Thawing (Harry Potter x fem...

Autorstwa CedricDiggorysthot

933 49 146

This is like most other Harry fics, protective older brother(s), Starts in year 3, Y/N has a secret power bla... Wiฤ™cej

If you don't read this you're racist
A/N third year
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. Dememtors
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. The boggart in the wardrobe
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. Flight of the fat lady
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. school slumber party/ Grim defeat
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. Marauders
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. The firebolt
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. The patronus
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. The Quidditch final
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. Secrets out
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. Sirius black
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and prongs
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. Ugh. Snape.
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. The Dementors kiss
๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. Owl post again

๐Ÿ’™ Year 3. Talons and tealeaves

60 6 9
Autorstwa CedricDiggorysthot

This first part was fun, I got to research tea leaves

Also, I kinda have a thing for the twins, Cedric, theo and Neville. So don't be surprised if throughout this book there's like cute interactions or something with them.

N/N= nickname (obviously)

It was the first day back and things were already interesting.
So dementors we're guarding hogwarts incase Sirius black had decided to show up to kill Harry, but on a more happier note, Hagrid was now the new care of magical creatures teacher, And lupin was in fact their new defence against dark arts teacher.

After breakfast and a small conversation about dementors, Draco teasing Harry  and quidditch, The four headed to their first class of the day. Divination.

"Now I want you all to divide into pairs, collect a teacup from the shelf, come to me and I will fill it..." professor trelawney began to explain what they'd be doing in class today, so they did as told. As always, Ron and Harry paired up as did Y/N and Hermione together.

Y/N was happy cause they got to drink tea. But she noticed Hermione was, irritable. "Whats wrong?" She asked as she gulped down her tea, ready to swill the dregs, drain the cups and swab them.

"You don't really believe in this stuff, do you?"

"Well... she was right about Neville breaking the teacup." Y/N answered honestly.

"Yeah but everyone knows Neville is clumsy!" Hermione snapped. Y/Ns eyes widened.

"Okay... Let's just get this over with." Y/N brushed it off, not wanting to upset Hermione further. "What do you see in my cup?"

"An axe." Hermione answered, she looked over into their unfogging the future text book. "It means difficulties."

"Oh." Y/Ns face cringed. "Oh No I don't like that, let me swirl them around I want a new one." Y/N grabbed her teacup from Hermione and swirled it, Hermione rolled her eyes before Y/N shoved it back in her hand.

Hermione sighed but peered over into her cup. "It looks a bit like a ring."

"Ohhh!" Y/N said dramatically. "What does that mean?"

Lavender gasped from a table near them and stated right at Y/N with her mouth agape. Both Hermione and Y/N turned to her. "What?" Y/N said blankly.

"ring means Love!" Lavender shrieked excitedly, her and Parvati were giggling. "Y/Ns gonna find Love!" Unfortunately for her, Ron and Harry overheard and looked over, grinning to each-other before looking over.

Lavender and Parvati had quickly ditched their table to go over to Y/N and Hermione's.
"I'm so jealous! I wanted to get that one!"

"Well you probably still can." Y/N shrugged. "I just swirled mine around again. It's probably not true, would that be considered cheating?"

A small ball of paper was chucked at Y/Ns head, when she looked up to find out who the culprit was, it was easy to find out Ron had thrown it at her to get her attention. He was hugging himself dramatically whilst making kissy faces, Harry was joining in.

Y/N just rolled her eyes. "Grow up." Harry and Ron just burst out laughing.

"Don't worry Y/N it's all rubbish anyway." Hermione intervened.

"No it's not!" Parvati denied, offended.

Y/N peaked into her cup once more. "Hey I have a letter H by the ring, what does H mean?" Y/N leaned over Lavenders shoulder to find out the definition of H.

But Lavender only paused for a second before clutching the book to her chest. And giggling again.

"What now?" Hermione said boredly, Y/N only stared at Lavender, waiting for her to spill it out.

"Look." She said, still giggling, she placed the book on the table and pointed to a blurb on text. "A letter by the ring, is the first letter of your future spouse name."

"Oh." Y/N hummed. Peering at the book herself. "Say goodbye to my dream of young Newt Scamander." She sighed sadly.

Parvati and Lavender giggled in response.
"Whelp." Y/N turned to Hermione. "Should I do you now?"

"No." Hermione spat. "I could be doing something important right now. This is such a big waste of my time!" She huffed, sulking back into her chair. "I am going to read my transfiguration book in my head."

Deciding to leave Hermione alone so she could be mad in peace, Y/N turned to Parvati. "Shall we do you?"

