the girls. She looked to be a couple inches taller than Harry.

"I'm Jason Brown. I'm obviously eleven and I, like Amanda, am a nature elf." He was the boy who asked Talia about imps.

Like Amanda he had green hair only it was a darker shade and he had light brown streaks. His eyes were lighter than Amanda's. His skin was a couple shades darker than Lola's.

The boy who talked to Harry earlier spoke. "I am Alex Wilson. I'm eleven and I'm a nature nymph."

He had light brown hair and grass green eyes. His ears were pointed down. Over his left eye was a leaf. His skin was sun kissed. He was the tallest of them.

"Hello. I'm Melody Yang. I'm eleven and a water elemental."

She had short hair that looked like it was made of water. Her eyes changed various shades of blue. Melody had light blue skin that shined in the light.

"Hi. I'm Aqua Wynters. Like everyone I am eleven. I am half water draken and half winter elf."

Aqua was the tallest female. Her hair was an icy blue. She had bright ocean blue eyes. Both eyes were slit. She had light blue skin that looked like it was made of scales. Her ears were pointed and on her forehead were two blue horns. She also had a blue tail and wings.

"I'm Lucy Traveller and this is my twin, Alice."

"We are eleven and we are air elementals."

Lucy had long white hair that floated around her. Alice's was shorter but had the same effect. Both had gray eyes and were a light gray.

Amanda smiled at all of them. "It is very nice to meet you all."

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