Parvati ended up getting a heart, causing another fit of giggles between her and Lavender.
"Congratulations." Hermione rolled her eyes.

Lavender and Parvati decided to head back to their own table now. Not wanting to be around Hermiones "closed mind" Or something like that.

Later, the class became silent with Hermione having another outburst. Calling out Professors Trelawneys reading of Harry's tea cup, of having an enemy.

Harry had gotten a falcon, which apparently meant that Harry had an enemy. At first Y/N thought of Draco, but felt stupid once Hermione brought up Voldemort.

Oh yeah.

"But everyone knows that!" Hermione blurt out. The class became silent. "Well they do. Everybody knows about Harry and you know who." Her three best friends, and that rest of the class were in shock. Because it was very anti-Hermione to be "disrespecting" a teacher like that.

And not long after, Professor trelawney freaked the class out by saying Harry will soon die, since she spotted that he  got the grim in his tea leaves. But that then caused everyone to argue which way you had to turn the teacup for it to look like a grim.

This made Harry frustrated because since when was it a nice topic to discuss "whether he's going to die or not."

The class ended quickly after that, but with Sirius black escaping and wanting Harry, it was hard for everyone besides Hermione to believe it was fake.


"Harry, you haven't actually seen a black dog have you?" Ron asked Harry seriously as they sat down for Lunch.

They had just had their transfiguration class with McGonagall. And although she assured that Trelawney did predict a death every year and that it never came true. A lot of people weren't convinced.

"Yeah I have." Harry answered truthfully. "I saw one the night I left the Dursleys."

Y/N mouth fell open and Ron dropped his fork.

"Probably a stray." Hermione said calmly.

"I don't know Hermione..." Y/N said unsurely. "This feels too coincidental. And I don't believe in coincidences anyway."

"My- my Uncle Bilius saw one and- and he died twenty four hours later!" Ron exclaimed.

"You're joking!" Y/Ns eyes went wide, Ron shook his head.

Hermione and Ron started fighting again, but it got too much for Hermione when Ron said "you just don't like being rubbish at something for a change!"
So she got up at left the table, but not before comparing divination to her Airthmancy class then threatening that she'll just leave divination.

"What's she talking about?" Ron said in confusion. "She hasn't been to a arithmancy class yet."

Y/N obviously knew about Hermiones time turner, she had told Y/N as soon as she had gotten it.
"Ron since when are you so invested in Hermiones time table?" Y/N asked him.

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are!" Y/N replied. "you kept questioning her after she told you she fixed it with McGonagall. Worry about your own timetable." Y/N then got up, picking up a carrot to eat on the way out.

"Where are you going?!" Ron questioned her.

"I'm gonna try cheer her up." Y/N replied, Taking a bite of the carrot. "See you guys laterrrrr." She sang slightly.

She left the great hall to attempt her quest of easing Hermione up.


Y/N had failed because Ron and Hermione were now ignoring each other as they met up for care of magical creatures.

And not really wanting to get involved since they fought all the time, Harry and Y/N just stuck by each-other as they walked to their class.

Everything was so bad. They started off the year with another person trying to kill Harry, life sucking creatures guarding hogwarts, Hermione and Ron kept arguing AND Y/N had gotten her period for the first time, during the holidays. So that was fun!

She blamed her mum, cause she had always told her you usually get your period when your mum did. Her mum got it at fourteen, so Y/N wasn't expecting it for another year but here she was. Thirteen and in pain. Yay.

At least there was Hagrid's class to look forward to.

Y/N, much like everyone else, had her monster book of monsters closed tightly shut, hers was tied shut with one of her dads old belts.

She let out a small shriek as as soon as she loosened it, the book started to bite at her. She dropped and kicked it without thinking.
"I am not touching that thing anymore." She said disgustedly, watching it now chase everyone else's ankles. It was sorta amusing to watch everyone jump away. She'd just wish it went after Mallory's.

Hagrid went and stepped on Y/Ns book, forcing it shut as he went down to pick it up.
"Hagrid, how do we open our books?" Hermione asked as he did so.

"Yeh've got ter stroke 'em" Hagrid answered, stroking the spine of Y/Ns book. It shivered before falling open quietly.
He handed the book back to her.

"Oh how silly we've all been!" Malfoy said sarcastically. "We should have stroked them! Why didn't we guess!"
Y/N rolled her eyes at him.

"I... I thought they were funny." Hagrid said unsurely.

"Well... I guess they were kinda funny." Y/N assured, looking through the pages. "Looking back at it. In ten minutes I'll laugh about it."

Hagrid then went off to go fetch them the magical creatures that would be playing with today.

"God this place had gone to the dogs." Malfoy sneered again, loudly so that everyone could hear. "That oaf teaching classes, my father'll have a fit when I tell him-"

"Shut up Malfoy!" Harry snapped, causing Draco to them on him.

"My father will have a fit when I tell him!"  Y/N mocked Draco in an annoying little voice towards Hermione and Ron.  "He's so annoying."

Draco then staggered, looking fearful as he pointed to something behind Harry. "Dementor! Dementor!"

Harry, and some others turned around in alarm. Only nothing was there. Draco started to laugh.

Y/Ns jaw clenched at his arrogance, Hermione went and pulled Harry away from Draco, shooting Draco a disgusted look whilst she was at it.

Y/N fantasised about how lovely it would feel to push Draco into the giant lake, watching the Giant squid toss him around it, even the whomping willow.

She finally turned away from Draco, back to her friends but as soon as she had, a loud shriek came from draco.

Turning back around, Draco was in the middle of a fall, balancing repeatedly on his heels with his arms swaying around like a maniac before he fell forward, his robes flying over his back as he got a mouthful of dirt.

Immediately, the class burst into a roar of laughter.
"Save some grass for the porlocks Malfoy." Ron grinned as Draco began to spit dirt out disgustedly.

Whilst everyone was still laughing Y/N went pale, as looking to her feet, a small trail of ice traveled from beneath them to where Malfoy had been standing.
He was already inspecting the ground, questioning how ice just appeared out of nowhere.

Y/N quickly turned her head and walked out of her spot, on the other side of her friends, so that Draco could see where the ice had come from.

When Hagrid finally came back, he had a small army of Hippogriffs with him. But Y/N from then on couldn't focus on the lesson.

Her heart was beating crazily and her head raced with thought of what had just happened.

When she was seven, she had accidentally once locked her brother in his room by freezing the door over when he kept annoying and pestering her as she tried to play with her barbie dolls.

But when she had done that, she had been crying and screaming her head off for him to leave her alone. It hadn't really shown up again until two years later, this time her oldest brother Aron had taken her to a small lake so they could swim, but she was so scared of grindylows at the time she was scared they'd be in there.

So when she had tried stepping into the pond, it just started to freeze over. Luckily Aron was quick and got out in time so he wouldn't be trapped under the ice.

Both times, it took a lot to trigger it. She had only just been annoyed slightly at Malfoy? Okay. Maybe not slightly. she hated Malfoy. But in the past her little tiny secret never showed itself  upon him. Until now.

"Y/N? Helloooo. N/N?" Hagrid started to drag out her name to get her attention.

Ron the cupped his hand around his mouth. "MINTY" and that seemed to bring Y/N back into focus.


Ron snickered lightly.
'Minty' is what her brothers sometimes call her. And it wasn't very comforting that Ron used it at this time cause whatever this ice thing was, was how she got that little name.

"Are yeh alright?" Hagrid asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why?" Y/N replied, only now realising her classmates had disappeared somewhere. Only Harry was beside her.

But after looking around more, she found that everyone was just standing behind for some reason. Well Okay then.

"Great!" Hagrid cheered. "Yer up first."

"First for what?" Y/N asked in confusion, Hagrid only chuckled and slapped her on the back. Y/N grinned too but not sure for what. Her mind was still worried with what just happened.

"Let's see how yeh get on with Buckbeak." Hagrid grinned. So Y/N followed him and jumped over the paddock to where Hagrid grabbed one of the Hippogriffs.

Y/N only now started to calm down a little, mainly because she now had to worry about whatever the hell Hagrid was making her do now.

But she couldn't deny that Hippogriffs were beautiful creatures. But Intimidating with their talons, which is the reason she's guessing Hagrid had no volunteers.

"Uh- what do you want me to do?"

"Yeh've got to make eye contact, now try not ter blink, Hippogriffs don't trust yeh if yeh blink too much." Okie doke.
Y/N stared at the creature like they were having a staring competition, making her eyes unnecessarily wide. But, she thought better safe than sorry.

Now Buckbeak was staring back at Y/N firmly, which was kinda scary but Y/N just kept staring.
"Okay Y/N... now bow."
And so she did, still looking the hippogriff in the eye as Hagrid had made it very clear to keep eye contact.

But, Buckbeak bowed back and Y/N felt honoured, she started to grin. "Alrigh' Y/N! Go on and give 'im a pat."
And so she did, Stroking Buckbeaks beak who closed his eyes as he enjoyed the pat.

"Righ' then! Yeh can ride him now!"

"Really?!" Y/N said eagerly, turning to Hagrid with a grin as she still continued to stroke Buckbeak. Hagrid replied by grabbing Y/N from her shoulders and pulling her over on Buckbeak.

"There's room for one more" Hagrid turned back around to the class, but most were still apprehensive.

"I'll go." Harry stated and stepped forward.

He followed the same steps that Y/N had, and not long after he was climbing onto Buckbeak as well, just behind Y/N.

"Hagrid? What do we hold onto?" Y/N had started to say but Hagrid didn't seem to hear her as he went to slap Buckbeaks behind.

"Go on then!"

The hippogriff soared into the sky, as soon as it did Harry wrapped his hands around Y/N without thinking who wrapped her Hands around Buckbeaks neck.

Y/N then dug her nails into her fist, out of fear as she  didn't want to accidentally freeze Buckbeak or something else.

Every stroke of the Hippogriffs wings made it feel like they were about to fall off as they rocked back and fourth.

Harry's grip on her was so tight she was scared she was gonna throw up, she hoped she wasn't holding Buckbeak as tightly cause she didn't want to be mauled. But Buckbeak didn't seem to complain.

Buckbeak flew around the paddock before landing, it made Y/N and Harry jolt forward and they held tighter so they wouldn't fall off.

But just as quickly they straightened themselves out and sat up properly, Harry immediately pulled his hands off of Y/N and muttered a sorry. He was slightly pink in embarrassment but Y/N wouldn't ever hold that against him, she too was fearful of falling.

They got off Buckbeak and now watched as the rest of the class got excited and now tried with their own Hippogriff.

Y/N and Harry played a small game of hangman by using a stick to draw in the dirt until Malfoy's awful voice started to pick up again.
"This is very easy." He claimed. "I knew If Potter and Williams could do it, it must be."

Both Harry and Y/N rolled their eyes. "Careful Malfoy, you don't want to be tossed in the grass again do you?" Y/N called, Malfoy sneered.

"You're not dangerous at all are you?" He said whilst stroking Buckbeak who had just bowed in return. "Are you? You great ugly brute?"

Both Y/N and Harry and started charging for Malfoy in fear, knowing of whats to come.

But they couldn't push him away in time as Buckbeak had slashed him across the arm. Draco screamed and fell to the ground as Hagrid wrestled Buckbeak back into the paddock.

"I'm dying!" Malfoy screamed, panicking on the floor. "I'm dying! Look at me! It's killed me!"

"You're not dying!" Y/N kneeled by his head. But only to spit out insults, she couldn't have cared if he actually did die.  She shrieked at him. "If you were, it'd be doing us all a favour. You disgusting bleached little toe rag. Actually, I'm gonna go thank Buckbeak. He did us a service." Y/N then got up and helped Hermione close the gate as Hagrid went to pick Draco up and take him to the hospital wing.

The cut was was deep into his arm, blood spilled out onto the grass.
"Awww noooo, The poor grass." Y/N pointed towards it, earning herself a jab in the shoulder from Hermione.

The class then followed behind after Hagrid.

"They should sack him straight away!" Pansy cried.

"They should give Hagrid a raise." Y/N said spitefully.

"It was Malfoy's fault!" Dean snapped in response to Pansy, she ignored him as she ran up to make sure Draco was okay.

Harry and the rest of his friends make their way back to Gryffindor tower.

They talked about How much Draco is milking the entire situation, which then followed to the four wanting to go down and visit Hagrid.

But that visit then ended with Hagrid realising that Harry had walked out from the castle alone, which then lead to him being yelled at him before being kicked out and walked back.

DUN DUN DUNNNNN yeah so your basically Elsa. Y/Ns gonna start wearing gloves just like her. So yeahhhh. But you can't make fabricated dress and ice skates.

If that turns you off you can stop reading now. Cause I was reading a Harry fic once and once we got to see what Y/Ns power was I wasnt a big fan of it, but it was still such a good story I just ignored it lolllzkslshsub

And I feel like having a power heavenly inspired by a Disney character  might steer other people away like how I felt with that story,so Yea.

Y'know, I when I first started thinking about writing this, I was thinking about making Y/N like part siren/mermaid, so in the fourth book when Harry's egg was screaming I had planned for Y/N to be like "why are you all covering your ears? It's beautiful." Because she would have been able to hear the actual mermaid song.

And it would have kinda worked with year five since Umbridge hates half breeds

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